Muff Diving Monday!!! Sounds Good To Me!!!

So Monday's should be Muff Diving Monday's why you ask, because pussy is so good it should have multiple days named after it. Tonguing Tuesdays, so on and so forth, women in general are just beautiful not just their woman parts, for you pervert guys reading this!!! That brings me to another point, if guys knew how to handle themselves like gentlemen instead of a fucking caveman then you probably would get more pussy. I probably shouldn't be talking much though I don't have a woman but I know I love women, they are all beautiful in their own way. If you check how many movies I have in my favorites, you will see how much I love women, I mean I have three beautiful k**s, all from the same woman of course but, doing it everyday type of thing, and we where physically attracted to each other but yeah.

Sorry back to Muff Dive Monday's I would love it everyday, as I am sure a good majority of people on here would love some Muff on a daily, I would like it rubbing on my tongue, like a lolly pop!!! Really me calling it Muff is something I wouldn't do in real life with a woman but just for this blog sake, and for the sake of other days like Throw Back Thursday, Titty Tuesday, etc. I like Tonguing Tuesdays myself because I do like to stick my tongue in and out, but that is another subject for another time, haha!!! I sound like a pervert but I'm not ladies I just think women are the prettiest creatures on this planet, and I don't have a "type" I love all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, hairy, shaved, big tits, small tits, big asses, small asses it is all good.

This stuff should be on my Bio, lol, but if you do get to Muff Dive on Monday's, you better be thankful, i am a single dad, and although single might be cool for a little while, in the long run being single is not cool, believe me. Anyway this is my first blog entry so stick with me I will make some more eventually I love porn, I'm a guy what can I say. So I am sure I will have plenty to talk about, anyway thanks for stopping by listening to me talk about Muffs and all kind of stuff, check back from time to time, check my videos out, and my favorites. PEACE!!!
Published by jgriffin76
10 years ago
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