Male chastity play : Guys beware.

Male Chastity:

Having now been owned by two distinctively different Mistresses, (Mistress Amanda and now Madame Claire), I have experienced enforced chastity of varying degrees. I am therefore well qualified to offer some cautionary advice to any males. If chastity games are something you're considering then a word of warning, especially if you intend to let someone else be the key-holder to your chastity device, think very carefully about the power and control you're giving to the key-holder. Consider the way that person could, if they wanted to, use their control in ways you do not really want. They could take it further than you expect. Fantasy and reality can be two different things and by giving another person control then the reality could turn out to be more than you bargained for.

My advice would be that all parties involved agree in advance exactly what's expected, what rules and limits will apply, what is acceptable and, equally important, what is not acceptable. You should only continue when these pre-conditions have been agreed to. However, these safeguards may be enough and there is another factor to be considered. Ask yourself a simple question, do you know your potential key-holder well enough to trust them to stick to their side of the agreement and play by the rules. Can you be certain they won't abuse the power and control you're giving them. I'd advise extreme caution if you aren't 100% certain.

I'd also advise males to begin their chastity play by first using a plastic device, something like the latest CB6000. At least a plastic device can be cut off, with great care, if plans go badly wrong. The modern metal devices are virtually impossible to remove, (without a key), without a serious risk of injury to your cock and balls.

A final word of caution to guys wanting chastity play and having their wife/partner being the key-holder. It is a fact that some key-holders will get a real turn-on from the control they have been handed, especially if they have never experienced power and control before. This may open a can of worms that you don't expect and it can lead to your wife/partner doing everything they can to keep this control and may well try to extend the control to other aspects of your relationship. I've seen it happen, a bit of seemingly harmless fun turns a vanilla relationship into a female dominant one.

Sissy Angela (permanently in chastity)
Published by sissyangela
10 years ago
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mountaindawg01 2 years ago
Good advice. Relationships change.
cruzin 7 years ago
Wore mine to the Keys leaving the key home as the vacation was for the wife's pleasure
badpenis 7 years ago
I understand and know where you are coming. But having agreed to terms takes away part of the fun. Not knowing how long your penis will be locked up before it can cum again is the whole mystic behind male chastity. It you can't accept to total loss of control over your penis don't get locked up
Anna-Leigh 8 years ago
I've always kept a key.... It's more that I don't trust myself!!!!!! Xx
azassmaster 8 years ago
That is sound advice.
TiffyFoxx 8 years ago
Thank you Angela. Sage advice.
sissymishel 9 years ago
Angela, very good advise. Giving up control needs to come with some guidelines between the parties. Having a family member holding the key assures that my Mistress Wife has limited control. Although she does let her sister know when I can be unlocked, there are times when the SIL will visit and allow a little play time. Mishel
brotherjoe 9 years ago
thanks for the advice, good luck! :wink:
philinsb 9 years ago
Thanks for the advice, have a nice day