As planned
Well everything went as planned today. 12.20 on the dot I ran all the down the moorings to my fuck buddies boat, let myself in and he was sitting in the chair wearing nothing but his underpants, I soon had them off. First of all he took some pictures of me wearing my new underwear, some of them just revealing my tits, why don't you take a look at them, I love them. We then headed off to the bedroom. I attempted to jump straight on but he wasn't having any of that, he wanted to film we wanking his stiff cock, I sat astride him and duly obliged. This went on for a couple of minutes, I also rolled my fingers around the tip of his cock that was wet with pre cum. Filming over it was time for my pussy to eat the cock. It didn't take me long to cum but what a cum it was it seemed to go on forever, there was no stopping there though, I feel I have cheated him if I don't cum at least half a dozen times, the next followed almost immediately after and 5 more after that. I needed to get back to work so I jumped off and some girly spunk dripped out of my pussy onto his leg....lovely....he then wanked himself to near cuming I climbed back on and his spunk was in its rightful place, safely in my pussy. Work was calling, I quickly dressed, gave him a great big kiss, told him I loved him and set off up the towpath back to my desk and let the spunk run down my legs....nice....Tuesday again next week so I will keep you posted, til next time byeee.
10 years ago