2015 Bla Bla Bla... LaL lAl LAAAA

I know there's Love surrounding me,
so whatta heck I'm missing?
A tender touch, the warmest eyes... ?
All it feels like in disguise ...

I have the job, I Love to do,
I have the ship and sea...
I have the Sun, the Starry-nights
What am I missing? ME ?


Love Vibe

I feel the basics, in my life,
It's wrong to feel "too good..."?
To enjoy life, believe in Love.
that everything is prude...
You have to fear, of everything.
Touching, loving, feeling...and God?
it watches everything,
Somewhere which way is sealing.
In my life, I let Go, The God
which worships X and zeros
and flew, a while, just on my own
and found bit more then heros.

Intelligent, all, Energy.
I found my mind and Soul.
Some how, I found:"All mighty God"
I think it was my goal...
The happiness, now flows in me...
The Sun came up and shines
The Everything is stuck in thy
what ever's in Your mind!

Allow Yourself and choose to be.
Just think, create the mood:
Like having sex, enjoy the feel.
Don't Hope, just feel, it's true!
Be cautious, bit responsible,
but never lose your faith.
Gods Love is unconditional...
No Fear nor v******e, hate?
Now many says, I've lost my mind,
what ever... be so kind...
Use many words and prove me wrong
but still I'm feeling Fine! <3


may I suggest Your inner vibe,
I closed my eyes and was my guide.
I felt that something in this girl,
was telling me: You are the pearl...
Said: courage! just to have a chat.
Sometimes The flow might be like that :)

Dear, How're You doing?
Silly me, is writing You, in poetry...
Now tell me, have I Lost my mind?
or spell on me... just coz your Smile?
May I suggest: InLove with You...
I've fell for You and thats the truth.


Would really Love to dance with You,
when tide is high and full is moon.
Like all the might and Light in me,
I'm here for You... My P. I. C.
Baby... you're my paradise...

I know this maybe, sounds, surprise,
but You are: my loud and clear...
To touch, to feel, to hold You near...
You have a room, here, in my heart,
with view, like million dollar chart...


Let's Play

would fondle you, like my guitar,
I'll play you: piano piano...
If hunger keeps or takes you dha...
it's time for more? Crescendo!
Hey Can I EAT Your lollypop...? :P
if feels too good... Let GO! Just POP...! :)
My Lollypop is yours my dear,
I hope You handle it with care.

Published by ziilike666
10 years ago
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