Whitedogs lucky lotto cuckold story chapter 5
Lucky Lotto
Chapter 5
I sat down on Steve's bed looking at the two page letter in my hands, it was dated about seven weeks ago. I wasn't sure if I should read it. I quikly glanced at the first couple of lines
'Steve I'm so sorry about our arguement last night, I love you but I need you to understand that I also love Tim maybe not in the same way but I do love him.'
There was no way I could stop reading the letter now so I continued,
'Tim was there when I needed him and he continues to be devoted to me and my daughter and although we do not have a traditional marrage I just cannot leave him as you asked me, These past six months with you have been wonderfull. You've shown me that I can once again have a strong sexual and spiritual relationship with a man and not worry about being hurt. It may seem selfish of me but Tim pampers me and my daughter and does anything to please us, it may seem strange to you but he loves to serve and Kim and I have grown accustommed to having him around. If he ever changed then maybe I could leave him but his devotion to me seems to grow stronger everyday.
Evan my daughter thinks it would be foolish of me to banish Tim from my life and just the other day she showed me an article from a magazine one of her roomates was reading that fasinated me. It was about a woman with a subbmissive husband and as I read it I couldn't beleive the simularities to my own relationship with Tim. The story told of how the woman explored the submissive nature of her husband and how over time she completely dominated him. She began taking on lovers while her husband basically turned into her devoted slave. Everyone in the story seemed to be happy, even the husband, at first I thaught it was just a fantasy story but it listed several web sites where you could go to get further information on the subject.
I was pleasently surprised to find my situation wasn't so unique and that there were many couples that participated in this lifestyle. I even joined some chat groups to get further information on the subject. The experiances I heard about excited me and many started out so similar to where I am right now. I discussed it with my daughter and she thaught it would be the perfect solution.
I hope I'm not freaking you out by this letter, I just wanted you to know that I love you and I want you in my life and if we do this right it could be a very pleasurable experience for all of us, even Tim, and if it doesn't work out then either Tim will leave me or he will give me a reason to leave him. Please call me later, Love Sara.'
I dropped the letter to the floor and lowered my head to my hands in tears, I had so many emotions running through my mind. I now knew for sure that my wife loved me at least in some way and I also knew if I kept her happy she would probably never leave me. My fate was in my own hands, Steve had obviously agreed to be part of her plan which was now clearly underway.
I didn't get long to run through all my emotions which was probably a good thing as the phone rang. I tried my best to regain my composure as I answered "hello" "hey Tim old buddy, so you found the place ok" it was Steve on the line "ye yes Steve, your directions were good" I replied "good, now I need a pair of black slacks and a white knit shirt the one with my clubs logo on it, also bring my black dress shoes and some dress socks and some underware, you got that?" "ah yes sir I got it" I can't beleive I called him sir, it just seemed appropiate as he read off his orders and I think it even caught him by surprise as he paused for several moments before I heard a small chuckle and then he said "great, I'll see you in a little while"
He then hung up the phone and I knew he was laughing with Sara about my addressing him as sir, oh well if I was going to stay in Sara's life I guess I had to play the part. Actually the idea of serving both of them somewhat excited me and at least Steve wasn't such a bad guy, he could have been a real asshoe but he was actually a pretty nice guy and I was happy my wife had found someone she really liked and I knew he would treat her right.
I also knew he wasn't after her lotto money as they had begun seeing each other before she evan won the lottery and he was quite successful on his own as he owned the health club where Sara had met him. I put the letter back on his dresser where I had found it and gathered up his clothes and headed back to the house.
As I approached the door I tried to think how I should act, I didn't want them to know that I had read Sara's letter but I also knew I had to fall in line if I wanted to remain with Sara. I opened the door and walked in and they were snuggled up on the couch watching TV, Sara was wearing only her robe with her legs tucked up underneath her as she rested her head on Steve's chest, Steve was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts his bare feet resting on the coffee table, they made such an attractive couple.
"well there he is, you can just lay those on the bed, thanks Tim" Steve said with a grin most certainly referring to master bedromm bed and as I made my way to our bedroom my wife giggled and said "no yes sir?" I quickly turned red and even though I knew she was just teasing me I quickly said "oh I'm sorry, yes sir" she seemed a little surprised I had said it but at the same time quite pleased I had.
I put his clothes on the bed which was in dissaray not neatly made up the way I had left it when I left yesturday mourning. I quickly picked up Sara's discarded clothes and still wet bikini that layed on the floor, nothing new I had been picking up after my wife for years now. I also picked up Steves wet shorts and hung them in the shower.
I walked back out and my wife said "we saved you some leftovers honey, their in the fridge" "thanks Sara" I replied "hey since your going that way, I could use a beer" Steve said "sure no problem sir" I said and Sara chuckled squeezing Steve's arm a little tighter, she was really getting off on the respect I was showing her boyfriend.
I opened the refridgerator and saw their two plates resting on a shelf they hadn't even been covered but at least she hadn't just left them out on the table where the food would have been bacteria riddled. I grabbed one of the beers I had boughten for Steve, not even my brand and poured it into a chilled mug and brought it out to him. As I handed him the mug my wife said "after you eat and clean up the patio table come back out here and we can all have a little chat" "sure honey" I replied.
I pulled their two plated from the refridgerator and noticed that all the choice parts of the steak were gone, all that remained was the gristle and fat around the bones, much like something one would save for the dog. They must've been quite hungry like I was because even the two large baked potatoes I had made were nearly gone. I just shaved off all the edible meat I could and threw it in the micro wave along with the patatoe remains and finished everything including the patatoe skins.
I then cleared the dirty dishes from the patio table where they had eaten. Once the dishwasher was started and all the counters were wiped down I walked back out to the liviing room. The sitcom they were watching was just ending and my wife said "oh honey would you mind giving me one of your wonderfull foot rubs, all that dancing yesterday has really made them sore"
"sure Sara, do you want me to get the lotion?" I asked "yes that would be nice" she ansswered back. I went to the bedroom and returned with the bottle of foot creme and as there wasn't room for me on the love seat I sat down on the floor before my lovely wife.
She extended her foot resting it on my lap her other foot still underneath her as she snuggled up to Steve. I began to massage the creme into her soles and toes as my wife sighed "umm that feels sooo good" "so I here you have a thing for feet Tim, does that go for guys feet also?" Steve asked not to be cruel but genuinelly intersted if my fetish for feet included male feet as he moved his bare foot towards the end of the coffee table where his sole was only six inches frm my face.
I turned red faced and replied rather meekly "ah not ah not exspeacially sir" it just seemed right to address him as sir and it made my wife happy when I addressed him in this way. "that's to bad, I was hoping you would rub some of that lotion into my feet when you finished Sara's" he said a little dissapointed as he moved his foot back and recrossed it over his other resting foot on the table.
Sara was quick to voulanteer my services "oh I'm sure Tim wouldn't mine honey, would you sweety?" my wife said gently raising her foot and tapping her toes on my cheek. "ah ya sure honey I can do his feet also" I replied mekly not that there was any doubt that if Steve wanted a foot rub he was going to get one.
"thank you sweety, that's so nice of you, I'm just so happy right now, what more could a girl ask for, a nice quiet evening with the two men in her life" my wife giggled giving Steve a kiss as I worked the creme into her heel. I finished her right foot and she repositioned herself offering me her left foot as Steve continued with some questions "does'nt it bother you Tim that I'm making love to your beatiful wife?" I was a little surprised at this question but as I looked up at my wife as she rested her head on Steve's muscular chest her hand also resting on his chest as she looked down on me waiting for my reply, I guess that's what she meant by chat, it was to be a question answer session to clearly identify all our statusesin this relationship.
I was once again embarrassed as I answered truthfully "yes sir it does bother me some, but I just want Sara to be happy and you seem to make her happy" I couldn't even look him in the eye as I looked at my wifes foot I was massaging as I answered him. "well that's so giving of you Tim, I can see what she sees in you, and what about us having you do errands for me, like going to get my clothes tonight, does that bother you?"
I thaught for a moment and then said "I'm use to running errands for Sara sir so I guess it doesn't really bother me, I knew you both were tired" This time I looked up at them to see their response to my answer. They both grinned, this seemed to be going quite well for them.
As I finished Sara's second foot she pulled it gently from my hands and tucked both legs under her saying "thanks sweety, ok your turn honey" she said to Steve. They looked comfortable seated as they were so I moved over to the middle of the coffee table where Steve's feet remained crossed at the ankles. I began rubbing lotion into his strong manly but well cared for feet, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he sometimes used the spa at his club to get a footbath and male pedicure.
Steve also closed his eyes momentarily as he also let out a sigh "he is really good at this honey" he said to Sara who appeared very satisfied with the service I was giving her handsome boyfriend "I told you he has many talents, he can give a pedicure that's every bit as good as any of the girls at your spa, Kim bought him a gift certificate for a two month training class in massage and foot care for fathers day a couple of years ago and they really taught him well." my wife said to Steve while kissing his neck.
It was true, over the past several years I had gotten some unique gifts from Kim on fathers day, my birthday and Christmas. Some of her other gifts included a two week butler training class and a housewifes guide to housekeeping and time management seminar. She once even gave me a gift certificate to a sex class on how to oraly please a woman this was actually a mothers day gift she gave to me on behalf of her mother.
"well I'm looking for help, maybe he should apply" Steve and my wife giggled like it was a joke but who knows. I continued working the creme inbetween his toes as his questions then continued "So how would you feel if one day I moved in with Sara and you Tim?" again I thaught before I answered and again answered truthfully "I have to admit it would not make me hapy sir but I've given Sara my word that I would support her decissions" "I have to say Tim that I admire your devotion to your wife but if you don't mind my saying I find it kinda strange"
No shit it was strange but I tried to defend my actions saying "ya, I guess to most people it is rather weird but Sara's the best thing that ever happened to me and I love her" Sara displayed a huge grin and reached down and carresed my chhek with her hand saying "I know you do sweety, and I love you too" I melted at her touch and her words, I was actually becoming more relaxed with my position before them.
Steve recrossed his feet offering me his other foot for my attention as he said "and if I did move in, would you treat me the same way you treat Sara?" no need to think about this answer as I replied "I promised Sara that I would so yes sir, I would whether you move in or not" "well that's nice to know" Steve grinned.
The two of them began kissing as I finished his foot massage and then he said "how about another beer Tim" "yes sir" I answered closing the lid on the foot creme and rising to my feet and then asking my wife "can I get you anything honey?" "no sweety, I'm ok but bring Steve's beer to the bedroom, it's getting late and I'm tired"
I walked into the bedroom holding Steve's beer in the chilled mug as the two of them sat on the bed necking and fondeling each other only pausing for a moment as Sara said "be a dear sweety and hang Steve's clothes up" they went back to their fodeling as I sat the beer down on a coaster on the nightstand and picked up Steve's clothes I had sat on the bed earlier and hung them in the closet.
My wife had now laid back on the bed and with Steve on top of her they continued kissing as Sara said "ok sweety I promised you so come get me ready for Steve" she was still wearing her robe as her legs parted her knees raised and I looked at her moist pussy, he hadn't even touched her pussy yet and already she was extremely moist in anticipation.
I crawled up on the bed and lowered my tongue to her mound and with great determination to prove my value I lapped feverishly. Steve was now laying next to her and he began fondeling her breasts as they french kissed. In only minutes my wife's pussy lips were quivering, I could taste the salty mixture of hers and Steve's cum as my tongue dove deep into her pussy. She began moaning as she reached down and began massaging the bulge in Steve's shorts.
Two minutes later I was nudged off the bed as Steve mounted my wife. I knealt by the side of the bed where I had landed and watched as another man made passionate love to my wife. It was a thing of beauty to watch, Steve was a very talented lover and my wife made sounds of pleasure I had never heard before. It was very clear that I could never compete with him in the bedroom and that my future role was set in stone.
I couldn't help but get excited myself as their bodies intertwined, they could easily teach a class in the art of lovemaking. They seemed to go at it for hours but in reality it was about twenty minutes and almost on cue they orgasamed together. My wife collapsed onto Steve as during their lovemaking she had ended up on top and the two of them held each other for several minutes as they collected themselves.
Finnaly Sara rolled off of Steve and they laid next to each other. I was realizing my place and I went to get two moist towels and when I brought them back Sara and Steve smiled at each other and my wife said "why thank you sweety, isn't Steve just fantastic?" how could I lie as I said "yes honey, I have to admit that was a thing of beauty" The two of them kissed as they wiped each others private areas and handed their cum stained towels back to me.
My wife noticed the buldge I still had in my pants and giggled as she said "oh and don't you worry sweety I haven't forgotten about you, why don't you pull those pants down" I quickly did as she asked and she sat up on the edge of the bed and began playing with my boner with her pink shaded toes.
It took only about thirty seconds as I exploded onto her bare foot. She and Steve laughed and I didn't take it as a cruel laugh I think they were both just amused at how quickly I came at the touch of her toes. I wiped up my cum from her foot and my quickly shrinking penis and thanked my wife. "oh that's quite allright honey, I'm quite pleased with you right now sweety" she said to me.
Steve took a sip of the beer I had brought him and Sara said "it's getting late and I'm tired, where would you like to sleep tonight honey? You can use the spare bedroom or if you'd like you can get a blanket and pillow and sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed" I knew sharing their bed was out of the question but I didn't want to leave her right now and told her I would sleep on the floor. "Ok, just try not to wake us when you leave for work ok" she said as she leaned down and kissed me.
I got a pillow and comforter from the hall closet and turned out the lights and cuddled up on the hardwood floor at the foot of the king size bed. I set the alarm on my watch and rested it near my head, they were giggling in the bed above me obviouslly touching each other again as they said goodnight to each other. It was quite a fasinating evening.
Chapter 6 our roles become clearly defined
Chapter 5
I sat down on Steve's bed looking at the two page letter in my hands, it was dated about seven weeks ago. I wasn't sure if I should read it. I quikly glanced at the first couple of lines
'Steve I'm so sorry about our arguement last night, I love you but I need you to understand that I also love Tim maybe not in the same way but I do love him.'
There was no way I could stop reading the letter now so I continued,
'Tim was there when I needed him and he continues to be devoted to me and my daughter and although we do not have a traditional marrage I just cannot leave him as you asked me, These past six months with you have been wonderfull. You've shown me that I can once again have a strong sexual and spiritual relationship with a man and not worry about being hurt. It may seem selfish of me but Tim pampers me and my daughter and does anything to please us, it may seem strange to you but he loves to serve and Kim and I have grown accustommed to having him around. If he ever changed then maybe I could leave him but his devotion to me seems to grow stronger everyday.
Evan my daughter thinks it would be foolish of me to banish Tim from my life and just the other day she showed me an article from a magazine one of her roomates was reading that fasinated me. It was about a woman with a subbmissive husband and as I read it I couldn't beleive the simularities to my own relationship with Tim. The story told of how the woman explored the submissive nature of her husband and how over time she completely dominated him. She began taking on lovers while her husband basically turned into her devoted slave. Everyone in the story seemed to be happy, even the husband, at first I thaught it was just a fantasy story but it listed several web sites where you could go to get further information on the subject.
I was pleasently surprised to find my situation wasn't so unique and that there were many couples that participated in this lifestyle. I even joined some chat groups to get further information on the subject. The experiances I heard about excited me and many started out so similar to where I am right now. I discussed it with my daughter and she thaught it would be the perfect solution.
I hope I'm not freaking you out by this letter, I just wanted you to know that I love you and I want you in my life and if we do this right it could be a very pleasurable experience for all of us, even Tim, and if it doesn't work out then either Tim will leave me or he will give me a reason to leave him. Please call me later, Love Sara.'
I dropped the letter to the floor and lowered my head to my hands in tears, I had so many emotions running through my mind. I now knew for sure that my wife loved me at least in some way and I also knew if I kept her happy she would probably never leave me. My fate was in my own hands, Steve had obviously agreed to be part of her plan which was now clearly underway.
I didn't get long to run through all my emotions which was probably a good thing as the phone rang. I tried my best to regain my composure as I answered "hello" "hey Tim old buddy, so you found the place ok" it was Steve on the line "ye yes Steve, your directions were good" I replied "good, now I need a pair of black slacks and a white knit shirt the one with my clubs logo on it, also bring my black dress shoes and some dress socks and some underware, you got that?" "ah yes sir I got it" I can't beleive I called him sir, it just seemed appropiate as he read off his orders and I think it even caught him by surprise as he paused for several moments before I heard a small chuckle and then he said "great, I'll see you in a little while"
He then hung up the phone and I knew he was laughing with Sara about my addressing him as sir, oh well if I was going to stay in Sara's life I guess I had to play the part. Actually the idea of serving both of them somewhat excited me and at least Steve wasn't such a bad guy, he could have been a real asshoe but he was actually a pretty nice guy and I was happy my wife had found someone she really liked and I knew he would treat her right.
I also knew he wasn't after her lotto money as they had begun seeing each other before she evan won the lottery and he was quite successful on his own as he owned the health club where Sara had met him. I put the letter back on his dresser where I had found it and gathered up his clothes and headed back to the house.
As I approached the door I tried to think how I should act, I didn't want them to know that I had read Sara's letter but I also knew I had to fall in line if I wanted to remain with Sara. I opened the door and walked in and they were snuggled up on the couch watching TV, Sara was wearing only her robe with her legs tucked up underneath her as she rested her head on Steve's chest, Steve was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts his bare feet resting on the coffee table, they made such an attractive couple.
"well there he is, you can just lay those on the bed, thanks Tim" Steve said with a grin most certainly referring to master bedromm bed and as I made my way to our bedroom my wife giggled and said "no yes sir?" I quickly turned red and even though I knew she was just teasing me I quickly said "oh I'm sorry, yes sir" she seemed a little surprised I had said it but at the same time quite pleased I had.
I put his clothes on the bed which was in dissaray not neatly made up the way I had left it when I left yesturday mourning. I quickly picked up Sara's discarded clothes and still wet bikini that layed on the floor, nothing new I had been picking up after my wife for years now. I also picked up Steves wet shorts and hung them in the shower.
I walked back out and my wife said "we saved you some leftovers honey, their in the fridge" "thanks Sara" I replied "hey since your going that way, I could use a beer" Steve said "sure no problem sir" I said and Sara chuckled squeezing Steve's arm a little tighter, she was really getting off on the respect I was showing her boyfriend.
I opened the refridgerator and saw their two plates resting on a shelf they hadn't even been covered but at least she hadn't just left them out on the table where the food would have been bacteria riddled. I grabbed one of the beers I had boughten for Steve, not even my brand and poured it into a chilled mug and brought it out to him. As I handed him the mug my wife said "after you eat and clean up the patio table come back out here and we can all have a little chat" "sure honey" I replied.
I pulled their two plated from the refridgerator and noticed that all the choice parts of the steak were gone, all that remained was the gristle and fat around the bones, much like something one would save for the dog. They must've been quite hungry like I was because even the two large baked potatoes I had made were nearly gone. I just shaved off all the edible meat I could and threw it in the micro wave along with the patatoe remains and finished everything including the patatoe skins.
I then cleared the dirty dishes from the patio table where they had eaten. Once the dishwasher was started and all the counters were wiped down I walked back out to the liviing room. The sitcom they were watching was just ending and my wife said "oh honey would you mind giving me one of your wonderfull foot rubs, all that dancing yesterday has really made them sore"
"sure Sara, do you want me to get the lotion?" I asked "yes that would be nice" she ansswered back. I went to the bedroom and returned with the bottle of foot creme and as there wasn't room for me on the love seat I sat down on the floor before my lovely wife.
She extended her foot resting it on my lap her other foot still underneath her as she snuggled up to Steve. I began to massage the creme into her soles and toes as my wife sighed "umm that feels sooo good" "so I here you have a thing for feet Tim, does that go for guys feet also?" Steve asked not to be cruel but genuinelly intersted if my fetish for feet included male feet as he moved his bare foot towards the end of the coffee table where his sole was only six inches frm my face.
I turned red faced and replied rather meekly "ah not ah not exspeacially sir" it just seemed right to address him as sir and it made my wife happy when I addressed him in this way. "that's to bad, I was hoping you would rub some of that lotion into my feet when you finished Sara's" he said a little dissapointed as he moved his foot back and recrossed it over his other resting foot on the table.
Sara was quick to voulanteer my services "oh I'm sure Tim wouldn't mine honey, would you sweety?" my wife said gently raising her foot and tapping her toes on my cheek. "ah ya sure honey I can do his feet also" I replied mekly not that there was any doubt that if Steve wanted a foot rub he was going to get one.
"thank you sweety, that's so nice of you, I'm just so happy right now, what more could a girl ask for, a nice quiet evening with the two men in her life" my wife giggled giving Steve a kiss as I worked the creme into her heel. I finished her right foot and she repositioned herself offering me her left foot as Steve continued with some questions "does'nt it bother you Tim that I'm making love to your beatiful wife?" I was a little surprised at this question but as I looked up at my wife as she rested her head on Steve's muscular chest her hand also resting on his chest as she looked down on me waiting for my reply, I guess that's what she meant by chat, it was to be a question answer session to clearly identify all our statusesin this relationship.
I was once again embarrassed as I answered truthfully "yes sir it does bother me some, but I just want Sara to be happy and you seem to make her happy" I couldn't even look him in the eye as I looked at my wifes foot I was massaging as I answered him. "well that's so giving of you Tim, I can see what she sees in you, and what about us having you do errands for me, like going to get my clothes tonight, does that bother you?"
I thaught for a moment and then said "I'm use to running errands for Sara sir so I guess it doesn't really bother me, I knew you both were tired" This time I looked up at them to see their response to my answer. They both grinned, this seemed to be going quite well for them.
As I finished Sara's second foot she pulled it gently from my hands and tucked both legs under her saying "thanks sweety, ok your turn honey" she said to Steve. They looked comfortable seated as they were so I moved over to the middle of the coffee table where Steve's feet remained crossed at the ankles. I began rubbing lotion into his strong manly but well cared for feet, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he sometimes used the spa at his club to get a footbath and male pedicure.
Steve also closed his eyes momentarily as he also let out a sigh "he is really good at this honey" he said to Sara who appeared very satisfied with the service I was giving her handsome boyfriend "I told you he has many talents, he can give a pedicure that's every bit as good as any of the girls at your spa, Kim bought him a gift certificate for a two month training class in massage and foot care for fathers day a couple of years ago and they really taught him well." my wife said to Steve while kissing his neck.
It was true, over the past several years I had gotten some unique gifts from Kim on fathers day, my birthday and Christmas. Some of her other gifts included a two week butler training class and a housewifes guide to housekeeping and time management seminar. She once even gave me a gift certificate to a sex class on how to oraly please a woman this was actually a mothers day gift she gave to me on behalf of her mother.
"well I'm looking for help, maybe he should apply" Steve and my wife giggled like it was a joke but who knows. I continued working the creme inbetween his toes as his questions then continued "So how would you feel if one day I moved in with Sara and you Tim?" again I thaught before I answered and again answered truthfully "I have to admit it would not make me hapy sir but I've given Sara my word that I would support her decissions" "I have to say Tim that I admire your devotion to your wife but if you don't mind my saying I find it kinda strange"
No shit it was strange but I tried to defend my actions saying "ya, I guess to most people it is rather weird but Sara's the best thing that ever happened to me and I love her" Sara displayed a huge grin and reached down and carresed my chhek with her hand saying "I know you do sweety, and I love you too" I melted at her touch and her words, I was actually becoming more relaxed with my position before them.
Steve recrossed his feet offering me his other foot for my attention as he said "and if I did move in, would you treat me the same way you treat Sara?" no need to think about this answer as I replied "I promised Sara that I would so yes sir, I would whether you move in or not" "well that's nice to know" Steve grinned.
The two of them began kissing as I finished his foot massage and then he said "how about another beer Tim" "yes sir" I answered closing the lid on the foot creme and rising to my feet and then asking my wife "can I get you anything honey?" "no sweety, I'm ok but bring Steve's beer to the bedroom, it's getting late and I'm tired"
I walked into the bedroom holding Steve's beer in the chilled mug as the two of them sat on the bed necking and fondeling each other only pausing for a moment as Sara said "be a dear sweety and hang Steve's clothes up" they went back to their fodeling as I sat the beer down on a coaster on the nightstand and picked up Steve's clothes I had sat on the bed earlier and hung them in the closet.
My wife had now laid back on the bed and with Steve on top of her they continued kissing as Sara said "ok sweety I promised you so come get me ready for Steve" she was still wearing her robe as her legs parted her knees raised and I looked at her moist pussy, he hadn't even touched her pussy yet and already she was extremely moist in anticipation.
I crawled up on the bed and lowered my tongue to her mound and with great determination to prove my value I lapped feverishly. Steve was now laying next to her and he began fondeling her breasts as they french kissed. In only minutes my wife's pussy lips were quivering, I could taste the salty mixture of hers and Steve's cum as my tongue dove deep into her pussy. She began moaning as she reached down and began massaging the bulge in Steve's shorts.
Two minutes later I was nudged off the bed as Steve mounted my wife. I knealt by the side of the bed where I had landed and watched as another man made passionate love to my wife. It was a thing of beauty to watch, Steve was a very talented lover and my wife made sounds of pleasure I had never heard before. It was very clear that I could never compete with him in the bedroom and that my future role was set in stone.
I couldn't help but get excited myself as their bodies intertwined, they could easily teach a class in the art of lovemaking. They seemed to go at it for hours but in reality it was about twenty minutes and almost on cue they orgasamed together. My wife collapsed onto Steve as during their lovemaking she had ended up on top and the two of them held each other for several minutes as they collected themselves.
Finnaly Sara rolled off of Steve and they laid next to each other. I was realizing my place and I went to get two moist towels and when I brought them back Sara and Steve smiled at each other and my wife said "why thank you sweety, isn't Steve just fantastic?" how could I lie as I said "yes honey, I have to admit that was a thing of beauty" The two of them kissed as they wiped each others private areas and handed their cum stained towels back to me.
My wife noticed the buldge I still had in my pants and giggled as she said "oh and don't you worry sweety I haven't forgotten about you, why don't you pull those pants down" I quickly did as she asked and she sat up on the edge of the bed and began playing with my boner with her pink shaded toes.
It took only about thirty seconds as I exploded onto her bare foot. She and Steve laughed and I didn't take it as a cruel laugh I think they were both just amused at how quickly I came at the touch of her toes. I wiped up my cum from her foot and my quickly shrinking penis and thanked my wife. "oh that's quite allright honey, I'm quite pleased with you right now sweety" she said to me.
Steve took a sip of the beer I had brought him and Sara said "it's getting late and I'm tired, where would you like to sleep tonight honey? You can use the spare bedroom or if you'd like you can get a blanket and pillow and sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed" I knew sharing their bed was out of the question but I didn't want to leave her right now and told her I would sleep on the floor. "Ok, just try not to wake us when you leave for work ok" she said as she leaned down and kissed me.
I got a pillow and comforter from the hall closet and turned out the lights and cuddled up on the hardwood floor at the foot of the king size bed. I set the alarm on my watch and rested it near my head, they were giggling in the bed above me obviouslly touching each other again as they said goodnight to each other. It was quite a fasinating evening.
Chapter 6 our roles become clearly defined
10 years ago