If your my friend or want to be read.
So I have tried to interact with people on here and have had some ok luck and have meet some nice people but I still get about 7 different messages and invites a day that just either totally piss me off, or I ignore all together. 1. I want to start out by saying Hey everyone I LIKE GIRLS!!!!! let me say it one more time HEY I LIKE GIRLS... But yes I will talk to guys so don't get all pissed off when I might not show interest. 2. The Dick AVATAR pics I have it stated pretty clearly. Don't add me if thats your avatar. I find it offensive and I think its disrespectful that you didn't even take the time to read anything about me you just saw a girl and clicked add. Thats why I decline them all and I go back though my friends and delete them that have changed to it.3. If you see that i'm on don't just assume that I want to chat if you want to send a message do it. I'll get back to you. sometimes i'm on here looking at porn or just searching the web. so im not ignoring anyone on purpose, sometimes i just don't feel like chatting.4. Try to interact with me and find stuff I like and I will help you find stuff you like. I don't like the feeling of just having a bunch of friends on here and all they do is come and jerk off to my pics and never talk to me.
10 years ago