The Mix Up
Background Info: Let's call my friend 'Maria'. And let's call her mom 'Eva'. I took Calculus with Maria in high school. Maria and I are friends on Facebook. Her mom is a masseuse and is friends with her on Facebook. Maria believes her mom is just a legitimate masseuse and nothing more. Being extremely horny and curious, I started going to AMPs (Asian Massage Parlors) about a year ago after doing some research on various forums with user submitted reviews.
The Haps: About 2 months ago, I went to this particular AMP after reading about the extras that were offered and how great the massages were as well. Eva was the owner of this AMP and had outstanding reviews regarding her strong massage techniques. So I took the plunge and asked for Eva upon my arrival to massage me for the next half hour. She led me into a small room in the back and briefly left so I could take off my clothes. Knowing that this place offered extras, I removed everything and was butt ass naked. A few moments later, Eva came back into the room and initiated the massage. She asked me if I wanted a hard or soft massage. I decided to opt for the hard massage as that was supposedly what she was great at. As she was massaging me, I was getting erect and could not go soft. I then asked if she could give me a blowjob first so that afterwards she could go back to the massage and it might be better that way. She told me okay and momentarily left to return with a condom. She placed the condom on me and started doing the deed, exposing her breasts & vagina and within a few minutes I Came in the condom. We then quickly returned to the massage. About 10 minutes later, I told her I had somewhere else to go and paid her and left.
The Discovery: Initially, I did not know that Eva was Maria's mother. Yesterday as I was browsing on Facebook, a photo of Maria appeared on my feed. One of the people that commented on the photo was a woman named Eva. Under her comment was Kelly's comment that read "texted you mom" ... So my first thought was "oh she who I think she is?!" .. I clicked on Eva's profile and low and behold it was the same Eva that gave me a blowjob 2 months ago..Did I just experience a porn fantasy of fucking my friend's mom?
The Haps: About 2 months ago, I went to this particular AMP after reading about the extras that were offered and how great the massages were as well. Eva was the owner of this AMP and had outstanding reviews regarding her strong massage techniques. So I took the plunge and asked for Eva upon my arrival to massage me for the next half hour. She led me into a small room in the back and briefly left so I could take off my clothes. Knowing that this place offered extras, I removed everything and was butt ass naked. A few moments later, Eva came back into the room and initiated the massage. She asked me if I wanted a hard or soft massage. I decided to opt for the hard massage as that was supposedly what she was great at. As she was massaging me, I was getting erect and could not go soft. I then asked if she could give me a blowjob first so that afterwards she could go back to the massage and it might be better that way. She told me okay and momentarily left to return with a condom. She placed the condom on me and started doing the deed, exposing her breasts & vagina and within a few minutes I Came in the condom. We then quickly returned to the massage. About 10 minutes later, I told her I had somewhere else to go and paid her and left.
The Discovery: Initially, I did not know that Eva was Maria's mother. Yesterday as I was browsing on Facebook, a photo of Maria appeared on my feed. One of the people that commented on the photo was a woman named Eva. Under her comment was Kelly's comment that read "texted you mom" ... So my first thought was "oh she who I think she is?!" .. I clicked on Eva's profile and low and behold it was the same Eva that gave me a blowjob 2 months ago..Did I just experience a porn fantasy of fucking my friend's mom?
10 years ago