Whitedogs lucucky lotto cuckold story chapter 4
Lucky Lotto
Chapter 4
After about twenty minutes of being uncomfotable as Kim and Tracy talked about how great of a guy Steve was like I wasn't even there Steve and Sara finnally came back to the table. They had been on the dance floor for about an hour. Steve looked over the wall wanting Doofas to get the two of them new drinks but Kim had sent him on an errand to get her ciggarettes. Kim seeing the look of dissapoitment in his eyes said "you know Tim can get you more drinks" as she shot me an evil look. "Thanks Tim, that'd be great" Steve said, I had jst been voulanteered by my own step daughter be his own personal waiter. Kim seemed eager to help Steve turn me into a cuckold slave husband. My wife wasn't even paying attention to what was going on as she was wrapped up in her own conversation with Tracy.
Kim and Steve then started up a conversation of their own obviously feeling I would go get the drinks without any further discussion. I did go for the dinks and placed them in front of my wife and her boyfriend, they didn't even acknoledge me, they just picked up their drinks and continued their conversations as I meekly returned to the end of the table still to afraid to sit in anybody elses seat.
Everybody was returning to their seats and then I heard my wife say to Steve "it's really getting late honey, we should head back to the hotel." "sounds good to me sugar, let's go" it was then that I got concerned, where was I suppose to spend the night, it sure didn't sound like I was invited with them. It was Steve who said "what about your hubby?" "oh dear, I forgot all about him, I'll get him his own room" Sara said and although I was sad she had seemed to forgotten I was even there at least I was going to get a nice room tonight or so I thaught until Kim spoke up.
"Don't waste your money mom, remember he voulanterred to show the pledges how to do laundry, I'll just page them and tell them to meet him and Doofas at our place and when they finish our laundry Tim can crash on the couch, we're all going to an after hours club anyways and him and Doofas can walk back to our place it's not that far" Kim was really getting on my nerves but everyone thaught it was a spendid idea and no input from me was even requested.
My wife and Steve sttod up and said their goodbyes and Sara gave me a kiss on the cheek saying "I guess we'll see you tomarrow" and her and Sreve walked away with Steve's hand firmly planted on her tight sexy ass, I don't even think she realized the hell I had been through tonight.
Kim recieved the calls back on her cell phone from the other two pledges and said "ok you two start walking, Tubby and Baldy will meet you at the apartment, and Doofas make sure you pay attention, Tim really knows laundry" she laughed along with Tracy and Michele.
As Doofas and I began the walk to the girls apartment he made a comment of "why do you let that bitch of a wife treat you that way?" I went into a rage and slammed him up against a wall screaming "don't you ever call my wife a bitch you little punk!" I had scared the shit out of him, all night he had seen me as a wimpy little panty whipped man and now I reacted like a grizzly bear, but I loved my wife and would defend her honor against anyone. He quickly appologized and we didn't say another word on our fifteen minute walk.
We found the other two pledges in the apartment as they all had their own keys so they could report there anytime service was needed. Baldy had gotten his nickname from the baldspot on the back of his head. None of us were happy about being there and we quickly gathered up all the girls dirty laundry and headed down to the laundry room which was of course empty being close to midnight on a Saturday night.
I really was quite good at doing laundry having been doing it for more than twelve years now and these boys didn't have a clue, they didn't even know how to properly sort the clothes. All three of them listened and watched carefully as I explained how to sort clothes and the different was cycles and temperatures need for each load.
It was close to two AM when we had finished all the ironing and everthing was put back in the appropriate closets. The pledges left and I found a pillow and blanket and almost fell directly asleep on the sofa a far contrast I thaught to the big comfy bed I'm sure my wife was sharing with Steve.
I hadn't even heard any of the girls return as I'm a very sound sleeper but when I got up at 8am to use the bathroom I was shocked to find my eyebrows had been shaven off. I was pissed and stormed into Kim's room screamming, she awoke from her sleep along with the stud she had brought home with her, as she wiped the sleep from her eyes she yelled back at me even louder then I had yelled "what the fuck is your problem! Get out of my room right now before I have Tony here get up and kick your scrawny ass!"
I was flabbergasted I couldn't beleive she was talking to me like this and at this point I knew she would have the musclebound guy she was lying next to do just that, I sure didn't want to risk it as I stormed back out of her room. I sat in the living room for almost three hours basically in tears until I heard a knock on the door, it was my wife and Steve. I opened the door and both of them couldn;t help but let out a stiffled laugh "oh my, what happened to you?" my wife asked, she could tell I had been crying as I said.
"it was Kim, I can't beleive she did this to me" I whinned to my wife who did not seemed overly concerned with her daughters c***d like prank but she did hug me trying to comfort me like I was a c***d. "there there honey, it's not so bad, I'll have a talk with her" Steve seeing me as a complete wimp just walked to the sofa and sat down and flipped on the TV.
My wife walked towards Kim's room and said "Kim, could you come out here please" she then took a seat next to Steve resting her hand on his leg. Kim came out in her bathrobe and sat next to her mother while I remained standing. "Kim, why did you do that to Tim?" Sara asked her daughter in a somewhat stern manner "oh it was just a joke, we didn't mean to shave them all off but we were a little drunk and it just kinda happened, they'll grow back" Kim replied acting like it was no big deal.
"Well I think you owe him an appology, it wasn't very nice" Sara told her "ok, I guess your right, I'm sorry Tim" Kim said actually sounding like she meant it. "all better now Tim" Sara asked me as if she were talking to an eight year old. I was happy my wife finnaly stood up for me and just shrugged my shoulders and said "ya I guess so" "good, so were all just one happy family again" Sara said.
Sara then told Kim we were leaving and Kim gave her mom a huge hug and kiss she then hugged and kissed Steve and then walked over to me. I wasn't sure what to expect and was more than a little surprised when she hugged me and whispered "I think were go going to to get along much better Tim, now that we know each other better"
The three of us walked out to the Lincoln where Sara and Steve stood at the back door and Sara said "you don't mind driving do you Tim, we had such a long night last night" she said this with a giggle as she held tightly onto Steves well sculptured arm. "ah sure I don't mind honey" I replied and Sara expertly guided me with her pretty green eyes as her gaze led my eyes to the rear door handle telling me she wanted me to open the door for them.
I opened the door and the two of them climbed into the large plush seat and I closed the door and got behind the wheel. No sooner had we gotten out of town I began to here giggling from the back seat, I glanced in the mirror to see Steve talantly fondeling my wifes firm breasts, his other hand was under her dress. My wife was thoroughly enjoying his touch as she giggled and purred.
They played with each other for a good half hour and then I noticed clothes begin to come off. The dark tinted windows in the rear prevented passing cars to see in and I was doing my best to ignore what was happening but it was very difficult to do as they bumped against my seat and then Sara's bare foot brushed against my head as her legs were spread wide. They were not concerned about being discreet as they began screwing right there while I chauffered them home.
It was at this moment that I knew my life would never be the same. After their little romp Sara sat up with a satisfied look and began touching up her makeup. She noticed me glancing at her in the rear view mirror and she smiled sweetly and said "I hope that wasn't to hard on you sweety, I'll tell you what, when we get home and after youv'e unpacked our bags I'll let you clean me out and we can take care of all that pent up frustration you have, would you like that sweety?"
"oh yes Sara that would be nice" I replied actually agreeing to lick another mans cum from her pussy, it wasn't like I hadn't done it before I had just never witnessed it going in. "well you deserve it, youv'e been such a good boy this weekend, pull over honey I have an idea" she said and I pulled the car to the shoulder. "now turn around and lean back here" she said and as I did she pulled out her mascura pen and drew eyebrows on me where mine had been shaven off.
"there, that's much better" she said as her and Steve laughed. I turned back and looked in the mirror, I actually looked even more ridiculous so now not only was I their chauffer but also a puppet to amuse them, but I didn't care at this point at least she was showing me some attention.
The remaining hour and a half drive they cuddled as I drove. When we pulled into our driveway they waited for me to get out and open their door. They then got out as Sara said "Thank you honey, now bring the bags in and unpack and then meet us out by the pool" It was not uncommon for me to do this as I often unpacked for her after she was on a short trip but I was a little annoyed at the way Steve never offered to help with any menial tasks but I guess thats what Sara meant when she told me to treat Steve the same way I treated her, what she should have said was serve.
I unloaded the car and unpacked hers and my bags and then walked out to the patio. There they were relaxing on the lounges Sara in her micro bikini, god she looked hot and Steve still wearing his shorts but he had removed his shirt and shoes. When they saw me Steve said "hey Tim, you got any cold beers in the fridge?" we were actually out as Saturday was my normal grocery day and of course I wasn't here so I said "sorry Steve we're all out" I was quite happy about it now maybe he would get off his lazy ass and go get some.
I didn't know what I was thinking though as Sara lowered her sunglasses and said "you realy need to keep the beer Steve likes in the refridgerator all the time Tim from now on, why don't you run out now and get some, in fact while your out why don't you pick up some steaks for the grill" Steve just kind of grinned at me another victory for him in this relationship.
I went and did as my wife requested even though I wanted to be reclining by the pool, what made them think they were the only ones who were tired after the weekend. I came back to the house with the groceries and they were still out at the pool collecting the last of the afternoon rays on their sculptered tan bodies.
I walked out onto the patio and Steve's first words were "so where's my beer" I had forgotten to bring it out, I didn't even reply as I headed back into the house to get it and he added "don't forget to pour it into a mug Tim" Damn him I thaught to myself, he seemed to becomming quite comfortable thinking of me as the houseservant. My wife also chimed in "I'll have an iced tea also honey"
I came back out with their drinks and set them on the small table beside them as my wife lifted her expensive sunglasses and said "Honey I asked Steve to spend the night and he said he would, isn't that great? I can't tell you how happy I am that you are so understanding, there sure arnd't many husbands like you around, I'm a lucky girl" I'm sure my face looked sad as I replied "but ah what about, you know I thaught we were going to have so private time"
She grinned at me and said "don't worry honey, I promised you we would take care of your little weenie tonight" I mentioned before that her referring to my penis as a little weenie didn't bother me but with Steve laying next to her it was quite embarrasing as he just looked at me with the abnoxious grin of his as I turned red.
Sara not realizing or just not caring that she had just humiliated me added "now why don't you start on the steaks, oh and Steve mentioned he didn't have his clothes to go right to work tomarrow so I told him since we're kinda tired that you wouldn't mind running back to his condo and getting them, you can go while we eat, we'll save you some leftovers and then you and Steve can sit down and get to know each other, I would love to see my two boys become friends"
I could hardly believe what I was hearing from her pretty rose colored lips, she had to realize how demeaning this was to me. I had always run errands and did things for her and Kim but now she was demanding I become Steve's servant also. I just wanted to get her alone so I could express some of my feelings but now with Steve hanging around all night I would have to wait until tomarrow.
Then there was the leftover comment, she really expected me to cook and serve their dinner and then run an errand for them and they would save me some leftovers, what woman treats her husband like that, did she even consider me her husband anymore or was I now really the family servant. All these thaughts ran wild through my mind as I just looked at her in a somewhat schocked state.
I was brought back to reality by the snapping of her fingers in front of my face "hello,,,are you in there" she giggled then adding "shouldn't you start the grill, the steaks arnd't going to cook themselves" I was to stunned to even reply and almost in a trance I went to do her bidding as she lowered her unglasses again and went back to the magazine she had been thumbing through.
I slaved over the hot grill cooking their steaks and baked potatoes as they continued to relax even once having me freshen their drinks and then taking a sunset dip in the pool as I set the table on the patio. I told them that dinner was about ready and Sara said in question form but much more of an order "why don't you bring us some towels Tim, oh and throw them in the dryer for a few minutes to get them all warm and soft, we don't want to catch a chill"
I had very little fight left in me, in just hours they had broken most of my will to complain and I brought out the towels and held them in my outstretched arms like a cabana boy as first Sara climbed out and took her warm towel and gave me a peck on the cheek "thanks sweety" she said and then Steve pulled his well toned body from the pool and then shook his shaggy long hair getting me wet before taking the the towel from my arms saying "thanks buddy"
The two of them then took their seats at the patio table and waited for me to serve their food. Once they had everything they needed after having me bring out steak sauce, salt, and a pitcher of iced tea Steve said "I left the directions and a key to my condo over there, just call me from the house and I'll tell you what I need pal" he spoke to me as if I was his buddy but what friend would use another friend as a personal lackey.
I picked up the paper and keys and as I was leaving my wife laughed "now hurry back sweety, something tells me I'll need a real cleaning out when you get back" I dd not need to here that and I was getting the feeling they were just seeing how far they could push me and it was becomming a great success for them as I was carrying out their wishes with no complaints.
Steve's condo was across town and it took me about thirty minutes to get there, It was a very impressive building and and when I walked into his unit it was quite large, I was not surprised to find it a mess as Steve didn't come off as the good housekeeping type.
I called my house to find out what he needed and got the answering machine, I didn't have to be a rocket scientist to realize what they were doing so I left a short message sayiing I was there and would wait for his call, I'm sure they got a kick out of that whille they were screwing.
I couldn't help but nose around a bit while I waited for his call. I came across a few pairs of my wifes cum stained panties one of which had been missing for several months, I knew my wifes clothes and underware well afterall I had been caring for them for almost ten years now. This did tell me that most likely Steve had been the only guy she had been seeing which made me feel a little better, at least she hadn't been cheating on me with a bnch of guys whatever that was worth.
I actually took several deep wiffs of her panties crotch are, it was quite musty but the smell was intoxicating, I almost felt like running a batch right there. I decided instead to nose around a little more and that's when I found the letter.
Chapter 5 wouldn't you all like to know what was in the letter?
Chapter 4
After about twenty minutes of being uncomfotable as Kim and Tracy talked about how great of a guy Steve was like I wasn't even there Steve and Sara finnally came back to the table. They had been on the dance floor for about an hour. Steve looked over the wall wanting Doofas to get the two of them new drinks but Kim had sent him on an errand to get her ciggarettes. Kim seeing the look of dissapoitment in his eyes said "you know Tim can get you more drinks" as she shot me an evil look. "Thanks Tim, that'd be great" Steve said, I had jst been voulanteered by my own step daughter be his own personal waiter. Kim seemed eager to help Steve turn me into a cuckold slave husband. My wife wasn't even paying attention to what was going on as she was wrapped up in her own conversation with Tracy.
Kim and Steve then started up a conversation of their own obviously feeling I would go get the drinks without any further discussion. I did go for the dinks and placed them in front of my wife and her boyfriend, they didn't even acknoledge me, they just picked up their drinks and continued their conversations as I meekly returned to the end of the table still to afraid to sit in anybody elses seat.
Everybody was returning to their seats and then I heard my wife say to Steve "it's really getting late honey, we should head back to the hotel." "sounds good to me sugar, let's go" it was then that I got concerned, where was I suppose to spend the night, it sure didn't sound like I was invited with them. It was Steve who said "what about your hubby?" "oh dear, I forgot all about him, I'll get him his own room" Sara said and although I was sad she had seemed to forgotten I was even there at least I was going to get a nice room tonight or so I thaught until Kim spoke up.
"Don't waste your money mom, remember he voulanterred to show the pledges how to do laundry, I'll just page them and tell them to meet him and Doofas at our place and when they finish our laundry Tim can crash on the couch, we're all going to an after hours club anyways and him and Doofas can walk back to our place it's not that far" Kim was really getting on my nerves but everyone thaught it was a spendid idea and no input from me was even requested.
My wife and Steve sttod up and said their goodbyes and Sara gave me a kiss on the cheek saying "I guess we'll see you tomarrow" and her and Sreve walked away with Steve's hand firmly planted on her tight sexy ass, I don't even think she realized the hell I had been through tonight.
Kim recieved the calls back on her cell phone from the other two pledges and said "ok you two start walking, Tubby and Baldy will meet you at the apartment, and Doofas make sure you pay attention, Tim really knows laundry" she laughed along with Tracy and Michele.
As Doofas and I began the walk to the girls apartment he made a comment of "why do you let that bitch of a wife treat you that way?" I went into a rage and slammed him up against a wall screaming "don't you ever call my wife a bitch you little punk!" I had scared the shit out of him, all night he had seen me as a wimpy little panty whipped man and now I reacted like a grizzly bear, but I loved my wife and would defend her honor against anyone. He quickly appologized and we didn't say another word on our fifteen minute walk.
We found the other two pledges in the apartment as they all had their own keys so they could report there anytime service was needed. Baldy had gotten his nickname from the baldspot on the back of his head. None of us were happy about being there and we quickly gathered up all the girls dirty laundry and headed down to the laundry room which was of course empty being close to midnight on a Saturday night.
I really was quite good at doing laundry having been doing it for more than twelve years now and these boys didn't have a clue, they didn't even know how to properly sort the clothes. All three of them listened and watched carefully as I explained how to sort clothes and the different was cycles and temperatures need for each load.
It was close to two AM when we had finished all the ironing and everthing was put back in the appropriate closets. The pledges left and I found a pillow and blanket and almost fell directly asleep on the sofa a far contrast I thaught to the big comfy bed I'm sure my wife was sharing with Steve.
I hadn't even heard any of the girls return as I'm a very sound sleeper but when I got up at 8am to use the bathroom I was shocked to find my eyebrows had been shaven off. I was pissed and stormed into Kim's room screamming, she awoke from her sleep along with the stud she had brought home with her, as she wiped the sleep from her eyes she yelled back at me even louder then I had yelled "what the fuck is your problem! Get out of my room right now before I have Tony here get up and kick your scrawny ass!"
I was flabbergasted I couldn't beleive she was talking to me like this and at this point I knew she would have the musclebound guy she was lying next to do just that, I sure didn't want to risk it as I stormed back out of her room. I sat in the living room for almost three hours basically in tears until I heard a knock on the door, it was my wife and Steve. I opened the door and both of them couldn;t help but let out a stiffled laugh "oh my, what happened to you?" my wife asked, she could tell I had been crying as I said.
"it was Kim, I can't beleive she did this to me" I whinned to my wife who did not seemed overly concerned with her daughters c***d like prank but she did hug me trying to comfort me like I was a c***d. "there there honey, it's not so bad, I'll have a talk with her" Steve seeing me as a complete wimp just walked to the sofa and sat down and flipped on the TV.
My wife walked towards Kim's room and said "Kim, could you come out here please" she then took a seat next to Steve resting her hand on his leg. Kim came out in her bathrobe and sat next to her mother while I remained standing. "Kim, why did you do that to Tim?" Sara asked her daughter in a somewhat stern manner "oh it was just a joke, we didn't mean to shave them all off but we were a little drunk and it just kinda happened, they'll grow back" Kim replied acting like it was no big deal.
"Well I think you owe him an appology, it wasn't very nice" Sara told her "ok, I guess your right, I'm sorry Tim" Kim said actually sounding like she meant it. "all better now Tim" Sara asked me as if she were talking to an eight year old. I was happy my wife finnaly stood up for me and just shrugged my shoulders and said "ya I guess so" "good, so were all just one happy family again" Sara said.
Sara then told Kim we were leaving and Kim gave her mom a huge hug and kiss she then hugged and kissed Steve and then walked over to me. I wasn't sure what to expect and was more than a little surprised when she hugged me and whispered "I think were go going to to get along much better Tim, now that we know each other better"
The three of us walked out to the Lincoln where Sara and Steve stood at the back door and Sara said "you don't mind driving do you Tim, we had such a long night last night" she said this with a giggle as she held tightly onto Steves well sculptured arm. "ah sure I don't mind honey" I replied and Sara expertly guided me with her pretty green eyes as her gaze led my eyes to the rear door handle telling me she wanted me to open the door for them.
I opened the door and the two of them climbed into the large plush seat and I closed the door and got behind the wheel. No sooner had we gotten out of town I began to here giggling from the back seat, I glanced in the mirror to see Steve talantly fondeling my wifes firm breasts, his other hand was under her dress. My wife was thoroughly enjoying his touch as she giggled and purred.
They played with each other for a good half hour and then I noticed clothes begin to come off. The dark tinted windows in the rear prevented passing cars to see in and I was doing my best to ignore what was happening but it was very difficult to do as they bumped against my seat and then Sara's bare foot brushed against my head as her legs were spread wide. They were not concerned about being discreet as they began screwing right there while I chauffered them home.
It was at this moment that I knew my life would never be the same. After their little romp Sara sat up with a satisfied look and began touching up her makeup. She noticed me glancing at her in the rear view mirror and she smiled sweetly and said "I hope that wasn't to hard on you sweety, I'll tell you what, when we get home and after youv'e unpacked our bags I'll let you clean me out and we can take care of all that pent up frustration you have, would you like that sweety?"
"oh yes Sara that would be nice" I replied actually agreeing to lick another mans cum from her pussy, it wasn't like I hadn't done it before I had just never witnessed it going in. "well you deserve it, youv'e been such a good boy this weekend, pull over honey I have an idea" she said and I pulled the car to the shoulder. "now turn around and lean back here" she said and as I did she pulled out her mascura pen and drew eyebrows on me where mine had been shaven off.
"there, that's much better" she said as her and Steve laughed. I turned back and looked in the mirror, I actually looked even more ridiculous so now not only was I their chauffer but also a puppet to amuse them, but I didn't care at this point at least she was showing me some attention.
The remaining hour and a half drive they cuddled as I drove. When we pulled into our driveway they waited for me to get out and open their door. They then got out as Sara said "Thank you honey, now bring the bags in and unpack and then meet us out by the pool" It was not uncommon for me to do this as I often unpacked for her after she was on a short trip but I was a little annoyed at the way Steve never offered to help with any menial tasks but I guess thats what Sara meant when she told me to treat Steve the same way I treated her, what she should have said was serve.
I unloaded the car and unpacked hers and my bags and then walked out to the patio. There they were relaxing on the lounges Sara in her micro bikini, god she looked hot and Steve still wearing his shorts but he had removed his shirt and shoes. When they saw me Steve said "hey Tim, you got any cold beers in the fridge?" we were actually out as Saturday was my normal grocery day and of course I wasn't here so I said "sorry Steve we're all out" I was quite happy about it now maybe he would get off his lazy ass and go get some.
I didn't know what I was thinking though as Sara lowered her sunglasses and said "you realy need to keep the beer Steve likes in the refridgerator all the time Tim from now on, why don't you run out now and get some, in fact while your out why don't you pick up some steaks for the grill" Steve just kind of grinned at me another victory for him in this relationship.
I went and did as my wife requested even though I wanted to be reclining by the pool, what made them think they were the only ones who were tired after the weekend. I came back to the house with the groceries and they were still out at the pool collecting the last of the afternoon rays on their sculptered tan bodies.
I walked out onto the patio and Steve's first words were "so where's my beer" I had forgotten to bring it out, I didn't even reply as I headed back into the house to get it and he added "don't forget to pour it into a mug Tim" Damn him I thaught to myself, he seemed to becomming quite comfortable thinking of me as the houseservant. My wife also chimed in "I'll have an iced tea also honey"
I came back out with their drinks and set them on the small table beside them as my wife lifted her expensive sunglasses and said "Honey I asked Steve to spend the night and he said he would, isn't that great? I can't tell you how happy I am that you are so understanding, there sure arnd't many husbands like you around, I'm a lucky girl" I'm sure my face looked sad as I replied "but ah what about, you know I thaught we were going to have so private time"
She grinned at me and said "don't worry honey, I promised you we would take care of your little weenie tonight" I mentioned before that her referring to my penis as a little weenie didn't bother me but with Steve laying next to her it was quite embarrasing as he just looked at me with the abnoxious grin of his as I turned red.
Sara not realizing or just not caring that she had just humiliated me added "now why don't you start on the steaks, oh and Steve mentioned he didn't have his clothes to go right to work tomarrow so I told him since we're kinda tired that you wouldn't mind running back to his condo and getting them, you can go while we eat, we'll save you some leftovers and then you and Steve can sit down and get to know each other, I would love to see my two boys become friends"
I could hardly believe what I was hearing from her pretty rose colored lips, she had to realize how demeaning this was to me. I had always run errands and did things for her and Kim but now she was demanding I become Steve's servant also. I just wanted to get her alone so I could express some of my feelings but now with Steve hanging around all night I would have to wait until tomarrow.
Then there was the leftover comment, she really expected me to cook and serve their dinner and then run an errand for them and they would save me some leftovers, what woman treats her husband like that, did she even consider me her husband anymore or was I now really the family servant. All these thaughts ran wild through my mind as I just looked at her in a somewhat schocked state.
I was brought back to reality by the snapping of her fingers in front of my face "hello,,,are you in there" she giggled then adding "shouldn't you start the grill, the steaks arnd't going to cook themselves" I was to stunned to even reply and almost in a trance I went to do her bidding as she lowered her unglasses again and went back to the magazine she had been thumbing through.
I slaved over the hot grill cooking their steaks and baked potatoes as they continued to relax even once having me freshen their drinks and then taking a sunset dip in the pool as I set the table on the patio. I told them that dinner was about ready and Sara said in question form but much more of an order "why don't you bring us some towels Tim, oh and throw them in the dryer for a few minutes to get them all warm and soft, we don't want to catch a chill"
I had very little fight left in me, in just hours they had broken most of my will to complain and I brought out the towels and held them in my outstretched arms like a cabana boy as first Sara climbed out and took her warm towel and gave me a peck on the cheek "thanks sweety" she said and then Steve pulled his well toned body from the pool and then shook his shaggy long hair getting me wet before taking the the towel from my arms saying "thanks buddy"
The two of them then took their seats at the patio table and waited for me to serve their food. Once they had everything they needed after having me bring out steak sauce, salt, and a pitcher of iced tea Steve said "I left the directions and a key to my condo over there, just call me from the house and I'll tell you what I need pal" he spoke to me as if I was his buddy but what friend would use another friend as a personal lackey.
I picked up the paper and keys and as I was leaving my wife laughed "now hurry back sweety, something tells me I'll need a real cleaning out when you get back" I dd not need to here that and I was getting the feeling they were just seeing how far they could push me and it was becomming a great success for them as I was carrying out their wishes with no complaints.
Steve's condo was across town and it took me about thirty minutes to get there, It was a very impressive building and and when I walked into his unit it was quite large, I was not surprised to find it a mess as Steve didn't come off as the good housekeeping type.
I called my house to find out what he needed and got the answering machine, I didn't have to be a rocket scientist to realize what they were doing so I left a short message sayiing I was there and would wait for his call, I'm sure they got a kick out of that whille they were screwing.
I couldn't help but nose around a bit while I waited for his call. I came across a few pairs of my wifes cum stained panties one of which had been missing for several months, I knew my wifes clothes and underware well afterall I had been caring for them for almost ten years now. This did tell me that most likely Steve had been the only guy she had been seeing which made me feel a little better, at least she hadn't been cheating on me with a bnch of guys whatever that was worth.
I actually took several deep wiffs of her panties crotch are, it was quite musty but the smell was intoxicating, I almost felt like running a batch right there. I decided instead to nose around a little more and that's when I found the letter.
Chapter 5 wouldn't you all like to know what was in the letter?
10 years ago