Restart. part 2
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dabbing remove excess moisture and leave hair dosyhat naturally. I opened my eyes and saw how it sorts and lay on the table, locks of hair, they were long and silky, even in appearance.
- The best material.
He smiled when he said he saw my interest.
- You know, I'm very envious.
Suddenly he said, turning to me and podkatyvaya table closer and lifting chair.
- Why not?
I was a little surprised and raised eyebrows turned her face toward him. He took my whiskey and turned my head straight.
- Do not fidget. And I envy you because you got a man, such a man. Nicolas he is, he's so ... just no words to describe what I feel when I see it ... that's just it does not particularly like me ...
He pouted and I saw them a thin layer of gloss, apparently from a transvestite makes me gay ... but I do not mind, but why not, because I'm no better than if you think ...
- And what is he in bed?
He asked again running his hands through my hair. I retired to the background a bit.
- Come on, do not be shy, we're girlfriends now, right?
He asked ingratiatingly and looked into my eyes, I relaxed and closed her eyes.
- He ... he is resolute and energetic ... and ...
- This man, always dreamed about this.
Rolling his eyes he said, and began the process of building. I will not describe everything in detail, except to say that after three hours, I had hair that flows down elegant silk waves on my shoulders and rested on his back, and after painting proper treatment my hair was perfect and radically change the whole look of my face. Gosh, standing on the sidelines admiring his work and umilёnno ​​smiled looking at my mouth hanging open.
- Do you like it?
He asked, and I can not utter a word but nodded.
- Yes, it looks elegant and impressive, but also care for them should be properly. That's what I'll tell you later but for now let's go eat, coffee popem.
I took off her veil and saw in the mirror girl, very natural girl with a figure and long hair, that's just the chest until it was ...
The cafe on the ground floor with Gosha we chatted about the little things, he told me a little about the nuances of how to become a woman, is the whole point of subtle little things that draw the big picture. I told him his own story, he is only two years older than me and we have a lot in common.
- We still linger, Nicolas I sent home, do you mind?
He asked, sipping a cup of mocha, I blinked digesting information ...
- And then I ...
- Honey, do not worry about it, I tell you where to deliver when we are done, for you and Nicolas anything.
He smiled. This George was beginning to like me more and more, with him I felt like something comfortable and at ease, with this gay, I could talk about topics that had never discussed with outsiders.
- Okay, let's go, we still have makeup and shopping.
- Shopping?
- Yes, but you did not say Nicolas?
- No, actually.
- He left me his credit card and asked to teach you a few lessons, and at the same time to dress you.
I smiled and stood up spitting on everything from the table, his legs trembled with habit and I faltered. -
- Yes, you take off them, the habit and you can pull the ankle.
Ghosh said nodding at the shoes, I leaned over and undid the clasp with delight legs pulled off those shoes. Heavenly pleasure to walk barefoot on the tiles glossy after half a day trying to walk in high heels.
You know, I never thought that in the beauty salon, you can spend as much time. Shopping today we do not have time, I came out of the salon accompanied by Goshi when it began to get dark. Despite the fact that I do not move and do little tired, as if the potatoes sinkers day at the station. But the result was worth it, I made ​​a huge pile of beauty treatments including a solarium, manicure, pedicure, massage and intimate haircut and full body hair removal. Goshenka, and by the end of the day it was just Goshenkoy-pussycat taught me a few lessons on the basics of makeup, I trained myself to him under constant control until I did not start more or less prepared, he said that to me oh master as far but the girl I'm capable of and everything will come with experience. From the cabin came a real girl named Leroy. Now I know it was not possible at all desire.
- Well, how do you the result?
Gosh asked nak**avaya jacket on my shoulders. It was a little cool, which is natural to begin in early autumn.
- I'm shocked.
Honestly admit I'm still staying in the light of prostration after looked in the mirror at the end of all procedures.
- Get out my car, sit down, take you to Nicolas.
He said and walked to the brand new red Mazda, I went through the following villages and into the passenger seat, buckled belt and we were off. Along the way, gosh chatted incessantly assuring me that I was the best of his creations, and what I should cap the peak of his career. Agreed that he will call me tomorrow at ten in the morning and we'll go on shopping, I kissed him on the cheek and left the car.
Kohl was waiting for me in the hallway on the first floor, the door did not have to call, it was open and I splashing barefoot on the parquet and holding the strap shoes went into the living room. Nick sat on the couch and watching TV, the screen flashed the car and the police chase the white limousine.
- I came.
Not finding what to say I said simply. He tore his eyes away from the screen and glanced at me, intending to say something. But the words stuck in his throat, he just sat and stared at me, then just stood silently, slowly came to me in a thick and soft, even slightly hesitantly kissed me. This kiss was all the love and tenderness and desire and that mixture of feelings that usually boils in my heart and asks for freedom. I also hesitantly replied, now I really feel like a woman who love you wish but do not dare to take. I literally felt his whole body trembling.
- You've changed.
He whispered in my ear, gently hugging the waist, I threw her hands on his shoulders and pressed her tighter to his muscled torso absorbing its heat and energy that comes from glycols. I buried him in the thigh intense cock, I felt him through his pants, as he rested in my spear thigh on the inside and it ponemogu excited.
- I know. I am very shocked.
Honestly I admitted. He pulled back a little pause, and picked me up in his arms bore aloft. In the bedroom, he dropped me on the floor, I slowly undressed watching how he immediately threw his things, completely naked with dangling limply between his legs member I went to him and knelt down. Nalivshayasya blood head swayed before my eyes. I'm imitating girls of porn slowly licked her licking the salty drop of lubricant and wiping her language. Kohl unobtrusive shivered and tensed all over. The head went into my mouth without difficulty, I grabbed the trunk lips and began to gently massage the head trying to take a language in itself as far as possible. But his dick rested against my throat and a deep blowjob on the eggs I was not ready yet.
- You are peerless. He moaned as I massaged his balls hands tried their best. He finished powerfully and very much. I just physically could not swallow anything hot wave seed flowed down his chin and dripped onto his chest. I licked her to shine start to fall off my dick man and looking into his eyes start from the bottom up to smear it on my chest and stomach. He patted me on the cheek and with a happy face lay on the bed. I got up and went into the shower. There, standing under a tight stream of hot water, I realized that he had just brought the man to orgasm. Past times are not considered, then did everything Kohl, now he does not touch me or finger. Coming out of the shower, I wiped it dry and ducked under the blanket to Kolya. His hot body granted a sense of peace, I clung to him and threw one leg over his hip feeling his polunaryagshiysya member. Lying comfortably I put my head on his chest, on this powerful hob pectoralis like granite but so soft when he is relaxed.
- sleep favorite.
He whispered, hugging me tightly. My extended eyelashes fluttered. My favorite! He said the favorite !!! To be loved, what do you need a real woman?
dabbing remove excess moisture and leave hair dosyhat naturally. I opened my eyes and saw how it sorts and lay on the table, locks of hair, they were long and silky, even in appearance.
- The best material.
He smiled when he said he saw my interest.
- You know, I'm very envious.
Suddenly he said, turning to me and podkatyvaya table closer and lifting chair.
- Why not?
I was a little surprised and raised eyebrows turned her face toward him. He took my whiskey and turned my head straight.
- Do not fidget. And I envy you because you got a man, such a man. Nicolas he is, he's so ... just no words to describe what I feel when I see it ... that's just it does not particularly like me ...
He pouted and I saw them a thin layer of gloss, apparently from a transvestite makes me gay ... but I do not mind, but why not, because I'm no better than if you think ...
- And what is he in bed?
He asked again running his hands through my hair. I retired to the background a bit.
- Come on, do not be shy, we're girlfriends now, right?
He asked ingratiatingly and looked into my eyes, I relaxed and closed her eyes.
- He ... he is resolute and energetic ... and ...
- This man, always dreamed about this.
Rolling his eyes he said, and began the process of building. I will not describe everything in detail, except to say that after three hours, I had hair that flows down elegant silk waves on my shoulders and rested on his back, and after painting proper treatment my hair was perfect and radically change the whole look of my face. Gosh, standing on the sidelines admiring his work and umilёnno ​​smiled looking at my mouth hanging open.
- Do you like it?
He asked, and I can not utter a word but nodded.
- Yes, it looks elegant and impressive, but also care for them should be properly. That's what I'll tell you later but for now let's go eat, coffee popem.
I took off her veil and saw in the mirror girl, very natural girl with a figure and long hair, that's just the chest until it was ...
The cafe on the ground floor with Gosha we chatted about the little things, he told me a little about the nuances of how to become a woman, is the whole point of subtle little things that draw the big picture. I told him his own story, he is only two years older than me and we have a lot in common.
- We still linger, Nicolas I sent home, do you mind?
He asked, sipping a cup of mocha, I blinked digesting information ...
- And then I ...
- Honey, do not worry about it, I tell you where to deliver when we are done, for you and Nicolas anything.
He smiled. This George was beginning to like me more and more, with him I felt like something comfortable and at ease, with this gay, I could talk about topics that had never discussed with outsiders.
- Okay, let's go, we still have makeup and shopping.
- Shopping?
- Yes, but you did not say Nicolas?
- No, actually.
- He left me his credit card and asked to teach you a few lessons, and at the same time to dress you.
I smiled and stood up spitting on everything from the table, his legs trembled with habit and I faltered. -
- Yes, you take off them, the habit and you can pull the ankle.
Ghosh said nodding at the shoes, I leaned over and undid the clasp with delight legs pulled off those shoes. Heavenly pleasure to walk barefoot on the tiles glossy after half a day trying to walk in high heels.
You know, I never thought that in the beauty salon, you can spend as much time. Shopping today we do not have time, I came out of the salon accompanied by Goshi when it began to get dark. Despite the fact that I do not move and do little tired, as if the potatoes sinkers day at the station. But the result was worth it, I made ​​a huge pile of beauty treatments including a solarium, manicure, pedicure, massage and intimate haircut and full body hair removal. Goshenka, and by the end of the day it was just Goshenkoy-pussycat taught me a few lessons on the basics of makeup, I trained myself to him under constant control until I did not start more or less prepared, he said that to me oh master as far but the girl I'm capable of and everything will come with experience. From the cabin came a real girl named Leroy. Now I know it was not possible at all desire.
- Well, how do you the result?
Gosh asked nak**avaya jacket on my shoulders. It was a little cool, which is natural to begin in early autumn.
- I'm shocked.
Honestly admit I'm still staying in the light of prostration after looked in the mirror at the end of all procedures.
- Get out my car, sit down, take you to Nicolas.
He said and walked to the brand new red Mazda, I went through the following villages and into the passenger seat, buckled belt and we were off. Along the way, gosh chatted incessantly assuring me that I was the best of his creations, and what I should cap the peak of his career. Agreed that he will call me tomorrow at ten in the morning and we'll go on shopping, I kissed him on the cheek and left the car.
Kohl was waiting for me in the hallway on the first floor, the door did not have to call, it was open and I splashing barefoot on the parquet and holding the strap shoes went into the living room. Nick sat on the couch and watching TV, the screen flashed the car and the police chase the white limousine.
- I came.
Not finding what to say I said simply. He tore his eyes away from the screen and glanced at me, intending to say something. But the words stuck in his throat, he just sat and stared at me, then just stood silently, slowly came to me in a thick and soft, even slightly hesitantly kissed me. This kiss was all the love and tenderness and desire and that mixture of feelings that usually boils in my heart and asks for freedom. I also hesitantly replied, now I really feel like a woman who love you wish but do not dare to take. I literally felt his whole body trembling.
- You've changed.
He whispered in my ear, gently hugging the waist, I threw her hands on his shoulders and pressed her tighter to his muscled torso absorbing its heat and energy that comes from glycols. I buried him in the thigh intense cock, I felt him through his pants, as he rested in my spear thigh on the inside and it ponemogu excited.
- I know. I am very shocked.
Honestly I admitted. He pulled back a little pause, and picked me up in his arms bore aloft. In the bedroom, he dropped me on the floor, I slowly undressed watching how he immediately threw his things, completely naked with dangling limply between his legs member I went to him and knelt down. Nalivshayasya blood head swayed before my eyes. I'm imitating girls of porn slowly licked her licking the salty drop of lubricant and wiping her language. Kohl unobtrusive shivered and tensed all over. The head went into my mouth without difficulty, I grabbed the trunk lips and began to gently massage the head trying to take a language in itself as far as possible. But his dick rested against my throat and a deep blowjob on the eggs I was not ready yet.
- You are peerless. He moaned as I massaged his balls hands tried their best. He finished powerfully and very much. I just physically could not swallow anything hot wave seed flowed down his chin and dripped onto his chest. I licked her to shine start to fall off my dick man and looking into his eyes start from the bottom up to smear it on my chest and stomach. He patted me on the cheek and with a happy face lay on the bed. I got up and went into the shower. There, standing under a tight stream of hot water, I realized that he had just brought the man to orgasm. Past times are not considered, then did everything Kohl, now he does not touch me or finger. Coming out of the shower, I wiped it dry and ducked under the blanket to Kolya. His hot body granted a sense of peace, I clung to him and threw one leg over his hip feeling his polunaryagshiysya member. Lying comfortably I put my head on his chest, on this powerful hob pectoralis like granite but so soft when he is relaxed.
- sleep favorite.
He whispered, hugging me tightly. My extended eyelashes fluttered. My favorite! He said the favorite !!! To be loved, what do you need a real woman?
10 years ago