Wait what...

I was coming back to say was going to try uploading new series and all videos except two I had were removed... Who the hell I piss off, I can't even begin to apologize... I figured they got their pieces of silver, apparently not... Are people so selfish about copyright, they can't see hypocrisy of attacking fans of the content. Hell, at best of time unless you go to specialized sellers, this stuff is hard to find. I never knew just how bad the porn copyright Nazis were... Seriously... I had one shot video planned to upload, but all this is showing me xhamster outside of watching videos for myself is a fucking waste of time.

Seriously, just gone, no warning...

I can't even reupload, because once it is deleted, it is impossible to get back on. Well there goes any motivation I had for giving more stuff. As I said initially this was more for ya guys, I have girlfriend, I had other means, but if they are going to just delete all my stuff because I am popular, well fuck 'em.

I don't know if I will come back, but right now, I am done... -.-

After some consideration only other alternative is to go private, if it keeps my videos.
Published by Rulke
10 years ago
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curiosityalive 10 years ago
I am really sorry that the pleasures of the many are spoiled by the so few, and that you personally have tried to do something to spread the pleasure. Having been on here for some time, and an end user of the work you and others provide, these operations come in waves as the movie studios enforce their copyright position. I have also seen that once an issue is identified, the back catalogue of uploads by someone like yourself, is scrutinised and actioned. Other prolific lesbian uploader like Mongo, Gidney and Nemo have lost over 300 between them. It used to be that hamster members would help identify the films by naming the cat, but they have got software now that identifies the profiles of the productions. Making them friends only does help, certainly, but they also are deleted if they think someone is continuously breaking their copyright rules.
There are other sites that are less "careful" with copyright, but they too are now being legally enforced.
You have given an opportunity for others to share in the enjoyment of very horny women, and I hope that you will feel a bit more positive soon and try again, but do not take it personally. The studios don't give a shit about individuals. What will happen is that once the studios go to other sites, Hamster will keep as many as they can, until the next purge, and then we start to go around again.
I for one, thank you. Alison xxx
Cum102 10 years ago
I'm sorry. I hope they will let the new series stay! Please come back!