A different kind of fake: The jilted ex
Update, 28 December 2014: User has canceled "her" xHamster account.
Sent earlier today to an xHamster account I suspect is being used by the purported account holder's ex to post insulting and demeaning photos of her. I've tried to scrub this public version of all identifying marks. Should s/he respond, I'll update.
Ok, here's my problem:
1. All of the nudes seemingly were taken either in August 2010 or February 2011. That in itself isn't damning -- lord knows I have far older photos of myself up -- but it seems a little odd for a supposedly active profile. I mean, a randy couple with a hot female, and you don't have the camera out at least a couple of times a month?
2. The [captioned images] don't strike me as the type of thing a woman would post about herself. Instead, they seem much more like the type of thing a guy would post, given the insults and degradation involved. Now, that could be hot, if he's posting photos and documents calling her a slut and a whore, and she's getting off on being exposed this way in public.But, again, often they seem to go beyond what I'd expect for a consensual public humiliation and degradation scenario; often, the author just seems pissed off. Which brings me to
3. In late 2013, photos of [her] started appearing on revenge porn (well, alleged revenge porn, admittedly) sites, usually accompanied by text that read like a slightly less coherent version of the [captioned images]. If we were to believe these posts, the poster and [her] had split because of her unfaithfulness and promiscuity. Supposed third-party commenters added further details of her willingness to fuck and disregard of her partner's health and feelings. These stand in stark contrast to earlier posts (circa 2011) which described the couple's erotic experience of taking photos for the first time.
So, you can understand why I find it hard to believe [her] is posting these photos -- or, for that matter, is even involved in or aware of their being posted. Which leaves me with a dilemma: On one hand, I am fascinated by her photos. They were clearly taken by a lover, and the way she addresses him (her?) through the camera is quite a turn-on. On the other hand, I have to assume these are being posted by her ex in some obscure attempt to 'get even.' (The original account could easily have been one she created back in 2012, which he only recently discovered or cracked; I doubt he planned his revenge 2-1/2 years in advance. The age of the account also suggests this actually is someone associated with [her], as opposed to some loser who downloaded a collection of her photos from the 'net and is now crafting some bizarre scenario in which he is pretending to be her jilted ex. Stranger things have happened, though.)
If you actually are [her], I apologize for having doubted you -- but you should be able to understand why I did. It'd be great if you could do something to signal this is a valid account, and you are a willing participant in all this: Post a current photo, possibly in a protected gallery, if you prefer, or similar. If you are an ex bearing several years' worth of grudge, though, what you're doing is definitely uncool and -- given how long it's been going on -- awfully embarassing and pathetic. Can you really think of nothing better to do with your life than sit around and Photoshop insulting and demeaning images of a woman who dumped your ass years ago and then upload them a dozen places across the web? Find something else to beat off to, grow up, get over it, and move on....
Sent earlier today to an xHamster account I suspect is being used by the purported account holder's ex to post insulting and demeaning photos of her. I've tried to scrub this public version of all identifying marks. Should s/he respond, I'll update.
Ok, here's my problem:
1. All of the nudes seemingly were taken either in August 2010 or February 2011. That in itself isn't damning -- lord knows I have far older photos of myself up -- but it seems a little odd for a supposedly active profile. I mean, a randy couple with a hot female, and you don't have the camera out at least a couple of times a month?
2. The [captioned images] don't strike me as the type of thing a woman would post about herself. Instead, they seem much more like the type of thing a guy would post, given the insults and degradation involved. Now, that could be hot, if he's posting photos and documents calling her a slut and a whore, and she's getting off on being exposed this way in public.But, again, often they seem to go beyond what I'd expect for a consensual public humiliation and degradation scenario; often, the author just seems pissed off. Which brings me to
3. In late 2013, photos of [her] started appearing on revenge porn (well, alleged revenge porn, admittedly) sites, usually accompanied by text that read like a slightly less coherent version of the [captioned images]. If we were to believe these posts, the poster and [her] had split because of her unfaithfulness and promiscuity. Supposed third-party commenters added further details of her willingness to fuck and disregard of her partner's health and feelings. These stand in stark contrast to earlier posts (circa 2011) which described the couple's erotic experience of taking photos for the first time.
So, you can understand why I find it hard to believe [her] is posting these photos -- or, for that matter, is even involved in or aware of their being posted. Which leaves me with a dilemma: On one hand, I am fascinated by her photos. They were clearly taken by a lover, and the way she addresses him (her?) through the camera is quite a turn-on. On the other hand, I have to assume these are being posted by her ex in some obscure attempt to 'get even.' (The original account could easily have been one she created back in 2012, which he only recently discovered or cracked; I doubt he planned his revenge 2-1/2 years in advance. The age of the account also suggests this actually is someone associated with [her], as opposed to some loser who downloaded a collection of her photos from the 'net and is now crafting some bizarre scenario in which he is pretending to be her jilted ex. Stranger things have happened, though.)
If you actually are [her], I apologize for having doubted you -- but you should be able to understand why I did. It'd be great if you could do something to signal this is a valid account, and you are a willing participant in all this: Post a current photo, possibly in a protected gallery, if you prefer, or similar. If you are an ex bearing several years' worth of grudge, though, what you're doing is definitely uncool and -- given how long it's been going on -- awfully embarassing and pathetic. Can you really think of nothing better to do with your life than sit around and Photoshop insulting and demeaning images of a woman who dumped your ass years ago and then upload them a dozen places across the web? Find something else to beat off to, grow up, get over it, and move on....
10 years ago