Creeps on XHamster

I am here for consensual adult fun.
When I see stuff that isn't consensual, I become a little concerned and creeped out.

Like when people stalk single women in town centres and film them without their knowledge.

Like when people follow c***dren up escalators and film up their skirts.

This sickens me and I can't stand by to let it happen. It contributes to a climate of objectification, perversion, obsession and sexually aggressive behaviour that I don't want in the society I live in.

I also don't want to see my sister, my mother, my friends, my nieces treated like this.

If you agree, please take a stand against this. Say it creeps you out. Report it. Call people out. The only way this kind of behaviour can thrive is when good people stand by and do nothing. is one such user. His entire content creeps me out. If this is consensual, fine. But it's clearly not. And that worries me massively. It contributes to a climate where men view, treat and behave towards women in a way which demeans them and, I think, contributes towards an atmosphere which is increasingly conducive towards sexual crimes committed against women.

Please, if you agree, stand against this too
Published by Nikkiklass
10 years ago
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CD-TVnearVernon 5 years ago
BritishVoyeur is long gone
sarah_trans 7 years ago
Behind you 100% on this
cara_elaine 7 years ago
I am 100% with you on this Nikki. I have seen videos of guys clearly breaching personal space, following girls along quiet streets or shops, lingering behind. I would not wish this to happen to any of my friends. Especially when they upload it to a porn site WITHOUT CONSENT. These videos should be removed by the admins.
hottvcarole 8 years ago
Absolutely consenting adults only. Most definately nothing under age. Not only is it illeagal but who would happily put their own offspring in that position
gest90 8 years ago
agree with you 100% and i'd go much further, members on here who post videos and pictures of women being beaten, caned, whipped, their breasts tied, bodies marked, scarred and left bloody, those men turn my stomach and i'd volunteer to give them a taste of their own medicine, they prey on weak women, women with low self esteem who allow themselves to be treated like this because they've been brainwashed to think they are worthless. the kind of men who treat women like this are the same kind who rape and murder women because they need to feel superior to women and demean and debase them, men like Donald trump for example and certain ethnic groups and cultures, a man who is brought up to refer to women as bitches is not a man.
ravensinroy 8 years ago
Right on
strappcpl 8 years ago
cd-michelle 8 years ago
I totally agree.
thrllskr45 8 years ago
agreed. content should be consensual as well as for this site of an adult nature. Weakness on the part of the individual(s) who seem to get off on that type of material, sickening
SallyCD 8 years ago
well said Nikki it also creeps me out when men post random pic of ordinary women clearly stolen from facebook or other media and post them on here ?? whats that about?
davey2123 10 years ago
I agree with this. The problem with calling these people out is they have an army of braindead morons who don't think about anything but themselves and because they also get off on this shit it just keeps going on an endless cycle. This is a porn site where we can upload what we want but sneaking around in the shadows filming teenagers without their consent when they are out shopping is just pure evil in my mind. You got to imagine the mind set of someone who wants to do that and what the next step would be.
AlexiTorrano 10 years ago
I wish there was a way for me to reblog this on here. Very well said!
BiTsLuvr 10 years ago
Thank you for starting this topic. Negative people are forever damaging life for the rest of us.
kuk4yoo 10 years ago
Hi Nikki! Thanks for this. i've run across a few creeps here too. Its thing like this that scare me to be who i truly am 24/7 without fear. It would be foolish to believe that there is anywhere in the world where it is completely safe to be LGBTQ or friendly either. The weak and powerless still get preyed upon. So is the nature of MAN. Revolution is needed ladies. Usurp the patriarchal order. The Earth is doomed without a Matriarchal leadership. (sorry about rant!)
kuk4yoo 10 years ago
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jd_2008 10 years ago
How do you report people again?