Caught? by Our Son

Cocktail before dinner after which we shared a bottle of wine and then left the restaurant and hit our/my favorite watering hole. Cold out so wife was wearing a pair of jeans and a long sleeve turtle neck. Boots that went to her knees. When your breasts are as big as my wife's if you buy a top that fits every where else it's stretched to the max across your chest.

High light was when the bartender was making a drink that needed to be shaken, not stirred the boys wanted my wife to do the shaking. Kind of shit goes on all the time and it wasn't her first experience. She gave them their money's worth, and her nipples got hard. I knew she was wet, and we headed out shortly after.

I give the babysitter a ride home even though she lives nearby. It was late and it was cold.

Normal procedure would be for her to check and make sure our son was asleep, and if that was the case we'd have some fun.

She had been wearing a leather coat that went past her knees and still had it on when I got back and was wearing her boots as well. She gave me a long wet nasty kiss before telling me that, "I've got nothing on underneath."

God bless American my little buddy shifted into high gear. Not the bedroom though.

"Fuck me downstairs."

Not a problem, and the fireplace was gas so just flip a switch and you've got atmosphere. She was indeed nude and her coat served as a blanket. My cock slid in easily with almost no fore play.

"Ah...yes...fuck me baby."

She's loud. Really loud unless she makes an effort not to or you put something in her mouth. We had hotel security beating on our door before we got married because they thought somebody was getting killed in our room. Funny later, but not so much just then.

Even though our son was asleep two floors up I did suggest that she keep it down. She said he was sleeping like a baby and his door was closed.

She wanted to get on top and did a reverse cowgirl number. Effectively blocking my sight path to the steps while she had a great view. Also made it very easy for her to wet her finger and play with my hidden hot spot which I fucking loved then and still do today.

Sort of go the picture?

When she had started to play with my button she also engaged her hot talk.

"You like that don't you baby? Like it when mommy plays with your ass don't you baby?"

I of course agreed with her totally and then she turned it into a submissive lecture.

"Like taking it up the having your ass little bitch cums when he takes it up his cunt doesn't he?"

"Oh fuck yes...fuck...Jesus...fuck me." Or close to that.

Before she was done I'd admitted that I'd like nothing better than to take a big cock up my pussy.
Also agreed that she was cheated because my cock was too small to satisfy her, and called my most precious part names.

I'd forgotten all about our son, and screamed when I came. Never thought I'd stop cuming.

She'd cum twice in spite of my inadequate equipment.

I lite a cigarette (yeah fuck second hand smoke)and she got up to get us a drink and check on our son. When she got back she said he was still sleeping, and after chatting for a few moments we hit the sack.

All in all a dandy night out. The shoe dropped a couple of months later when we were screwing in our bedroom and I remembered we hadn't locked the door. Doubt he'd want to see his parents screwing it would ruin him for life. I said.

"It's too late honey he's already seen us."

Wait. What?

Seems our son had been asleep when we got home, but my wife woke him up to give him a kiss, and ask him if he'd had a good time. So by the time she checked out of his room he was wide awake, and she left his door open.

Sneaky little tart.

I didn't even consider that he was old enough to be interested in the female body until my wife reminded me that I'd started playing with my pecker when I was a year younger than our son. He'd also been doing some sneaking around trying to get looks at his mom's body when he thought she didn't know.

My wife being the uninhibited caring mother that she is had even let him put suntan lotion on her when she'd been soaking up the rays the previous summer. He'd gotten wood and she'd gotten soaked.

Given my track record there wasn't anything I could say, and felt a little sorry for him given his mom's assets and her propensity for displaying them.

My problem was of course the finger in my bum, and the verbal intercourse that had taken place. She knew he was watching and got her rocks off (or clit, or ovaries, or whatever) baiting me when I was helpless to resist.

I'm a male so the cracks about dick size didn't do anything for my ego either.

Okay, I've satisfied her requirement, and she'd better be extra nice to me this weekend.

Published by howwee
10 years ago
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romb41 3 years ago
lalegator 10 years ago
mmmm...mommy I am yours !!
in_missouri 10 years ago
Sexy and stimulating story. Thanks for sharing your exploits.
Good story! Told so matter of factually it was easy to visual the scenario! Keep writing!
hardone27 10 years ago
great story, thanks for sharing
thesoulryde 10 years ago
This story!! Thanks for sharing though, def entertaining :smile: