Update : \

So, yeah, I've been unactive here for a lot of time. Most likely because I spent a week away from technology, week where my girlfriend came to visit me, and I decided to rent a place only for us.
Plus, when I was back, I had a lot of work to do, because the hardest months of work for me are from September to December.
Yup, I actually have a girlfriend now and I'd say things are really good. We will try to live together soon, so I can finally say goodbye to this city in the Sicily that I don't like that much.. no, I almost hate it.
The only thing I will be sad about is not being able to see my 2 or 3 rl friends that I actually care about. Not even worrying about my "relatives".
In short, I spent some good time with my girl, in every meaning of it, uheheh. I didn't expect to receive some compliments, but, yup, it happened. She meets my taste, she even knew how to turn me on for good, with a maid outfit.
I will probably leave this city during next February, then going to live in her city, where I will already have a job there, related to computers(yes. finally a job which I studied for).
And things are promising. Let's see how it will go.

As for here, I will be try to be active as before the end of this last summer, trying to keep in touch with those only 2\3 persons here which I used to talk to, like Amylunarheart that I can't forgive for beating me .. more than once on Persona 4 Arena, Asagi and then the amazing Test, who is my hentai Messiah(please keep up the good work, you're like a god to this community xD)

I don't even know what to say : \ So I guess I'll stop here. Let's hope I will be able to talk more here, post more and maybe even roleplay(which I miss a lot, and not only here)
Published by Bakatest90
10 years ago
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