A. "Master /Slave" Training is a re-education and reorientation process.of serving, pleasing and obeying are the foundations of slavery. A slave is trained and moulded to fit my needs as a Master. You is subject to whatever control I wishes to exert over you. In short, you are owned by me.Slave training takes so many different forms, and can be handled in so many different ways .I can train you to follow protocols ,perform positions ,serving your Master well and take punishment for reinforcing your good behavior , breaking you to your will, and moulding you to be my perfect companion.Slave training is the ultimate in domination play. It runs the whole spectrum of BDSM play, and I will train you in any manner, to achieve my goal. The core of the exercise is not what I am teaching you to do: it is the fact that I am teaching you. Breaking your will, forcing you to submit, and ensuring my own dominance.
B .*Handler / Puppy It's a simple relationship with no room for arguments or disputes. I find the idea of being in this sort of relationship attractive, and your persona also gives an outlet for your suppressed libido.While you are to be treated like a puppy and talked to like a puppy , I also have ideas about more serious situations, in which you will be kept harnessed ,masked on all fours and being caged at my pleasure, and you lose the right to indicate any desire to be released. You will like to feel the real experience of living as a puppy and a puppy doesn't have the ability to decide that it's had enough of being a puppy , and that it wants to stop. I am able to use all kind of control accessories to exert casual control over you and to have all the moral rights over you that what i have with a real puppy .Obviously, the ultimate fantasy for you is that you would be to be trapped as a puppy ,modified and retrained .
C. *Daddy / Baby girl Age Play is a form of roleplaying in which we will acts or treats another as if we are of a different age. The goal is to re-experience age play, sexual or non -sexual , recreating a relationship with the pretend of true ages In which I will play the four roles of a Caregiver:, a Mentor , a Protector and a Disciplinarian. I will sets boundaries and decides on rules . Whether you does something exemplary or makes a grave mistake, I am there for you to celebrate your triumphs or to lead you back to a more sensible path. I will teaches you about the world, the good and bad, right from wrong. I am your chief mentor and guide who will always helps you gain perspective, guiding you to accept and meet the challenges of your world. You will relies on me for my wisdom and the fact that I will not steer you my word is final. When you errs, I will make established rules and boundaries or punishments that is deemed appropriate, I must embrace my role for the betterment of my charge
10 years ago