Black vs White

I've never had sex with a black guy, is there really a difference? Or is that all just made up?
Published by MightyMini
10 years ago
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I think you should try black. THey say once u go black u never go back haha. These saying dont just come out of thin air...
nvaper2 10 years ago
Someone says "once go black never came back". :smile: Seriously...I don't know. :smile: Have a nice day!
Irish_King 10 years ago
The only difference i've found with having sex with women of different races is just that, it's hot because it's different. Realistically there's no difference on average between races wheb it comes to sex, butnwe allow ourselves to forget that and play to the idea that what we're having is something exotic and therefore hotter than anything we had before. Answer? If you want it to be, it can be different.
gr8chef 10 years ago
its not the angle of the dangle ,its not the sag of the bag,but its the thob of the knob that does the job,and if the angle of the dangle is proportional to the bootie of the cutie,and the heat of her meat is equal to the heat of the beat,that helps the thob of the knob to be consatnt the only way you will find out is to go and find one maybe even at the same time B&w at the same time
soupinapothot 10 years ago
I think it's who you're with really,black or white,it doesn't matter. I have lots of favourite videos featuring black guys,and the women seem to reeeaaaaalllllly be enjoying themselves,so maybe the black guys edge it lol. So I say go for it,get yourself a black guy. Love the body by the way!