FF - FDom - Fuckerware!

The Fuckerware Party
Synopsis: A frustrated wife learns to please herself after attending a sex toy party.
The Fuckerware Party – Chapter 01 by Tappy McWidestance

Even now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?
My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim. We're both 26 and he works as a salesman at the same company I work for in marketing. We live in an upper middle class neighborhood in suburban Denver. Unfortunately we bought our house at the end of the housing bubble when easy mortgage money was disappearing. We're not late on our mortgage, but the inflated payments make it a struggle with our other bills. Because Jim's income varies, some months are good and some are very tight.
Jim and I both ended up taking part time jobs to make ends meet. The result is we don't see each other that often. Our schedules are taking a toll on our marriage. It's not so much the companionship I miss, but the quality sex. I've always been a very sexual person. In college I took to the freedom of being away from home with vigor. I went through boyfriends on a regular basis. I kept the ones who really knew how to fuck around longer, but eventually I tired of them and moved on to a new conquest.
After I graduated I took my current job. I had a small apartment and was determined to concentrate on launching my career. My string of boyfriends continued until I met Jim. He was the most complete fit that I had ever met. He seemed to have an unquenchable thirst for sex. Although I had a rule to never bed a new man on the first date, with Jim I just fell into his arms and we have been together ever since.
Unfortunately as the money got tight and our schedules diverged, lack of time and energy meant our sex lives took a hit. We went from twice a day, once in the morning before work and once at night before going to bed, to just the mornings, to every couple of mornings to every couple of weekends. Worse yet, the quality of our lovemaking were also taking a hit. Jim, while generous, was treating our sex life as a chore to be endured instead of our previous celebrations of life. To say I was frustrated is an understatement. My dildo could give me a workout when I found the time and energy, but I needed a man's touch.
Of course I knew I could find a replacement for Jim easily. But I didn't want to cheat on him and as a husband he was a good man. I kept thinking that if we could just hang on, the economy would improve and things would be like they had been in the past. Fortunately when I was at my wits end, Jim had a huge sales month and his commission afforded us the opportunity for a getaway vacation. We were able to rent a small house just outside Rocky Mountain National Park for 5 nights. After the first couple of days of hiking and recharging our batteries, Jim and I were both like our old selves. We didn't leave the house for the next three days except to shop for food. Our romance was definitely rekindled.
Unfortunately the next month Jim's sales were down and we were back to struggling to make ends meet. Even worse, our sex life was non-existent. One night while I was home alone (Jim was at his second job) my neighbor Judy invited me over, an invitation I gladly accepted. Judy and Ron, her husband, were a couple of years older than Jim and me. They seemed to have an ideal marriage. We didn't know them that well, but we always got along with them when we interacted.
Judy said Ron was out of town and she was feeling lonely. She had a bottle of wine open and poured me a glass.
"I hate to drink alone," she said.
For the next couple of hours we drank and chatted like old friends. As the alcohol lowered our inhibitions, conversation turned more sexual in nature. Eventually I spilled the beans about my lack of sex problem. Judy just laughed.
"That's no problem. I can solve that," she commented.
My mind was a little cloudy, but I wondered if I just heard what I thought I heard.
"Listen Tina. Every woman needs a little help in the bedroom. Ron is great, but I still need to supplement him."
"What kind of supplement?" I asked hoping she wasn't talking about me.
"Sex toys silly. What did you think I meant?"
I stammered an answer that didn't make me sound like I thought she was cheating on Ron. She sounded like she didn't believe me. I was quick to change the subject and she was quick to open another bottle of wine. By the end of bottle two, my head was spinning. I told Judy I needed to head home. I knew Jim would be home in just over an hour and I wanted to get in bed so he wouldn't find me drunk. I stood on wobbly legs and started walking toward the door. As we were passing the stairs to the second floor, Judy not so subtlety pushed me toward the stairs.
"Before you leave I want to show you something."
In my wine fueled haze I was reluctant, but she was insistent and I found myself clutching the banister as she directed me to her bedroom. It was tastefully appointed and had a big walk in closet. There were three dressers, clothes racks and a large cloth covered recliner. I was getting nervous and I'm sure it showed. Judy commented on my obvious discomfort and told me to relax.
"Here, look at this," she said. "This is how we keep our bed fresh and I keep my pussy satisfied."
Even drunk I was shocked that she mentioned her pussy. I watched as Judy slid open the bottom drawer of the dresser. She pulled out a beautiful piece of lace lingerie.
"This is for when I'm sweet."
Then she shut that drawer and opened the next. It was filled with lingerie also, but it looked like leather and maybe even vinyl. She pulled out a stiff bra with holes cut out of the center.
"This is for when I'm naughty."
Shutting that drawer she moved onto the next. It was filled with all manner of dildos, vibrators and a short cylinder with nubs on the end a little bigger than a AA battery.
"This is for when Ron isn't home or can't get it up. I'll be in this drawer later tonight."
Finally moving onto the fourth drawer she showed me a collection of cuffs, blindfolds, a paddle, a crop and a thick black strap-on dildo.
"And this is for when I'm feeling extra kinky."
I just nodded my head, not sure of what to say.
"All I'm saying is I'd rather have Ron's dick, but that isn't always possible. Even when he is home, I cum much better with the aid of these."
She picked up the short cylinder and held it up for me to look at. "Go ahead and take it silly." She turned the base and it sprung to life. I held it in my hands. Its vibrations were powerful for its small size.
"You hold it perpendicular to your clit when your man is taking care of you. He'll feel the vibrations and it will drive you wild. I guarantee it. The only problem is it eats batteries. I had to buy recharables for it."
I turned off the devilish little toy and tried to and it back to her but she wouldn’t take it.
"Keep it. Try it when Jim gets home and tell me what you think tomorrow. I've got plenty of options for tonight."

If I was sober maybe I would have refused. That would have been the safe thing. But I didn't. I took my new friend home and headed to the bedroom. I hate to admit it, maybe it was the wine, but watching Judy describe her toy collection had turned me on. I was desperate to try the tiny vibrator. I stripped off my clothes and jumped in my bed. Reaching down my fingers confirmed what I already knew. I was wet. I opened the drawer in my bedside table and retrieved my dildo. I usually used it only after Jim fell asleep if he hadn't made me orgasm. Occasionally I used it when he was working late, but I always felt guilty. Tonight I didn't feel remorse, guilt or any other hang up as I slid my dildo into my dripping pussy.

Oh, it felt so good. Jim hadn't given me his cock for at least a week and who knew how he would feel when he got home. I didn't want to chance he would be too tired for me so I began fucking myself in earnest. When I was good and worked up, I turned the small vibrator Judy had given me back on. My clit was engorged and peaking out of its hood. Its first contact with the tiny buzzer was almost shocking, in a good way. I buzzed myself several times, each time removing the vibrator quickly although holding it on my clit longer each time.
Finally my body adjusted to the sensation and I was able to hold it directly over my clit while I continued to bang away at my pussy with the dildo. Judy was right. It was heavenly. I had used a vibrator a couple of times in college but I forgot what having a powerful toy could do for me. Soon I was thrashing on the bed and then gloriously cumming. It was the best climax I had since we went on vacation a few months earlier. I lay in the bed glowing until I heard the garage door open.
Damn, I had forgotten about Jim. I jumped up and put both toys in my drawer. I grabbed a robe out of our bathroom and wrapped it around my hot, naked body. I ran downstairs and found Jim in the kitchen. I purposely left the sash of the robe open so he would have easy access to my body. With the robe blowing open and my breasts flapping, I ran into the kitchen and wrapped him in my arms.
"Take me to bed or lose me forever!" I shouted.
I pushed him against the wall and planted a passionate kiss on him before he could react. Fortunately the story doesn't end with him rejecting me. He did take me to bed and he did make love to me. I used the little vibrator on my clit while he was inside of me and he was inspired by its sensations. I came twice more before he deposited his load. I had to get one of these toys for myself.

The next morning Jim was up and out of the house early. I had a few minutes before I would have to drag myself to the shower in order to make it to work on time. As a result, I enjoyed another fine round of self pleasure with my new friend. My life attitude was definitely improving.
That night I had to work my second job so it was late before I was heading home. I stopped at 7-11 and picked up a package of overpriced batteries. I figured it was the least I could do for Judy. I didn't get home until 11 and all the lights were out in the house. Jim must have already been asleep. I looked over at Judy's house and several lights were still shining. I contemplated returning her toy but decided it was too late. I also didn't want to risk having to explain myself to her husband in case he was back from his trip.
I went into my house and up to the bedroom. Jim was snoring fast asleep. I went into the bathroom and peeled off my dirty clothes. I took a quick shower and then crawled into bed warm and naked. I thought of my dildo and of the vibrator, but sleep overtook me before I chose to act on my urge.

The next night Jim and I both worked our second jobs, but they sent me home early because they were slow. Seeing Judy's lights on I decided to stop over. She appeared happy to see me and I thanked her for letting me use her wonderful toy. I was secretly hoping she would let me borrow something else, but instead she invited me to a toy party at her house on Saturday.
"What's a toy party?" I asked. I had visions of women sitting around using toys on themselves and I really wasn't into that scene.
"Actually I got all my toys from the same place. There's a woman I know who sells sex toys door-to-door."
"Really, door-to-door?" I said with disbelief.
"Well not really. She has a website and she also sells via hostess parties like I'm having Saturday. It's kind of like a Tupperware party only we call it Fuckerware."
"I'm not sure I understand," I said.
"Suzy, my friend, brings samples of what she sells on the website to somebody's house. That person invites some friends she thinks will be open to and benefit from the subject matter. You get great pricing because she doesn't have a retail location requiring a big mark-up and you get to look at the toys in a non-threatening location."
"That all sounds innocent enough," I commented.
"Just to warn you, it's not all innocent. Not that we're going to force you to do anything, but sometimes a woman wants to test the merchandise. Suzy brings a few 'demo' models and sometimes either lets you borrow one in the privacy of a bedroom or even demonstrates on herself."
Things were starting to get weird, but I told Judy I would attend. After all I could always leave and Jim was working anyway. The rest of the week I thought about the party and how I would react. I was certainly sexually open and I really liked her little vibrator. I knew I wanted to at least buy that one, but what else would she bring? Would the other women in attendance be 'normal' or was Judy inviting a bunch of degenerates? Is that what she thought of me? No, I was normal and Judy seemed normal enough. I decided it was just a gathering of liberated women who wanted pleasure. At least that is what I told myself.

Saturday finally came. Jim had to work from noon to 8. The party was at 2 so I figured I would have plenty of time to try out my new toys. I debated what to wear to the party. It seemed like I should wear a skirt in case I was inspired to try a toy, but I didn't want to seem too obvious. I decided on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. At the last minute I almost changed my mind, but at 2pm I walked next door. There were at least 8 cars parked in front of Judy's house. I rang the door bell and she let me in.
"Thanks for coming Tina," she said and gave me a big hug. "Let me introduce you."
Judy walked me around the room introducing me to a series of women. Most we around our age and had wedding rings on their fingers. I've never been good with names but I made it a point to remember Suzy, the sales lady. I was also introduced to Faith. She lived a few houses to the north of Judy and Ron. I had seen her in the neighborhood but we had never met. As she shook my hand I was struck by how firm her handshake was. She was solid like an athlete. She wasn't curvy and she wasn't classically beautiful. She struck me as powerful and I wondered if she lifted weights.
Judy said there were two other people expected so we stood around and chatted until they arrived. Everyone was very friendly and the atmosphere was definitely casual. Judy had several bottles of wine open and everybody had a couple of glasses except Suzy. When it was time to get down to business, we formed a circle around the living room. Suzy began with a description of her company and her philosophy on women's pleasure. Her theory was that for too long women had suppressed their own sexual pleasure and sex was something to be celebrated not condemned. Whether alone or with a partner, a woman should be able to do whatever she wanted to find her pleasure zone. Of course that met with great satisfaction to the assembled group.
Suzy lifted a large case onto the coffee table and opened it up. Inside were about 6 dildos and vibrators neatly held in high density foam. I also spied the little vibrator Judy had let we borrow, the one thing I knew I wanted to buy. All of the women leaned forward and began to pay more attention. Suzy picked out the first vibrator and began to talk about its quality construction for years of dependability. She went on to describe each toy in detail and passed them around the group. The women were examining the toys like you would examine a fruit or vegetable at the store before you bought it. Some were weighing them in their hands comparing the relative merits of the models and speculating on which would was better suited to their purpose.
After showing everything in that case, Suzy pulled out a catalog. "Of course I can't bring everything I represent with me, but I can get you whatever you need."
I didn't have a toy in my hand at that moment so I gestured to get the catalog. I had never seen such a selection in my life. There was every size, shape and color imaginable. I had no idea how somebody was supposed to choose. I was engrossed in looking at the catalog and not paying attention in the least when one of the women asked Suzy for a demonstration. I looked up just as Suzy was opening another case, also filled with vibrators.
"I keep these as demonstration models," she said. "They all get cleaned after each party so you don't have to worry about hygiene."
A woman, I didn't remember her name, picked a large vibrator and walked up to Judy. She whispered something in her ear and Judy said "up the stairs" and pointed out of the living room. The woman casually walked out and the demonstration continued.
Suzy opened a third case. This one was different. I wasn't even sure what all the things were. As Suzy explained about the items I learned about nipple suckers, clit suckers, magic wands, Ben WA balls, chastity belts and more. I'm sure I was not the only one who found this arousing. I know that because just as the first woman was returning with the borrowed vibrator, another one of my neighbors, Lisette, I think, a young blonde who had just moved into the subdivision, grabbed a different model and walked out of the room.
My pussy was starting to feel very warm and I now regretted wearing the jeans. They were very tight and the crotch was rubbing my pussy every time my weight shifted in the chair. Like the dildos and vibrators had been, this case of toys was passed around for inspection and another catalog followed. The room seemed to be getting warmer as Suzy asked for volunteers to model some lingerie.
I looked around the room and only one hand was up. It was Judy's. Suzy excused herself and walked out with Judy and a suitcase. They disappeared upstairs and the rest of us sat silently. The only sound to break the silence was Lisette returning to the room. She definitely had the look of someone who had been masturbating.
"This thing is incredible. You girls have to try it," she said.
About that time Suzy returned. "Judy will be down in a minute. I wish somebody else would volunteer so you could see more, but we'll be fine."
Suzy busied herself passing out lingerie catalogs and then I saw Judy descending the stairs. She was dressed in a black merry widow, thigh high stockings and 4" stiletto pumps. She looked incredibly sexy. I didn't remember ever thinking of another woman that way. Maybe it was the tension in my jeans or maybe it was the entire atmosphere of being around the toys, but I felt my pussy gush a little when she entered the room.
Judy toured the group while Suzy described why her lingerie was superior to what you buy in name brand stores like Victoria's Secret. What she was saying made sense, although when I looked at the prices in the catalog, I questioned whether it made that much sense. The group of women seemed apprehensive about having Judy model in front of them. I wondered if it was because they were all having the same feelings between their legs that I was having or whether it was something else. Judy modeled 4 other outfits that afternoon and by the end of the show all I could think about was getting home and getting my hand in my pants.
I tried to estimate how much money Suzy took in that afternoon. It was considerable. Most of the toys she had "in stock" in her SUV as well as some of the lingerie. The rest she had to order with a promise to deliver within a week. I felt I needed to apologize that all I could afford was my new small sleek vibrator to replace the one I had borrowed from Judy. Suzy told me not to worry
about it. If I wanted to host a party I could earn more toys and if I wanted to model, I could do better still. I told her I'd think about it, but I really intended just to save my money. I didn't think I could show myself off like Judy had done.

I walked back home. I wanted to run but I was afraid somebody from the party would see me. Once inside the house, though, I made a beeline to our bedroom and quickly shed my clothes. My orgasms were quick to arrive and quick to depart. I knew I wasn't satisfied but with Jim due home, I figured I'd have to wait. After a light dinner, I practically ****d Jim. He performed well, but my mind was on Judy modeling the lingerie. I didn't know why that was what I pictured, but I was imagining her taking off her lingerie and beckoning me to come to her. Jim and I both climaxed at the same time, but I had to wonder what he would do if he knew I was thinking about my sexy neighbor while I did.

Our work schedules continued to be chaotic and nights like that one were few and far between. Luckily my happiness buzzer was keeping me sane, although it was starting to lose its appeal. I knew I needed something fresh and exciting. I called Suzy to host a party, but I really didn't know enough people who would attend to make it profitable for her. She continued to press me to be a model. I couldn't tell her that the primary reason I was uncomfortable was I had been secretly fantasizing about Judy and I didn't want other women thinking of me that way.

Being the good sales person that she is, Suzy persuaded me to come to her office, her house actually, and see more samples. She said I could try them on and "test" model them in private to get over my uneasiness. She told me that Judy had earned $300 worth of merchandise at her party. Suzy told me she had a big party scheduled for a bridal shower in three weeks. She would give me 5% of the receipts in cash if I modeled or 10% in product trade. I wanted to do it. I certainly needed the money or if I took products instead I would be set for the foreseeable future. I agreed to visit Suzy and learn more.

Two days later I was sitting drinking tea in Suzy's living room. She lived in a nice house which was tastefully decorated. After some getting to know you chit chat, Suzy escorted me to the basement where she ran the business. The basement was finished like a rec room except for rack upon rack of shelves stocked with every sex toy imaginable. There were three free standing wardrobes full of lingerie, a small stage with lights and a stripper pole, a sex swing hanging from the ceiling and a bed. It took several moments of me standing open mouthed before she spoke.
"It's a little overwhelming."
I had to agree. I never expected the quantity of her operation. Suzy explained she does at least 3 shows a week and usually 4. It got grueling since she had to fill the orders from the shows and website all day and then be out a few nights a week at the parties, but she was clearing about half a million in sales each year off the web and about half that in party sales. As the only full time employee she was earning about $300,000. I start doing the math in my head. 5% of party receipts times a couple of hundred thousand... Modeling could be the answer to my money dilemma.
Apparently Suzy could see the wheels spinning in my head. She told me that to be a successful model for her, my job would be to turn on the guests and get them in a sexy, buying mood, much as Judy had done. She explained I would have to be comfortable modeling the lingerie and handling the toys, although she wouldn't require me to demonstrate the toys. Of course, at some parties, the women get a little wild and they will request demonstrations. It would be entirely up to me whether to accept those requests.
"I will tell you, I had a model that was more than happy to show off her masturbation skills to a bunch of repressed housewives. She was an exhibitionist at heart, but I also think she liked teasing them. Once she got herself off, whatever vibrator she was using would fly off the shelf. I usually made twice as much money those weeks. I always gave her a healthy bonus after those parties because I knew she was responsible for the sales. Most parties don't get that crazy, but I can guarantee you will be propositioned at some of them. What do you think?"
I paused. The money sounded great, but I didn't know if I could do it. I explained my apprehension and Suzy was very calm and reassuring.
"Look Tina. You are a beautiful woman and I think you could do very well. But you have to get over shyness. That would fly if you were hosting the party. Heck it might even help because your friends know what you are like and it would feel genuine. But if we're working as a team, you need to not be nervous and really sell the product."
I told her I understood and was willing to try.

"OK," she said. "Let's start with having you try on a modest nightie. Take your clothes off."
Suzy left no wiggle room in her command. I looked around for a changing room, but I didn't see one. Suzy wasn't paying attention to me. She was hunting through the wardrobe. So I quickly dispatched my clothes and placed them, neatly folded, on the table. I was standing in my bra and panties when she returned with a long, flowing house gown.
"You can keep the panties for this one, but lose the bra."
Suzy's eyes were locked on mine as I unhooked my bra leaving my breasts to dangle free. Suzy took my bra and placed it on the table with the rest of my clothes and helped me slide into the house gown. She tugged and pinched the gown trying to get it to hang properly.
"You'll need to learn how to dress yourself since you will not have help at the party, but today I'll help because I need to learn how to fit you."
I stood looking at my reflection in the mirror behind the stage. The gown wasn't fitting right and Suzy looked upset. She kept trying to adjust it. In the process she kept touching my sensitive spots. Several times she "accidentally" brushed against my breasts trying to get the material to hang right. Instantly my nipples began to harden which was probably the look she was going for.
Eventually she gave up with a dejected huff. "This one just isn't going to fit. I need to measure you."
Suzy pulled off the gown leaving me standing there naked, except for my panties. She pulled a tape measure out from a desk drawer along with a pad of paper. Height, weight, inseam, arm and leg length, waist size, bust size, hips, calves, you name it, she measured it. Her fingers were constantly touching me. Not in a sexual way, per say, she was cool and professional, but my body didn't know that. My body was responding in kind. My pussy was lubricating and my nipples were hard as rocks. When Suzy knelt down in front of me to measure my inseam, I spread my legs a little bit to give her room to place the measuring tape. In doing so, my pussy came in contact with the back of her hand. I'm sure she could tell I was wet and although even though I couldn't smell myself, I'm sure at the close range of her head's position, she could. I shiver ran through my body as I gave into the eroticism of the moment.

Standing there naked in front of the fully clothed Suzy was my worst nightmare. My body was responding in ways I could not control. Suzy remained detached and professional which was driving me crazy. Part of me wanted to flee and part of me wanted her to throw me down and fuck me, but my body was frozen on the spot unable to move to either extreme. Suzy returned with a red leather corset that she swore would fit me better. She had me remove my panties. Her hands continued to tantalize my flesh as she helped me into it. Once again she brushed my nipples as she positioned the corset's cups around my breasts. She seemed to be taking pride in teasing me as she laced the garment ever tighter forcing my breasts to swell upward and out giving me a massive cleavage and pulling the tight crease of the corset's crotch strap deeper and deeper in between my pussy lips. In the end the garment was so tight I struggled to breathe as Suzy left me staring at myself in the mirror while she retrieved some shoes.
I looked at the vision in the mirror. It wasn't me. It was some sex crazed bimbo on the prowl. My pussy was soaking. Even if Suzy had not noticed before, the corset was going to be wet when she took it off of me. Visions of having to buy the corset and wear it home to avoid detection flooded my mind. I knew I couldn't afford it, though, and where would I wear such a garment? I'd scare Jim off if I wore this in the bedroom, I chuckled to myself.
Suzy returned with a pair of red leather stilettos to match my corset. Fuck Me Pumps were all I could think as she steadied my wobbly legs enough to slip them on.
"Walk for me. Let's see if you can model this one."

I teetered across the stage unable to take my eyes off the reflection in the mirror. I could see Suzy smiling as she watched. Although I had worn heels this high before, the constricting nature of the corset required me to take very small steps. Whenever I took a normal step, the binding of the crotch put incredible pressure on my clit. I gasped at the first step and had to fight to keep from losing control. Slowly I became more sure footed. As I walked back and forth across the stage Suzy kept calling out suggestions, or were they commands, on how to strut and "show off the merchandise." I wasn't sure if she was talking about me or the corset. My mind was swirling with lust as the corset continued to rub my sensitive naughty bits in the most arousing ways. Suzy continued to bark orders and pull on the edges of the corset, and my breasts, nipples, ass and pussy, in the supposed cause of making sure it fit "just right." I was quickly losing control and about to give into my lust and simply start masturbating when Suzy announced that was enough for the corset. She helped me off the stage and started unlacing the garment.
My body was hot with a mixture of sweat and love juice as Suzy peeled the offending garment from my body. The crotch of the corset suck to my pussy lips until Suzy peeled it way, a dark stain of moisture confirmed what we both knew to be the truth. I slumped into a chair. I was breathing hard, my torso finally released from the constriction of the corset. My pussy was throbbing and my legs were splayed wide. I had started to come back to my senses and again my conscious mind told me to grab my clothes and get out of there while my lust fueled subconscious told me to just give in and finger fuck myself.

Suzy hung the corset back on the clothes rack and pulled off a baby doll nightie. This could not have been more different from the corset. It was silk, soft and hung gently from my curves. Once again Suzy brushed my sensitive areas, driving me wild, as she fit the garment to my body. Once again Suzy had me strut in front of the mirror while giving me instructions on how to move and even pout for erotic effect. My arousal was even more in overdrive by the time I finished modeling the nightie. Suzy stopped the pretense of ignoring my overheated state and told me there was nothing wrong with enjoying my job. That was how her clothes were supposed to make a woman feel. I wanted to tell her it wasn't the clothes, but the situation. But I just nodded instead unable to admit the truth in public. Suzy stripped off the nightie and once again I was naked in front of her. My urge to masturbate was even stronger this time and as she turned her back to me to hang the nightie back up I discretely gave my clit a quick rub. The shock it sent through my body was exquisite and I shivered in pleasure. Of course Suzy turned around too soon and caught me with my finger near my cookie jar. She didn't seem offended or upset, but I turned bright red with embarrassment.

"You're blushing is cute, but don't worry about it honey. I've got just what you need."
What I needed was one of her dildos, my fingers, heck her fingers, anything for a couple of minutes so I could cum. What I got was much, much more.
"I don't bring this item to most of the parties. It's a bit much for some people, but I think you'll like it."
My girl juice was dripping from my wanton pussy and my nipples were hard beyond belief. Suzy opened a cabinet and I saw her pull out a pair of black panties. I could tell the material was not cloth. She also pulled out a case which had been on the shelf next to them. She brought the garment over to me.
"This is a very special toy. I guarantee you will have one of the best orgasms of your life with it. Want to try?"
I looked at the panty and took it from her hand. It was made of vinyl, I think. It was full size and looked like it would fit very tight. Around the waistband was a thin zipper and in the crotch were three sets of metal contacts. To say I was confused is an understatement. Suzy opened the case and explained how the panties work.
"These panties are $300 bucks which is a tough sell. Hidden in the waistband is a series of 12 watch batteries. They are thin, fairly cheap and provide about 12 hours of power if used properly."
"Power? Power for what?" I asked.
Suzy turned the case around. Inside were 10 attachments of differing shapes and sizes. Suzy explained that the accessories clip onto the metal contacts which provide power and control to vibrators housed in each one. There were 3 different sized and shape butt plugs, 2 g-spot shaped vibrators and 3 regular shaped vibrators for your pussy and 2 more for direct clitoral stimulation. I looked at the collection and they seemed shaped to either fill a woman up or to be worn all day. Suzy then pulled a remote control out of the case.
"After putting on the panty, you decide what kind of stimulation you want. You can control each of the three vibrator locations individually, program the panty to rotate which is on, turn on randomly with various amounts of power or my personal favorite, a long slow tease."
I was not in the mood for a tease, but I was intrigued by what that meant.
"In tease mode the panty chooses at random which vibrator to turn on and for how long. But it only uses the lowest setting. You can get half a day out of the batteries on this mode. The panties are tight enough that you will not leak around the edges. That's a good thing because you will be hotter than you ever have been before. I usually wear a pair when I'm having a party because it keeps me focused on sex and wearing this under your clothes is an incredible turn-on. Of course as soon as I'm back in the car I have to hit the full power button on the remote. I always cum within moments."
I wondered who would create such a device, but in my sexually charged state, I had to try them.
"Can I try them?" I asked. I then shamefully admitted that I really needed to cum.
"I know you do sweetie. That's what my company is all about. Of course you can try them."
Suzy picked out three attachments. The smallest butt plug and the smaller clitoral stimulator were first. I balked at the plug.
"Um, Suzy, I don't do anal," I told her emphatically.
"Girl, you don't know what you're missing. But that's cool. The panties know when nothing is connected to the third contact. You actually can stretch the battery life by running with only one or two attachments. I do need to find your g-spot, however so I can choose the right pussy vibrator."
I was still processing what she just said when I saw her hand, two fingers outstretched reach toward my unprotected sex. For the first time another woman's fingers entered my pussy before I had a chance to react. I shiver raced from my feet, through my pussy, up my spine and into my head as she expertly probed my pussy searching for my most sensitive spot. She was an expert, I'll give her that. I had a strong urge to urinate as her finger tapped the mushy tissue around my g-spot. I felt my legs go weak as she moved her fingers around searching for my arousal core. I had to wrap my arms around her neck to keep from falling over and I felt a fresh gush of juice coat her fingers.
"That's the spot. You need a number 3. It will have you climbing the walls before you blast off."
I heard Suzy's voice, but I was too busy trying to hump her hand, wordlessly trying to convince her to leave her fingers where they were for just a few moments longer. Alas she pulled her glistening fingers out and then holding them up for me to see.
"You are definitely ready for an advanced toy."
I watched as Suzy pulled the number 3 vibrator out of the case. It was thin and not very long. Perhaps 3.5 inches long and at most .75 inches around. It was curved, however, and Suzy assured me it would fit just right. Suzy put the vibrator in front of my mouth and told me to lick it to warm it up. I felt debased as I sucked it into my mouth as if it was my husband, but I didn't care. 15 seconds later it was being slid, with absolutely no resistance I might add, into my pussy and was then twisted into position. The simple contact with my g-spot was enough to make me climb the walls.
"Calm down little one. We're almost done."

Suzy then grabbed the clitoral vibrator. It was a thin round bar about two inches long and perhaps half an inch in diameter. It snapped into the front of the panty. Apparently the metal contacts were magnetic. Suzy pulled the g-spot vibrator back out of my pussy and sent me to the bathroom to relieve myself where I had to resist the urge to masturbate. Suzy then had me step into the panties and she guided them up my legs. When they were up to me knees, she reinserted the g-spot vibrator. The panties were tighter than any other pair I had ever worn and I was thankful she was there to help me.
Suzy had to stand behind me and pull the panties from both sides to get over my hips. As a result I had to bend forward a bit to facilitate the lift. I felt like a bitch dog in heat. I was already penetrated and now a woman I hardly knew was pulling the most restrictive panty I'd ever seen up my legs with a promise to make me cum harder than I ever had before.
Finally the panty was almost in place. Suzy took care to reseat the g-spot vibrator in the proper location and again I almost came just from that. I heard that vibrator click onto the panty's middle connection and with a final tug, they were on. The clit bar was seated perfectly over my swollen nub. My release would be soon and I was ready.
I looked at Suzy who was holding the remote. I watched as she pushed a button and instantly both vibrators sprung to life. Just as quickly my knees buckled and I slumped to the floor convulsing in a quivering orgasm. As I lay moaning on the floor I looked back up at Suzy who pressed another button and the vibrations seemed to double in intensity. My body was wracked with another wave of pleasure as the g-spot vibrator worked its magic. I felt like I was going to lose bladder control and grabbed the front of the panty with both hands.
"No more! Turn it off!" I screamed.
Just as quickly as it had turned on, the vibrations stopped. The quivering in my body did not as I continued to roll on the floor as the orgasmic shock waves continued to caress my body. Slowly I came back to Earth and saw Suzy smiling at me.
"It's a shame you didn't let me continue. That urge to pee is what happens right before you have a g-spot orgasm. You were about to squirt."
"I've never felt like that before. It was amazing," I replied.
"If you'll let me, I can get you back there and take you further."
What was there to think about? "Hell yes," I said.

I assumed Suzy would just turn on the vibrators again, but instead Suzy helped me to my feet and began pulling off the panty. Although it had successfully held back my juices, the smell released was overpowering. Again I was embarrassed, but Suzy assured me there was no reason to be.
Suzy pulled the panty down just to my thighs and then went back to the case and retrieved the smaller butt plug. "You have to try this," she said. "Trust me."
Whether I trusted her or not was not an issue. My body was like clay waiting to be molded by her and I submissively bent over one of her tables as she applied a generous amount of lube to my ass and the plug. She told me to relax, easy enough in my aroused state, and in it went. Then up came the panties and I heard the telltale click of both vibrators connecting themselves. I gingerly stood back up. Even though I had the small plug in my backside, it felt huge. Suzy gave a quick push of a button, and it sprung to life for about 5 seconds. Then she turned it off. It was a different feeling. I had never had those nerves stimulated in a sexual way and it felt good. Whatever Suzy had planned, I was going to go along willingly.
Suzy looked at her watch. "I didn't realize it was so late. How about some lunch?"
"Um, can I put my clothes back on?" I asked.
"Do you want an even bigger orgasm? Do you trust me?" she queried.
I knew the answer to the first question was an unqualified yes. As to the second, I wasn't so sure.
"First, let's get you a new bra," she began.
Suzy opened a draw full of lacy undergarments. She rooted around for a minute and pulled out a full coverage push-up. Normally I wear a demi cup so I can show a little cleavage and I was surprised she had chosen a more conservative model. When she wrapped it around my chest, I saw I was mistaken. From a distance the bra looked normal, but up close I saw the cut-outs for my nipples. As Suzy pulled the bra tight, I also realized she picked one at least two sizes too small. As my breasts were squeezed into the cups, out popped my nipples and most of my areolas. Beyond the exposures, the texture of the bra on the areola seemed itchy.
"That's better. It will keep your mind off your pussy," she beamed.
Suzy went back to the rack and pulled off a pale yellow sundress. This confused me more than the bra.
"I call this outfit the tease collection. It's not about showing you off, it's about getting you off."
I didn't understand until she slipped the dress over my head. It was very loose fitting and slid down my body easily. I was expecting the dress to be more form fitting, but it moved effortlessly, almost flowing across my body. The key, I quickly realized was a band of rough material sown in the inside across the chest of the dress. The first time the position of the dress shifted across my distended nipples, a shock went through my body. I was now setup for four locations of discrete stimulation. I looked at Suzy with concern.
"Don't worry, baby. You look great and I know you're going to love this. Now, let's get lunch."

I figured we would walk upstairs for sandwiches, but Suzy deftly guided me into the garage and then into the car. Walking up the stairs, my nipples began screaming for attention as the dress rubbed them in all the right ways. The butt plug was also dancing its stimulating dance in my ass as I climbed the stairs and the vibrator kept poking my newly discovered happy point. And they were not even on yet. I was practically shaking with desire. I knew I should call a quit to this game, but I couldn't.
I passively sat down in Suzy's SUV and buckled the seat belt. She got in on the other side and before she pulled out of the garage, she pulled the panty remote out of her purse. I had almost forgotten about it.
"We're just going a few miles into town for lunch. I know a great little restaurant on a lake. I'll put you on random so you can enjoy the ride."
I watched her click the button and the clit vibrator sprang to life. It was an intense buzz, about as hard and fast as I had felt before. And then it stopped. I looked at Suzy with a pleading look in my eyes. Then the butt plug fired. Not as strong, or maybe I just am less sensitive there. Again it was for just a few seconds. A minute later the clit vibrator and g-spot vibrators both sprang to life simultaneously and both very strong. I couldn't suppress the moan they caused. And so it went. Between every 15 seconds to a minute, one or more of the vibrators would jump to life. The position and intensity kept changing keeping me off guard. I was a mess by the time we reached the parking lot. My hands were busy cupping my breasts and rubbing my nipples through the dress. My pussy was spasming and I'm sure leaking its love juice into the panty, but the stimulation wasn't long enough to let me climax. I hated myself for giving such power to Suzy, but I loved her for seizing the opportunity.

Suzy parked in a parking lot about a block off the lake. As we pulled in to relative privacy, I begged her to let me cum.
"I told you it would be better than the one you had at my house. You're not ready yet."
"I'll do anything you want," I begged again. After a pregnant pause, "I'll even lick your pussy!"
"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not gay," she replied. "I'm just trying to teach you why my business is special. I learned from my own experiences what women want and need to achieve their best orgasms and I've turned that into a successful business. I could tell from the party that you just needed someone to give you a little push and break down your hang-ups about your own sexuality."
"So why can't I cum?" I asked.
"Don't worry, you will. But you need a little more seasoning first."
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. As I stepped out of the car, the butt plug shifted into high gear and I almost lost my balance. I looked back to Suzy.
"I don't think I can do this. I'll never make it. I'll cum in front of everybody."
"Would that be a bad thing, Tina?"
"Um, yeah. I'm not some exhibitionist slut. Just let me cum here to take the edge off."
"Or you could take the panties off. That would work too."
The tone of her voice and the stern look on her face convinced me that I was going to continue wearing the panties and if I couldn’t control myself, I’d be cumming in public.
"Alright, let's go. Where's this restaurant?"
"One second and we're off."
I watched as Suzy pressed a couple of buttons on the remote and then set it on the front seat and lock the car. Ever so gently I felt the vibes all turn on. They were not buzzing very fast. They were almost gentle and very quiet. I figured this was the tease mode she had spoken of.
"Now we are ready. Let's go."

Suzy led the way as we walked down to the lake. It was a beautiful day and the park area was teaming with life. I didn't remember any restaurants on the lakefront, but food was the least of my concerns. The vibrators, although hardly on, were hitting all the right spots as I walked and the wind was blowing my dress rubbing my now highly sensitive nipples. The sensations were strong, but I knew they wouldn't be enough to let me cum.
Suzy led me for a nice walk along the lake. I'm sure in the sun, the pale dress would be at least semi-transparent and I was sure my nipples were being prominently displayed, but I didn't look down to confirm what my body was telling me. I'm sure the men jogging in the park were getting an eyeful, but all I could concentrate on was the sexual energy coursing through my body. Again I offered myself to Suzy. I'd be her playing if she just let me cum.
She mocked me saying I was a married woman and she didn't want to take advantage of me. She reminded me that her company was about teaching women to enjoy themselves and helping them be more intimate with their partners. I told her that was exactly what I wanted. To be intimate with her. She just chuckled. I couldn't believe she was turning down my offer. I knew I was more turned on than I ever had been before. I was willing to do anything she asked. Anything. And she rejected me.
After about a mile walk through the park we turned back up a side street and Suzy escorted me into a small bistro. It was dark and romantic. I saw many couples enjoying romantic lunches and wondered how many of them were cheating on their spouses. I'd never cheated on Jim before, but anybody in that restaurant who asked could have had me. We sat down in a booth, the motion pushed the plug further up my ass.
"I'm never going to make it Suzy."
"Trust me Tina. I know what I'm doing. I've reeducated many unhappy housewives. If I didn’t leave the remote in the car you would eventually convince me to turn up the panties. You'd be screaming your head off worse than Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. You wouldn't want to make a scene do you?"
I quickly shut up. The waitress appeared. She was a young thing. Probably 18 and just out of high school. I heard Suzy ordering a salad but all I could concentrate on was the fit of her uniform. I was in my own world staring at the girl until Suzy snapped her fingers in front of my face. I apologized for my lack of attention (to the menu not to the waitress) and just told her to bring two. I didn't know what I ordered.
Suzy kept talking about her business and how she thought I was perfect to be a model. I was able to keep enough attention to hold a conversation, but I'm not sure if I made any sense. My mind was on the fire in my loins and the lusty stares I was giving the other patrons and they were giving me. All the while the panty kept happily buzzing away keeping me on the edge of a massive climax but not letting me get there.
Lunch was uneventful, if you can call sitting in public while your pussy sautés itself uneventful. Did the waitress keep coming over to look at my nipples or was she just being attentive. Did all the men want to fuck me or was my mind just losing its grip on reality? As we walked back to the car was Suzy's arm around my waist to steady me or was this part of her master plan to seize control of my body? Finally we reached the car.
"You've done exceptionally well Tina. You've been on simmer for over an hour. I'll give you a choice. We can go home and I'll turn the panties on full. You can have the biggest, loudest orgasm of your life in the privacy of my basement in about half an hour."

"Yes. Please let's go," I quickly agreed.
"Not so fast. The cost of that option is I'm turning the panties back on random for the drive home. Only this time I'll select level 2. I will not tell you what else that adds, but I'm pretty sure you'll like it. Oh, and you have to take your dress off too and ride home in just the panties and bra."
"What's my other choice?"
"That one's even more fun. We walk back to the park. We find a nice spot near the jogging path and the panty blows your mind at the most inopportune moment. You'll still get the biggest orgasm of your life, but this time it will not be so private. Unless of course you can keep yourself quiet."

There was no way I would be quiet and once again I hated myself for being in this situation. Suzy held my orgasm, literally, in the palm of her hand with the remote. She could make me cum with the push of a button. So far she had not demanded anything in return choosing not to use the power she held over me except to tease me beyond belief. I knew my body couldn't take much more of these panties, but could it hold out for another half an hour and spare me the embarrassment of cuming in front of a group of strangers? Would Suzy even let me cum in half an hour or was this part of some master plan to make me even more vulnerable to some diabolical secret agenda she had?
"Back to your house," I said.
I sat down in the SUV and bucked my seatbelt.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked.
I looked at her for a moment and the unbuckled the seatbelt. I got back out of the car and after carefully looking around the parking lot I pulled the dress over my head."
"Just toss it in the back," she commanded.
As I did she told me she changed her mind and to have the bra join it. This wasn't part of the deal, but I wasn't going to argue semantics. Soon I was buckled back in the seat, naked except for my high heels and the torture panties as I decided to call them.

"OK, now for part two and we can go."
I looked at Suzy but saw only amusement in her expression. I'm sure she was laughing inside about how easy it had been to convert me into a sex crazed pervert.
"Open the glove box. There is a small opaque container. Pull it out."
I did. Inside were eight adhesive patches. They looked like what a doctor uses when you get an EKG.
"Two of the pads go on your breasts just above your nipples and two just below. The other four go on your thighs on either side of your pussy and just above your pussy on your waist. Then connect the four pads on your breasts with the short wires and do the same on the pussy pads."
It took me a couple of minutes to figure out how the wires clipped into the pads. Suzy then took a longer wire and ran it from my left breast into a plug in the waistband of the panty. She did the same for my thigh and waist pads with a shorter wire. As she was bent over with the wires I wanted to just grab her head and force her to lick my pussy, but I knew the panty would not allow any contact except by its diabolical devices. Connections complete, Suzy leaned back up. Reaching into the glove box for another small opaque case she pulled out two small clear cylinders and a syringe. She gave the first cylinder a lick around the open end and pressed my right nipple into it. Using the syringe she then began to draw the air out of it pulling my nipple deeply into the cylinder. My breath was coming short and quick as I tried to adjust to this new sensation. It was a mix of pain and pleasure intensified as she completed the same treatment on my left nipple. Finally she started the car, I hoped to her house and the climax I had been begging to receive.
Just before we pulled out, she spoke. "You could have already cum, but I admire your resolve. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."
With that and a few more pushes of the buttons on the remote, the vibrators sprang back to life. Faster than she had they set in the restaurant, but I knew not fast enough to let me cum. As I had been for the last two hours, my mind was awash with thoughts of how to hasten my climax. As if she had been reading my mind, Suzy stopped at the entrance to the parking lot and unbuckled my seat belt.
"I know how women like you think. Get the third box out of the glove compartment."
I was too far gone to argue. I did was she asked. This box was bigger. Opening it I found a blindfold and a set of handcuffs. Finally her game was at hand."
"I forgot about part three of your choice to cum at my house. I don't want you pulling off the nipple suckers so cuff your hands behind your back. The blindfold will let you concentrate on what you are feeling."
I took a deep breath. As kinky as the day had been, if I had the strength, or weakness, to do what she asked, our relationship would never be the same. Just then an electric shock rocked my breasts and thighs and the clit vibrator turned on full for just the briefest of moments. My torso contracted throwing me forward. I rebounded back against the seat as a surge of lust flew through my body.
"I've got to cum. You win. Take me to the park. I'll cum wherever you say!"
But Suzy just looked at me as if to say I had made my choice and now had to live with the consequences. I pulled the blindfold over my eyes and snapped one of the cuffs on my wrist.
"Behind your back please... Here I'll help."
I felt the second cuff click into place. My submission complete. My mind gone. My body's actions controlled by lust. I then felt the seatbelt being clicked back in place and the car began to move. The trip home seemed to take much longer as I was denied my eyesight. There seemed to be more turns although it could have just been my inability to concentrate on anything other than the electric shocks and vibrations coursing through my body. Finally the car stopped and I felt the seatbelt being removed.

"We're here Tina. You've made it."
"Great, get this stuff off of me."
"Of course. Let me help you out of the car."
No, that wasn't what I meant. I heard her door open and shut and then mine. I felt Suzy's hand grip my arm as she began to pull me out of the car. I could feel grass through the open toe of my high heels. We were not in her garage.
"What the fuck!?! Where are we?"
"We're at my home just as I had promised."
I felt myself being led forward in the grass.
"Bullshit. Where did you take me?"

Click. I heard the sound even before I felt all seven stimulation points come to life. I fought it as hard as I could. I didn't want her to make me cum in public, especially since I didn't know where I was. I fought and fought against the sensation. It must have been at least 10 seconds before my body collapsed for the second time that day into a quivery mass of orgasming flesh. Anybody
within a 3 block area probably heard my screams of passion as I rolled around in the grass. I don't know how long I lay on the ground, my body clenching and releasing as if I was having a seizure. I do know that as the vibrations and shocks stopped, I felt Suzy lifting me back to my feel and walking me up a sidewalk and then through a door. She guided me into the room where I was pushed back into a comfortable chair. I had no idea where I was or how many people were watching as the g-spot vibrator turned on, this time as I later learned, at full power with a ferocity I had never felt before. Immediately I felt like I was going to pee, my pussy tender from the hours of teasing and two massive orgasms I had experienced. The pain was exquisite and my breathing became labored.
"The need to pee will pass quickly. Get ready for the big one," I heard Suzy say.
She was right. I could feel the biggest orgasm of my life begin to build very quickly. And then the vibrations stopped.
"Oops, sorry about that," Suzy teased.
I looked at the direction where the voice came from. If I didn't have the blindfold on Suzy would have seen the daggers coming from my eyes in her direction.
"I couldn't resist. Here you go. Have fun."
Another click and all three vibrators sprung to life at full speed. I was off like a rocket and felt my pussy clamp down on the vibrator as I felt a release unlike any I had ever had before. I was sure my pussy was squirting its juice just as Suzy had promised as I felt the inside of the panty flood. Over and over I saw stars as I was consumed by my orgasm. I felt like I couldn't breathe as
wave after wave of pleasure cascaded over me. And then nothing. As Suzy later explained, I passed out.

I woke up, two hours later it turned out, reclining in her living room chair. The room reeked of female arousal. An a****listic reaction of the pent up frustration in the torturous panties. I also smelled a hint of a different scent. Perhaps Suzy had serviced herself which watching my sleeping body. Either way my arms were free and the panties, electric pads and nipple suckers had all
been removed and I was covered with a microfiber blanket.
My legs were still a little unsteady as I wondered naked through Suzy's house looking for her. I found her back downstairs. She was working filling orders. My clothes had been neatly folded and any evidence of my adventure had been cleaned and put away.
"Hi Tina. I hope I didn't push you too far today?" she said.
"If you had told me what you planned when I arrived I never would have believed you. I'm sore from cumming so much though, so I guess I can't be mad at you," I replied.
"Good. I've got a bridal party coming to the house on Friday night for a show. These events are usually good money makers because the girls all figure the guys are screwing around at their bachelor party and they want to get even. You can probably earn $150 easy."
"OK Suzy. What time?"
"Come over about 7. They should arrive at 8."
"Fine, I'll be here."

I went home arriving just before Jim. He finally felt romantic that night but I was still too shagged out from the afternoon to be in the mood. I faked a quick orgasm and let him have his fun and we went to bed.

The rest of the week I fretted about the upcoming bridal show. I was nervous about modeling lingerie and maybe more, but every time I got cold feet I thought of the torture panties and knew I had to have them. So at 7pm as instructed I rang Suzy's doorbell. She ran me through the routine. Bridal parties were about embarrassing the bride with tales of small cocked husbands, drinking wine and getting crazy. Usually there were more hands on toy experimentation because the girls would be a little drunk. I was to model a series of provocative lingerie and then some fantasy costumes. My pussy started to cream at the thought.

I was expecting a crazy affair, but it turned out to me almost as subdued as Judy's party had been. There were 15 women, I think, in attendance. As I modeled each outfit everyone was very polite and nobody touched me inappropriately. By the end of the night I was so turned on that I wish somebody would touch me inappropriately, but it was not to be. I finished the evening wearing a little French maid's costume, as Suzy took the final orders. At her prompting the women gave me a round of applause and I teetered out of the room on the impossibly high heels Suzy had me wearing and back to the basement to change. I was searching for one of the sample vibrators to take care of myself when Suzy came downstairs with my money. It turned out to be $175 in merchandise or $100 in cash. I asked if I could bank the $175 toward the panties and she said sure. I then asked if I could have one of the "test" toys for a few minutes and she just smiled.
"There's nothing wrong with enjoying your work. I'll be waiting upstairs for you."
She handed me a rabbit vibrator and headed back upstairs. I put the toy to good use. It didn't take long before I could take the edge off my needs. After that I got dressed, went upstairs, said my goodbyes and went home.

I ended up working for Suzy on a regular basis. The parties all took a similar pattern. I ended up buying the panties and a couple of other toys and then started to bank some cash. All the parties became a blur. At some point Suzy had me giving testimonials about the toys and how much pleasure I got from them. Sales seemed to pick up after that which pleased both of us. I got an email from Suzy that the next weekend was going to be a fetish party and wondering if I would model. Not sure of what that meant I questioned her and found out it was leather, rubber, vinyl and plastic clothes. I would also be required to wear cuffs and a collar and play the role of slave while walking around the room. She assured me that it was strictly look no touch. These parties, she explained, don’t happen very often, but when they do they are highly lucrative. I would be working with a second model but there would be plenty of commission to go around. I nervously agreed.

That weekend I found myself in the home, well mansion really, of a wealthy woman whose husband was the CEO of a major local corporation. My partner was a 19 year old fiery red head with a fabulous body named Jill. She didn't strike me as particularly smart and her face looked innocent. But the way she moved her body exuded sexual energy and wisdom beyond her years. We were both crawling on the floor like dogs as our party mistresses led us from woman to woman by our leashes. I was dressed, or undressed really, in a leather g-string which served no other purpose than to tease my clit while I crawled and a leather push up bra whose purpose was to mash my breasts together into a deep cleavage. My partner was even more exposed wearing a similar g-string and a bikini top which just barely covered her nipples and allowed her youthfully pert breasts to hang out all around the tiny circular patch of cloth. As usual, my pussy was drooling.
I could tell the sale was going great. Even splitting the modeling fee, this would be my most profitable party. The hostess suggested we take a 10 minute break so everyone could refresh their wine glasses and go to the bathroom if needed. Suzy pulled me aside to ask me a question.
"Tina, this is going to sound weird, but I've had a request to demonstrate the bondage bed. The person is even willing to pay you $50 to model it. Are you interested?"
"I don't know," I replied. "What's a bondage bed?"
"Well, basically it is a portable mat, kind of like a gym mat only a little wider. You secure it to a table top or a mattress. Then somebody is secured using Velcro cuffs to the corners. You can easily escape any time because the Velcro does hold that great, but it does allow you to have the illusion of being tied up but without the risk."
I remembered back to how I felt in Suzy's car while wearing her handcuffs. I was willing and the $50 bonus certainly helped.
"Don't worry; I'll be right next to you to make sure nothing happens."
I agreed and Suzy went out to her SUV to get the bed's case. By the time the group returned from their break, Suzy had secured the bondage bed to the dining room table and was fitting leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles.
"I thought you said this was Velcro? These are real cuffs," I questioned.
"Yes, the cuffs are real, but they attach to the bed with Velcro. Actually you can also hook them to eyelets on the bed for a more traditional bind so your partner can't escape, but I always use the Velcro at parties."

Suzy began her talk track about the bed and its many uses. She stressed the versatility because it was portable and because it could be used on the floor, on a table, on a bed or even vertically mounted to a wall. She also explained how the person could be secured so escape is possible or impossible. She then held out her hand and helped me up on the table.
The bed was softer than I expected. Suzy drew my arms back and wrapped a piece of Velcro through the cuff’s carabineer hook The Velcro then stuck tight to another piece of Velcro sown into the bed next to the metal ringlets used to really attach your mate. My red headed partner did the same with my legs. I was now spread eagled on the dining room table. I pulled lightly on the cuffs in an effort to show struggle. I didn't pull too hard because I wanted to be sure to give the illusion of being really stuck. I couldn't see myself but I'm sure I looked alluring and certainly every guest at the party was giving me their full attention.
After a few minutes Suzy moved on to more bondage and discipline related items not requiring a model. She left me on the table. I knew I could get up anytime, but I was determined to play the good like slave girl. While the group was back in the living room, Jill snuck into the dining room. She leaned over my head and whispered in my ear that I was hot and that watching me on the bed made her hot too. I wasn't sure how to react. Being on the table made me hotter than I had been and I was looking forward to the end of the party and some relief. I felt Jill take my head in her hands and she planted a very deep passionate kiss on me. I felt myself responding to her touch and instinctively pushing back, our lips locked in a passionate dance.

Jill lifted her head. I tried to tilt mine to follow her but I lost sight of her as she ducked behind me. I heard two clicks above my head but thought nothing of it. She must have crawled under the table because I now heard two clicks near my feet. I was able to raise my head and look down the table enough to see her reemerge with a beaming smile on her face.
"Now you can't get away from me," she chuckled.
I tested the bonds, but they held fast. Jill had deftly attached the cuff clips to the metal ringlets. I struggled again, this time for real, but could not escape. Again Jill moved over me to kiss me, but this time her right hand roamed all over my body. Breaking the kiss and leaving me breathless, she crawled on top of my body.
"I know you're hot from modeling this stuff. So am high. Let's get off before Suzy finishes writing orders."
She didn't give me a chance to respond. Jill climbed on top of me and began to dry hump her pussy against mine.
"I wish I could borrow a strap-on and fuck you properly, but this will have to do."

Over and over Jill drove her pelvis into mine. The friction from the little leather g-strings we were wearing was doing its job teasing our clits and soon I had a satisfying, if not explosive orgasm. Jill was grinding herself against me in an effort to cum. Both of us struggled to remain silent and I could tell she came harder than I did, but it was still quite pleasurable. As we were coming down from our collective climaxes, I heard noises in the living room indicating another wine break was happening. This would have the group heading through the dining room again. Jill jumped off me just moments before getting caught. We tried to act casual and if anybody noticed I was now really stuck to the bed and that my body was flush with a post orgasmic glow, they didn't say anything. Suzy popped her head in to say I could get up now that we were finished. I kind of shrugged. She immediately knew what my non-verbal message meant. Giving Jill a dirty look, Suzy walked around the bed and released my bonds. When the whispered in my ear and apology saying she had the problem with Jill once before and that she should have warned me. I told her not to worry about it. Jill and I split $500 cash for the party. It was the most I had ever made, I had an orgasm and I learned more about myself and what I enjoy. All in all it was a great night.

Over the next couple of months I continued to model for Suzy. Jill worked as my partner a couple of times at the wilder parties, but our scene on the table from our first party was not repeated. After each party I always brought myself to a thunderous orgasm with whatever new toy I had earned. More and more frequently, Jill figured prominently in my fantasies. Sometimes she was with Jim and me. Sometimes it was just the two of us.

Last Saturday I was running late to another bridal party. When I arrived at the maid of honor's house Suzy had already begun and Jill was already showing off her body to the assembled group of young women. Without breaking stride, Suzy tossed me a white lace teddy and pointed me toward a bedroom. The rest of the party went smoothly and was uneventful. Suzy made her sales and Jill and I made our money. It wasn't as much as some of the previous parties, but it was still good money for two hours worth of work.

Walking back to my car I noticed an envelope under my windshield wiper. My first thought was "did I park next to a fire hydrant?" I didn't notice one when I pulled up, but I was in a rush so it was possible. Picking up the envelope I was relieved to find it wasn't a ticket. I sat down in the car and opened the envelope. Enclosed was a hand written message on very expensive stationary. The
handwriting was flowing and showed a touch of calligraphy. My first impression was somebody of intelligence and class wrote the note. As I read the note, I was very surprised. It certainly was not what I was expecting.
"Hello Tina. You don't know me. We've never met. My sister attended one of Suzy's parties. She told me about how you endorsed Suzy's remote vibrating panties and how highly aroused you always got when wearing them. It sounded interesting so I had her order me a pair. Thank you for recommending them! I've never cum so hard in my life. My husband loves to have me wear the panties in public and tease me until he makes me cum while trying to hide my feelings from the people around us."
My pussy had already been wet from displaying myself at the party and now I was getting absolutely juicy reading a note from a woman who enjoyed the panties as much as I did.
"If you are willing, I would like to chat with you about the panties. Enclosed is my email address. I hope to hear from you... p.s. As I'm sitting in my car writing this note I'm wearing the panties. My husband set them on simmer and kept the remote with him at home. I know by the time I get home I know I'll be primed to do whatever he wants. Thanks again. I love these things."

As I read the note and then read it again I imagined a very sophisticated and
refined woman masturbating in her car while writing the note. I hoped she made
it home safely. I brought the note to my nose and took a deep breath. I thought
I could smell a hint of her arousal, but maybe that was just my brain playing
tricks on me. I did have a picture of her in my head as she arrived back home to
be stripped and taken by her husband as soon as she walked into the door. By the
time I got home and stripped off my own clothes, my mystery woman fantasy was
full blown and I brought myself to a powerful climax thinking about her and her

I was not sure if I wanted to contact the woman. Through the week I had several
additional strong orgasms thinking about her husband teasing her the way Suzy
had teased me. I had a feeling that any contact between us would inevitably lead
to disappointment because she could never live up to the fantasy I had come to
believe about her. Eventually my curiosity overrode my concerns and I sent the
woman an email. Her address was a generic Hotmail account. It gave no clue as to
her identity, age or location.

I was on pins and needles waiting for a response. The next day I got an email
from her. We agreed not to share any personal information. She knew my name and
I knew she was married but other than that, I didn't know anything about her.
Well, that wasn't quite true. We actually became close friends because we did
share every detail of our love of the remote control panties, ways and places to
enjoy them, other toys and our sexual fantasies. In some ways I had my most
intimate relationship with a woman I had never met and didn't even know her

At the urging of my mystery friend, I wore the panties to work last Friday. She
said her husband had her do it often and it was always a thrill. Jim was out of
town at a training class so I was feeling hornier than usual. At our office
Fridays are casual days so I figured this would be a good time. The office
typically is less populated of Friday as people take days so it seemed like a
perfect time. I was excited to wear a hidden toy at work and I wanted to feel
sexy. I chose one of my sexiest lace bras, pull up stockings under my jeans and
high heeled leather boots. Up top I wore a simple white blouse. Outwardly I
looked completely normal. Underneath however, I was wicked.

During my commute to the office I had the panties on random. A couple of times
it caught me off guard and I almost got in an accidents, but the panty did its
job and by the time I made it to the office I was very turned on. I got to the
office early. A couple of the managers were already in the office, but none of
the general staff. I quickly snuck into the bathroom and took up residence in
the handicapped stall. I pulled out the remote and turned on all three
attachments on full. At that speed you could hear the buzzing, but the chances
of getting caught were minimal and I needed to cum. I had to stick my fist in my
mouth to keep from screaming as I enjoyed my first orgasm of the day. I was
panting and overheated as I came down from my climax. I turned off the panties
and tried to slow my heart rate. Glancing at my watch it was starting time so I
quickly washed my hands and headed back to my desk.

After getting back to my desk I stashed my purse (and the remote) in my desk
drawer and tried to get to work. Even though the vibrators were not running,
their mere presence in my pussy and ass had me on edge. I was struggling to
concentrate on my work. As silly as it might seem, I discretely slid my hand
into my purse and quickly programmed the remote into tease mode. I kept the
vibrations low, definitely too low to have any audible sound. I also kept the
clit vibe off. The simple buzzing in my holes actually calmed me down. They felt
great, almost like meeting an old friend, and I was finally able to concentrate
and get some work done. I knew at this level I couldn't cum, instead I just let
the panties keep me happy and smiling.

About an hour later, I decided I'd worked hard enough and needed a break. I
announced to my cube mates that I need a potty break, grabbed my purse and
headed to the bathroom. I was praying none of my co-workers would decide to join
me. Luck must have been following me and I quickly replayed my ecstasy from
earlier that morning. Back at my cube I tried once again in vain to work without
my joy buzzers on, but I failed again. I turned them back on tease mode. Well,
getting off in the bathroom every hour really isn't a bad way to spend the day,
is it?

Right before lunch I was getting ready for my third bathroom trip. I decided I'd
had enough of the panties had was going to take them off and then spirit them to
the car in my purse. Unfortunately I had not thought to bring another pair of
panties so I'd have to go commando until I could buy a pair at lunch. The
teasing panties had down their job. I was well prepared for another explosive
bathroom visit. But just before I could retrieve my purse, our manager rushed
into the cube area and announced there was an emergency companywide conference
call and we all had to head into the conference room.

My three cube mates and I stood up and followed the rest of the office crowding
into the conference room. I didn't know why we all had to be in the same room
instead of dialing in separately. There were only 12 seats at the table which
the managers quickly claimed. The rest of us working stiffs were left to crowd
around the table standing shoulder to shoulder. I ended up sandwiched between
two of the salesmen. Tim, standing in front of me, was a nice guy. We had a good
business friendship. He was married and I always thought his wife was a lucky
girl to have such a hunky guy coming home to her each night. I certainly didn't
mind being crowded into him. Behind me, and unfortunately not seeming to mind
being pressed into me, was Ben. He was a single guy with a reputation for
womanizing in the office. He wasn't particularly smooth. He was more likely to
strike out than hit a home run, but it made up for his lack of Romeo skills by
hitting on anything with boobs. I could feel his hands on my hips. Normally I
would have made a fuss, but given how horny I had kept myself all morning, I
didn't really mind. My panties were still happily buzzing away and I was
sandwiched between two guys, neither of which were my husband. The conference
call started but my mind was wandering into my fantasy world of sexual

I was thoroughly enjoying the buzzing in my nether regions. As soon as the
meeting was over I was definitely heading back into the bathroom to get myself
off again. But then it happened. The clit vibrator went from dull buzz to full
roar and then off. I flinched involuntarily and bumped into Tim. "Oops, sorry,"
I whispered. Then the anal plug burst into movement. As that one was stopping,
the g-spot vibrator kicked in. Then the clitoral one. Over and over the panties
cycled through the attachments. I had to fight to look as bored as everyone else
was waves of passion flowed through my body. The torture continued for a couple
of minutes, but it felt like an hour. My breathing was getting ragged and my
legs felt weak when thankfully, the vibrations stopped.

I looked around the room to see if anybody had noticed or was watching. I began
to regain my strength as I determined nobody suspected what I was doing. Then it
started again. This time all three vibrators sprang to live, although thankfully
not at full speed. They were on at about half speed. Great, I thought. Running
this thing all morning has messed up the controls. The speed began to pulse. The
clit vibe would cycle up and down while the g-spot vibe fluctuated opposite its
cycle. When one was slow, the other was fast. I didn't know I could program this
function, but I loved it. The anal vibe stayed constant for a while and then
began flipping on and off in about 5 second intervals. If the panty didn't stop
or the meeting didn't end, I was going to be very embarrassed. I knew I couldn't
hold out much longer. I fought and I fought my internal demon, my ability to
remain outwardly calm draining my energy. The concept of either fainting or
climaxing in a room full of people began to consume me. I could feel my will to
resist leaving my body. Then nothing. The vibrations stopped. I'd be lying if I
said my body hadn't betrayed me and wished the panties had kept going. But my
mind was thankful they had stopped before my humiliation was complete.

I stood still, my thighs moist with need and I'm sure the panties soiled with
juice, as the conference call wrapped up. To this day I don't know what was
covered. As he room emptied out, the employees starting breaking into groups and
starting talking about the call. I hurried back to my desk and grabbed my purse
and the remote for the vibe. I almost sprinted to the bathroom. As I was
reaching the door I noticed another woman from my cube area heading toward the
bathroom too. Shit, I thought. Now what?

Just then my sex charged brain had an idea. One floor below us, the company
rented some space, but the rest of the floor was vacant. The bathroom would be
much more private. I diverted myself to the stairs and walked down one flight.
The floor seemed deserted. Apparently the few employees left down here were
still upstairs or had gone to lunch. It was perfect.

As I entered the bathroom, I immediately noticed the handicapped stall was
occupied. We had one woman who broke her leg and who worked on this floor so it
was probably her. I can hide in another stall until she leaves, I convinced
myself. I moved into the stall and pulled out the remote. I spread my legs to
tighten up the panty and clicked on tease. My panties sprung to life and I
quickly felt my body building to another glorious climax. I listened intently to
the stall next to me and was thankful to hear a flush just 30 seconds later. I
heard the occupant moving around so I kicked up the speed of the vibrators
another notch. Oh this was going to be a big one.

I heard the stall door open and through the small space between the stall wall
and the door, saw a woman on crutches hobble by me. I would soon be alone. I
heard the water running in the sink and the sound of the hand dryers running.
Then I heard the woman struggle with the door and then happily silence. I didn't
waste any time. I click the 'Max Power' button on the remote and flooded by body
with vibrations, nasty thoughts and in short order, another major league climax.
I tried to muffle my screams as I had upstairs, but the thrilling contractions
racing through my body pulled my fist down and the sounds of my orgasm echoed
off the bathroom walls.

I was shaking on the seat of the toilet as I rode out my orgasm. I knew I had
squirted again into the panty and I must say, I liked it. The panties would be a
mess when I took them off, but the cleaning effort was well worth it. I turned
the vibrators off and prepared to slide the panties off my overheated body when
I heard something hit the vanity counter. I froze. Was somebody in the bathroom
or was that my imagination? I went silent, not pulling down the panties and
trying to listen for more clues as to the presence of somebody else.

After a couple of minutes I decided it was just my overactive brain. I prepared
to slide the panties off when they turned on again. Again the panty began to
cycle front to back, over and over. Of course I loved the feeling, but I knew I
had to get out of the bathroom. I grabbed my own remote and turned off the
panties once again. I then quickly slid out of them and pulled one of the
batteries out of the waistband. I had to work a bit to jam the panties into my
purse. Again, not a well thought out plan. I wanted to wash them, but I wasn't
going to risk getting caught. I could wash the purse, I thought to myself. Once
that task was done, I stood up and straightened my blouse. I exited the stall
and turned toward the sink when I got a shock that almost made me faint on the

Standing at the sink doing her makeup of all things was a thirty something
woman. She was dressed very well in an expensive looking silk blouse and a skirt
which ended just above the knee. I didn't recognize her as an employee, but I
didn't know everyone on this floor so I wasn't sure. I must have turned 10
shades of red. I couldn’t talk. I just looked down at the floor and headed for
the door. I practically ran to the car. Without the benefit of the panties to
hold in my juices, my pussy fluid was beginning to run down my leg as the denim
from my jeans rubbed against my slit. I moved quickly afraid I would cum again
before I reached my car. Thankfully I didn't park any further away than I had.
If I had parked at end of the lot, I never would have made it without climaxing
and it would have meant my jeans would have been soiled even worse than they

I sat in the car and tried to calm myself. I turned over the engine and turn the
air conditioner on high. My nipples were hard as rocks and it wasn't because of
the cold air. My pussy was pulsating demanding further attention. There was no
way I could go back into the office so I grabbed my juice coated cell phone out
of my purse and called my boss. Luckily she was out to lunch and I made up a BS
voicemail about eating something at lunch that didn't agree with me and getting
sick. I was going to take off the afternoon and go home.

When I got home my mind was still reeling from the humiliation of being caught
by a stranger in the bathroom at work. Of course that lead to another
masturbation session leading to another climax and eventually my attacking my
husband when he got home. The next day I sent an email detailing the entire
episode to my internet sister of debauchery. That night she responded telling me
my story had so inspired her husband that he banged her like never before and
then told her he had a new idea.

She didn't go into detail, but I instead made me wait. I sent an email to Suzy
asking about the reliability of the panty's control unit and she said nobody
ever had a problem with it just going crazy. She said she would ask the
manufacturer and I decided not to wear my friend in public for a while.

My virtual masturbation partner sent me a recap of her husband's new plan. She
had told me before that she and her husband sometimes swapped partners. His plan
this time was to have her wear the panties and then give the remote to the
couple down the street whom they swung with from time to time. She told me how
the wife especially took to teasing her mercilessly until she begged the husband
to fuck her. I didn't know what she looked like, but my fantasy vision of her
based on her handwriting was hot as I picked her servicing her neighbor while
his wife withheld her climax until she did a good enough job. I was pounding my
pussy with a rabbit vibrator imagining myself at the mercy of a sadistic friend
hell bent on keeping me from climaxing. In a way that is what Suzy did the first
time I wore the evil panties, but that seemed more like experimentation and I
didn't know what to expect. This time I wanted it for real.

I didn't think Jim was ready to learn about my secret vibrator fueled life so I
started to formula a plan. The only person I could think of that could handle it
was my internet friend so I sent her an email and asked her for advice. My plan
was to put the panties on and then somehow restrain my hands. I remembered the
handcuffs Suzy had used on me and got wet. My friend suggested I come over to
her house where she could tease me to my heart's content, but I wasn't ready for
that. I counter offered to be in my living room where she could sit on my front
porch and control the panties. She said she'd have to come inside to release me.
I didn't like that idea. I told her I'd have to think about it. Suzy came the
rescue with a pair of handcuffs with a timer and a safety release in case that
failed. I could set the time of my captivity and escape on my own. My mystery
friend agreed to the terms and we set a date for Thursday at 6pm. Jim would be
working until 9 so I decided two hours was enough for the cuffs. My friend said
she wouldn't be staying around that long, but could tease me for an hour or so.
She'd then leave the panties on simmer so when the cuffs released me, I'd be
primed to finish the job myself. It was a crazy plan, but I agreed to it. I told
her to watch for the blinds being closed on the living room window before
approaching the porch. She agreed provided I would not peak and look at her. She
said it was much more exciting that way since we'd never met. I agreed and
immediately started looking forward to my next adventure two days hence.

I ended up taking Thursday afternoon off and pampering myself at a local day
spa. For the entire world I seemed to be preparing for a special date, which I
was in a way. By 5:30 I was dressed in the panties and a t-shirt. I thought
about attaching the nipple pump I had bought shortly after Suzy had used it on
me, but I decided two hours was too long of a time for them. I had tested the
handcuffs several times. Two hours was their maximum time limit and they always
opened right on time. I paced around my bedroom wondering if I had the guts to
go through with this. I checked the doors. They were all locked and dead bolted.
I figured the worst case scenario was the cuffs wouldn't open and Jim would
discover me. I'd have some explaining to do, but that would be it. He'd
certainly been the beneficiary of my increased libido.

By 5:55 I'd made up my mind to go through with the plan. At 5:57 I shut the
blinds and at 5:59 I sealed my fate with the handcuffs attached to my wrists
behind my back. We have a very comfortable recliner right next to the window and
that was where I settled myself. I guess I expected the vibrators to turn right
on, but they didn't. Five minutes went by. Then ten. My anticipation was growing
by the minute. Finally, at 6:15 I heard a knock on the window and then the
vibrators turned on. I was primed and feeling good. I wondered how my mystery
panty controller would know how to stop me from cumming. I later learned she was
sitting on my porch wearing her own panties and trying to judge my reactions
based on what she was feeling.
When we did our e-mail recap the next morning, we came to the conclusion that
she has a much higher tease threshold than I do. Or maybe it was the eroticism
of having a stranger that you couldn't see controlling you. But I came at least
five times before she left me on tease mode and went home to her husband. The
handcuffs worked like a champ and I escaped in plenty of time to service myself
with the rabbit and then shower and clean my toys before Jim got home. I was too
worn out to make love with him, but since he was back on his extra work
schedule, he didn't seem to mind.

Our emails back and forth after this event dissected every feeling and emotion
from that night. In the end it was decided that we had to try again. I was
promised by my mystery partner that she could hold me on the edge much longer
and give me even more mind blasting orgasms if she could see and hear how I was
reacting. She told me her husband would be out of town the next week and she
would make time for me if I wanted to try again. I quickly agreed. Jim would be
working late on Wednesday and I was able to get a personal day from my job. Suzy
didn't have any parties scheduled so it would be perfect. We settled on a noon
start time. In the final email exchange, my partner told me she was sending me a
few more items to make the afternoon special. She promised she could give me
orgasms like I never had before. She also promised to wear her panties and let
me take control after we were done. I was told there would be a box waiting at
the door when I woke up Wednesday. I probably wanted to grab it before Jim found
it. I was to wear what was in the box and follow the instructions inside. This
sounded both ominous and exciting. I kept getting juicy every time I thought of

Wednesday morning when the alarm went off I volunteered to make breakfast while
Jim showered.
Instead of heading to the kitchen I hit the front door and as promised there was
a big box marked SEX TOYS waiting for me. I hoped that it had not been there
long. I hid the box in the basement and then made bacon and eggs for breakfast.
We usually don't have time for a hot breakfast so Jim was very appreciative of
my efforts. As soon as he was eating I went upstairs to dress for work. I wasn't
going anywhere but he didn't need to know that. After he left I sprinted to the
basement and opened the box. On the top was a note.

"My dearest Tina. It has been my pleasure exploring our sexuality and these
wonderful panties. Today I'm going to give you pleasure like you've never know,
but we have to do things my way. Beside the panties I want you to wear what is
in the box."

I looked in the box, but there was another sealed box.

"Don't open the box until 11:30. I want you to take a nice hot bath, shave your
legs, underarms and pussy. I then want you to primp and make yourself all sexy
like you're dressing to impress on a date. I want you to make yourself feel
special for your special day. At 11:30 I want you to put on what is in the box
and by 11:45 I want you to have your panties on and be sitting in your living
room. Turn the chair around so you are facing out of the window. I'll be
watching the window but you will not see me. Leave the back door unlocked. I'm
going to sit behind you on the couch and blow your mind. Don't worry. You can
trust me."

I was shaking and sat on the basement floor as I read the note again. My pussy
had soaked my cotton panties. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I could
go through with this. A stranger would be in the room but I couldn't see her and
if anybody came to the porch, they would see me. As had become a habit, my mind
switched to sexual fantasy autopilot and soon I was masturbating on the basement
floor. Just my fingers, the note and my thoughts. Time seemed to stand still. My
fingers were still deep in my pussy but it was as if they had a mind of their
own and I couldn't control them. I had to know what giving up the control would
feel like. I had to know how hard I could cum. The panties had taken control of
my life and I had to see this through.

When I finally had the emotional strength, I willed myself off the floor and
back to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I did as I had been ordered to do. I
took a hot bath, surrounded by scented candles instead of the harsh vanity
lights of my master bathroom. I shaved. I primped. I took extra care with my
make-up and I looked gorgeous. Precisely at 11:30 I opened the second box. There
was a second note.

"If you are reading this, you must have decided to continue your journey. First
of all, I want you to know that if you don't want to go through with today I
completely understand. I will not ask you to do anything you don't want to do.
If at any time you want to stop, simply say the word 'watermelon' and I will
stop. On the other hand, if you want to continue, I want you to follow the
following instructions completely."

I was shaking again and my pussy continued to leak.

"First, put on the clothes that are in the box. Your panties go on last and I
hope you put fresh batteries in them."

As always, I had taken care of that.

"Next put on the wrist cuffs. You can walk down your stairs to the living room
before putting on the high heels boots and clipping the short chain between
them. You will also find a blindfold. Before you blindfold yourself and clip
your wrists together, in front, and then I want you to turn on your panties to
tease medium. Then I want you to walk out to your mailbox and leave your remote
where I can get it. Then walk back into the house, position yourself on the
chair, blindfold yourself and clip your hands together behind your back. I'll
know you decided to go through with our adventure if I see you outside. If you
changed your mind, that is fine. If that is the case, I really enjoyed our
previous thrills, but this will be the last communication we will have."

I had to steady my nerves and then I reread the letter, twice. I looked into the
box. The contents were actually pretty simple. There was a leather bra. I should
have expected the nipple cut outs. It was very similar to the one Suzy used on
me. Was Suzy the person waiting for me? There was also a garter belt, black fish
net stockings and a pair of thigh high leather boots with an impossibly tall
heel and two clips designed to hold the short chain I found on the bottom of the

As promised there was also a blindfold and a pair of soft leather wrist cuffs.
There was no timer. Once I clipped the cuffs together I was only going to be
freed by my mystery person or Jim when he came home in 8 hours or so. I still
had my doubts, but I got dressed anyway. I didn't need any lube to slide the
g-spot vibrator into my pussy. I did use some with the butt plug, but in truth
I'd learned how to slide it in easily over the last couple of months. I grabbed
the boots, the blindfold and the remote and headed downstairs.

The clock in the living room said 11:50. The hardest part was putting my remote
in the mailbox. My outfit was terribly revealing not to mention my rock hard
nipples on clear display. I turned the chair around to face the window and
opened the blinds. I peered outside, but I saw no cars or people. I knew she was
watching from somewhere. I knew she was out there. I couldn't delay any further.
I slid the boots onto my legs. The stockings helped and there was a sensual feel
to the leather sliding up my legs. And the smell. Oh the smell of the fine
grained leather assaulting my nostrils. I was at the final decision gate. This
was the last chance for common sense of override my boiling lusts. "Watermelon.
Watermelon. Watermelon," I repeated to myself as I opened the front door.

I peeked out off the porch looking for any of my neighbors or approaching cars.
The chain and the heels would conspire to slow me down. I couldn’t run even if
it meant getting caught. There was no traffic. The time was now. I clicked the
remote to preset 3... The long slow tease. Instantly the panties came alive and
just as quickly I moaned. Using baby steps I walked down our front steps and
walkway to the mailbox mounted on a post at the street. I had tunnel vision. A
parade could have walked by my house and I would not have seen it. I put the
remote in the mail box and turned back to the house. A 30 second task became 2
minutes due to the boots. I shut the door and locked it. Remembering the
instruction to unlock the back door, I moved as quickly as possible to the
kitchen to double check the simple detail I was sure I had forgotten.

Back to the living room and into the chair. Blindfold on and hand clipped behind
my back. My last vision was the clock on the wall showing 11:59am. I had done
it. I had willingly placed myself at the mercy of a total stranger. A woman I
didn't even know her name. My pussy, ass and clit were tingling with the
sensations of a diabolical device which would show me no mercy or release until
she arrived. Would she take pity on me and let me cum? Would it be the biggest
orgasm of my life as she promised? What payment would she demand of me as I was
sure to beg for my release, both physically and mentally?

Tick, tock, the clock on the wall chimed twelve. Where was she? Who is she? And
why the hell am I so wet thinking about her?

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 02
by Tappy McWidestance

How long had I been waiting? I heard the chime on my living room clock strike
twelve just after I had cuffed my wrists behind my back. The vibrator on my clit
and in my pussy and ass had been happily buzzing away at a speed too low for me
to come, but high enough to drive my arousal through the roof. Several times I
thought I had heard my mystery lover open the back door, but nobody made their
presence known or changed the speed on my remote controlled vibrating panties.
Time was standing still. My mind was shattered with lust. The only thing I knew
was I hadn't been there for an hour because the clock had not chimed one.

I found myself begging for relief even though I didn't know if anybody else was
in the room. If someone was in the house they were remaining remarkably quiet,
but I couldn't control my emotions. Finally I broke down in tears as my most
sensitive spots ached with need. A need I could not meet without help. I heard
the clock strike one. Damn, it's only been an hour. I'd gone two hours before,
but this time was different. This time I was not relying on my timer handcuffs
to release me. This time I had to wait for help.

Finally, just after the clock struck two, I heard the back door open. I then
heard the telltale sound of heels walking across the kitchen floor. They sounded
like stilettos. They were very distinctive. The sound disappeared as I assumed
the woman reached the hall carpet or perhaps she took off her shoes. I began to
tense in anticipation of her arrival at my restrained, unprotected and
overheated body. My release, both figuratively and literally would be soon.

I sensed her presence standing behind the chair. Our frist physical contact was
her hands reaching around the chair to tweak my nipples. Her apparently long
finger nails sc****d slowly against my sensitive nubs. I pictured her with long
red, no make that bright red nail polish, as she tormented my nipples fanning my
flames of my lust. My first sound was a moan. My second physical contact was a
second blindfold being applied over the first. This one was much heavier and was
attached much tighter around my head. There was no chance for even a peek under
the edge with this one. As quick as she had appeared, she was gone.

I heard what I perceived as the couch cushion compressing. Perhaps she had sat
down. I then heard a click. From my experience I knew that sound came from the
panties remote. My dull tease became a quick burst of energy as all my spots
received a jolt of vibration goodness for about 15 seconds. I was close. So
close. And then the motion stopped. The room was silent except the sound of my

I heard the sound of a zipper. I knew it wasn't me so my mystery partner must
have been disrobing. I heard the buzz of a vibrator, but it wasn't one of mine.
The sound became muffled as it obviously found its way into the woman's pussy.
The room was once again filled with moans, only this time they were not from me.
I had to sit and listen to the woman pleasure herself while I could only sit and

Again time stood still. I sat in silence listening to her heavy breathing and
moans of pleasure until she finally came. When the room was once again silent, I
begged to be allowed to come. There was no answer. I asked who she was. Again no
answer. I asked if she would at least turn on my panties even if they were at
the tease setting because anything was better than nothing. I heard a click and
the panties started to cycle on and off between the three attachments. I hated
this setting. It was worse than tease mode because it turned me on even more,
but from experience I knew it wouldn't get me all the way to an orgasm.

My increased moans, however, did make enough sound to mask the sounds of the
woman getting up and moving over to me. She didn't say a word or touch me this
time, but I did feel the plastic tip of a vibrator press against my lips. It
wasn't turned on and I nipped at the tip with my tongue before it was pressed
into my mouth. I now had all three of my holes filled and my clit buzzing but
was still unable to reach my release. The vibrator was held in my mouth while I
savored the taste of my mystery lover. Apparently satisfied that I had cleaned
her toy properly, she pulled it from my mouth. She then gave my nipples another
tweak and was gone. I heard the creak of our stairs as I continued to marinate
in my own juices in the living room. Why was she going upstairs? Why doesn't she
just finish me? The clock struck three while I continued to wait.

I heard the stairs creak again and then the panties turned off. I felt her
wonderful nails rake across my nipples once again and then she was pulling me
off the chair. She left my wrists cuffed, but I could tell she was unclipping my
boots. She then began to slide the panties down my thighs and over the boots. My
legs were weak, but with her help the panties slid over the boots and onto the
floor. I felt the chain being reattached between the boots. I prayed I wasn't
about to take another trip outside.

I didn't have to worry. I was led to the stairs. I was guided up the stairs. My
mystery lover had one hand on my ass, squeezing it to help me balance. Her other
hand was on my lower back nudging me forward. I assumed I was heading to the
master bedroom and I was right. Up we went until I was directed to the last door
at the end of the hall. I was glad I had made the bed this morning. As it turns
out, it didn't matter. Without warning I was shoved forward. As my legs hit the
bed, I fell forward. Instead of my fluffy comforter, I landed on the far less
tactile fabric on the bondage bed I had modeled for Suzy. As I lay bent over the
edge of the bed I felt a sharp slap across my right buttock. Then one across the
left to even it out. I then recognized my favorite vibrator, a rabbit with ball
bearings inside of it that twists and turns being inserting into my over
stimulated pussy. I began to hump my hips backward onto the toy. Apparently my
lack of patience was not appreciated because the vibrator was removed and my
butt received two additional hand prints.

Now I felt my legs begin raised as I was twisted onto the bed and then onto my
back. I remembered by first bondage bed orgasm thanks to Jill and wasn't scared
at all. I felt my boots being unclipped before they were resecured at the
corners spreading my pussy open wide. I was lying on my back but was guided into
a sitting position courtesy of two well timed tugs on my nipples. Once I was
seated, my cuffs were unclipped and I was pushed back down to my back. As you
probably guessed, my wrists were resecured and I was now held spread eagle on my
own bed. Once again I heard my rabbit turn on, but instead of putting it in my
pussy, my tormentor simply placed it upright along my pussy's outer lips. I
couldn't close my legs to make better contact. Its vibrations barely registered
on my pussy. I could feel its buzz slightly, just enough to remind me that it
was there and the batteries were going to waste.

I felt a weight shift as my lover got off the bed. I tried to guess what she was
doing, but could not. I then felt the edge of the bed move again and then felt
her leg being positioned over my body. Without a word, hell she hasn't spoken
yet so why start now, I felt a dripping pussy descend over my mouth. I'd never
ate a pussy before and I certainly didn't have a choice about starting now. My
lover waited a few moments while I tentatively stuck out my tongue took my first
few licks. Apparently impatient, she grabbed my head and began to forcibly ride
my face. I'm sure she was getting more enjoyment out of the friction of my nose
against her clit and what pressure I could mount with my tongue than my admitted
undeveloped pussy eating skills. Was she on top of me for 5 minutes or 10? I
don't know but eventually she did screech in pleasure, a signal I took as a

I felt her get off the bed again and finally felt the rabbit being pushed back
into my pussy. I quickly moaned and began to rebuild my emotion looking for a
release. But my lover would have none of that. Before I could cum, she pulled
the vibrator back out. I heard her turn it off and then felt her reinsert it
into my pussy. I then felt her moving back up to the top of the bed. I wondered
if she was going to make me service her again. The answer was yes and no.

I felt her lifting my head as another strap was pulled around. There was
something resting on my chin. I didn't know what it was, but it had a fair
amount of weight. I felt her again climbing over me. It didn't take much
detective work to realize that she had strapped a dildo over my chin as she
mounted my face. I'd seen these at Suzy's house although I had never handled one
at a party. My lover ground her pussy over the dildo. Her scent assailed my
nostrils as her moisture leaked over the phallus and onto my mouth and nose. I
was present in the room, but she didn't need me other than to provide a solid
foundation for her fake cock.

Over and over she pounded my head into the pillow as she rode the dildo. She
obviously knew how to please herself and, by my count, came three more times
while hovering over my face. That was five climaxes for her. I had been teased
for at least three and a half hours and was still begging for my first.
Eventually she must have tired because I felt her kneeling back up, popping the
dildo free. There was the obligatory rush of air out of her pussy indicating she
had done a good job fucking herself. I was jealous.

I sensed her leaning forward and once again her pussy was ground on my face.
Less on my mouth and more on my nose this time as she marked my face with her
scent. Every breath from that point on was filled with her aroma. She removed
the straps holding the dildo. Like the vibrator before, I was forced to clean
her juices off her toy before she got off the bed. As she was getting up, I felt
her wonderful fingernails give a quick sc**** over my neglected clit. She knew
how to make me moan and beg. That much was sure. I heard the rabbit turn back on
and felt it begin to penetrate me, but only for about two inches. Damn, no
orgasm upcoming from that!

The vibrator was just far enough into my pussy to give me the tingles. Obviously
my mystery lover was enjoying teasing me. I didn't know how much more I could
take, but I had the bad feeling I was going to find out. I heard the woman going
through my dresser and then into my closet. She was searching my room and I
prayed she wasn't just going to rob me and leave me. How could I explain this to
the police? Well, I don't know who she is, what her name is, what she looks
like, but I tied myself up for her and serviced her pussy before she robbed me
blind and left me with a vibrator in my pussy. I could barely admit to myself
that I liked being treated this way let alone tell somebody else.

After maybe 10 minutes, I felt the vibrator being pulled out of my pussy and
turned off. Once again my lover had me clean the toy. My juices tasted very nice
to me. I could tell she was sitting on the bed near my head. I wondered if I was
going to have to pleasure her again. As usual I was begging to be allowed to
cum. I felt her stand up again and then felt pressure between my legs.

I felt her blow hot air across my clit. It felt deliciously naughty. I then felt
her index finger slide into my damp pussy as her tongue made contact with my
clit. Finally! I thought. Through her deliberate and measured actions, she
brought my arousal to a fever pitch. But she still would not let me cum. I was
on the edge, but she carefully slowed or stopped her ministrations before I
could crash over. I struggled against my bonds. I screamed. I moaned. I wanted
to break free just to finish the job myself. I'd never been so turned on. After
her last cycle of taking me to the edge, I felt her get up. Now what, I thought.
What else can she do to me to tease me?

I heard a chirp from her watch. Damn, was it 4 o'clock? I'd been on the edge for
almost 4 hours. I yelled, "Fuck, I need to cum. Watermelon, fruit salad, fuck
you, whatever you want to hear. Give me relief! I'll suck your pussy again
afterward until you can't cum anymore! Fuck me, spank me, whip me but let me

I heard more movement by the dresser and then felt her back on the end of the
bed. I was out of control babbling incoherently. I barely noticed when the dildo
first penetrated me. As my mind caught up with what my body was feeling, I just
hissed "Yessss" as a large dildo began to fill my pussy. My lover slowly pushed
the dildo further and further into my slobbering pussy and my moans of
frustration became screams of joy. Finally, when I was more filled than I ever
had been before, my pussy struggling to stretch enough to accommodate the
foreign invader, I felt a little nub rub above my pussy lips and nick the
underside of my clit. That was enough to push me right to the edge. I screamed
for her to take me like she'd never taken anybody else before.

I felt the dildo begin to pull back. She was slow. She took her time until just
the tip was resting at the entrance of my womanhood. Then I felt the second
stroke. Full, fuller, fullest it went. I was babbling again by the time the nub
once again clipped the edge of my clit. She held the dildo there for a moment. I
felt the pressure on the bed shift and felt the dildo swirl ever so slightly in
a circular motion. Then it dawned on me. I felt the mattress pressure change
ever so slightly as she began to pull out. She was obviously wearing this huge
dildo and was fucking me like a guy.

Not that I needed any encouragement, but this revelation struck a nerve with me.
Each stroke brought me closer to the revolutionary climax I knew was coming. On
the edge with each thrust, I fought to hold on to my sanity as my orgasm built.
My pussy had stretched enough to allow my lover to increase the pace and
strength of her thrusts. I now wanted to prolong this pleasure, but try as I
might, I knew I couldn’t last much longer. I was screaming obscenities at my
tormentor trying to keep my mind away from cumming to allow my body to build and
even bigger release. "Fuck, fuck,fuck, yes, rip my pussy apart!" and "Don't
stop. You're the greatest," flowed freely from my lips. I think I even blurt out
"I love you," but I was so far gone nothing my body was doing was voluntary.

The final straw was when my lover laid down on top of me. Her arms and legs were
positioned spread eagled on top of mine. Her hands grasped my wrists just below
the cuffs. Her breasts were mashing into mine and she began to assault my mouth
with her tongue and lips. She stopped thrusting with the dildo buried to the
hilt in my pussy and began rotating her hips. The dildo began hitting new
pressure points in my pussy I didn't even know existed and the dam burst.

I let out a howl into her mouth as I was consumed by a massive climax. As with
Suzy before, by body quivered and shook and I lay beneath my anonymous lover. My
hips were bouncing forcing the dildo to rise and fall, at least a little, even
though my lover was just holding on at this point. As I started to calm, ever so
slightly, she restarted the assault on my defenseless body. She got back into a
pushup position and resumed pummeling my pussy with her massive fuck stick. She
held her position with one hand and savagely squeezed my nipples. She slapped my
cheek and then my breasts. My entire body was consumed by orgasm as waves and
waves of pleasure flowed through my body. Over and over she pounded the cock
into me and over and over I came again. Orgasms began to flow into one another
so fast they became one constant release. After being teased for 4 hours and
begging to be allowed to cum, eventually I had to beg to be allowed to stop.

Thankfully my partner was more accommodating of this request and stopped
thrusting and pulled her cock out of me with an obscene 'pop'. I was kind of
surprised I didn't pass out like I did with Suzy, but I wasn't surprised when I
felt her moving and then felt the tip of the dildo pushing pass my lips. I
cleaned it lovingly, mewing like a kitten with a saucer of milk. Even now, my
mystery lover didn't say anything. I felt her get up and then felt a bed sheet
drawn over me. Once again I asked her who she was. Certainly at this point of
our relationship, names were in order. But she said nothing. I heard the sounds
of another squishy pussy as she apparently was fingering herself while looking
at me. I took pride that she came very quickly. I then felt something stretching
over my head and covering my nose and mouth. It was a pair of cotton panties.
They were probably mine, but the definitely had been used to wipe up her pussy
juice. The taste was familiar, sweet and arousing and every breath I took now
reminded me of her.

I heard her walk out of the room. I tried to think of how I was going to explain
my position to Jim when he got home, but exhaustion soon overtook me and I fell
asleep. I slept the sleep of the dead oblivious to anything around me. I finally
woke when I felt a sharp slap across my buttock. At first I didn't know where I
was but the memories of the day flooded back to me. I was still in a bed but I
wasn't spread eagled any more. My wrists were once again behind my back, this
time in handcuffs. I couldn't tell, but I hoped they were my timer cuffs. My
boots were once again cuffed together, this time to each other without the
benefit of the chain keeping my legs tightly together. My calves and my thighs
were also strapped together and I felt something resting on my pussy and another
belt around my hips holding whatever it was in place. I was still blindfolded. I
thrashed around a bit testing my bindings. As I was doing so, I felt the now dry
panties being pulled back over my head. I calmed down and was rewarded with a
deep soulful kiss which left me gasping for air. Before I could speak, I felt
another pair of panties, obviously freshly soiled by my lover's pussy begin its
journey over my head to its resting place on top of my nose and mouth. These
were even wetter than the first pair as I took a deep breath to revel in their
smell and taste.

I heard a click and what I later learned a Hitachi Wand began to buzz my clit,
held tight by the hip strap. My lover had thankfully chosen the low setting. I
don't think I could have survived on high. I came again almost immediately
followed by a period of intense irritation and pain until my mind and poor
abused clit could readjust themselves and build to another orgasm. I lost track
of how many cycles of climax, irritation, climax, pain, climax I had as I rolled
from side to side on the bed. At one point I ended up on my stomach and began to
hump the bed is an effort to drive the teasing wand harder against my pussy.
This didn't have the effect I desired so I struggled to the edge of the bed and
then fell off. The pain of crashing onto the floor was quickly replaced by the
pleasure of another climax. My bondage prevented me from moving fast but I
managed to crawl in the direction of the bathroom. Even without sight because of
blindfold, I was determined to crawl to the bathroom where I hoped I could reach
the counter top and grind my pussy on it. I had to scoot my way like an inchworm
because of my legs being pressed together. Each time I stretched to move
forward, the ball of the wand hit the floor and pressed more fully against my
clit and labia. Needless to say, I loved every moment and came twice more
crawling across the floor.

Finally I felt the cool bathroom tile against my face. I rested for a moment, my
new favorite toy giving me yet another orgasm. They were flowing like water now
and the only thing I could think of was helping the toy do its job. Recovering
from my last cum, I rose slightly to scoot another couple of inches when I felt
a tug on the wand. WTF? I moved again and again felt the wand pulling in the
opposite direction. Then it turned off. My pussy was still pulsating against the
ball of the wand, but no vibrations were pleasing my clit. What happened?

I lay on the floor, a heaping mess of orgasmed out flesh. My mind finally
started to clear and thinking back to how Suzy would demonstrate the wand solved
the mystery. The biggest advantage to the wand, or its curse in my case, was
that it wasn't battery operated. It is A/C powered and plugs into the wall.
Obviously you never have to worry about your batteries going dead of someone
ties you to it, but if you forget that and pull the plug out of the wall, you're
pretty much screwed. I had a decision to make. I was at the threshold of the
bathroom door. About three feet and somehow getting to my feet and I could hump
the countertop. Without the wand buzzing, however, I questioned whether that was
worth the effort. Fifteen feet in the other direction was where the wand
probably had been plugged in. I was guessing she used the open outlet by the
door and near the bed. Fifteen feet was a long way, but I needed the wand turned
back on.

The crawl was exhausting. Inch by inch I moved toward the door with the wand
teasing my clit on every up and down cycle of my hips. Thinking about the
wonderful vibrations kept me focused. I would not allow myself to think about
what would happen if she had used a different outlet and had to search the room.
Once again time had stood still. I had no idea how long I had slept and now had
no concept about how long my quest for power was taking. Jim could be home any
minute or it could still be hours.

I was a sweating mess by the time I made it to the wall. I was mashing my head
around the carpet searching for the plug and thankfully I found it. Now I just
had to get it plugged into the wall. I had no desire to try and plug it in using
my teeth. Talk about hard to explain. It would be bad enough to explain to Jim
why I was bound on the floor but if I electrocuted myself, how do you spin that
one. No, I had to use my hands. I made a mental note of where the plug was and
then rolled over on my side and tried to find the wire with my hands. After
success with that task, I wiggled over to the wall and started searching for the
wall jack. That task was by far the more difficult one. Once I found the jack I
had to figure out how to bend my wrists to get the plug into the wall. I also
had to make sure the polarity plug was going the right way.

This task proved very frustrating. I was almost to the point of tears, both in
frustration for failing at the task and in need to get the wand turned back on.
At last I found the right angle and direction and I felt the plug slide into the
wall jack. Instantly my happiness wand sprung to life and almost as quick I felt
my pleasure begin to build again. I thought the wand would quickly take me over
the edge, but it didn't. For some reason my mind was looking for more. Perhaps
it was the long crawl, but my mind was telling my body that I needed to turn the
wand on high instead of low. But how?

As I lay on the floor contemplating my options, my arousal built and built, but
wouldn't go over the top. I'd had enough teasing for one day. I wasn't going to
lay here wallowing in my own self pity and pussy juice until Jim came home.
Finally in desperation I managed to wiggle to my knees. I knew there was a
bedside table to my right. Perhaps I could hump the corner and flip the power
switch. I tried, but my effort was futile. I had one more option in reach of the
power cord. The door knob. I struggled to my feet, but I couldn't walk. What a
sight I must have been hopping to the door and crashing into the wall. I slide
along the door feeling my way for the knob. My juices were running down my leg
as I began to hump the doorknob trying to both flip the switch and get the wand
to apply for pressure against my clit. I succeeded in both. I was getting real
close to another climax when the switch finally kicked over to high. I flinched
at the sudden doubling of vibrations and fell backward on the floor as another
fantastic orgasm consumed me. This time the pain didn't return and within
minutes I was cumming again. And then again. And then I heard a click from
behind my back. The cuffs had released.

I quickly unhooked my wrists and then removed the blindfold. I continued to let
the wand work its magic as I tried to release my boots. After success I moved on
to my calves and thighs finally being able to spread my legs and stretch. I
wanted to turn off the wand, but my lust wouldn't let me. I had been building to
another cum so throwing caution to the wind I lay down on the bed and started
paying with my nipples. I was moaning "yes mistress, fuck me" when my final
orgasm from the ordeal consumed me. After a few more minutes of rolling on the
bed and convulsing in pleasure, I turn off the wand and unstrapped it.

I lay on the bed trying to recover and get my wits about me. I finally had the
forethought to look at the alarm clock. It was 8:15. Eight plus hours of
torment, teasing and orgasms. I took a deep, satisfied breath about what I had
endured and the orgasms I had experienced. I had lost track. I never considered
myself multi-orgasmic before, but I guess I learned something.

Lying in the post orgasmic haze I was absentmindedly playing with my nipples
when I heard the garage door open. Shit! Jim was home. I jumped out of bed and
made a quick scan of the room. There were toys, clothes and evidence of my
debauchery everywhere. In a flash I was picking everything up and throwing it in
the bottom dresser drawer. I ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I
was about to jump in when I remembered the bondage mat on the bed. Sprinting
back into the room I first had to determine how the straps held it to the bed.
Once done I quickly released it and then scanned the room for a place to hide
it. I was panicking, but then it hit me. The bondage bed was rolled up and going
under the bed as I heard the stairs creek and Jim calling my name. I bolted back
to the bathroom and jumped into the shower.

I quickly doused my hair with shampoo as I heard him entering the bedroom and
worked it into lather. Jim entered the bathroom and I acted surprised that I had
not heard him. Thankfully he was pretty worn out from his second job and after
saying “hi” wandered back downstairs. It was then I thought of any evidence that
might be in the living room.

I rinsed off the shampoo and got out of the shower. As I looked in the mirror,
my pussy was red and swollen, but otherwise I showed no signs of abuse. After
toweling off I went back into the bedroom. It reeked of female sex. I hoped my
sense of smell was more attuned to the odor and that Jim had somehow missed it.
After putting on my least sexy pajamas, I opened the bedroom window to let the
room air out. As I was looking out the window, I saw a car down the block flash
its lights then pull away from the curb in a u-turn and drive away. I couldn't
make out a model of car or any details of the driver. Was my lover keeping watch
over me until I was safe? I felt a warm glow across my body.

I knew I had to face Jim and hoped he would be too tired to realize anything was
amiss. Fortunately he was zoning out by the TV so I sat down on the couch and
joined him. Both of us quickly fell asleep in the living room. I woke to him
shaking me gently a few hours later and telling me to come upstairs with him.

I woke the next morning sore and tired. I did not have a restful sleep. Jim was
off to work and I was ready to leave when I decided to check my email. There was
a message from her. I read it and reread it. My hands found their way into my
pants. My pussy was wet again.

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 03
by Tappy McWidestance

All day at work my mind replayed the events from the day before and continually
cycled back to the email I had received this morning and how I should respond to
it. The email was very simple. It was just two short sentences in fact. The
first was a statement that my mystery lover had a great time and would be at my
house again at the same time next week. It wasn’t a question whether I wanted a
return engagement. It was a statement that she would be there. The second was a
request, or was it really a command, to write down my feelings about my
experience and send them to her. My pussy was juicy all day thinking about how
this woman had taken me to a place I had never been before, where my body
tingled from her touch and my orgasms flowed like water. I ached to feel that
way again.

Jim was home that night so I had to wait until he went to bed before composing
my reply. Although we had pledged not to share personal information with each
other, I couldn't adequately describe my feelings about the previous day without
doing so. I think my email turned out to be about 4 pages long and I had to stop
and masturbate twice while writing it. Every time I thought back to being
strapped to the bed and hammered, I got wet.

The week crawled by. I wanted her so bad I was experiencing physical withdrawal
pains as I watched my email account for new instructions. Finally the night
before we were to meet, I received another message. Like before there would be a
new box on my doorstep by 6am. Once again I was to prepare myself and at 9:30am,
significantly earlier I noted, I was to open the box and follow the
instructions. I was on pins and needles all night. I peeked on the porch at
5:45am and the box was already there. I could feel her presence watching me as I
retrieved the box, but I couldn't see anybody. Once again I hid the box in the
basement and then fixed breakfast. I wondered if the office would realize I had
called in sick the same day two weeks in a row.

As soon as Jim was out the door, I quickly bathed, shaved and applied my
make-up. I felt so dirty getting ready for my "date" because I had never planned
on cheating on Jim, but my pussy was controlling my life and I couldn't say no
to it. Promptly at 9:30 I headed to the basement and opened the box.
Surprisingly, there wasn't much in it. Looking at the clothes, I found a leather
g-string. I also found a pair of very high heels, almost 5" I estimated. There
was also a set of ankle cuffs and a red ball gag. On the bottom of the box was
an envelope which I assumed contained my instructions. Under the envelope I
found a pair of panties. I picked them up and brought them to my nose. My finger
tips showed me they were still wet. The freshness of the scent told me she had
cum in them just before packing the box. I took a deep breath savoring their
scent. I wave of lust cascaded over me. I took a moment to relish the feeling
and then opened the envelope.

"Today is going to be simple. I want you to grab the silver bullet vibrator I
know you have in your collection. Make sure the batteries are fresh. If you want
to play with yourself a bit you can, but I need you dressed and ready by 10am.
Turn the vibrator on medium and slide it all the way into your pussy. Then put
on the g-string. I want you to cuff your ankles and then put on the wrist cuffs
you got last week. Go to the living room and pull the blinds all the way up.
That will be your signal that you have accepted my little plan.

I want you to go to your back yard. Leave the back door unlocked. I want you to
sit down on one of the patio chairs I saw last week. Your ankles are to be
cuffed to the legs of the chair. Then after you attach the enclosed ball gag and
the heavy leather blindfold from last week, I want you to cuff your wrists to
the arm of the chair. If you struggle on your second wrist, I will understand.
I'll take care of it when I arrive, but even if you can't clip it in place, I
want you to hold the rail as if it was. No playing with your beautiful breasts
or pussy."

Once again I was being ordered to submit to a woman I still didn't know. Once
again the throbbing in my pussy meant I was going to obey. I took the box and
headed up to the bedroom. I guess she had given me permission to play with
myself in case I wasn't wet enough to insert the vibrator. Boy did she have that
one wrong. If I had played with myself I would have cum on the spot. She hadn't
forbidden that, but as I had learned last week with her and before that with
Suzy, not having a quick easy cum could pay dividends down the road. So I simply
followed the instructions to turn on the vibrator, slide it home and quickly
pull on the g-string to hold it in place. Realizing that was going to be my only
article of clothing made me feel doubly naked and doubly slutty. I loved it.

The heels were going to be a challenge. I knew my legs and ass would look great
while I was wearing them, but I would hardly be able to walk. I carried the
shoes downstairs along with the thicker blindfold from last week and my new gag.
It wasn't even 9:45 when I opened the blinds. By 9:50 I was secured to the chair
as instructed with the vibrator buzzing happily in my pussy and my eyes covered
and my mouth secured. And I waited. And waited.

Without having the living room clock chiming, I couldn't tell how long I waited.
The morning sun felt great on my skin. I had sunbathed topless before and loved
the feeling of freedom. Today I had a different feeling. Helplessness. Of the
two, the latter is much more stimulating. I have no idea how long I sat there,
but eventually I heard the clicking of her heels on the patio bricks. Closer and
closer the sound came until I heard a heavy bag of some kind hit the patio and
then felt a gloved hand gently stroke the side of my face. I immediately tilted
my head in the hand's direction. I felt the hand travel down my neck, across my
breasts, down my stomach, across my pussy and then down my leg. The feeling was
exquisite. Unfortunately it didn't last. As soon as the hand completed its
journey, I heard the heels walking away and the back door open and close. I was
alone again.

Again I was made to wait. My skin was alive after her touch and I longed to be
touched again. Once again time stood still. I could do nothing but wait. Nothing
but wait and have the vibrator tease my pussy. Nothing but wait, have the
vibrator tease my pussy and have my mind thinking nasty thoughts and fantasize
about what she was going to do to me. And let me tell you, my mind could be very

It felt like had waited an hour, but it probably was no more than 15 minutes
when I heard the return of her high heels. It was the same sound I heard last
week and I instantly recognized it has her. I had been praying she wouldn't
tease me like last week. I prayed she would talk to me this week and tell me her
name. I prayed a lot of things but mainly I was thankful that she was there. I
felt her gloved hand again begin to tease me. I tried to thank her through the
gag. She seemed gentler than last week as she fondled my body, although she was
no less hesitant to tease me to the point of release and then back off. That was
an unnerving constant in our relationship.

Like the week before, she brought me to the edge only to pull me back at the
last moment without satisfaction. She was reinforcing my training that she was
in charge and that if I wanted to cum, I needed to please her. As soon as her
hands left my body, I felt alone even though I knew she was standing next to me.
I heard her rummaging through the bag and then felt a collar being attached to
my neck. I also felt a thin leash being attached to the collar and then left to
dangle against my breasts. Again she walked away to leave me to contemplate this
new development.

My wait was not as long this time before I felt her hands begin to detach my
bonds with the chair. As her hand grabbed the leash, of course she gave a stiff
squeeze to my right breast. A quick tug on the leash indicated I should rise.
Standing up, I felt the leash lead me into my back yard. It was tough to walk on
the grass in my heels. I had to worry about the heel sinking into the soil. I
also had to worry about my neighbors. While my patio is fairly secluded from
prying eyes, the rest of the back yard is not. I hoped none of my neighbors were
home from work sick as once I reached what I estimated was the center of the
yard, a hand pressed on my shoulders indicating I should kneel. As I reached my
knees, the hand kept pushing indicating I should take position on all fours. God
how humiliating it was. And how arousing.

I felt another tug on the leash and began to scamper along on my hands and knees
like a dog. How more degrading and humiliating a position could she have chosen?
I made a loop around our whole yard before I felt the hard concrete of the patio
beneath my hand. For the first time my tormentor talked to me.

"Sit. Stay," was all she said.

Two words. Her only identification. I didn't recognize the voice. Before this I
had been sure it was Suzy, but clearly it wasn't. I'd even considered that it
might be Judy from next door. But the voice didn't match her either. Also, Judy
didn't seem to be the dominating type. The more I had thought of her this week,
the more I had decided she was more likely to be in my position than being the
tormentor. She was more likely to be collared than holding the leash. But I

I heard the heels walk back to the door again. About a minute later, I heard the
door opening and the woman walking back toward me. I heard something placed in
front of me and felt the leash being picked up. I felt the leash tighten and
pull toward my back as her hands unbuckled my gag. My blindfold remained tightly
in place. I felt the leash once again move to the front and a tug. I moved
forward about a foot until I felt her hand on my head. I stopped and it pushed

"Drink," was the one word sentence.

Now I knew how much more degrading this could be. I lowered my head into the
bowl and began to lap at the water. It tasted so good I didn't even care how I
was acquiring it. She let me drink as much as I wanted. When I pulled my head
up, the leash prompted me to turn around and head back into the yard. I wasn't
surprised when the she pulled my g-string down, pulled out the vibrator and
stuck it in my mouth to clean it. I had grown to like my taste. I was surprised
that before she pulled my g-spring back up, she ordered me to pee. I tilted my
head in a questioning manner toward her voice.

"This is your last chance for a while. Do it here or you will be punished

That was the longest phrase I had heard her say yet and still it provided no
clue as to who she was. Obviously I really had never met her. She slapped my ass
very hard with her hand.

"I'm serious bitch. Do it!"

I had to fight back the tears as I knelt on all fours and pissed like a dog. A
bitch dog in heat. This was not arousing in the least. My face burned with
humiliation and for the first time in a long time, I felt no arousal in her

Once I was done I felt her pat my pussy with a paper towel. I then heard the hum
of the vibrator, on high this time, a quickly felt it reinserted into my pussy
and held by the g-string. She then led me back to the patio and again told me to
stay. Against my better judgment, my body immediately responded to the invader
in a completely predictable way.

I heard the gate open and shut as she walked out of the yard. I was left with my
imagination running in high gear. I could easily take off the blindfold. The
only thing stopping me was my lust. Somehow I knew if I did that, turned off the
vibrator or even stood up, our game playing days would be over. I wasn't ready
to risk that. I continued to wait, positioned on all fours on my patio with the
vibrator bringing me ever closer to an orgasm I prayed I'd be allowed to

I heard the gate again. She was back. Her heels on the concrete confirmed that.
I expected her to take me inside and hopefully back to my bed where she could
ravage me again. But instead I traveled over the patio in the direction I
recognized as the gate. I wanted to resist. Doing this in the relative privacy
of the back yard was one thing, but I was sure I could not escape detection in
the front. But I couldn't resist. She didn't have to say a word. I submissively
followed where the leash was taking me. I felt myself led onto the grass on the
side of our house. Oh how I hoped my neighbor wasn't home. Next I felt the
concrete of the driveway. Please let this end. Mercifully I didn't hear any
moving cars, but that didn't mean nobody was walking through the neighborhood.
Finally an upward tug on my leash. I felt forward and my hand hit the side of a
car. I quick movement right and it felt the floorboard of an open door. I
scampered into what I quickly determined was a cargo van. There was no carpet or
seats that blocked my entry. At least there would not be any windows either.

A slap to my left buttock as she dropped the leash meant turn left. I felt a
thick coil spring mounted in the floor. My hand followed the spring and I found
a horse saddle. It didn't take much deduction to figure out who it was for. I
began to take pride that I knew what my tormentor wanted without waiting for
instruction. I sat up and used both hands to take an assessment of the saddle's
position and then holding the edge, stood up. I moved next to the saddle and
prepared to swing my leg over it when my hand slid off the edge and through the
middle. I stopped when it hit a thick cylinder. Gripping it with my hand I felt
the veins and ridges of a very accurately molded dildo. You would think I would
have been scared, but instead I felt exhilaration. I may not have known where I
was going, but at least I could get fucked on the way.

Once again I ran my hands around the saddle to make sure I knew where the edges
were and then I mounted it much like my love had mounted the chin dildo on my
face the week before. It slid home easily. I wasn't nearly the size of the
strap-on she had used last week. I was smiling and feeling proud of myself when
I felt her grab my left wrist. Quickly it was secured to a clip on the ceiling.
The same was done with my right. She left my feet free. In my heels, I could
reach the floor, but if I stood, the tip of the dildo still penetrated me. Of
course I wasn't unhappy with that situation. I figured we were ready to go, but
before we left, another pair of soiled panties covered my nostrils. Her scent
still smelled divine.

The side door was shut and I heard her move to the front of the van and the
engine start. I have no idea where we drove. The roads were bumpy, I can tell
you that. The poor quality meant we were not near my residential neighborhood.
The city kept those streets in good condition. I was guessing we were maybe
downtown, but in truth, the thing I was most concentrating on were the
sensations emanating from my pussy as I continued to fuck myself on the saddle.
I'm glad the windows were up because I screamed in orgasm on more than one

I would have been perfectly happy to have her drive me around town for the rest
of the day letting me cum my fool head off, but eventually I felt the van go
down a ramp. After a few sharp turns, it went down another ramp and then a third
before finally parking. I heard the engine turn off and sensed her moving into
the back of the van.

"Listen up sweetie. If you want to continue, you have to follow these
instructions very closely. I'm going to unhook your bonds and leave the van. You
are in sub-basement 3 of this building. It's not used for much anymore, but it
is monitored by security cameras. If you want to continue our little game, wait
five minutes and then get dressed. There are clothes in a box behind you. The
security guard is a friend of mine. We will not have any trouble as long as you
look normal walking to the door, but I can't bring a naked chick in. That
doesn't look good in the video record. Don't worry about the toys. I have more
inside. Walk to the door and go inside. It will be unlocked. Walk down the hall
until you see a sign for Woman's Locker Room. Meet me there. I doubt you will
meet anybody on the way, but if you do just walk like you belong here and it
will not matter. Do you understand?"

"Yes," was my reply.

"Yes, what?"

I thought for a moment. "Yes, mam?"


"Yes, mistress?"

"Good. We'll work on it. 5 minutes. No more. If you change your mind, just walk
up the ramps to street level. There is cab fare in the pants pocket."

With that the door opened and she was gone leaving me alone with my thoughts and
my lust. I sat motionless on the dildo for perhaps 3 minutes. I wasn't really
contemplating any options. I was going in. I knew that. But my mind was still
trying to get around how I went from borrowing a tiny vibrator to sitting
impaled on this saddle. It was time to get dressed. The box contained a pair of
jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of gym shoes. Nothing sexy, dirty or stimulating and
probably the kind of clothes that a worker on this level would wear. It didn't
take long to get dressed and it didn't take long to walk the 25 feet to the

The door was heavy steel. The only markings were sub-basement 3 and deliveries.
I guess I was the package today. Pushing the door open took some strength and it
shut with a resounding bang. I saw nobody in the hall. The building seemed
vacant. There was a sign pointing down a hallway for deliveries and I saw a
freight elevator. I walked straight ahead as I had been instructed. I reached a
gate. It was a fence like you would find in a high school gym. It was open and
had been tied with a cord so it wouldn't shut. I continued forward down the
hall. There was a dank, musty odor and very little light. The hallway itself
wasn't lit. The illumination came from a single bulb near the garage access

I saw a door on my right. It said exercise room. There was a window in the door
which I peeked through. I couldn't see much of anything. There was a dim red
illumination, probably from an exit sign, but that was it. Back down the hallway
I continued. I quickly reached an alcove on the left. There was a drinking
fountain and two doors. One said Men and one said Women. Hanging from the
drinking fountain was another blindfold just like the one I had left in the van.
I obviously was in the right place.

I never would have believed I'd have the strength to act as I was acting, but I
didn't hesitate to pick up the blindfold and strap it into place. I pushed the
door open and walked inside until I hit a tiled wall. The smell of mold was
stronger in this room. I heard the door shut and then the click of a deadbolt. I
stood still until I felt her hands on my shoulder. She guided me further into
the recesses of the locker room. I was picturing in my mind what the locker room
looked like in my gym, although somehow I doubted this was the same. Both sets
of our heels were clicking on the tile floor and the thought of how beautiful my
cruel mistress must look wearing those incredibly sexy sounding shoes made my
knees go weak. I felt guided to turn left.

"Open the door."

I fumbled around, but found a knob. This door was also heavy. I walked over the
threshold until the hands on my shoulders indicated I should stop.

"Strip. Leave the blindfold on and the shoes."

I heard her walk away and the door open and shut again. I wondered if I was
alone or if there was even a light on. It took no longer to shed my clothes than
it had taken to put them on. I was shivering in the cold room, but all I could
do was wait.

Fortunately the door opened again quickly. I heard her heels and then a heavy
bag slam on the floor. I stood waiting for direction. I heard her open the bag
and then move around me and the sound of fiddling with equipment. She then moved
back to me and pushed on my shoulders. I immediately dropped to my knees and was
quickly presented with a wet pussy in my face. I didn't hesitate as I began to
service my mistress. Although they were not cuffed, I crossed my wrists behind
my back. It just felt natural. Her taste was exquisite. Much better in the flesh
than her panties she liked putting over my head. I lapped at her pussy until she
climaxed twice. My face was coated with her juices as she marked her territory
by rubbing herself on my forehead. I was her slut and we both knew it.

"Do you want me to fuck you again?"

"Yes please," I responded without hesitation.

"Who does your pussy belong to?"

"You mistress."

"Will it always do what I say? Fuck who I tell it to fuck? Eat who I tell it to eat?"

"Yes mistress."

She was laying down the guidelines of our relationship.

"Having a slut like you around pleases me. Do you want to please me?"

"Yes, mistress. More than anything."

"I can be a cruel mistress, but I am a fair one. I will not punish you unless
you deserve it. Serve me well and please me and I will give you pleasure. But
always remember, like today, I cum first. I was not pleased with how you balked
when I ordered you to pee in your yard. I will give you a certain amount of
leniency because you are not properly trained yet. But I'm still going to punish
you. Do you understand why I am going to punish you?"

"Because I disobeyed you?"

"Yes, but there is more."

I had to think for a moment. "Because I deserve it?"

"Yes you do, but keep going."

I searched my mind for the answer. "Because you are my mistress?"

"You're getting closer."

"Because you are my mistress and want to train me to follow your instructions?"

"Almost there."

"Because you know what is good for me and what I need?" I was almost crying as I
realized just how much I cared for my mystery lover. "Because I belong to you
and you deserve to be worshipped and have me follow your commands without

"Very good slave. When I punish you, I do it out of love, not hate. You will
learn the difference. You disobeyed me earlier and need to remember no to do
that. But don't worry, I'll go easy on you today. The next time you visit my
'office' you might not be so lucky."

"Thank you mistress."

I felt the warm embrace of the leather cuffs being attached on my wrists and
ankles. My mistress then moved me against a padded cylinder right about thigh
high. She pushed me over bending me at the waist around it. She told me to hold
my position while she secured my feet spread wide across the base. On the other
side my wrists we similarly attached. The spread of my legs left my pussy and
asshole on display for her. I could only hope her promise to go easy on me
wasn't a lie. I also hoped her promise to fuck me would be fulfilled.

I felt her tap a riding crop across my backside. Not enough to hurt, just enough
to let me know where she was as she circled my body.

"You are very beautiful slave Tina. Does your husband tell you how beautiful you are?"

"Not often enough, mistress."

"Pity. I wonder if he would like red ass cheeks on you. I know I do."

With that I heard the rush of air and felt the snap of leather across my ass. I cried out in pain as my nerves communicated it blow up my spinal cord to my brain.

"We're pretty well sound proofed down here, slut, so don't worry about yelling. I rather like it."

My mistress gave me 9 more swats with the crop. I was begging her to stop, but
my pussy was dripping its sauce down my legs. I could tell she walking in front
of me and felt her gloved hand lifting my chin. She carefully brushed away my
tears before I felt her pussy once again find my face. I performed my duties
with gusto. I knew this was my place and this is where I belonged. Whether it
was improvement in my technique or whether punishing me turned my mistress on I
don’t know, but soon I was rewarded with a sweet gush of her nectar as she held
my head tight and climaxed against me. She held me so tight I couldn't breathe
as she quaked against my head. Her howls of pleasure were at least as loud as
screams ones of pain a few minutes earlier. This pleased me.

As she released my head she told me I had earned a reward. I remained secured in
my bent over position while I heard my mistress moving around the room. I
listened as the sound of casters rolling across the tile filled the room. Then I
heard a click as she apparently locked the wheels in place. I wondered what type
of diabolical device she was wheeling around me. As my mind was trying to decide
what was about to happen, I felt my mistress run her fingers over my pussy. It
felt so good I couldn't help but wiggle my butt at her.

"Yes pet, show me how much you want me to touch you," she hissed.

My bondage did not allow me much movement, but I did what I could to ride her
fingers and show her my desire. As wet as I had been before, my juices her now
flowing even more copiously. I knew she would never allow me to orgasm like
this. It wasn't in her nature. But that didn't stop me from trying to capture
her fingers at just the right angle to take me over the top. Satisfied that I
was sufficiently aroused for whatever she had planned, she pulled her fingers
out of my steaming snatch. Of course she then made me lick them clean. She
laughed as I struggled to stretch my tongue out far enough as she kept pulling
her fingers back from my mouth. The taste of my juice mixed with the smell of
the leather gloves was intoxicating.

I sensed her walking behind me again and then felt a rubber pad being placed
under my pussy. It must have had a non-slip back because it stuck to the
cylinder. There was a hard nub that nestled into the top folds of my pussy lips
right at the base of my clit. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out
its purpose. I could feel a wire running down from the pad as it brushed against
my leg. My mistress squeezed both my buttocks together and forced me to rotate
my hips on the little nub.

"You have pleased me today, slave Tina. You are deliciously submissive and you
are quickly learning your place. I was prepared to punish you again, but instead
I am going to give you pleasure. Today is our second time together. Before I
accept you into my harem, you must pass one more test. But for now, enjoy
yourself. I will be back soon."

The voice came from behind me. I heard the click of a switch and the nub began
to vibrate. I was pleased to feel the vibrations were quite strong and should be
enough to get me off. I then felt the head of a smooth dildo pressing against my
pussy. Of course it found little resistance. I heard my mistress turning some
kind of knob as I felt the invader delve deeper into my womanhood. Apparently
satisfied with her work, I heard my mistress click another switch and the dildo
began to pull out of my pussy and then push back in to exactly the same depth it
had been. Immediately I realized what was happening. I'd seen it in Suzy's
catalog. I heard the mechanical sound of the flywheel moving in perfect harmony
with the dildo's cadence in and out of my pussy. I was bound and being assaulted
by a fuck machine. My mistress adjusted the speed. A little bit faster and I
moaned in pleasure. A little bit slower and I groaned in frustration.

"So which do you want slut? I have some things to do for about half an hour. I
could leave this on fast with a powerful vibe and you'll be cumming in no time.
Or I could leave it on slow with the gentle vibe and tease you for half an hour.

I knew the answer I wanted, but I tried to think of what she wanted. If I let
her tease me, she would know I'd be even more ready to serve her upon her
return. But she seemed to get off on when I acted like a total slut so maybe
telling her what I really wanted was better. Then it came to me. There really
was only one correct answer.

"Whatever mistress wants is what I desire. Fast, slow or even off, I will celebrate your decision."

"A very good answer, Pet. You are learning fast. For training purposes, I would
leave it on slow. But as I said you have performed well today so you have earned
a reward. Why don't we let fate decide?"

I heard her reach into the bag again.

"I know you can't see this, but what I am holding is a slave medallion. If I
accept you into my slave family you will be required to wear this at all times
we are not together. It will serve to remind you of who you belong to, but it is
not as conspicuous as a collar. I'm going to unclip the necklace. On one side is
engraved the word slave. On the other is engraved a picture of a woman hanging
from her wrists. I'm going to toss it like a coin. Choose which side is slow and
which is fast."

"I've always received pleasure when you bind me. The side with the woman is fast."

"Very well. Here we go."

I didn't hear anything until the medal hit the floor. I heard it bounce and then possibly roll on its edge for a moment.

"Oops, it's trying to get away. Hold on."

The wait was agonizing as I heard my mistress walk after the medal to determine my fate. My pussy continued to juice along the length of the stationary dildo as my clit vibrated in sympathy to the pad. I was almost ready to cum.

"Ah, here we go. I'll be back in a while to check on you."

I heard the click of the control and the dildo began to slowly push into my quivering pussy. I heard another click and the clit teaser slowed down. "Damn!" I thought. This was probably her plan from the beginning. Then simultaneously I heard two more clicks and both the dildo and vibrator sprung to life.

"Just k**ding. Have fun."

I heard the door open and shut as my mistress left me bound and moaning. It is
safe to say I had my first orgasm within about 2 minutes of her turning up the
fuck machine. Like our last meeting, my body was being conditioned to accept
multiple orgasms while bound. Over and over I felt a climax rip through me. I
knew regular sex would never satisfy me anymore. I was being taught to crave the
type of attention only my mistress could give me.

I was left on the cylinder being fucked and vibrated by the machine for what
seemed like an eternity. I must have cum 7 or 8 times. I'm sure there was a
puddle of my juices on the floor. I was screaming though another climax when I
heard the door open and then the machine clicked off. I was shaking as the
vibrations and penetration stopped.

"Oh thank you mistress. I love you."

She didn't say a word. I felt the fuck machine being rolled away and then felt
by bonds being removed. I rubbed my wrists to bring circulation back into them.
I was marched out of the room, but turned left instead of right toward where I
knew the door was located. My mistress told me to stand still, which I did. I
heard a shower being turned on. I stood for at least a minute before being
pushed forward under the stream of warm water.

"There is a bar of soap in front of you. Clean yourself well and turn the water off when you are done."

Apparently my mistress did not want to get wet as she did not join me in the
shower. I quickly rinsed off and then lathered up the soap to scrub my body. I
wanted to not waste time in the shower but get back to her as quick as possible.
After another rinse I turned off the water. I felt a towel wrapping around me.
This was not a cheap Holiday Inn towel. It was thick, fluffy and luxurious.
Judging from the towel, I could have been in a high end spa, instead of an
industrial basement.

After I was dry, my wrists were once again clipped behind my back and my leash
was once again clipped on my collar.

"It's getting late. It's time to get you home."

I followed behind my mistress as she led me out of the locker room. She had not
allowed me to get dressed. Apparently she was no longer worried about meeting
anybody or the surveillance cameras. We walked down the long hall toward the
parking lot. I tried to remember just how long the hall was to gauge how much
further we had before I would be naked in the parking lot. I figured we had to
be close when my mistress directed me into a right turn and up two steps. I
heard her open a door which I must have walked through.

"What do we have here, Sharon?" I heard a female voice say. My mistress' name
was Sharon.

"Just payment for letting me use the locker room. Same as usual," I heard my
mistress reply.

"Works for me."

I felt a tug on my leash as I heard a chair turning. I felt the security guard's
hand on my shoulder as I was guided to the floor. I then felt a skirt brushing
my forehead as it was flipped over me. She wasn't wearing any panties and
apparently she had been anticipating my arrival because her pussy was already
primed for my tongue. Her pussy had a distinct and somewhat foul and unclean
taste to it.

"That's right little girl. Suck mama's pussy. I knew you were coming so I didn't
wash it for the last three days. Do a good job and maybe I'll let your mistress
bring you back for more. I've got a big ole strap-on in the cabinet here which
is just right for your asshole."

The guard kept up a steady stream of debasing comments. I lapped up every one
just like I was lapping up her pussy juice. I pictured myself impaled on her
dildo while spread on her desk. My body had reached the point of almost being
able to climax just from thinking about sex.

I found my arousal level growing the more degrading and filthy the security
guard talked to me. As I knelt on the floor of the security office I was sure
the tiles were dirty. I know they were cold to the touch. I was a nasty whore
eating a skanky pussy and I loved it. The guard's hands were tightly gripping my
hair controlling my head and subsequently my tongue. She loved it too. I
imagined my mistress watching the affair and I hoped she was proud of me. Bent
over I knew my pussy and ass were exposed. I longed for my Mistress, Mistress
Sharon I now knew, to touch me and get me off again.

The guard was certainly prepared for my visit, but she had good control of her
emotions because it took quite a while and lots of effort on my part to bring
her off. After she came I felt my mistress tug on my leash leading me to stand
up. I didn't even get a thank you as we left the office and walked back into the
garage. My mistress didn't say a word until I was climbing back into the van.

"LaShon appreciated your efforts, Tina. If you choose to see me again, servicing
the guard will be part of your duties. It's part of the price I pay for access
to the locker room. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress Sharon."

"I wondered if you caught that. Yes my name is Sharon, but I prefer to be
addressed Mistress S. Now do you want to ride home on the saddle or shall I just
cuff you on the bench in back?"

That was probably the silliest question I had heard in a long time. The ride
home seemed longer and bumpier than the ride there. Was my mistress taking a
different route or what my pussy just sore from the fuck machine and my ass
still tender from the riding crop? I didn't care. I was stuffed again, bouncing
on the saddle and howling in orgasm every couple of minutes. When the van
finally stopped and I was marched naked up my front sidewalk I didn't even care
if anybody was watching. From the front I was ordered to crawl through the grass
to the back yard. As if she was retracing her steps, my mistress took me for a
spin around the yard and then again ordered me to pee. It had been hours since
we were last in this position. This time I didn't hesitate. I just leaned
forward and let go a stream right on the lawn. I was then directed to crawl into
the house. The leash led the way and soon I was back in my bedroom.

Mistress Sharon positioned me on my knees and once again I serviced her
wonderful pussy. Her taste was so much fresher than LaShon's and I enjoyed
myself thoroughly as she rode my face and took her pleasure. From there I was
positioned on my bed and my wrist cuffs were replaced by the timer cuffs snaked
through the headboard. This time she didn't secure my legs or use any
strategically placed toys to torment me. She lovingly pulled a blanket over my
outstretched body and told me I had two hours to nap and about three hours
before Jim got home. I appreciated her concern that I would not have to rush
this time and drifted off to sleep.

I expected an email to be waiting for me the next morning, but there wasn't one.
I wasn't sure if I should be so bold as to send one. After all, I was not in
charge of this relationship. Several days went by and I wondered if I had done
something wrong. I was on pins and needles waiting to hear from her. Finally on
the next Friday she contacted me. Only it wasn't how I expected.

Waiting on my desk at work was a beige manila envelope. There was no return
address, but the handwriting of my name matched my mistress' first letter she
wrote to me so I knew it was from her. My cube mates had not arrived at work yet
so I immediately opened the envelope. Inside were a note and a DVD. The DVD had
a hand written label. Slave Tina. My heart sank. Obviously I was going to be the
subject of the video. I began to read the letter. My hands were shaking.

"My lovely Tina. I am looking forward to your third and final audition for my
harem. Enclosed you will find a recap of our last session. I'm sure you will
find it as stimulating as I did. I expect an email from you after you watch it.
Your last audition will be next Thursday. You will be spending the night so come
up with any excuse you want to your husband. I'm partial to using having drinks
with the girls after work and you had too much so you're crashing at a
co-worker's house. But you can come up with whatever you want. I know he works
for your same company so it might be more of a challenge, but I'm sure you can
do it."

Just the sight of her handwriting had my insides turning to jelly.

"Your email simply needs to say 'Yes' or 'No'. There is no need for any
additional words. If you say 'Yes' you will receive instructions by the close of
business Thursday. If you decide 'No' I will not contact you again. The DVD is
the only copy. It is yours to keep as a memento. I expect your answer by noon."

Shit. Noon. How was I going to watch the DVD before then? People were filing
into the office already. There was no way I could watch it here. But it didn't
really matter. I already knew what the answer would be. The email was time
stamped 7:56am. It simply said "Yes."

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 04
by Tappy McWidestance

My anxiety and anticipation was building. Thursday I would finally meet my
mistress, even though I had been serving her for weeks in anonymity. I now
suspected that she worked at my office. The envelope left on my desk with the
DVD of our last session didn't have a return address and our receptionist had
not registered any deliveries by a courier. I spent several days methodically
searching my office trying to determine who she was. The security guard called
her Sharon, but we didn't have anybody named Sharon working for us. Perhaps the
guard had used her middle name or perhaps it was just to throw me off, but I
found nothing related to a Sharon in our office.

There was also a clue on the DVD. In my private moments at home I had watched
the DVD until it was burned into my mind. One thing that struck me was the
camera was not always on a tripod. At times it changed position or zoomed in. I
began to shake when I realized that meant I had not been alone with my mistress.
For at least part of our time together, somebody else was with us. Another
unknown person was documenting my debauchery. Although the camera operator had
been careful not to show my mistress' face, there was one shot of her nailing me
from behind which showed a pair of interlocking female symbols with a pair of
handcuffs hanging down from them tattooed on the small of her back. I tried
wandering around our office and discretely spying on my coworkers at the
bathroom sink hoping to get a glimpse of the otherwise covered artwork hidden
beneath a blouse. Again I failed to ascertain her true identity.

I finally had to resort to guessing based on height. I knew when I was on my
knees, my mistress' pussy was level with my mouth. She was the perfect height to
eat her pussy if you will. I knew she always wore heels with me. I could only
guess they were at least three inches tall so I had to estimate where each woman
in the office's pussy would be given those conditions. My mistress also had the
most exquisite handwriting. Most everything in our office is typed, but there
was an archive of memos to examine as some had signatures.

Basically I drove myself crazy trying to figure out who Mistress Sharon was
without success. I always just ended up wet, horny and no closer to discovering
her true identity. I would just have to wait until Thursday, three days away.
Time crawled. I received no emails, texts or notes from her. I was on pins and
needles. I had to masturbate 5 or 6 times a day to keep my head on straight. On
Wednesday I was horny enough when I woke up to wear the remote panties to work
again. The last time they had malfunctioned and I almost got caught cumming
during a phone conference. I did get caught in the ladies room. The experience
humiliated me, but the memories turned me on enough to try again. As I was
sitting at my desk surrounded by my cube mates, happily yet silently buzzing
away, I realized another clue about my mystery lover and why she had to be a
co-worker. I'd never had my panties malfunction before or since and Suzy claimed
she'd never heard of such a thing, but what if somebody in the office either
took my remote or had their own during the phone conference. Perhaps somebody
was playing with me even then. The thought was enough to send me scurrying to
the bathroom to relieve the tension that had built up. Fortunately this time I
wasn't caught.

Thursday dawned. Today was the day. I couldn't decide on what to wear. I assumed
my mistress would provide for me any clothes I needed. Heck I would probably
just end up naked so I dressed in my usual conservative business casual. I had a
hard time concentrating on my work. I knew somebody in the office was going to
make a move on me and as the day wore on I ended up handicapping the field. In
my mind I assigned a percentage of probability that each woman in our office was
my mistress. I watched as the clock slowly moved during the hour between 4pm and
5pm. The end of the day always seems longer, but this hour seemed to last an
eternity. The office started emptying out, but still there was no message. I was
getting desperate. At 4:55, our receptionist stopped by my desk.

"This just came for you," she said holding a FedEx box. "The delivery guy said
they were running late today and apologized for not being here earlier."

I assured her it was fine. As she walked away I gave the box a shake. It was
light and sounded like only a couple of items were inside. I sheepishly looked
around the office. There were a couple of people still there, but most everyone
had left by 5. A couple of women I had handicapped near the top of my "mistress
pool" still in their offices. Were they waiting to see how I reacted to the
contents of the box? When would they make their move?

My hands were shaking as I tore open the seal on the box. There was the expected
letter, a pair of shoes and a collar with a set of nipple clamps attached to a
ring in the front. My wet pussy quickly became a flash flood as I picked up the

"My dearest Tina. I hope you have been looking forward to tonight. I want you to
go out and get some dinner. I want you fed and back to the office by 6:15. From
6:15 to 6:50, I want you to sit at your desk and think about what it will mean
for you to serve me tonight and in the future. Do not move from your desk and do
not masturbate no matter how strong the urge is to do so. I anticipate the
office will be empty by 6:30. At 6:50 I want you to strip off those unflattering
clothes you are wearing and stuff them in your desk drawer. Put on the collar,
clamps and shoes and then walk downstairs to the ladies room. In the handicapped
stall you will find further instructions." The note was printed, but signed
Mistress Sharon in the penmanship that made me weak.

I took a deep breath and put the note back in the box and the box in my drawer.
I had an hour to get dinner. It didn't take that long so I spent 20 minutes
walking around outside the building trying to calm my nerves. As ordered I was
back at my desk a couple of minutes early. The office seemed to be empty, but I
could feel her eyes on me. In my mind, she had to be watching me and monitoring
my compliance. My 35 minutes spent in reflection on our relationship dragged
even slower than the 4 o'clock hour had. The anticipation was killing me. I was
glad the office had emptied out early. There didn't seem to be anybody around as
I began stripping at 6:50. I was prepared for my mistress to pop out of hiding
and take control of her conquest, but it didn't happen. I felt safe in my office
as I began to wander naked through the halls to reach the stairs. I knew the
elevators had cameras and I hoped the stairs were unmonitored.

I was tingling as I streaked through the building. I would have been humiliated
if I had been caught, but as it was, I was just exhilarated. I didn't waste any
time and knew I had made it to the bathroom before 7. The bathroom appeared
empty. Perhaps she was waiting in the stall. I pushed the large door open on the
handicapped stall, but all I found was a video camera on a tripod and two
dildos. There was also a note on the tripod.

"Congratulations. You've made it this far. To prove your obedience and loyalty,
I hope the first thing shown on this tape is you coming in naked. I want you to
sit on the toilet and fuck yourself. I'm sure you've wanted to do that for hours
so here is your chance. Use one of the dildos on each hole and fuck yourself
until you cum. There's no rush so enjoy yourself. I'll know if you're faking, so
don't. After you are done, I want you to bring the camera and the dildos to my
office. It is on this floor. I'm sure you can find it. The proper way to enter
my office is on your hands and knees. Setup the camera outside my door to
capture your entrance. I'll have more instructions when you get here."

A sane person would never be following these instructions. I grabbed the dildos.
The big one easily slid into my pussy. I could see myself in the screen of the
camcorder. I looked absolutely trashy as I sat back on the toilet and spread my
legs for the world, well at least the camera, to see. After a few deliciously
squishy strokes in my pussy, I grabbed the smaller dildo and began sucking it.
After learning to love anal penetration from the remote panties, the smaller
dildo went home in my ass without much effort. I leaned on my side and lifted my
leg against the stall wall so the camera could get a view of both holes being
pleasured. There was no need to fake any gratification as my body released the
energy which had been pent up all day. I tried to give flirty looks to the
camera but I don't think I was successful. After just a few minutes, my lust
overcame me and I came harshly. Losing control of my legs, I kicked the tripod.
I was thankful that it didn't fall over, but I'm sure the lens captured an
interesting sight as the intensity of my orgasm literally knocked me out of

I grabbed the camera and for the record, gave thanks to my mistress. As I calmed
down I suddenly had the realization that I had to find her office. But walking
naked through the building carrying a video camera was definitely not my idea of
a good time. Still I couldn't delay. I’m sure the camera had a time stamp so she
would know. I grabbed the camera and her note and walked into the hallway and
then into the elevator lobby. The floor numbers on one of the elevators was
changing. I wasn't alone in the building. I quickly made plans to hide in the
bathroom if the elevator stopped at my floor, but it passed me. I breathed a
sigh of relief and set out on my task to find my mistress. As it turns out, it
was easier than I thought it would be.

Next to the elevator was a floor directory. I'd already checked everyone in my
company, but I had neglected to think about other companies. Scanning the
directory, under the heading of "Building Management," I found a listing for
Miss S. McCarthy. There were no Sharon's listed but I remember my mistress
telling me to call her Miss S so I decided this had to be the place. I walked
down the hall opposite from our offices and the bathrooms. There was a door
without a window that said "building services" that matched the number on the
directory. I setup the camera and opened the door. I dropped to my knees and
crawled into the office. Looking up, there was nobody there. I stood up and
retrieved the camera and set it inside the office. There was a hallway with
several offices. They all looked dark except the last one where I could see
light from under the door.

The crawl down the hallway had me feeling like I was sealing my fate. I prayed I
was in the right place or I could never live this down and would have to quit my
job. The door was shut so I knocked. I familiar voice told me to enter. I turned
the knob and pushed the door open at the bottom wiggling my ass for the camera
as I entered Miss S McCarthy's office.

"Your humble slave reporting for duty mistress," I began.

"Welcome slave Tina. Glad you could make it tonight."

I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me as she stood and walked from behind
her desk. Her legs and feet were exactly as I had pictured them in my mind. Her
4" stilettos toned her beautiful calves. I followed her legs up as far as I
dared without receiving permission. When I reached the hem of her short skirt
about 5 inches about the knee, I dropped my gaze back to the floor.

"Stand and look at me Tina."

I stood up and recognized Miss S. immediately. She was the woman who had caught
me masturbating in the bathroom. I only had a glimpse of her through my
embarrassed eyes last time. But now as I drank in her beauty I was awe. She was
probably 15 years older than me, but she was stunning. She was dressed very
professionally in a form fitting custom tailored business suit. I watched in awe
as she advanced on me and took my face in her hands. She gave me a deep,
passionate and definitely wet, soulful kiss.

"We're going to have a lot of fun tonight, pet."

Miss S told me we were going out for drinks and dancing. She unzipped a hanging
bag and pulled out a black cocktail dress. She also pulled out translucent
g-string and a small box I recognized as a Ben Wa ball container. I needed no
lubricant to insert the balls into my smoldering pussy. The panties, thin as
they were, felt like I was wearing nothing at all. At least they would hold the
balls in, I figured. The dress was actually more modest than I would have
guessed. It covered my breasts and ended a couple of inches above my knees. I
wasn't crazy that my mistress had not seen fit to provide a bra for the outfit,
but all things considered, it wasn't too bad.

We headed downstairs together in the elevator. I was twitching as the balls
began to work their magic as soon as I started walking. Sharon drove which left
me free to fidget in the passenger seat. We drove to a well know night club. I
was surprised that we didn't go to a lesbian or S&M bar, but I knew better than
to question my mistress. We found a parking space in the club's lot. Before we
got out, Mistress S had be hike up my dress. She then pinched the sides of the
g-string and pulled on the top until the sides disappeared between my pussy
lips. I felt myself flow around the sides of the g-string and knew my pussy lips
would now be teased by those panties much in the way the balls were teasing my
insides. I followed Miss S into the club. It was almost 8pm.

There were a few people dancing and a few more at the bar, but the place was
pretty slow. I guessed it was early and that Thursday wasn't a big night out.
Sharon and I found a booth in a dimly lit corner where were able to sip a couple
of glasses of wine and talk for nearly an hour before things started to pick up
and the club turned the music up. By then a series of guys, some good looking,
some not, began hitting on us. With a well practiced wave of the hand, Miss
Sharon sent them all away until a geeky looking college type k** approached. I
don't know if Sharon took pity on him because he was clearly out of our league
or if it was part of her master plan, but she suggested (I took it as an order)
that I dance with him.

If you've never danced while stuffed with Ben Wa balls, you don't know what
you're missing. Between the balls and the g-string wadded up in my snatch, the
motion of the dancing was turning me on. By the end of the song I questioned
whether I could make it back to our booth without cumming. Fortunately a slow
song came on and I was able to wrap my arms around my geek in shining armor to
steady myself and slow down my heart beat. I held him tight. He wasn't sure what
to do with his hands although I secretly wished he was squeeze my ass or fondle
my breasts. I managed to trap his knee between my legs by the time the song
ended was dry humping him in a very pleasurable way.

My hero finally caught on that I was basically masturbating against him. He had
a smile from ear to ear. When the song ended the DJ announced he was taking a
break. I was crestfallen. My partner became much bolder and asked if he could
take me home. I told him that I was with somebody and didn't think that was such
a good idea. We walked back to the table and he surprised me when he made the
same offer to Sharon. Apparently he thought if he struck out with me, maybe she
would say yes. I was a little worried that Sharon might say yes for me since she
picked the club for a reason, but she didn't. She told me to sit back down and
asked the geek if he would buy us another round.

He calmly asked Sharon if he wasn't our type, why should he buy us drinks?
Sharon asked if he had noticed I was trying to cum on his leg. He said of course
he had. Sharon told me that I was horny because my husband wasn't seeing to my
needs. That of course was a lie. At that point Sharon was the one not seeing to
my needs but it was a white lie that the geek could easily believe. She then
offered to let him watch me cum in exchange for two more glasses of wine. Quick
as a flash he was at the bar as I was staring at her shooting daggers with my

"Oh come on Tina. I know you want it. It will be fun and you will make his

I wasn't in a position to argue as he returned with two drinks in his hands and
slid into the booth next to me.

"Tina," Sharon began. "This nice gentleman has brought us a drink. I think it is
time you repaid him."

I reluctantly spread my legs under the table resting one on his leg and one on
my mistress. I was staring at his face the whole time and I assume Sharon was
staring at me. As soon as I touched my pussy all thoughts of restraint vanished.
I felt wet and sloppy as I began fingering my clit and sliding my fingers up and
down my slit. I could tell he was getting as into my performance as was I. There
was no need for me to fake my climax. The only question I had was whether I
would be too loud when I came. I solved this problem by burying my head on his
bicep as I screamed out in pleasure into his arm. I'm sure my mistress was
pleased by my performance and I'm sure the geek got his money's worth.

After I came, he once again offered to take us home when my mistress told him we
both prefer the company of women and sent him away. He left with a smile on his
face and a lump in his jeans. He was $10 lighter but obviously much happier. I
watched him disappear in the general direction of the rest rooms. I bet I can
guess what he did next.

We sat and sipped our new glasses of wine while I calmed down. Other men had
noticed my performance. From their chairs, the bar and from other booths, I saw
men holding folded bills obviously offering money for a repeat performance. I
wondered if my mistress brought me along to save money on wine. I was about to
ask her when I saw my boss Linda and her husband walk in. What was more shocking
is I saw my cube mate Becky with them. This wasn't the Becky I knew, however. At
work Becky was the quiet one in our four person workgroup. She was very
conservative always wearing professional, but not particularly revealing or sexy
clothes. She never wore heels and rarely talked about her personal life. The
Becky I now saw was completely different. She was dressed to the nines in a
slinky dress slit high up her thigh and low down her chest. Her hair, usually up
in a tight bun was down around her shoulders and styled for a night out on the
town. Almost most shocking was the pair of fuck me pumps on her feet. Who even
knew she had legs let alone a toned set that run all the way up to a very tight
ass. In truth, I almost didn't recognize her. I say almost most shocking because
the most shocking part was Linda's husband had his arm around Becky's waist. It
wasn't just a friendly I'm giving you a sociable squeeze kind of hug either.
They were walking arm in arm into the club.

Linda clearly wasn't oblivious to the situation. She had turned and looked at
the pair and wasn't mad. What was going on here? Immediately I sank down into
the booth.

"What's wrong Tina?" Sharon asked.

"My boss just walked in. I can't have her see me here."

"What not? You're not doing anything wrong."

"Really? So grinding myself on a stranger and then masturbating for him is
normal?" I responded.

"It might not be normal, but there is nothing wrong with being here."

"Can we go now before she sees us? Please?" I asked.

"We since you asked nice, we can. But you're going to owe me one for this."

I already owed her everything this night. I would never refuse an order from her
so I wasn't too worried about what her statement might entail. "Fine, but let's
please sneak out of here."

We discretely made our way to the door. Once I was past an angle where I could
have made eye contact with my boss I hurried to the entrance. Sharon was
following at a more relaxed pace and caught up to me in the parking lot. I was
smiling. She was not.

"Don't ever do that again, slave. You stay behind me and walk at my pace. You
will be punished when we get back to the office."

I looked down at the ground after realizing my mistake. The drive back to the
office was quiet. I hoped I had not blown the final interview. We took the
elevator back up to Sharon's floor and walked into her office.

"I've been thinking about an appropriate punishment for you. Strip."

I immediately pulled off the dress and the g-string. I had learned to leave the
heels on so I did. As I pulled the g-string off, the balls slid out of my pussy
and made a clanking sound as they hit the floor.

"Wet enough, slut?" Sharon taunted.

I blushed, then bent over and picked up the balls. I cleaned them with my tongue
like I cleaned all my mistress' toys and then handed them back to her. She put
them back in their case and opened one of her desk drawers and dropped them in.
She also took the opportunity to pull out a collar and leash. At least I had not
blown the last interview completely, I thought. After clipping me in, she tugged
on the least and we headed toward the door. My legs began to weaken as we
reached the elevator bank. I followed her submissively into the elevator and she
picked my floor. Where were we going?

As building manager she had a pass key to all the companies and I soon found
myself walking past my cube, then the conference room and finally to my boss'
office. Sharon unlocked the door and led me inside. There was a picture of Linda
and her husband on the desk.

"I wanted to talk to your boss and see if she could smell how dirty you were at
the club. You're probably immune to your scent by this point, but I assure you
that cute geek boy knew you were on the make. Since you denied me the pleasure
of giving you a little humiliation, I think we'll leave Linda a small present
for tomorrow."

I didn't know what Sharon was talking about and I didn't think I wanted to know.
Sharon sat down in Linda richly appointed leather desk chair and motioned me
across her lap. We started with a vigorous hand spanking so I would remember my
place. My ass was on fire, but with each slap, a wave of pleasure rode up
through my pussy and directly into my brain. I was grinding my crotch on my
mistress' leg much like I had on my poor dance partner. I'm sure if she had let
me, I could have cum just from the spanking, but my mistress had other ideas.

She motioned for me to sit on the desk. I'm sure my sweaty ass made quite an
impression on Linda’s monthly planner which covered the top of her desk. I
spread my legs without being told. I was hoping my mistress would soon give me
some relief. She did, but not in the way I was expecting. Picking up my boss'
phone receiver, she told me to masturbate with it. She wanted my scent on the
mouthpiece so tomorrow morning my boss would get a surprise. I was pretty
grossed out at the thought, but I also needed to cum and grabbed the improvised
toy and began rubbing it against my slit.

Sharon cheered me on as I began to get into the rude act. She helped unclip the
phone cord so I could insert the handset deep into my pussy. I hoped my liquid
wouldn't ruin the microphone, but I wasn't about to stop. I was getting closer
and closer when Sharon slapped my hand and told me to heel. I opened my eyes in
horror and let go of the phone. She pulled the glistening receiver out of my
pussy and plugged the cord back in. I watched as she carefully set the receiver
back in the phone cradle without wiping the excess juice off. She then stood up
and motioned for me to do the same. I hopped off the desk to stand next to her.
The top sheet of paper on the calendar stuck to my ass and I had to peel it
back. There was a perfect butt print on it.

"Now I want you to rub your little pink pussy all over the chair. Spread your
scent around. Stink it up real good."

After the phone receiver, this task seemed almost comical. I stood on the seat
of the chair and as Sharon steadied it, I rubbed myself all over the leather
headrest. Getting the lower back of the chair proved more problematic. I had to
sit on the chair and wrap my legs over the arm rests and around the back to make
contact. Sharon wasn't pleased with my efforts so she stuck two fingers inside
me and after wiggling them around to my undying gratitude, she took them out and
wiped them all over the chair. She repeated this process several times until she
was satisfied and I was a panting mess. I begged her to allow me to cum. She
said I could, but not here.

She told me to crawl like the bitch dog I was and led me back into the hallway.
She locked Linda's door. She'd never know anybody was there when she arrived at
the office the next day. Sharon led and I followed as we made it back to my

"Ever been fucked on your desk?"

"No mam."

"Well there's no time like the present."

That is how it came to be that at 10pm on a Thursday night I found myself bent
over my desk at work while another woman finger fucked me to orgasm. It was so
wonderful. I knew my desk and most of my cube would now smell like my boss'
office and I didn't care. I rode my mistress' fingers as I ground my clit into
the edge of the desk and howled like an a****l. Amazingly my mistress did allow
me to orgasm. I figured she would stop me on the edge again. When we were done I
dropped to the floor, grabbed her ankles and kissed her feet while thanking her
over and over for letting me cum.

"We've only just begun pet. You need to call your husband and remind him you are
not coming home tonight."

I had totally forgotten about Jim. My mind had been distracted after all. I made
the call from my cell. He didn't seem surprised. He sounded sleepy. He thanked
me for calling and told me to have a good time. I was relieved he was trusting
enough that I didn't have to make up more of a story than a girls goodbye party
for someone who was leaving. As I hung up the phone, Sharon tugged on the leash
again. I was allowed to walk this time. Sharon told me two steps behind and one
to the left. Always, two behind and one to the left or right. We walked back to
the hallway and she relocked our office door. I figured we were heading back to
her office. I was wrong.

Instead we walked around the corner and down a hallway. This side had the men's
room. I wondered if she was going to have me leave a present for the guys in the
office too, but we walked past the bathroom stopping at the freight elevator. I
got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as we waited. The elevator arrived.
It was definitely a service elevator lacking the modern decorating touches of
our other elevators, but it was the additional destination buttons which
immediately caught my eye. Beyond the lobby button where the other elevators
ended was B1, B2 and B3. Sub-basement 3. My mistress' other office. I realized
as we descended that our last session took place right in this building and I
knew where we were headed.

This elevator was much slower than the passenger elevators which gave me more
time to think, worry, remember and even dream a little. Slowly we descended into
the bowels of the basement. As the doors opened I immediately recognized the
dimly lit, dank, moldy hallway. Walking out of the elevator I noticed the gate
was shut heading to the old locker rooms. Sharon never turned instead leading me
straight to the security office. LaShawn was not on duty. Another guard, Tasha
was. She apparently had expected us and expressed that LaShawn had raved about
my oral skills. She said she was very ready for "her bribe" and spread her legs
for me. Like LaShawn before her, our encounter was very businesslike. Apparently
my tongue was paying the access fee to the locker room. After Tasha was
satisfied, three orgasms later, she handed a key to Sharon. Traveling down the
hallway I felt alive as we walked into the unknown. At least unknown to me. I
had no idea what to expect.

This time I was allowed to see the room. As I had pictured in my mind, the
locker room had long been neglected and really wasn't suitable for use. The
tiles were moldy although it looked like all the fixtures were functional. The
former storeroom which had been converted to a make-shift dungeon was cleaner.
The paint was a few years old, but still nice. There was enough bondage and S&M
gear to have a serious party. I wondered just what Mistress Sharon had in store
for me. As it turned out, not much. She let me go to the bathroom and then she
tied me to the twin size bed in the corner of the room. After that she strapped
on the chin dildo and rode my face until she screamed in ecstasy. It was close
to 11 when she came. She then pulled a thin blanket over my body and told me she
was going home. I started to twist in my bonds. I didn't want to be left there
alone. She told me not to worry that Tasha would look after me and that she
would see me in the morning. She shut off the lights on her way out. It was very
quiet. The only sounds I could hear were my heartbeat and my breathing.

Left without stimulation and no way to get myself off, I eventually fell asleep.
In truth, I slept very well. I don't remember waking up through the night until
I felt pressure on my head. I woke to the dim bathroom light shining around the
open door of my room. Rising and falling above my face was the very juicy pussy
of another woman. I couldn’t get a look at her face. All I could see was pussy
and boobs. She had a guard's shirt on so I assumed it was LaShawn. She didn't
speak. She just took her pleasure until she was satisfied and then put her skirt
back on and walked out the door. A few minutes later Tasha came in. The scene
was repeated. She dropped her skirt, fucked my face, came and climbed off.
Instead of getting dressed right away, however, she undid my bindings.

"I'm off duty now. You need to go to the bathroom and shower. You smell like a

I didn't want to question her, but at least part of that smell was from her and
her security partner. Still I was happy to be free so I did as she instructed.
The shower tiles were pretty nasty, but the water pressure was good and the
temperature was warm. The shower felt great and I spent a little longer than
necessary just relaxing. I had my eyes closed standing under the cascade of
water letting my body get back to a feeling of normalcy when I heard Tasha

"Enough slut. I want to go home. Get back in here."

I snapped back to the present and turned off the water. I toweled off and walked
back into the dungeon room as I had learned Tasha and LaShawn liked to call it.
I was hoping she had some clothes for me to wear so I could either head home or
up to work. I couldn't tell what time it was but figured the shift change was
probably either 6 or 7am. As I walked into the dungeon, Tasha was patting the
cylinder I must have been tied to last time I was here.

"I know you liked this last time, bitch. I saw video of you as you came on your
mistress' fuck machine. I'm sure you will enjoy it just as much today."

I had a chance to look at the fixture this time. It looked like a short
gymnastics pommel horse. I'm guessing that is what it started life as. Since
then it had been modified to add restraint hooks, the clit vibes and a few
things I apparently had not been introduced to yet. I didn't hesitate to bend
myself over the horse once again. I hoped LaShawn would hook me back up to the
fuck machine. If I had to wait for Mistress Sharon, at least I could enjoy it.

Once I was restrained, Tasha stood in front of me, bent over and pushed her ass
in my face. "Tongue my brown eye white girl. You white sluts always like tasting
black ass, don't you?"

I couldn't speak for all white girls, but I know I found both black security
guards to be a turn on. They both seemed powerful which was very attractive.
Tasha ground her ass into my face rubbing her foul tasting hole all over my
mouth and nose. She rubbed my face for a few minutes until she tired of this
game. I figured she would have me eat her again, but she began to walk away.
Apparently the smell of her backside was going to stick with me for a while.

I heard Tasha in one of the cabinets. She returned with two items. One was a big
butt plug with a long hair tail. The other was my ever present blindfold.

"I always liked the look of this tail. I've never let somebody stick something
this size up my ass before, but I'm sure you can take."

"I pleaded with her not to put that thing in me, but it was to no avail. At
least she lubed it up good before she began pushing and twisting it into my
rectum. It was much larger than the ass plug from the vibrating panties. I'd
always thought those were pretty big and the dildo I had used last night in the
bathroom wasn’t near this size. This thing felt like it was splitting me apart.
I grunted and grunted trying to take my mind off the violation, but Tasha would
not take no for an answer and kept pushing until my body finally yielded and the
phallus buried itself up my ass. I could feel the hairs from my new tail
brushing against my ass cheeks and thighs. I couldn't see it, but I'm sure my
tail presented quite a sight when you entered the room and the first thing you
would see is me bent over the pommel horse with a tail sticking out of my ass.

Tasha moved back in front of me a secured the blindfold. Whatever was going to
happen next I would be without sight. I could tell she was walking past me when
I felt a sharp slap to my ass.

"Just relax bitch. Your mistresses will be here soon."

I heard her laughing as she walked out and then heard the click of the light
switch and the shutting of the door.

Mistresses? Did I hear her right? Did she really use the plural of the word?

I was left alone in the dark. I was naked, cold and strapped bent over the
pommel horse. All I could do is wait and think. Well I could also feel my juices
running down my thigh. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long. After only about
15 minutes I once again heard the door opening. I felt a gentle hand run across
my butt and up my back.

"Good morning pet," I heard mistress Sharon say. "How did you sleep last night?"

I began to answer but I stopped when I felt her finger begin to penetrate my

"I can tell you are still happy with our little arrangement," she cooed as her
finger continued to explore my pussy.

"No doubt you are wondering what is going to happen. Allow me to explain a bit.
I belong to a group of mistresses who exchange ideas and occasionally slaves. We
each have a stable of women willing to do our bidding. The numbers vary, but we
each usually keep from one to four slaves at any given time. Some of us are
strictly lesbian; some of us share with our husbands."

I was trying to focus on what my mistress was telling me, but it was difficult
as she continued to manipulate my sex.

"Since we do swap slaves from time to time, we all agreed to vote on adding
anybody to the group. Today you will meet three more mistresses and possibly
some of their slaves. While you would belong to me, you must serve them without
question or restriction if our relationship is to work. The room you are in is
my private sanctuary. I only bring my slaves here and only share them with
LaShawn and Tasha. As a result your interviews with the other mistresses will
not be here. However I do have a lot of work to do today so they will be in this

If I had not been tied to the pommel horse I think my knees would have buckled.

"You can still back out. I'm sure this wasn't quite what you expected this
morning. If you chose to continue, we'll have to call your boss and tell her
you're sick or something. You should probably call your husband too. Tell him
you're hung over, but otherwise fine. Do you want to continue?"

"Yes mistress," I replied immediately.

"Good. Let's get you ready."

Mistress Sharon unbuckled me and pulled off my blindfold. I blinked several
times as my eyes adjusted to the light. She was dressed in tight fitting mocha
coffee brown dress. The length was below her knee and she had on shoes with a
modest one inch heel. She looked professional, plain even, certainly not like a
wild mistress who now controlled my sex life.

She looked at my tail and chastised Tasha for inserting it with me. I like this
tail for some slaves, but you were not prepared for it. I apologize. If you are
accepted into the group, I will make sure you get enough anal training that
using this would be a pleasurable experience. I have not decided if I’m going to
pony train you yet so let’s just forget about this for now. My mistress slowly
pulled the invader from my backside. I felt more violated than I ever had with
her before. I was sure my ass would never be the same again.

She had me shower and fix my hair and makeup. She told me to prepare myself to
impress. I was almost done when she approached me from behind and started
patting talcum powder all over my body. "Trust me," she said.

She led me back into her dungeon and had me sit on a small stool. I looked at
the stool expecting to see a dildo sticking up or something, but sometimes a
stool is just a stool. Mistress Sharon then opened a box and pulled a strange
looking garment out.

"We like to play dress up with our slaves. Today you are going to be Batgirl.
Unlike Yvonne Craig on the TV show, however, you will be the teasee not the
teasor. Like you though, she did always seem to like being tied up."

My mistress held a purple latex catsuit in her hand. I'd never seen such a thing
up close. It was both frightening and exciting at the same time. Sharon began to
unfold the suit and helped me slide my legs into it. I'd never worn anything so
form fitting and constricting before. I now understood the need for the talc. It
was a challenge even with my mistress' help to get my legs into the suit. I
could only assume the torso would be more of a challenge and it was. I had to
bend over and pull my arms in to allow enough slack in the suit to get in on my
body. When I stood back up it tightened taking my breath away. There was a built
in bra which snuggled around my breasts. Mistress Sharon then slid a pair of
purple go-go boots onto my feet. They seemed like a weird choice but I wasn't
about to complain. There was a strap at the top of the boots which my mistress
tightened and then locked in place with a small luggage lock. The boots were not
coming off until she was ready for them to come off.

My hands were contained in latex gloves formed in the catsuit itself, although
my mistress saw fit to put soft purple cuffs over my wrists. Finally a purple
latex hood was pulled over my head. My hair flowed under the edge of the hood.
My mistress teased my hair so it was balanced around my head and not clumping
unevenly. The hood had build in plastic ears at the top and tiny slits at the
eyes and over my ears. My nose was held in a plastic nose piece inside the mask,
but the holes were big enough to allow normal breathing. The mouth hole was
fairly large. My entire lip area and part of my cheeks pushed through the hole
and were visible, or more accurately available, for my mistress' pleasure.

I looked at the transformation in the mirror. The suit fit me like a second
skin. Every curve of my body was accentuated. The built in bra looked like
something Madonna or Lady Gaga would wear. I don't think there was much of me
holding up the solid cone shaped breasts which pushed obscenely out of the front
of the suit high on my chest. The boots were a challenge to walk in. I'd begun
to get accustomed to walking in heels as high, but the tightness of the suit
made moving my legs difficult and left me unstable. As we began to walk out of
the locker room and down the hall, I began to feel a euphoria and warmth wash
over my body. Tasha was our first stop to get her opinion of my outfit. I wasn't
surprised to hear it was favorable. I was fully prepared to service her again,
but instead Mistress Sharon directed me back to the hallway.

As we waited for the freight elevator, Mistress Sharon clipped two additional
pieces of latex over the eye slits. Apparently she didn't want me to know where
we were going. I tried to count the floors on the elevator. I couldn't be sure,
but I thought we stopped one floor below Sharon's office and two floors below
mine. I was hustled out of the elevator.

"This floor is vacant. The tenant moved out a few months ago. It will be perfect
for your interviews."

I was led through the office. I tried to picture how our office was laid out to
determine where I was. I quickly gave up as we turned where my office doesn’t
have turns and I realized the build out was different. We reached our
destination and Sharon put me in an office chair. "Let's make those calls," she

First we called Jim and I told him everything was ok. He asked a few questions
about what we did last night and I had to think quickly on my feet. I told him
about going to the club with Linda, her husband, Becky and a new friend Sharon
who manages the building. He seemed to buy my story, but I was very glad to be
done with the conversation. I hate lying and don't think I'm very good at it.
Next I called Linda. Thankfully I got her voicemail. Apparently it was still
early. At Sharon's suggestion I told Linda I was having car trouble and that I
would be in later. Apparently my interview was not an all day affair.

I was now free for another few hours before I would be missed. Mistress Sharon
took my arm indicating it was time to stand again. I felt her rub her hands all
over my suit. I didn't have much sensation on the inside, but I could tell she
was enjoying the tactile experience. She then took my hand and pulled it
forward. I felt a table. Probably a conference table left behind from the
previous tenant. As she pulled my hand along the edge, I felt a strap. She then
pulled my hand onto the top of the table and I felt the soft padding. I
immediately recognized the bondage bed.

Mistress Sharon began to help me onto the table. It wasn't easy because I could
not bend my legs very much. With my hands on the table, my mistress had to put
both her hands on my butt and basically push me up onto the table. I ended up on
my hands and knees, a latex cat in doggie position. I began to move toward the
center of the table, but a sharp slap on my ass told me to stop. The sensation
of the spank was much more pronounced than when my mistress was simply touching
me. Perhaps it was the position tightening the suit even more that allowed the
spanking wave to propagate over more of my body. Perhaps it was my arousal.
Perhaps I really didn't care about the reason, but it felt good and went
straight to my pussy.

I stopped moving and waited for my mistress' next move. I felt a zipper enclosed
in the crotch of the catsuit being opened. The tension in the bottom of the suit
released giving access to my pussy and ass. It was still tight, but at least I
could breathe a little easier. My mistress gave me another swat and I continued
crawling to the center of the table where she rolled me onto my back and secured
me the bondage bed. As I’m sure you guessed, I wasn’t using the Velcro straps. I
was stuck there until I was released. My mistress fingered me again. I had no
doubt she would be pleased with the level of slickness she would find. I felt
her moving her hands up to my breasts. When I had been helped into the catsuit I
had not noticed the nipple access panels. They were almost like a Ziploc bag
closure as Mistress Sharon deftly opened the area of the suit right above my
hard nipples allowing them to pop out. This further detensioned the suit. It was
now almost comfortable.

I assumed I would be teased at this point. Nothing in my experience with
mistress Sharon led me to believe I would be getting off anytime soon. Still,
the very act of being teased had become a huge turn-on because I knew my
eventual release would be mind blowing. Mistress Sharon did not let me down. I
felt the sticky electrical pads of remote panties being attached to both my
nipples. I really didn't like the electric play, but I was in no place to
complain. I then felt another pad being attached to my clit. Shit, the clit
teaser was fun, but electric shocks? Not good. My mistress worked quickly and
efficiently to wire me up and then zipped the suit back closed. It was a
struggle to get the pussy zipper closed but the nipple Ziplocs shut fairly

"I've got some work to do slut. The other mistresses should be here in a little
while. Serve them like you desire to serve me and you'll be fine. I've told them
not to mark you, but I can't say you will not be punished for being the dirty
slut whore that you are. Have fun. I'll be back by noon."

Her vulgar language and description of me didn’t faze me. The time of her
promised return. That bothered me. Noon. It sounded almost like a death sentence
as the first shock of electricity hit my nipples and clit. Linda had not
answered her phone. She's always in the office at 8am. That means I have at
least four hours up here. As a second jolt of electricity hit my nipples, I
could only pray my new anonymous mistresses would have mercy on me. A short time
later a softer jolt hit my clit. Then a stronger one hit just my left nipple.
Apparently the electric controller had a random element to it. This was going to
be a long morning.

I don't know how long I lay on the table alone with my thoughts and the stinging
bites of electricity tormenting my nipples and clit. The gentler ones, which the
controller seemed to favor, were keeping me aroused. They were, or my body
decided they were because I needed them to be, quite exhilarating. However,
every 10 shocks or so, a harder jolt would rock my body. These were not arousing
and were quite painful. Especially when the controller decided to hit my clit
with a hard jolt, any pleasure that had been building drained out of my body. Of
course the diabolical machine would reset to lower voltages and begin ramping me
back up. After several cycles like this I realized that the number of low
intensity hits was increasing each cycle. From a strong pop at the beginning for
every 3 soft ones to once every 5, then every 10 and now every 20 the electrical
toy began to tease me. My body was becoming more and more aroused while my mind
struggled to estimate when the next hard jolt was going to happen. I felt like
my body was betraying me. It shouldn't be enjoying this treatment. But I knew
better. What I classified as a hard jolt 3o minutes ago now seemed mild and was
a turn-on. If I could hold on long enough so the interval of soft electrical
kisses could be long enough, I might actually be able to cum.

I lay on the table twisting in my bonds as I sunk deeper and deeper into the
depravity of my situation. My only thoughts were on the triangle of pleasure and
pain under my suit and how much longer I would need to get off. I was getting
closer each cycle and knew my climax would be soon. I just had to make it a
little longer. A little longer. One or two more cycles. A little longer. Then I
heard the door open.

I heard heels on the hardwood floor. They were not my mistress' sound. The heels
were different as was the length of the stride. I almost couldn't believe my
ears had become so in tune with my environment when I was blindfolded that I
could tell so much with so little information. I heard her walk over to the
table. She was standing next to the controls for the electric pads. What was she
going to do? I heard the tapping of her fingers on the box and then felt the

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 05
by Tappy McWidestance

I heard the click of the electric control box and felt all three electric pads
spring to life with a low grade charge. My body tensed and my back arched upward
toward my anonymous benefactor. As it adjusted to the tingling sensations by
body relaxed back onto the bondage bed and a moan escaped my mouth. I felt a
hand running itself over my latex clad body as if to check my firmness. I was
grateful she was allowing the tingling to continue and hoped the visual form I
was presenting pleased her enough to let me cum.

Her hands reached my head and I could sense she was standing at the narrow end
of the table. I felt her press both hands onto my cheeks, cradling my head and
then pushing down my next and over my breasts. The continuing electric charges
were driving me closer to the edge as I now felt two more sets of hands begin to
run up my legs. I was being caressed everywhere and I withered on the bed as
much as my bonds would allow. I tried to picture what I must look like which
only added fuel to the fire between my legs. I began to whimper as the
stimulation began to overrun my body's control mechanisms. Over and over the
hands made their journeys up and down my legs, just brushing the edges of my
pussy, and down and up my head to my breasts.

These new women were very effective in how they were stimulating me. I'm sure
they had done this before. Their touch was very different than Mistress Sharon.
Not necessarily better, but different. I remembered what my mistress had told me
that I would be auditioning for three additional dominants today and they might
bring their slaves with them. I wondered if all three of these women were
mistresses or if there was a mix of positions working on my body. As usual, my
lack of sight due to the blindfold led to an increased awareness of the sounds
around me. Unfortunately, apart from an occasional heel click and my moaning,
the room was quiet. One of the women, the woman at my head, wore a very
distinctive perfume. I didn't recognize the fragrance, but I knew if I smelled
it again, I would recognize the wearer. I tried to indentify the women working
my legs so I might be able to recognize her later, but she gave no hint of

They continued their massage of my body for at least 10 minutes. I was panting
in need and ever so close to climaxing, but couldn't quite go over the edge.
Eventually the electric pads were turned off and removed. With the zipper down
and my pussy exposed, my new mistress' perfume scent was now overwhelmed by the
arousal odor emanating from my suit. I felt a finger dip into my pussy. It met
no resistance as my copious fluids had lubricated me completely. The finger
pulled away and I heard somebody go ummm. I then felt another finger enter and
leave and from the other side of the table another affirmative good taste sound.

I begged for them to return their fingers to my pussy and to get me off, but
they said nothing. Apparently they were determined to maintain their anonymity
just as Mistress Sharon had done for so long. I heard the zipper of a skirt or
dress being pulled down and felt somebody climbing on the table with me. I
wasn't surprised at all when a very wet pussy descended onto my lips. As
Mistress Sharon had taught me, the mistress always cums first so I went to work.
Again the owner of this juicy pussy was much gentler than Mistress Sharon. She
held my head but did not pull it upward by my hair or mash it into her pussy.
She must have been turned on because it didn't take much work for me to make her
cum. I suppose if you are a dominant having access to a new bound beauty would
be a turn on. The woman liberally coated my face with her juices. Now along with
her perfume I would have a second way to identify her. She climbed off the table
and I prepared myself to service the next woman.

But an unexpected thing happened. Instead of feeling another woman climbing
above my head, I felt a warm tongue begin to lap at my pussy. The woman was in
tight to my smoldering love hole taking in all the juice I could provide. She
had me climbing the proverbial walls in seconds. I pleaded with her not to stop
and to take me over the edge. As I was praising her oral skills, I heard a grunt
and then felt her head bounce against my pussy. Her tongue lapped against my
clit in a delicious way and then I felt her head rebound away from my body. Then
it happened again and I heard her squeal "Fuck me mistress!"

She had broken the silence the three women had maintained. I had been
concentrating on my own pleasure so I didn't really process the voice well, but
I knew it sounded familiar. I heard a sharp slap to her bottom, apparently in
response to her outburst. I now pictured a beautiful slave girl bent over the
table. She was servicing my pussy while her mistress took her from behind. From
the force the submissive was bouncing her head into my crotch; I could only
assume her mistress was using a strap-on to pound her possession.

This revelation served as all the inspiration my brain needed to take me over
the edge and shower the woman's mouth with my girl-cum. I struggled against my
bonds as my body tried to twist and contort while the climax ripped through me.
Soon after the woman servicing my pussy also came as her mistress continued to
pound her from behind. As soon as she had calmed down, I felt her moving away
from the table. Almost as quickly, my mouth was presented with the strap-on
which had defiled her. I guess the two mistresses shared their preference for
toy cleaning methods as the huge fake cock was pressed into my mouth. While I
was blowing the monster rubber cock, I felt another tongue begin licking my
outer lips. I was very sensitive after having just cum so the talented tongue
had no problem beginning to build my body up to another climax.

Like her sister in slavery, I pictured this slave servicing my pussy while I
cleaned her mistress' strap-on. Moments after the fake dick was pulled from my
mouth, I once again felt a head slamming into my pelvis and I knew her mistress
had mounted her. Our coupling lasted longer this time but ended in just as
satisfying a manner. Both the slave and I climaxed and then I got to taste her
flavor as I cleaned the dildo. I now had three flavors of pussy to commit to
memory and one perfume. The short voice identity was long gone. All three women
gave me a kiss and I heard the door open and close. Two mistresses down, two to

I lay on the table for a while. My pussy was twitching in the post orgasmic glow
of two wonderful climaxes. I think I fell asleep for a while because I remember
waking to the touch of another feminine hand. This time I felt two pairs of
hands explored my body, although they seemed careful not to get too close to my
pussy or nipples. As I wondered what degrading act I might have to perform for
these two, I felt someone climbing up on the table. I prepared my tongue to do
its duty, but instead of sitting on me, the woman settled next to me with her
butt nestled near my armpit. I heard the sounds of a woman satisfying another
woman as realized she was being eaten out. The woman made no effort to touch me,
other than her lower back touching the catsuit. Apparently whoever was eating
her out was talented based on the sounds she began to make. I was forced to lie
helplessly and unfulfilled as the woman enjoyed three orgasms at the tongue of
her mate. I managed to restrain from begging. I figured it wouldn't do any good
in their game anyway, but I did file away in my brain every little sound she
made. There were no words, but her screams of joy had a much defined cadence and
timbre. I knew I could identify them if I ever heard them again.

Finally she had her fill. I expected her to share some of her juice with me, but
she didn't. Instead as she hopped off the table I felt the other woman climbing
on. I wondered if their scene would be repeated, but quickly figured out that
wouldn't be the case as I felt her legs straddling my head. Unlike my last
partner, this one was facing down the table with her ass positioned right on my
nose and her pussy already dripping into my mouth. I stuck out my tongue to
begin what I knew she wanted when I felt her lean down across my body and bury
her own tongue in my smoldering honey pot. I can only imagine the look on her
mistresses face as the slave and I 69'ed for her and our pleasure. I quickly got
the message that the group's slaves were going to pleasure me today provided
their mistresses were pleasured first. I'd never done a 69 before and found it
very exciting. From what I could tell my slave partner was enjoying it too. Her
mistress gave us plenty of time to work each other into a frenzy and we came
together. It was almost sweet as there had been no spanking, teasing, toys or
degrading acts. Apart from me being bound to the table and blindfolded, it was
almost normal.

Once we were done I expected the women to make a quick exit. Before they left,
however, I felt a small vibrating egg being placed in my vagina and the zipper
being pulled back up. The damn thing wasn't very powerful. I guess mistress
number four just wanted me primed before her arrival.

Once again I was left to simmer in my own juices as my mind raced through all
the possibilities and permutations of partners and activities my new situation
could entail. I tried hard to convince my brain to take me over the edge, but I
could not reach an orgasm just from the limited vibrations of the egg. I became
more and more frustrated. Had it been half an hour? A full hour? I couldn't
tell. Surely it was almost time for Mistress Sharon to return. These women had
captured my mind, body and spirit. I prayed I had measured up and would be
accepted into their group. I couldn't bear to think of the other option and what
I might do if they rejected me. Finally I heard the door open again.

"Hello pet," I heard Mistress Sharon say. "You've done well so far. Only one
more test for you today."

"Thank you mistress. I've certainly enjoyed the morning so far."

"Yes, I'm sure you have based on the reports I've received. I'm here with
another friend and her slave. Like the other they will not be talking, but I
assure you that you do know them. One of the things our group really enjoys is
gangbangs. Even the mistresses enjoy them from time to time, although mainly we
prefer picking out a slave and fucking her into submission."

That sounded fun to me. I listened intently. It was all I could do.

"Here's the plan. You are going to service my friend while her slave services
me. If you do a good job, she and I will fuck your pussy and ass while you eat
out the slave. If you don't do well, the interview is over and you will not be
joining our group. Not only that, but I'll take you back downstairs and punish
you like you've never been punished for wasting our time. Understand?"

"Yes mistress. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't pet."

I felt my bonds being released and at somebody's direction, sat up. I felt a
hand take mine and was directed off the table. I slowly walked led by the hand
across the room where I was directed to kneel down. My hands were bound behind
my back and my head was pulled down into a waiting pussy. Apparently there was
some office chairs also left behind because I could feel the padded edge of the
chair on my chest as I slurped away and lovingly serviced the tasty pussy in
front of me. I could tell it had been shaved as I pictured a young mistress
taking pleasure in my submission. I could hear the sounds of my mistress getting
serviced next to me. She was probably sitting in a similar chair. I imagined the
two mistresses holding court as they were being serviced by their slaves. I
couldn't think of a place I'd rather be than at her feet with her pussy in my

Mistress Sharon was the first to cum, but my new mistress was right behind her.
She began to thrust her hips upward as she reached her peak forcing my head
back. I had to fight for my position. I wanted to be sure I didn't stop until I
was ordered to do so. It was a noisy sloppy orgasm and I took pride in the face
that I was responsible for it. Afterwards and to the surprise of nobody, my
mistress announced it was time for me to get fucked. I had been looking forward
to this for hours and I giggled with glee.

I was stood up and felt the warm embrace of the other slave. When she kissed me
I could taste my mistress on her lips. I knew she could taste her mistress on
mine which really turned me on. My hands were still cuffed behind my back so I
could not defend myself from her desire to touch me as we made out. I assumed
the mistresses were preparing themselves, but I was focused on the mouth in
front of me. Finally I heard my mistress say "enough" and take charge of the
situation. She unclipped my wrists and I was maneuvered back to where the chairs
were located. My mistress must have sat down because I felt her pulling me
backward while she told me to relax. I landed on her lap, both of us facing
forward. I felt the dildo she had strapped to her hips poke between my legs.

"This one is going up your ass."

I could feel the generous amount of lube sliding off the dildo onto my leg. I
tried to sit up enough to mount the cock but I struggled with the position. I
felt a hand begin to stroke my clit and direct the toy to its new home. The tip
found the entrance to my holy spot and I began to wiggle to allow it to insert.
Once the first inch or so was firmly seated, I felt hands on my shoulders
pushing me down. Like a shot I sank onto its length. Thank God it was relatively
small. Very quickly I sensed someone moving in front of me and then a much
larger strap-on nudging the entrance to my pussy. There was no need for any
additional lubrication as my natural juices coated the invader allowing her to
slide the fake cock deep into my womb in one strong push.

I was skewered between these two powerful women. My loving mistress was taking
me up the ass. She wasn't moving much. My new anonymous mistress was powering
her cock into my pussy as if her life depended on it. Each thrust was strong
enough to move my ass off my mistress' dildo making me fuck myself. Mistress
Sharon deftly reached across my chest and unzipped the nipple cutouts. I was
trying to hold myself up with my arms beneath me on the arms of the chair and
balance while I was being fucked harder than I ever had in my life. Mistress
Sharon, aware of how turned on I get from nipple play, was deftly manipulating
my hard buds driving my passion higher and higher.

While I was being fucked, I heard the telltale squish of a woman fingering
herself. I wasn't sure where the other slave had gone, but I could clearly hear
her masturbating. Soon her moans mixed with mine. I knew she was getting off
watching me get impaled by her mistress and I was getting off imagining what she
looked like fingering herself. The sounds of womanly love were echoing through
the vacant office as our four sweaty bodies moved in unison to a preordained
climax. Nothing was going to stop me now. Both my mistresses could pull out at
this moment and no threat of punishment would have kept my hands from finishing
what they had started.

Fortunately it didn't come to that. First to pop was the masturbating slave.
With a shriek she climaxed. I wish I could have seen her, but the intensity of
her orgasm must have inspired her mistress because, although I would not have
believed it was possible, she started pounding me even harder. At this point my
mistress let go of my nipples and grabbed my ass. With strength I didn't know
she had, she grabbed my ass and started lifting it up and down her strap-on. The
two women quickly found a punishing rhythm with one of their cocks penetrating
me while the other retreated and then quickly reversing course. I'd throw my
hips forward to match my mystery mistress' thrust then slam my ass down on
Mistress Sharon to maximize her penetration. I didn't know if this session was
being recorded, but I secretly hoped it was because I wanted to see myself
getting fucked so hard. If this was the type of fucking the Mistress Club
practiced I wanted to be a member and I knew I would do anything to belong.

As you can imagine, we couldn't keep this pace up very long. I was quickly
reaching the edge of the cliff when from in front of me I heard an a****listic
groan and then a scream of pleasure as the mystery mistress came and came hard.
I would later learn that her strap-on had a small dildo on the inside and that
she had been fucking herself while she reamed me. At the time all I knew was
somebody less than a foot in front of me was in the throes of a world class
orgasm and that set me off. I was seeing stars as I climaxed. I lost all control
as my bodily functions went on autopilot. My mistress grabbed my hips and pulled
me down on her dildo and held me tight. Up front, the climaxing mystery woman
apparently fell backwards as she was cumming as the dildo in my pussy popped
free just as I began to cum. Mistress Sharon held me tight as my orgasm ripped
through me. I'm sure I would have fell on the floor if her strap-on had not
acted like a bicycle kick stand to support me. By the time it was done I was
slumped on her lap unable to move.

Once again I must have passed out. I woke on the bondage bed. My eye slits were
open and I was not tied to the table. The room was empty, but it reeked of
passion. I had no idea what time it was. I stood up. My legs were still a little
unsteady, but I quickly regained my posture. I peered out the door to make sure
the floor was really deserted. Apart from some boxes and an occasional chair,
filing cabinet or desk, there was nothing. I had no phone to call Mistress
Sharon and no desire to walk through the public corridors to her office, so I
went back into the conference room to wait for her. My mind replayed the last 24
hours and I felt good.

Mistress Sharon walked in with a bag containing new clothes for me. For some
reason I expected her to dress me like a slut, but they were professional and
perfectly suited for the work environment. She even had a regular bra and
panties. No nipple cutouts, butt plugs or vibrators. I felt strangely empty. She
also had a towel which she allowed me to use to wipe down my sweat but
apparently a shower before dressing was out of the question. I guess she wanted
me to feel like I was rode hard and put away wet even if I didn't look that way.

It was 12:45 when I finished dressing. Mistress Sharon explained that she
thought I did great during the audition but would have to check with the other
three mistresses before she could admit me to the group. I told her I would be
devastated if I didn't make the grade. She hugged me and told me not to worry.
We walked out of the office arm in arm and to the elevator. We went up to her
floor where she gave me a passionate kiss before disappearing to her office. I
continued up to my office. Oh how I hated to be going back to work. I almost
wish someone at my office had turned out to be my secret mistress so I could
serve her the rest of the day.

I sat in my cube group with my three cube mates trying not to show that my life
had been changed. I had trouble looking Becky in the eyes after seeing her with
Linda and her husband at the club the night before. The afternoon dragged on and
again I found it difficult to concentrate on my work. At 4:45 Linda called me
into her office. As I walked out of our cube, I thought I heard giggling and
snickering, but maybe it was just my imagination.

Linda just wanted to talk about my car and wanted to make sure everything was
going alright. She said I seemed distracted this week and was concerned. I told
her I just had a lot on my mind this week and my car breaking down was the last
straw. She told me things would get better and to keep a stiff upper lip. I
glanced down at her monthly calendar and I could swear I could still see my ass
print from last night but again, it was probably just my mind playing games with
me. We chatted for about 10 minutes. I was preparing to leave when her phone
rang. After taking the call she excused herself to run to the CEO's office to
deal with some emergency. "See you next week," she exclaimed as she walked out
the door. Alone in her office I had to know something. I walked over to her
chair and pressed my face against the top of the backrest. I took a deep breath.
Yes, I could still smell myself. My scent wasn't strong and maybe I was the only
one who could smell it, but I was sure it was still there. I allowed myself a
self satisfied grin and walked out.

Driving home I had nagging doubts that I had not performed satisfactorily in my
interviews. I knew I didn't have anything to base that feeling on, but I worried
nonetheless. I then began to think of Jim. Even if my story about spending the
night with a friend held up, eventually he would find out that I began servicing
four mistresses. As upsetting as these thoughts were, my pussy was getting wet
again. By the time I got home, I knew I'd be attacking Jim as soon as I could.

The weekend passed without any message from Mistress Sharon. I tried not to
worry. I fucked Jim Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. It was almost like old
times. What wasn't like old times was every time we were out of the house and I
saw an attractive woman, I wondered what it would be like kneeling under them
eating their pussy. I spent the weekend in a state of constant arousal. I
decided to head into the office early Monday in hopes of meeting Sharon before
work. As luck would have it, I met her in the lobby. She brought me up to her
office. I walked two steps behind her and one step to the left. She seemed
pleased that I remembered without being told.

Once in the privacy of her office, she ordered me to my knees and hiked up her
skirt. She had me service her for a good 20 minutes before she pushed me away
and straightened out her skirt. She had not cum yet which I took as a personal

"Don't worry about not finishing. Come back during your lunch hour. You can
finish then."

I looked at the clock on her filing cabinet and noticed it was 8:02 so I took my
leave of her and hustled out the door. A pretty young receptionist was in the
front office. She smiled at me as I left. Did she know why I was there? Out of
the corner of my eye I saw her stand up and walk down the hall toward Sharon's
office. Was she going to finish what I had begun? I didn't have time to worry. I
didn't take the time to wait for the elevator. I sprinted up the stairs and into
our office.

I dedicated my morning to catching up on the work I had blown off most of last
week. At 11:45 I got a text message on my phone. All it said was "noon." It was
from Mistress Sharon. Exactly at noon I arrived back at the office. The
receptionist escorted me back to Sharon and then said she was going to lunch.
She asked Sharon if she needed anything. Sharon just looked me dead in the eyes
and said "No, I'm good."

In my mind everything now had a double sexual meaning. I was sure the young girl
knew exactly why I was there and wondered if Sharon had her wrapped around her
little finger much like I was. I didn't have long to worry about it. Sharon
ordered me to strip which I did without delay. I then spent the next 45 minutes
licking her pussy. This time she did cum. Multiple times in fact. I was aching
in need by the time she told me I was done. I didn't know if I'd be allowed my
pleasure as I stood at attention in front of her desk. She sat there with a
contented look on her face. It was now 12:50 and I needed to be getting back to
the office.

"I talked to the other mistresses. They were all pleased with your efforts. Well
three were pleased and one thought you needed a lot more work. But anyway,
you’re in."

I clapped my hands with joy and my smiled beamed from ear to ear.

"I want you to go back to work. I'm busy the rest of the day, but I want you
here at 7:30 again tomorrow morning. In fact, your new starting time is 7:30 for
a half hour of pussy eating practice before work. At some point, the other
mistresses in our group may contact you for a personal congratulation. I expect
you to serve them as you serve me. As the newest member, you are low woman on
the totem pole. The ranking goes me, the other three mistresses, then the six
other slaves and finally you. You are not expected to serve the other slaves
except under the specific direction of a mistress, but when there is a menial
task to do and we're in a group, expect that you will get the bad jobs first. Do
you understand?"

"Yes mistress."

"Good. Now off you go and I'll see you tomorrow morning."

I walked out of the office. Once again the receptionist was sitting at her desk.
The leer she gave me made me believe she knew exactly why I was there. I spent
the afternoon with my mistress’s pussy on my mind and her taste in my mouth. I
was in heaven. I worked diligently trying to get caught up. At 5pm I was still
going strong as the office was emptying out. I knew Jim wouldn't be home until
at least 7 so I decided to work a little late. At 5:30 I figured I was the only
person left in the office. Memories of what happened the last time I was the
only person in the office flooded my mind and I had to take a mental timeout as
I felt a wave of arousal flow over my body.

I was in my own world when Linda's door opened. I didn't even know she was still
here. She seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see her. She had changed her
clothes and now had an unzipped cocktail dress and stockings on. She looked like
she was going to a club. She was also holding a pair of very high heels in her

"Meeting Thomas for dinner out tonight," she exclaimed as she took off
presumably for the bathroom.

Sure you are. You and your husband meeting Becky again I thought. I tried to get
back to work but the picture of Thomas with his arm around Becky kept coming
back to me. Maybe it was time to go home. As I was packing up, Linda teetered
back into the office. She was wearing the shoes but her dress was still
unzipped. She headed into her office and then called me in. She turned her back
to me and asked me to zip her up.

"Do you like to dance? You and Jim should come out with Thomas and me sometime."

"Sure," I lied. Jim hated dancing and I wasn't that fond of Thomas.

"I've got to get going. Can you lock up the office?"

"No problem. I was just finishing up some work."


As I was turning to walk back to my desk, I saw Linda pull a perfume bottle out
of her desk drawer. I kept moving but I heard her spray a mist into the air and
I assumed she walked through it. I sat back down at my desk a pretended to be
working but all I was doing was thinking about Linda and Becky. This was not
good. I shouldn't be fantasizing about co-workers. Linda walked out of her
office looking like a million dollars. She had tweaked her hair in the bathroom
and was dressed to the nines. She walked by my cube and told me to have a good
weekend. She passed and was gone, but the fragrance from her perfume hung in the
air. I knew that scent. I had smelled it before. Oh my God. Linda was one of the

That realization hit me like a ton of bricks and instantly flooded my pussy. I
leaned back in my chair. How was this possible? She must have been the one
controlling the panties that fateful day. How could she not make herself known?
Maybe she was the one not sure of me. The need in my pussy had to be addressed.
Smelling that perfume brought back too many memories and the aroused state my
mistress had left me in at noon came roaring back. I had to scratch my itch. I
got up to go to the bathroom. Since I didn't know Linda was still in the office
I couldn't take the chance somebody else would pop out of their office or I
would have fingered myself at my desk. For some reason I glanced at Becky's
cube. On the wall was a picture of her with Linda and Thomas. I'd looked at that
picture hundreds, maybe thousands of times. It was taken at a company retreat in
Vegas. I'd never noticed that both Linda and Thomas had their arms wrapped
around Becky who stood between them. I'd never thought of it as anything but a
posed picture, but as I looked at it closely now with the education I'd received
over the last 24 hours, the picture was more than that. The embrace looked like
possession. Holy shit. Becky must be Linda's slave. Heck she was probably the
woman I had 69'ed this morning and who masturbated while Sharon and Linda fucked
me. My legs got weak. I had to sit down.

I threw caution to the wind. My fingers found my clit and my slit as I sat in
Becky's chair and stared at her picture with Linda. Their status had not really
been confirmed, but to my lust, the circumstantial evidence was more than enough
for a conviction. I had tunnel vision staring at their picture as my fingers
flew over my clit and quickly brought myself to a very satisfying climax. I was
tempted to soil Becky's chair like I had done to Linda's, but I thought better
of it. I'd end up getting turned on by that tomorrow as I am sure I'd be able to
smell it.

Instead I packed up my things and headed home. I was a little older and
definitely a little wiser than when I left the house that morning. I was also
looking forward to going to work the next day.

On the way home my cell phone rang. It was Suzy. I had not talked much to her
over the past couple of weeks. Her party business was slowing down, although she
said her web business was picking up so she was fine. She told me she had a huge
fetish party that was just booked for Friday night and asked if I could work. I
told her I'd have to check with Jim. See said no problem and asked if I could
let her know tomorrow that would be great. She said Jill was scheduled to work
the party and that she was coming over tomorrow night for some last minute
costume alterations. She asked if I could join them as she had some new outfits
for me to try and wanted to make sure everything was OK before the show. I told
her I would check with Jim tonight and call her tomorrow.

The next day I arrived at the office at 7:30 and went straight to my mistress'
office. She was on the phone and she waved me into her office. After I shut the
door I dropped to me knees and crawled to her desk. With a simple gesture she
directed me behind her desk and between her legs. She was wearing a short skirt.
I wasn't surprised to find she wasn't wearing panties or that her pussy was
slick in anticipation of my arrival. Sharon continued to talk on the phone as I
began to enjoy the delicacy of her pussy. It sounded like she was making party
arrangements and I wondered if I would be attending. She didn't seem to be in a
hurry for me to make her cum. She didn't pressure my head into her crotch or
guide me as to the ferocity I should approach my task. I leisurely went about my
business and about 20 minutes later she came. It wasn't a huge orgasm, but she
seemed pleased. She told me to go to my office, but to be back at 12:30 for a
return engagement. As I walked out of her office I noticed that her receptionist
had arrived. As usual she gave me an unfriendly look. I hurried past her and
upstairs to my office. I was done with Sharon for a few hours. Would this be the
day Linda took control of me?

Everyone filed into our office as if it were a normal day. For everyone but me
it probably was. Of course this was my new normal so I guess it was a normal
day. I didn't have any contact with Linda that morning. By noon I was wondering
if maybe I had assumed too much. Maybe it was a coincidence she wore that kind
of perfume. At 12:30 I headed downstairs and once again serviced my mistress.
She didn't touch me which was disappointing. Her receptionist wasn't at her desk
when I arrived and thankfully still wasn't there when I left. All afternoon I
daydreamed about being taken to the basement by my mistress and my boss. Several
times my cube mates caught me off in my own little world as they were talking to
me and I didn't notice. I was glad when 5pm rolled around and I could get out
that environment. I was somewhat surprised that my mistress did not call me for
a post work orgasm. Leaving the office, I decided not to think about it and so I
headed over to Suzy's.

Suzy greeted me with a big hug. She told me Jill was running a little late
causing my submissive antennas to go up. How convenient. We were alone. She
could make her move on me. I had started thinking that any woman could be one of
my four mistresses. Certainly I knew about my primary mistress, Sharon, and I
strongly suspected my boss Linda was number two. The third, as yet unknown, had
a distinctive tattoo. Suzy didn't have that tattoo, but clearly had a hand in
providing the toys which brought me to this place. She, and especially Jill,
knew that I enjoyed being tied up at the toy party. That made her a prime

I followed Suzy downstairs to her basement work area. She explained that one of
her best fetish clients was going to host a party that Friday. Historically this
woman's parties generated the most revenue of any show of the year so Suzy
always tried to work out something special. This year, instead of the
traditional leather gear, Suzy wanted to have a surprise ending to the fashion
show. She said she wanted Jill and me to model the usual lingerie along with the
typical cuffs, collars, corsets and chains. For the finale, however, Suzy wanted
the two of us to put it all together and appear as mistress and slave. Now we're
getting somewhere I thought.

Suzy continued. "I don't know if she told you, but Jill is a submissive."

No she had not told me that. In fact, based on what she did to me when I was
bound to the table I had her pegged for a Dom. I must have looked confused.

"Jill likes to be told what to do. I'm going to dress you up as her mistress and
you can lead her around the room as your slave."

Actually, I would have preferred to have her lead me around the room as her
slave, but I agreed to do as Suzy asked. I heard footsteps on the stairs and
Jill bounded into the room. Suzy quickly explained how she wanted to end the
show and Jill quickly agreed while giving me a flirty glance at the same time.
Suzy told Jill to strip which she did without comment. Suzy then began dressing
her, if you can call it that, in her slave costume.

Describing the costume is difficult. Suzy said she was going for the Arabian
Prince and his harem girl look. All I could imagine was if Barbara Eden from I
Dream of Jeannie were a love slave, what would she look like? Jill put on a tiny
bra and miniscule g-string. Suzy then gave her a sheer fishnet pantaloon with
strips cut up the sides which did absolutely nothing to conceal her legs and
only served to tantalize someone looking at her. The cuff of the pants had built
in strap which Suzy cinched tight. I also noticed a ring installed to bind an
insolent slave later. The top of the pants had a similar contraption built in.
Suzy tightened the waist around Jill providing another bondage point. Suzy had
Jill walk around the room. The fabric in the pants flowed with the air movement
generated by her walking. The slits up the pants legs danced back and forth
giving teasing glances at her legs and then hiding them from view. I couldn't
take my eyes off her a fact noticed by both Suzy and Jill.

"Looks like the effect I wanted is working, eh Jill?" Suzy asked. Jill agreed. I was embarrassed at being caught.

The top of Jill's outfit was of a similar material, but it stopped at a tight
elastic band which curled just below her beautiful breasts. The arms had slits
similar to the pants and ended at her wrists. As with the bottom of the pants, a
tight strap with rings was included in the top at both wrists and at the collar.
Jill moved her arms and the material seemed to float. Once again I couldn't stop

"That's not bad Jill. I think you've proved that this outfit will capture the group's attention."
She then snapped her fingers in front of my face which brought me back to reality.
"I am concerned with how that bra looks in the top. Let's take that off."

I watched as Suzy peeled the top up over Jill's breasts. Jill then unhooked the
bra and Suzy pulled the top back down. Jill's nipples poked through the fishnet.
She was obviously enjoying herself. Suzy backed up to look at her handiwork
while Jill admired herself in a mirror. Nothing would look bad on Jill. Her
young athletic body could wear anything and this outfit was no exception.

After satisfying herself with Jill's costume, Suzy turned her attention to me.
She barked at me to strip which I did willingly. I wished my costume would have
been similar to Jill's but unfortunately it was much less revealing. Actually it
was downright boring. Suzy dressed me like some kind of Arab sheik. I had a long
flowing robe which covered my body completely and even wrapped around the top of
my head. I looked at Suzy in disbelief. Certainly this isn't what she intended
on having me wear.

Suzy grabbed a leash of one of her desks and clipped it onto Jill's collar. She
handed me the other end and had me lead my "slave" around the basement while she
watched. It was a completely unnatural position for me to be in. It didn't feel
right, not only because of what I was wearing, but because I wanted to be the
one led. Suzy however was pleased that the pair of outfits fit what she wanted.
Jill seemed happy, although I felt compelled to voice my displeasure.

"Don't worry Tina. The host has a whole harem theme in her house. She had a couple of slave girls of her own so Jill's outfit will fit right in and so will yours."

I didn't really believe her, but what could I do. Suzy took a few notes for some
alterations to my robe while Jill got dressed and went home. She then had me
dress. I purposely took my time pulling on my clothes. I wanted to give Suzy an
opportunity to take control of me, but it didn't happen.

I had not received any sexual satisfaction today and I was starting to get upset
about it. I left Suzy's in sexual disbelief. It was the second time today. First
my mistress had not called me to her office at the end of the work day. Second
neither Suzy or Jill had taken me that evening. Life as a sub was confusing. How
could they have resisted my charms when I was naked and available to them?

The next day at work was much like the day before. I ate pussy for breakfast and
lunch, although thankfully my mistress did allow me the pleasure of sitting on
her desk, spreading my legs and masturbating for her pleasure. Her
receptionist's smile was more knowing than angry when I left. Linda was wearing
the same perfume when she left the office that night. Becky was dressed nicer
than usual and I wondered if they were going out together. It seemed like all my
thoughts and especially how I thought about other people now revolved around
sex. That night as I lay in bed unable to sleep, I thought about the women I
assumed had helped Sharon enslave me and questioned whether I was projecting my
desires on them or whether they were really in the scene.

Friday morning started as usual. I was under my mistress' desk at 7:30am sharp.
I was curled up in a ball in the foot well of the desk, my head buried in her
pussy doing my morning chores, when I heard the door open and the receptionist
walk in. I figured she already knew what I did in this office so I didn't stop.
And neither did Sharon. She and the receptionist talked as if nothing was out of
the ordinary while I continued to feast. I heard the door close again and then
doubled my efforts to make my mistress cum. I was rewarded with a mouthful of
her nectar and the satisfaction of a job well done. When I crawled out from
under the desk I was surprised to see the face of the receptionist.

My mistress introduced her as Toni. She was naked. I was frozen in place I didn't know what to do.

"Toni is the one you 69'ed with during your interview. She's been begging for me
to arrange a repeat performance. She's been a good little slave this week so I
told her today she would get her reward."

Suzy ordered me to strip and lie down on her couch. Finally I was going to get
some action in this office. Toni then lay on top of me and we began to service
each other. It was as heavenly as the first time and now that I could see her,
even more fun. Mistress Sharon allowed us continue until we both came. It was a
much better way to start the day as I made the trip back upstairs and Toni
settled at her reception desk.

The rest of the morning my arousal built and built. I was looking forward to the
toy party tonight and even more so to a return engagement with my mistress and
Toni at lunch. Unfortunately when I went downstairs at noon, Toni told me Sharon
had to leave due to some kind of emergency. Toni looked disappointed too. I
wondered how many times during the day Mistress Sharon availed herself of Toni's
charms and how often Toni was satisfied. I was in great need of some
satisfaction myself and willingly offered my services to Toni provided she would
reciprocate, but she turned me down. She said Mistress Sharon had left strict
orders for her not to have sex with anybody until she returned. I was
disappointed, of course, but I understood.

I walked out of the office dejected and horny. Then I noticed the freight
elevator. I paused. Toni had been ordered to be celibate, but I had not. In
hindsight, maybe this wasn't the best decision, but I took the elevator down to
the basement security office. LaShawn was on duty. She didn't seem surprised to
see me. I'd forgotten about the elevator security cameras.

"So your mistress left you unsatisfied today, huh, slave girl?" she began. All I
could do was nod. My head was down in submission to the ebony goddess and in
defeat of my free will. I was still controlled by my lusts.

"Tell me slut. What do you want?"

"I need to cum. I'll do whatever you want, but please make me cum."

"For starters let's see if that pretty tongue of yours has learned any new tricks since we last met."

LaShawn stood up and took off her pants. I had learned some new tricks at the tutelage of my mistress and LaShawn seemed very appreciative. In record time compared to our previous partnerships, I had her climaxing and calling me filthy names. I took the verbal assault as a compliment to my oral skills and stood up while licking her flavor off my lips. My own pussy was dripping and I was looking forward to whatever stimulation she would provide. LaShawn pulled her pants up and told me to leave.

I stammered in disbelief, "But what about me?"

"Do you think I'm going to touch that skanky pussy? Who knows where it's been. Go back upstairs to your bathroom. You're good at frigging yourself there."

I was pissed off. How dare she use me and deny me. At the time I didn't make the connection about LaShawn's actions and that of Mistress Sharon who basically did the same thing every day. LaShawn wasn't my mistress so fuck her. That was the last time she was going to mess with me.

I stormed out of her office to the sound of laughter. I took the elevator back up to my floor. I was still fuming. Getting off the elevator I looked at the bathroom door. I was ready to go inside. I wanted to go inside. I needed to go inside. But I didn't. I can control my lusts I told myself. I'm not ruled by my pussy and my need to cum. I can beat this.

I went back into my office. It seemed everyone was still at lunch and my cube area was deserted. I sat down at my desk to stew in anger. I was finally calming down when I heard Linda's door open. Peaking over the cube wall I saw Becky walking through the door. She was buttoning the top buttons on her blouse. I quickly sat back down in my chair and pretended to be working. As she was rounding the corner into our cube, she jumped back startled.

"Oh, I'm sorry Tina. I didn't realize you were back from lunch."

I looked at her. Her face was flush and her lips were glazed. I knew that look. I had it every morning.

"That's cool Becky. I just got back."

Yes, I just got back from licking the security guard and was trying to rein in my lusts. The image of Becky on her knees in front of Linda certainly wasn't going to help my libido. My arousal kicked into high gear. There was no ignoring it or trying to make it go away with happy thoughts. It needed satisfaction and it needed it now. I excused myself. "I need to go to the bathroom, Becky.
Something I ate at lunch didn't agree with me."

I practically sprinted out of our cube. Power walking past Linda's door I used my peripheral vision just enough to notice her sitting at her desk. I couldn't see her legs, but in my mind I could see her wearing a short skirt with Becky servicing her. I had to get out of there. Once out the door I hit the stairwell. The elevator took too long. Down one flight I went and into the management
office. Toni tried to stop me but I barged right past her. With Toni in hot pursuit I tried to open Sharon's door, but it was locked. As I in vain to jiggle the lock, Toni's hand grabbed mine.

"You can't go in there."

"Why not? Is she in there with another girl?"

As the words came out of my mouth, I already regretted barging into the office. It was not my place to question how, when or why my mistress chose to use me.

"No, she's still not here. But I'm not allowed into her office when she's gone."

"I'm not asking you to go into the office. I just really need a place to cum that doesn't have a security camera."


"Seriously. LaShawn wouldn't satisfy me and my boss just fucked my cube mate. I'm horny and I'm going crazy."

Toni looked at me like she understood.

"Let me get the key."

I finally could take a relaxed breath as Toni went back to her desk. She came back with a key ring and unlocked Sharon's door. "Just be quick, OK?"

I wanted to tell her there was no way this was going to take long. Beside my
lunch break only had about 10 minutes left. Walking into the office I remembered
walking into Linda's office with the same purpose not long ago. I looked at
Sharon's phone. It worked once to get me off. It would work again. But even as
distracted as my mind was by my overarching need to cum, I had the clear thought
that I shouldn't repeat the prank. I looked around the office and found what I
needed. On the top of Sharon's filing cabinet were a couple of bottles of water.
They were the 500ml (16.7 ounce) size. This was perfect, I told myself.

I slid out of my panties and grabbed the nearest bottle. I sat down in Sharon's
chair and propped my spread legs out on her desk. I was already wet and my
foreplay had been mental all day long. I quickly stuck the bottle top in my
mouth to give it a little saliva and the pulled it down to my pussy. I was a
little surprised how easily it slid in and pleasantly happy about how good it
felt. I shut my eyes and let the sensations wash all over my body as I slowly
fucked myself with the plastic bottle. Waves of pleasure washed over me. It
wouldn't take long. Again I pictured Becky in front of my boss Linda. I then
thought of Toni and me pleasuring my mistress. Finally I thought of Jill. It
wasn't slave girl Jill, however, it was Mistress Jill towering over me as I lay
bound spread eagled beneath her. This time instead of dry humping me she was
wearing a mean looking strap-on and taking what she wanted from my helpless

The last image of Jill's wild red hair dancing about her head as she strained to
fuck me harder set off my climax. I howled in pleasure and my pussy snapped hard
against the bottle. My left fingers were dancing across my clit while my right
hand directed the bottle in and out of my fuckhole. I screamed out in pleasure
as a bright flash invaded my subconscious. Then there was another flash. I
opened my eyes to see Toni standing in front of the desk with a small digital
camera. Getting caught did nothing to diminish my throws of ecstasy. If anything
it increased my passion. Again my pussy clamped down on the bottle as a new wave
pleasure crashed across my body. Toni kept snapping pictures and I kept cumming.

Finally I calmed down. I was late getting back to the office, but I still needed to sit and recover for a few minutes. Toni took the bottle from my hand.

"Remind me not to drink the water in this office," she joked.

I watched as she put it back on the filing cabinet. The label was wet, but that would dry. I wondered if my flavor would remain on the bottle after it was uncapped.

"You are in so much trouble when Mistress sees these pictures," Toni offered.

I didn't care. She could spank me or whip me. That was a small price to pay for
that major cum. When I offered that reasoning to Toni she actually agreed with
me. I saw her eyeing the bottles as I made my way out of the office. I didn't
look back. I needed to get upstairs.

My cube mates were all back from lunch, or in Becky's case back from Linda's
pussy. Nobody said anything about me being 15 minutes late or looking as flush
as Becky had earlier. The rest of the day flew by. Having a monster orgasm for
lunch can make that happen. Also looking forward to a night of erotic activities
can also help. I was still dreaming of being put under Suzy's tutelage tonight
or submitting to Jill, but even if that didn't happen, just modeling the clothes
would have me turned on for when I got home.

About 3:45 I noticed Becky get a phone call and then head back into Linda's
office. Sure they could have been discussing the marketing campaign we'd been
working on, but that should have meant a team meeting. It was much more likely
that Becky was back on her knees. Even if that wasn't reality, in my fantasy
world, Becky was bent over Linda's lap and being spanked. The familiar itch was
back in my pussy and I made my way back to the bathroom. As I walked in I first
looked at the ceiling. There was a small camera pointed away from the stalls and
showing the door and sink areas. If LaShawn was watching, she knew where I was.

Next I checked the stalls. Thankfully I had the place to myself. Slipping into
the first stall, my skirt was down and my hand was in my panties in record time.
Now I imagined Toni repeating my bottle performance and Becky blowing Linda's
husband while she got fucked my Linda. Apparently my body was learning to cum
quicker, a very good thing, as it only took a few minutes of clitoral
stimulation and imagining my coworkers fucking to get me off. I didn't cum
nearly as hard as in Sharon's office, but it was enough to take the edge off
until tonight. As I stood by the sink tidying up, I got an idea. After I dried
my hands, I pulled an extra paper towel out of the dispenser. I grabbed a pen
from my purse and began to scribble on the paper towel when I heard the door
open. In walked Becky with a very purposeful stride. If she noticed me she
didn't say hello, but went right into a stall. I heard her sit down, but I
didn't hear her pee.

Evil thoughts crossed my mind. I knew why she was there and was pretty sure she
wouldn't start until she heard me leave. I knew I wouldn't start until the
bathroom was empty. I held up the sign I had scribbled to the camera. It said
"Fuck you LaShawn!" I then dropped the sign and pulled up my blouse and bra
flashing my tits to the camera. In hindsight this was a bad idea because I
didn't know who else watched those tapes, but I was still pissed at her. I threw
the paper towel away and made sure to make a noisy exit from the bathroom. When
I shut the door, I held it so it returned a little slower than usual. The
brought a most satisfying creak from the hinge. It also allowed me to keep it an
inch open so I could listen. I had no excuse why I was doing this if anybody
else came to the bathroom right then. I supposed I could tell them I was
listening to Becky masturbate. The unmistakable sounds of fingers sloshing in a
wet pussy started almost as soon as the door was closed.

My own pussy was starting to tingle as I listened to Becky service herself. I
waited for about a minute when another evil thought crossed my mind. I loudly
pushed open the door, walking into the bathroom and went in the stall next to
her. I was actively listening as soon as the sound of the door shutting quieted
the bathroom. I heard nothing from the stall next to me. I knew from experience
she was fighting her urges right then. Her need to cum was in battle with her
desire not to get caught. I was able to pee and mask my real reason for being
there. In a fit of jealousy, I contemplated staying in the stall and trying to
outlast her. I even thought of masturbating again to see if she would join me.
But in the end I had my laugh, flushed the toilet, washed my hands and left.
Again I closed the door carefully and listened to hear if she restarted her
satisfaction. When I heard that she did, I opened the door and let it swing
shut. At least I'd give her something to think about wondering if somebody else
had entered the bathroom.

Back at my cube I waited for Becky to return. I was pretending to work but I was
really watching for her so I could see the guilty look on her face. I wondered
if she would say anything or try to make an excuse. Of course she didn't. She
did return a few minutes later and sat down without making any comments. I sat
there with a smug satisfaction of knowing both of us had played with ourselves
minutes apart in the same bathroom. I also knew what had, or at least who had,
put her in such a state that she needed to relieve herself. I wondered exactly
what Linda had done to drive her desire high enough to risk getting caught to
satisfy her lusts. I had my imagination, but I wanted facts.

Unfortunately nothing else happened before the end of the work day. Becky seemed
to get down to work without further distractions. Apparently her finger was
enough for her. I was still looking forward to the toy party. Suzy, Jill and I
had decided to ride together so I headed over to her house. She was busy packing
the sample cases and clothes into her van when I arrived. She gave me a big hug.
Perhaps it was my state of advanced sexual yearnings, but I could have sworn she
held me a little longer and tighter than would he considered appropriate. Jill
arrived moments later and received the same hug, but I didn't see anything out
of the ordinary. I must just be horny again.

Once the van was packed, we headed out. Suzy was driving and Jill was sitting in
the front seat. I was on a bench seat all the way in the back with the sample
boxes on the floor in front of me. It struck me as odd why I wasn't driving
myself. Fortunately the trip was short and we soon arrived at a generously sized
house in one of the more fashionable neighborhoods. We each grabbed a sample
case and headed for the door. Suzy rang the doorbell and soon after the heavy
oak door swung open. Suzy and Jill walked in. As I crossed the threshold I got a
major shock. Holding the door was Thomas, Linda's husband. WTF? I then saw Linda
walking out of the kitchen toward the entry foyer. She was wiping her hands on a
dish towel.

"The snacks are almost ready. Everybody should be here within half an hour."

Linda stopped short when she saw me.

"Well hello Tina. This is an unexpected surprise. I didn't know you worked with Suzy."

I remembered back to Suzy telling me this was going to be a special party for one of her biggest customers. I suddenly became very interested in what type of things Linda and her friends buy.

"Hi Linda. The surprise is all mine. I didn't know we were coming to your house."

I wanted to ask where Becky was since I was sure she would be attending the party, but I thought better of it. Their affair was an office secret so it was better that I didn't let on that I knew about them.

"Well don't just stand there everyone. Come on in."

Linda led us into the living room where she was setup for the party. After we
put the cases down Jill and I returned to the van and got the clothes. When we
walked back in Suzy and Linda appeared to be deep in a private conversation. I
asked Jill if she had ever been to a party here before and she said no. Thomas
had disappeared to the basement, his "man cave" as Linda described it. "He'll be
gone until the party is over," she chuckled.

We were escorted to a guest bedroom where we could change our costumes. I also
noted a second guest bedroom where a stack of towels and a bottle of hand
sanitizer were positioned next to the bed on a nightstand. I theorized that
Linda expected more than one of her guests to have a hands on demonstration.
Suzy walked into the room and told Jill and I to put on our first pieces of
lingerie as the guests would be here soon. I've never gotten over the naughty
thrill of stripping down and dressing sexy for a room full of strangers. Tonight
I also got the thrill of watching Jill do the same. As we primped for our debut,
I couldn't help but think that tonight must be the night that Linda would show
me her true self. I was sure I would be ravaged before the night was over.

People started trickling in for the party. Suzy had Jill and I dressed in maid's
costumes and we were instructed to serve as much wine as the ladies would drink.
Apparently Linda and Suzy wanted everyone loose before they really started.
After about a half an hour, Suzy whispered something in Jill's ear. She nodded
and went off to our dressing bedroom. Lacking any instruction, I kept serving
the drinks and snacks while Suzy continued her sales pitch of her wares. I
noticed a couple of women disappearing into the bedroom, both alone and in
pairs. Apparently the wine was helping the sales pitch. Jill returned wearing
her first revealing outfit of the night. As she paraded around the room I saw
several women take certain liberties touching her in ways not condoned at other
parties. Still neither she nor Suzy made an effort to correct the inappropriate
touching. I watched as one woman, pretending to check the fit over Jill's ass
ran her hand right between her legs. I saw Jill sigh and knew exactly what she
was feeling.

Suzy then sent me back to change. As I was coming out of the bedroom in one of
my favorite lace teddies, the basement door flung open almost smacking me in the
face. Thomas barreled through the door not realizing he almost clipped me. I
stopped as quickly as I could and was still on my tiptoes as he closed the door
and saw me.

"Oops, sorry," he said. While his lips were saying sorry, his eyes definitely
scoping me out. He gave me a look from top to bottom and then back up again. He
didn't even try to hide that he was doing it.

"Nice. Suzy always has the best models."

With that he turned and began walking to the living room. There he told Linda he
was going out and wished everyone a good evening. He disappeared through another
door I assume was the garage. I made my entrance to the living room. All eyes
were on me as I made my first trip through the group as a model instead of a
maid. The woman who had been feeling up Jill tried the same maneuver on me. She
questioned whether the bottom of the teddy fit correctly and in the process ran
her hand all along my slit and up the crack of my ass. I had to take a deep
breath to keep from yelling out. I continued around the room, but I was sure the
teddy really didn't fit know since the crotch was jammed up the crack of my ass
courtesy of the woman’s roaming hands. Nobody mentioned my wardrobe malfunction.
I got the impression that was how the night was going to go.

Suzy indeed was booking a great number of orders. Jill and I continued showing
off her assets as well as our own. The viewers progressively took more liberties
"checking the merchandise" and I for one was getting very turned on by the
pawing. I looked to Jill who appeared to be enjoying herself just as much as I
was. Suzy had steered the sales pitch onto the fetish gear. I assumed the
bondage bed would soon be making an appearance and I was fully ready to

Before that could happen, however, Linda announced we were going to take a
break. She wanted to serve more wine and Suzy said we needed time to get in our
final costumes. Jill and I walked to the bedroom and stripped out of our
outfits. Jill found her harem girl costume, but I couldn't find the Arab Slave
Trader costume I was supposed to wear. Fortunately Suzy came into the room. When
I told her that I couldn't find my costume she said that was because she had
changed her mind. She said that something had been bothering her about how I
looked in the costume. She said I didn't seem comfortable leading Jill around
the room and decided the whole concept wasn't going to work. I looked over at
Jill who was busy putting on her costume and looked then looked at Suzy with a
confused expression.

"I liked how Jill's costume looked. She's still going to be the harem girl. I have something else for you."

I was scared and intrigued by what Suzy had in mind. My pussy had been wet all
night and I would have walked out to the group naked if that would have gotten
me satisfaction. Suzy pulled out a small suitcase I had not seen when we carried
the clothes in. From inside Suzy pulled out a pair of short leather boots with a
high stiletto heel. They came to just above my ankles with the requisite locking
mechanism to keep them on my feet and D-rings on the inside and outside to hold
me in place if necessary. OK, to hold me in place hopefully. She had me sit on
the bed while she placed them on my feet. Suzy was kneeling in front of me with
a perfect view of my moist pussy, a fact that didn't escape me as I pictured
myself kneeling in front of her.

After the boots Suzy had me slip on a leather jacket. The sleeves were cut
almost like Jill's harem girl outfit in that the sleeves were more like strips
of leather culminating in a locking cuff again with two D-rings. The bottom of
the jacket snapped tight against my abdomen. There were four buttons running
from just above my belly button to just below my breasts. The top collar of the
jacket snapped tight around my neck. Again there was a D-connector. You can't
leave home without those. The middle of the jacket flared out in a diamond shape
exposing a wide expanse of my breasts. Basically from my nipples in were
exposed. The jacket must have been custom tailored because it fit me like a
glove and gave my breasts just enough support and inward tilt for maximum
exposure. The jacket flare trapped my nipples in place, unexposed but covered
just barely and held me firmly. I'm sure it could be persuaded to expose more of
my chest, but the way it was fitted now, I would be at least slightly contained.
I wondered what bottom Suzy had to match this incredible jacket. I probably
could have guessed and certainly should have known what was coming... the remote
vibrating panties.

I offered no resistance as Suzy slid the panties up my legs. My will to resist
had long ago been broken. I had no doubt Suzy intended to demonstrate the full
potential of her most expensive item to this crowd of horny women who had
already shown they were in a buying mood. I noticed the panties did not have the
g-spot vibe installed. That was either a good thing or a bad thing depending on
how you look at it. I guessed it would save me some embarrassment if I didn’t
squirt in the demonstration. Instead of the slender curved vibe a large think
one had replaced it. The same was true of the anal probe. While not as big as
the pussy vibe, it was significantly thicker and longer than the one I usually
used. Suzy pushed me face down on the bed and began lubing up my ass with her
finger. I didn't complain and I didn't bitch. I just lay there and let her do
what I knew was coming. I ended up stuffed like I had been in Sharon's bondage
lair when I got my first double penetration. Only this time the fucking wouldn't
stop until the batteries wore out along with the added pleasure of the clit
vibrating pad and I the fact that I wasn’t going to be able to take the panties
off until Suzy gave me the key.

Satisfied with the positioning of the three panty toys Suzy pulled me back to my
feet. Each step was an adventure as the vibrators shifted inside of me. They
were not even turned on yet and already I was feeling the effects. The final
step before our unveiling was a leash for both our collars. With that Suzy led
her two slaves back into the living room. Jill was walking with her head up
taking pride in both her costume and her position. I tried to follow her lead,
but with each step my knees got weaker as I fucked myself and rubbed my clit on
the plastic nub.

When we reached the center of the room Suzy handed Jill's leash to Linda who
proceeded to slowly walk her around the room showing off the marvelous costume.
The room was abuzz with sexual energy as every woman in attendance was riveted
to the gorgeous redhead strutting her stuff. I almost felt neglected standing
the in the center of the room.

When Jill had completed her route, Linda sat down and pulled Jill onto her lap.
No doubt Linda was enjoying the roll of slave handler. I could only hope she
would do the same for me soon. Suzy appeared ready to begin my demonstration.
With practiced ease and a carabineer, my wrists were soon clipped behind my
back. As I expected, my breasts bulged out of the front of the jacket. My hard
nipples now strained to remain contained by the lapel. I knew what was coming
and I was humiliated by how bad my body wanted this.

Suzy pulled out the remote and began to explain its features. She turned on all
three vibes at full strength and instantly my knees buckled and I crumpled in a
heap to the floor. The strength of the vibrations surprised me. They seemed much
more intense than the pair I owned. Perhaps they were a new model. Suzy turned
off the vibes almost as quickly.

"As you can see, at full power, the panties can be quite a bit to handle. I
recommend lower settings and especial the tease settings as you get accustomed
to their operation."

Suzy handed the remote to the woman sitting on her left who examined it
thoroughly. I struggled to my feet, challenged more from the shoes and cuffs and
not from the now dormant vibes when I saw her point the remote (why do women
think it is a magic wand to aim at me) a click a button. This time only the clit
buzzer turned on at a very sustainable and pleasurable pace. I smiled at the
woman who then clicked another button which brought the butt plug to life. My
smile changed to a scowl as my ass clinched. I'm sure she could read the
tenseness in my face. She smiled apparently satisfied and turned both vibes off.
She then handed the remote to the woman sitting next to her. Each woman in turn
took pleasure in teasing me to the point of climax before backing off. As Jill
and I moved around the room most of the attention had shifted from the harem
girl to the merciless teased girl. I was rapidly approaching my end point where
I couldn't take any more. The last woman finally had the remote. It was Linda.
She quickly pushed a number of buttons on the remote and the ass, pussy, clit
cycle I had felt in the office but never replicated at home began. She smiled at
me as I confirmed it must have been her controlling me in the conference room.
She got up and walked over to me. She pushed the remote down into my cleavage
indicating no changes to this program which would drive me insane were going to
happen. She then whispered in my ear.

"I've had my eyes on you for a long time, slut. If I let you cum, what are you going to do for me?"

Between pre-orgasmic shocks to my nervous system I tried to answer but struggled to form the words. Quietly so only Linda would hear me I spoke.

"Anything you want. I'll do anything you want."
"Can I spank you?" she asked.
"Of course."
"Of course, what?"
"Of course, mistress."
"How about my pussy? Are you going to eat it every morning at the office after you finish with Mistress Sharon?"
"Yes mistress. Anything."
"How about your husband? Isn't he going to mind?"
"I don't know mam. I haven't told him yet."
I was panting in need. My legs were weak and I was afraid I was going to fall again.
"Suzy, did you bring my favorite tonight?" Mistress Linda asked.
"You know I always bring it don't you?"
"Of course. Be a dear and fetch if for this lovely creature will you?"

Suzy walked out of the room. I was praying they were talking about some big
strap-on Linda liked to wield against a helpless slave. The other women in the
room seemed to enjoy this exchange. I doubted it was the first one seen at a
Suzy party. Mistress Linda turned off my panties and began to push them down.
Although I had not sprayed them, the inside was slick with my juices and heavy
with my arousal. Linda had them around my ankles and then off by the time Suzy
returned. Linda spun me around to face her so I couldn't see what Suzy was
bringing into the room.

"Please me now with your performance and the rest of the night can be pretty easy and enjoyable on you. Fuck this up and I'll tan your hide. Got it?"

I nodded my understanding. Linda spun me back around and I saw what Suzy was
holding. It was the largest, thickest, blackest dildo I had ever seen. It had a
big suction cup at its base and a pair of big balls hanging in front. The sides
were ribbed and the top was cut into a lifelike crown. On the side in white
block printing was the words Black Mambo. Suzy had me lick the suction cup. She
then slammed it down on the center of the coffee table. The sound was tough to
describe. There was a kind of "thhunck" as the air rushed out from under the
cup. The dildo swayed back and forth hypnotically as the force dissipated.

Linda told me to go down on "that dick" like it’s the last one on Earth. I knelt
on the table. It was tough to steady myself without the use of my arms. But once
I took the tip in my mouth, the fake cock acted like the third leg of a tripod
which helped. I'm sure the women sitting behind me were getting a perfect view
of my drooling pussy as I did my best to suck off this monster cock. I had
trouble stretching my mouth around the entire thing and could only take a few
inches at best. I tried and tried to take more and hoped my efforts would be
deemed satisfactory by Linda. With a sharp slam to my rear, she told me it was
time for the next activity.

"I know you want it. Fuck yourself. Show us all was a greedy cock whore you are."

I didn't need to be asked twice. I would have preferred to be called a pussy
whore and forced to eat Mistress Linda's pussy right then, but I wasn't going to
let an opportunity like this pass me by. I straightened back up to my knees and
wiggled my way over to the dildo until my legs were straddling it. I looked
around the room and ever eye was on me. I wiggled my ass trying to capture the
tip with my pussy, but it kept slipping out.

"Too wet?" Suzy mocked me.
"No, I can get this."
"Here let me help."

Suzy grabbed the base and steadied the cock. Now that it was pointing straight
up, I had little trouble taking the head and a few inches into my needful
fuckhole. I'd used some big dildos before, but nothing like this. I slowly
lowered myself onto the monster taking care to allow my pussy to stretch around
the invader. The women seemed to be in no rush and allowed me to take my time. I
don't know how much more I had to go, but I finally decided enough was enough. I
couldn't take any more. More realistically I needed to get fucked and just
sitting on this dildo wasn't doing it.

I began to rhythmically slide up and down the massive phallus. Soon I was lost
in my own world. The house could have been on fire and I would not have known.
My mind was consumed by only one thought. If I was on the upstroke the thought
was all about getting my pussy filled again. On the way down my thoughts were
more stressful about what that monster was doing to my pussy and could I ever
fuck a normal guy again. I'm sure I was screaming and moaning in delight, but my
nerves were almost shut down. I felt neither pain nor pleasure, only an intense
feeling of belonging and pride as I tamed the dildo that probably scared
everyone there. My boobs were bouncing wildly out of the jacket as I pounded
myself up and down. My hair was flying everywhere. I'm sure I was quite a site.
And then, like a bullet, it hit me. Without warning I climaxed. Fireworks shot
off in my brain. I was literally seeing stars in front of me. I'm sure I was
screaming, but all I consciously remember was falling forward, bouncing off the
table and landing on the floor in a convulsing mess. I remember lying on the
floor shaking as I was consumed by my orgasm. My entire world existed only from
the tips of my nipples to the bottom of my pussy. The world was a happy and safe
place. As I finally began to calm down, I heard applause. My eyes began to focus
again and everyone in the room was standing and cheering for me. I weakly
smiled. I couldn't move.

I was later told that Suzy had Jill licked the toy clean for me. I guess this
group likes to use that method. I continued to lie on the floor recuperating
while the women examined the toy and lined up to place additional orders.
Several ended up standing over me giving me an unencumbered view up their
skirts. Some didn't have panties. I wish I could have sat up for a taste, but my
body was still in no condition to move. Finally I felt Linda releasing my hands
and helping me sit back up. She then helped me onto the couch. She tucked my
breasts back into the jacket. I'm sure she meant to tweak and brush my nipples
in the process.

"You were fabulous tonight, Tina. I've got a present for you after we finish up."

I sat on the couch watching the final order get written. Jill had rejoined us in
her street clothes and took the sample cases and clothing out to the car. Nobody
had bothered to help me redress as I sat in the jacket, boots and no panties. I
didn't really care. I was ready to go home like that. Finally when just Suzy,
Linda, Jill and I were left, Linda clipped the leash to my neck and gave a tug.

"We're going to have so much fun at the office. I might even share you with Tom."

I just nodded and meekly followed her to the basement door. Down we went over
the thickly carpeted stairs into the "man cave." The basement could have been a
sports bar. There was what looked like a well stocked bar with eight stools in
front of it. Foosball, pool and air hockey tables were aligned and a dartboard
hung on the wall. A poker table was off to the side. And a large flat panel TV
hung on the wall. If I was Thomas I'd never leave. I couldn't understand what we
were doing down her, at least not until Linda led me through a door behind the
bar. This room looked more like a real cave. Obviously this was Linda and
Thomas' dungeon. It was dark. There were a few strips of reflective tape showing
an aisle in the minimal light from the other room. As my eyes began to adjust,
it struck me. Most of what I could see was a mirror of Sharon's dungeon in the
locker room at work. Mistress Linda flipped a light switch and some can lights
in the ceiling came to life. In the center of the room was a pommel horse just
like Mistress Sharon had. Only instead of me being d****d over it, Becky was
strapped over its curved top.

It was then I realized what Thomas had been doing while we were having the toy
party. Becky must have arrived earlier than we did, probably riding home with
Linda from work. No doubt Thomas had been playing with her for the first few
hours of the party. But he'd been gone for at least an hour and a half which
meant she'd been in that position at least that long. She was wearing a hood
with built in headphones. I knew she couldn't see the light and I guessed she
couldn't hear us as well. Her body language gave no indication she knew we were
there until Suzy gave her a strong slap across her ass.

Becky lifted her head in a vain attempt to see who hit her. I watched as Linda
turned off the CD player attached to the headphones in her hood. She then
unzipped it and pulled it off her slave. She seemed relieved and thanked her
mistress. Linda didn't say anything. She pointed at me and curled her finger.
When I approached she took my hand and pulled me in front of Becky. Linda nudged
my ass indicating I should move closer to her head and the grabbed Becky's hair
and lifted her into position to lick my pussy. I was still recovering from the
fucking I inflicted on myself and my pussy really wasn't ready to be used again
so soon. It was sore and Becky's tongue really wasn't that pleasing because of
it. I looked to Linda with sadness in my eyes.

"Mistress, I appreciate the offer, but I'm just not ready for this right now."

"I understand. This was just a welcome to the club kind of gift I wanted to give you. Becky would be happy to do this instead on Monday at the office wouldn't you?"

"Yes mistress."

"Then it's settled. Monday after you finish with Mistress Sharon and me, Becky
will take care of you. Don't wear panties Monday. Actually, don't wear panties
to work ever again."

I was still in my post orgasmic haze so I just nodded. Suzy escorted me back
upstairs to the bedroom and helped me out of the jacket and then unlocked the
boots. As I stood rubbing my wrists trying to get some circulation back into
them Suzy pushed me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. I was shocked and
defenseless as she pinned me to the bed and began kissing me passionately. She
grabbed my wrists and held them tight against the bed above my arms. She then
pushed herself up in a pushup position while holding me tight.

"I knew you had potential from the day we first met. From now on you are going
to work my shows for free just like Jill does. You are going to be one hell of a
demonstration model. We'll work out a schedule when you can service me, but
tonight is the last night you'll be getting a free pass. Consider that my gift
to you. Come over Wednesday night and I'll show you my private collection of

Suzy savagely kissed me again and then rolled off of me. I had to catch my
breath as I watched her walk out of the door. I rested for a moment lying on the
bed. My hand drifted down to my abused pussy. I was afraid to look at it. I knew
it must be getting late so I found my clothes and got dressed. Suzy was nowhere
to be found and neither was Jill. I heard the sound of a paddle contacting flesh
coming from the basement. I sat down in the living room to wait until Linda was
done with Becky and promptly fell asleep. I woke as Becky was shaking me. Linda
seemed surprised that I was still there.

"Suzy got pissed about something and left before I could get dressed," I said.

"Don't worry. Becky will drive you home."

"Thank you mistress."

"No problem. We look out for each other."

"Mistress, can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Mistress Sharon said there are four mistresses in your group. I've met three. Who is the fourth?"

"Time will tell. Time will tell. I'm sure she will reveal herself when the time
is right. Believe me I wanted to take you in the office all week but I was
waiting to make tonight's party better. It's the same thing with her. I'm sure
she wants you right now, but you'll have to wait a little longer."

"But how will I know her? I mean, I know she has a tattoo. I saw that in the
video but neither you, Suzy or Sharon have one like it. But how will I find

"Trust me. When the time is right you'll find her. She'll identify herself when
she's ready. In fact, you already know her. Now run along home to hubby. I'm
sure he's wondering where you are."

Becky hustled me out of the house before I could ask any more questions. She was
quiet on the way home and refused to answer any questions about the group. We
talked a little about her, but nothing that would allow me to divine the name of
the fourth mistress. She did say I knew some of the other slaves. That really
frustrated me because she wouldn't identify them either.

"All in good time. All in good time," was all she would say. I'd have to wait and find out when they were ready to be revealed.

I spent the rest of the weekend in reflection still trying how to figure out
whom mistress number four was. Becky had told me I knew some of the slaves. The
only person I could come up with was Judy my neighbor. She knew Suzy, had hosted
the first toy party that I had attended and lent me the small vibrator which
began my decent into submission. That made her a logical candidate. Her body
type didn't quite match up with the rear view video I had of mistress number
four. Still I had to figure out a way to be sure. Other than Judy, I had no idea
who else could be involved. Becky had used the plural version of slave which
meant I knew more than one. Even if Judy was involved, I was still missing at
least a couple pieces to the puzzle.

Monday morning dawned with me no closer to solving the riddle. As had become my
routine, I was in Mistress Sharon's office at 7:30 sharp. I was on my knees and
servicing her pussy. Toni arrived a little earlier than usual and ended up
standing in the office watching me service her boss. After I finished I gave her
a sweet kiss so she could savor her boss' essence for the rest of the morning
and then I headed upstairs. It was 7:55 when I entered my boss, Linda's, office.
She was waiting for me as was Becky.

This too would become a routine. Apparently Linda had a schedule. I was to
service her to start the day at 8am. Unlike Sharon, Linda enjoyed not only my
tongue, but also liked me to finger fuck her. That first morning, as Linda had
promised, Becky was instructed to lie on the floor and eat me while I knelt
before Linda and serviced her. It felt so good to be experiencing the same
sensations that I was providing for my mistress. When Linda could sense that I
was getting close she reminded me of the rule that mistresses cum first and that
I'd better hold back. This was a huge struggle because Becky was very talented
and seemed determined to make me break a rule on the first day.

I was driven to distraction by her talented tongue and fingers. Obviously she
had much more experience than I on how to please a woman. Skills that I knew I
would have to learn were on display and as she drove me closer and closer to
release, my own services to Mistress Linda began to falter. I kept hearing her
say "don't you dare cum first" but eventually I stopped licking her and just
buried my head between her legs and held on for dear life. Was their plan to
make me break a rule so they could punish me? Probably. Had Becky already
serviced Linda so she wouldn't be as likely to cum before me? Possibly. But as I
held my Mistress' legs for balance as my orgasm ripped through me, I knew I was
in trouble.

After I came, Linda dismissed Becky and me to our cube. We didn't discuss
anything as we sat down, both our faces frosted with girl juice. Our two other
cube mates, Molly and Cathy, didn't seem to notice. Around 10am as we were
preparing to take our morning coffee break, Molly stood up and walked into
Linda's office. I'd never noticed somehow that either Molly or Cathy always
missed morning coffee. Becky and I were always there, but one of the two girls
was always missing. Today I brought my coffee back to my desk and finally
noticed Molly leaving Linda's office. I'd always stayed in the break room before
but today I kept watch on her door. I saw Molly with the telltale sheen on her
face leave the office and head to the bathroom. Obviously she had finished what
I had started. At lunchtime Becky tapped my on the shoulder and said "have fun
with Sharon" as she walked by me and into Linda's office.

I hustled downstairs and was happy to see Toni had not left for lunch. I knew I
had broken a major rule and was hoping an enthusiastic performance for Mistress
Sharon might negate my transgression. I spent the lunch hour pleasing my
mistress and at her order, Toni. As the clock neared one, Sharon pulled a
vibrator out of her desk and handed it to me. She ordered me to "give them a
good show" and told me I had five minutes to make myself cum. Heck, it didn't
take nearly that long. I kept buzzing my clit and fucking myself as I crashed
through my second orgasm of the work day. I was trying to get myself to have two
before the five minutes was up. I almost made it too, but just before I could
cum, Sharon ordered me to stop. She then had me clean the vibrator with my
tongue. Of course she didn't really have to tell me that. I'd learned that
lesson long ago.

At 3pm I watched Cathy disappear into our boss' office. I now realized the
pattern. I had morning pussy pleasing duties and Becky had lunch. Molly and
Cathy apparently switched off on the morning and afternoon breaks. Again I
stayed at my desk through this break. Like Molly before her Cathy exited the
office with a coating of Linda's affection on her mouth and headed straight to
the bathroom. Becky and Molly passed her in the hallway as she walked out. As
they were reentering our cube Becky gave my breast a squeeze and smiled at me.
Molly did the same. Things were definitely going to be more interesting around
the office.

At 4:45 my phone buzzed. It was a text message from Mistress Sharon ordering me
to be in her playroom downstairs at 5. I went into Linda's office and showed it
to her. She told me to go ahead and leave since I would have to pay the tax in
the security office before I would get the key to the locker room. With a spring
in my step I headed for the freight elevator. Tasha was on duty beginning her
swing shift in the video surveillance room. Having seen me on the freight
elevator camera she knew I was coming and was ready for me. Her pants were
already off and she was diddling herself when I arrived. I wondered if Sharon
had given her more advanced warning because she was already really wet and it
didn't take long for me to get her off. I didn't really care about the reason. I
was mainly just glad to be done as she handed me the key to the gate. The entire
transaction took less than 5 minutes and not a single word was spoken.

I hustled down the dark hallway to the locker room. As I had seen done before, I
hooked the bungee cord around the gate so it would stay open. As I turned to
enter the locker room I was tempted to look in the men's locker room. Was there
anything special in there? Did the male executives take their conquests down
here too? I shook my head to clear the distractive thoughts and walked into the
locker room. It was still a couple of minutes to 5 so I looked around the
dungeon room and tried to guess which implements of torture I'd be subjected. I
also made a mental note of which ones I wanted to have used on me. Mistress
Sharon had not arrived by 5pm on my watch. I decided to undress to speed things
along. I neatly folded my clothes and leaned across the pommel horse so my ass
would be on display when my Mistress entered the room. Finally I heard footsteps
on the tile floor of the bathroom. There were clearly more than one set of feet
making the sounds. In fact, it sounded like a group.

"Look what we have here," I heard Linda exclaim from the door. "I see a nice ass ready to be spanked for breaking rule number one."

I heard the assembled women laugh. I looked over my shoulder and saw Mistress
Sharon, Mistress Linda, Mistress Suzy, Toni, Becky, Cathy, Molly and Jill.
Mistress Sharon was holding what looked like a sorority pledge paddle. Toni had
a small bag. I guess it was time for my initiation. The group advanced on me. My
level of excitement was off the chart and I could feel the wetness running down
my legs. I was home at last.

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 06
By Tappy McWidestance

I watched over my shoulder as the group advanced on me. Mistress Sharon was the
first to make contact running her hand over my naked ass.

"It's smooth, but not smooth enough," she announced.

I didn't know what she meant, but Toni handed her a bag which everyone
apparently expected. Linda took my hand and directed me to a stool. She had me
sit down and spread my legs. I was excited to be exposing myself in front of
everyone and watched as Sharon pulled out a scissors and can of shaving cream
from the bag. I always kept myself neat and trim down there, but I'd never
shaved it all off. She also pulled out what looked like a small crock pot. Toni
plugged it in.

Now I was a little confused. I'd seen small heaters like that when I'd get my
legs waxed at the salon. If I was going to get waxed, why would they need the
shaving cream? I didn't have to wait long to find out. Sharon gave my pubic hair
a quick trim to get it to the optimal waxing length. Like I said I've had my
legs waxed, but never my pussy. It was a little more painful than getting my
legs done because the skin isn't as tight. As a result when Sharon began pulling
the muslin strips stuck to the wax off, my skin pulled with it until finally the
hair ripped out. Fortunately Sharon had her technique down. Immediately after
pulling a strip she would rub the skin vigorously which helped a lot. She also
used very short strips which minimized how far my skin would pull. Finally she
applied a cooling gel when she finished with an area. I greatly appreciated the

When she was finished with my wax, she inserted two fingers into my vagina. As
I'm sure you suspected, her fingers found no resistance and came back out
glistening to the cheers of the crowd. My mistress could do just about anything
to me at this point in our relationship and I would get wet from it. Having
completed the waxing, Sharon had me turn over. She sprayed the shaving cream all
over my buttocks and rubbed it to a thick lather. Somebody had brought her a
bowl of water and she began shaving my ass. I never considered my ass hairy or
rough before. I still didn't. The razor glided across my flesh. I was sure it
wasn't doing anything as I couldn't feel any hairs being cut. When she was done
Sharon wiped off all remnants of shaving cream and the rubbed baby oil all over
my exposed ass. She then gave me a playful spank. The baby oil magnified the
sound and again everybody cheered. What I didn't expect was the increased pain.
Mistress Sharon had given me a playful slap. It wasn't particularly hard or
vicious. She'd done that many times to me and it always just felt good. As it
was later explained, the cleansing of the butt with the razor removes the barely
there hair and the baby oil helps defuse the force of the spank over a larger
area. Whatever the reason, the spanking was much more effective.

Unfortunately not everyone was as gentle as my mistress. Linda and Suzy turned
my ass bright red before handing me over to their slaves. I had to lie down on
each mistress' lap and receive 25 swats. In order for a slave to get a turn at
my ass, they also had to agree to eat my pussy. Mistress' didn't have this
requirement as I could be ordered to service them at any time. Not all of the
slaves took advantage of the opportunity, but Jill and Toni certainly did. Jill
especially really laid into me with her 25 swats. I was in tears when she
finished. She also did not hold back when it came to licking my pussy. Toni had
been gentler at my backside and also gentler at my front. She seemed determined
to hear me moan, but not take me any further. Jill on the other hand wanted to
hear me scream from simulation at both ends. She also seemed determined to make
me cum in front of everybody. I'm happy to report that she succeeded in both

After I came and no other slaves wanted to spank me, Mistress Linda announced it
was time for the "welcome to the club" paddling. She said everyone went through
this including any new mistresses. My ass was already on fire and I wasn't sure
if I could handle it, but I bent back over the stool. Sharon took the first
swing. As my mistress and sponsor to the group it was her right to do so. The
paddle lit a fire through my ass into my pussy and up my spinal cord. It hurt
worse than anything I'd ever felt. I screamed like a banshee and recoiled in
pain. Fortunately she only took one swing. My mistress then walked in front of
me and hitched up her skirt. She wasn't wearing panties and she quickly
positioned herself in front of my face. I heard the whoosh of the paddle from
somebody else just before I felt the sting of its bite. The force knocked me
forward as my scream became muffled by the soft folded of my mistress' pussy. As
I rocked back Sharon moved forward to brace me. A third swat pushed me again
deeper against my mistress' pussy. I was doing my best to service her properly,
but the intense pain was making that difficult. Three down, five to go unless
LaShawn or Tasha showed up.

The five slaves took their turns. Most paddled me as hard as their mistress had,
although one was a little gentler. I couldn't see who it was, but I was thankful
for their restraint. After they all had their turn, I felt multiple hands begin
to squeeze and kneed my buttocks. I squealed a bit when I felt two fingers
invade my pussy and again when they pulled out and instead pushed into my ass.
My face was still pressed into my mistress' lovely pussy and I continued giving
her my best effort to make her climax. Additional fingers now entered my pussy
and both my holes were finger fucked until my mistress showered me with her
affection spray. She pulled away and Linda, my boss, took her place. When she
had her fill, Suzy appeared. All the while I was being fingered by the slaves
who now seemed intent on making me cum. I was now being banged in the pussy and
ass as another finger made its way across my clit. Suzy was humping my face and
all I could think about was "don't cum before she does."

It was getting nerve racking as I inched closer and closer to the edge, but
finally Suzy grabbed my head and came. I took this as permission for myself
since there was no ruled about one slave cumming before another. My pussy
muscles contracted hard on the fingers penetrating me. I'm sure whoever was
fingering my ass knew instantly. I arched upward away from Suzy's pussy and gave
a primal yell. I was now part of the group. It had been a long journey, a
journey I knew wasn't finished, but at last I belonged.

After my climax ebbed, I was brought into the locker room to wash up. My pussy
looked like it hadn't since high school. I looked like a little girl. I then
turned my backside to the mirror and looked over my shoulder. My ass was black
and blue. It had clearly been abused.

"How am I going to explain this to Jim?" I said starting to cry.

I was surrounded by sympathetic female hugs.

"I told you not to worry about him," Sharon began. "The group takes care of its
own. Just put on a long PJ top tonight. Jim has been having an affair almost as
long as you. Once you were chosen as a possible group member, Jim was seduced.
He's been sneaking around your back and having the time of his life."

"What are you talking about? Jim's faithful to me."

"No, he's not sweetie," consoled Linda. "Look, obviously we're not meant to be
monogamous. Your sex life was on the decline which led you to us in the first
place. We're mostly married and our husbands all approve. Most even join in...
When we let them. Jim will be the same way. Soon he will learn about the
existence of the club. As always is the case with husbands and boyfriends, when
they learn they will have the opportunity to fuck most of these beautiful women,
they give in. Trust me. You'll be fine and your marriage will be fine. We know
what we're doing."

My mind was spinning at the revelation. I didn't believe them about Jim, but I
also knew if I was going to continue with the group eventually he'd have to know
and give his blessing. All I could do is hope they are right. As I was dressing
to go home, Suzy pulled me aside.

"Tina, I need your help with something. I'm now the only mistress with a single
slave. I hate that. I need you to recruit someone else for me."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"That's your problem to figure out. I'll give you a hint, however. Your neighbor
Lisette, that cute young blonde that came to the first party that Judy threw.
I'd love to take her under my wing. She didn't buy anything at the party and
hasn't called me since, but I could sense she's ripe for the taking. Your task
is to figure out a way into her pants we can use."

Before I had a chance to respond, she was gone and Linda appeared.

"If you have any trouble with Jim, let me know. I'll lend you Becky. To hear
Thomas rave about her you would think she invented sex or something. Setup a
three-way with her. That always works. He'll let you do whatever you want after

My head was spinning. Sharon came over and gave me a big hug.

"We're all taking off. Welcome to the group. Don't worry about our fourth
mistress. She and her slaves couldn't make it tonight but they will make their
presence known soon. We're going to have a group party with our spouses and
significant others in about a month when everyone schedules can match. I'm sure
she'll want a little solo time with you before that so expect her to contact you

"OK, mistress, I'll be waiting."

"Oh, and don't forget to turn the key to the locker room in. I think LaShawn is
back on duty now. You know what to do."

"Yes mistress. It will be taken care of."

I was left alone in the locker room as everybody else filed out. I wished
another slave could take care of the room tax, but I was the low slut on the
totem pole so it fell to me. I locked up and made the long walk down the
hallway. Turning the corner into the security office I was surprised to see Toni
on her knees with her face buried between LaShawn's thighs.

"She said this is your welcome present," LaShawn began. "Head on home and get a
good night's rest. You'll be working extra hard in the office from here on out."

I gave Toni's butt a little tap and said thank you. I heard a muffled "you're
welcome" but she didn't raise her head or stop her service of the powerful
guard. I headed to the service elevator and took it up to the lobby. Driving
home my thoughts were on two things. First, was Jim really having an affair? Was
he such a basic a****l that his head could be turned that easily by a beautiful
woman? It didn't take me long to answer that question. Second I thought of my
ass. It was sore and just sitting in the car was painful. A long hot bath in
Epsom salt was on the agenda for tonight as was sleeping on my stomach. With my
luck they were probably lying about Jim and he would want to do me doggie style
tonight. Bad, bad, evil thoughts. Everything is going to be OK. Everything is
going to be OK.

I arrived home and Jim wasn't there. Was he with his mistress? Was it alright to
even call her that since she probably really was a slave like me under orders to
seduce him? I knew this was going to drive me crazy until it was resolved.

Jim did come home later that night. He seemed tired and fortunately didn't press
me for sex. I was a little mad because I figured that meant he was getting it
somewhere else. I was also a little happy because he didn't discover my black
and blue butt. Early the next morning I decided to go for a run. The air was
cool and the run was refreshing and helped me clear my thoughts. As I was
running up the sidewalk coming home, I noticed Faith, my neighbor a few doors up
from us was working on her landscaping. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
She waved to me and I stopped to chat. I had not talked to her since Judy's toy
party. We didn't know each other well, although we did wave whenever we saw each
other outside. She was sweating more than I was and I noticed her t-shirt
clinging to the outline of her breasts.

We chatted for a few minutes about whether I liked the landscaping changes she
had made and stuff. Just the usual girl talk and maybe a little neighborhood
gossip, but nothing too juicy. Just the ordinary low level chit chat you make
with someone who you don't know real well. I told her I had to get home and she
said she had to get back to the weeds. As I turned to go, she knelt back down
bending over to pull more weeds. The back of her t-shirt rode up and I saw the
tattoo on the small of her back. It matched the one I'd seen in the video.

The image of that tattoo had been burned into my brain every time I watched the
video of my debasement. I'd masturbated to that video more times than I could
remember. I instantly knew that the tattoo was a match. Faith had to be the
fourth mistress. I paused, staring at her backside. Sensing my gaze, she turned
her head and looked at me.

"Everything alright, Tina?"

I stuttered out a yes. "I was just thinking of something."

I made a hasty retreat back to the safety of my house. I was shaking as I sat
down on the couch. If Faith was a mistress, than Judy could be her slave. It
made sense. She hosted the party which began my journey to the group. If Judy
was a slave, then she probably recruited me just as I had been tasked with
recruiting Lisette. My head was spinning with possibilities. If Judy was Faith's
slave, who else was also serving her? Suzy had said she was the only mistress
with one slave so the fourth mistress had to have at least two. I was getting a

I decided to take a shower to wash away my jogging sweat. I had an undeniable
urge to finger myself as my mind replayed all the events of the past few months
as I tried to work through everything that had happened. Faith had to be the
fourth mistress and she had to know I'd seen her tattoo, both in person and on
the video. Why didn't she tell me when she had the chance? Was she the one
sleeping with Jim?

After my shower I toweled off and got dressed. I walked downstairs and saw Jim
holding an envelope.

"This came for you while you were in the shower. It's from Faith up the street.
She said she meant to give it to you when she saw you earlier but forgot."

I took the envelope from him with an unsteady hand. Opening it up I found an
invitation to a "girls" night that evening at Faith's house. I knew what that
meant and my pussy began to get wet. I told Jim and he said that was fine with
him. His friend Robert had invited him over to watch the game and now he'd be
free. I looked at him knowing he was lying. He was going to be with her. The
fact that I too would be with somebody else didn't make it any less painful.

Jim left the house about 7. At 7:30 I walked down to Faith's. She greeted me at
the door and led me in. I asked if her husband was home.

"Mike? No he's out tonight. It's just us girls," she said.

Her answer made me nervous and excited at the same time.

"Is anybody else coming over?" I asked wondering if Judy would be joining us.

"Nope. Just us. I wanted to get to know you better."

The pieces were falling into place. I had no doubt she would get to know me in
the Biblical sense very shortly. I was trying to figure out just how you ask
somebody if they were your secret mistress when Faith gave me a simple order
which removed all doubt.


Even though I expected to be naked soon, the curtness of the order and speed at
which it was delivered after I walked into the house surprised me. Even though I
was surprised, I complied immediately which pleased her.

"The other girls have been training you well. Usually a new slave pushes back a
little. Good girl."

I smiled at her praise. She was by far the most physically imposing mistress in
the group and I knew I didn't want to get on her bad side.

"No doubt you have spent some time wondering why I didn't make myself know to
you sooner. That is perfectly understandable. I assure you there are valid
reasons but they shouldn't concern you. Tonight I'm going to prove to you that
we've taken care of Jim."

I knew it. Jim was having an affair with Faith. I could see that. Despite her
muscle toned physique, she was still a beautiful woman. I could believe she
could have seduced him. But Jim knows I'm here tonight. Certainly he wouldn't be
so stupid as to show up unless he already knows about my secret life. Oh, shit.
Faith told him and that was how she got her hooks in him. I looked at her with

"We'll get to him later. First I want to put you through a couple of obedience
tests and see what you've learned. I'm sure you advanced since I last fucked

Faith walked over to an end table in the living room and picked up a collar and
leash. She told me to kneel down and she buckled the collar around my neck. She
told me to crawl behind her as she led me around the house. She gave me a tour
of their house although I got a view of it I'm sure most people miss.

When we got to the kitchen there was a dog bowl full of water. I wasn't
surprised to hear her tell me to take a drink. She was testing my level of
submission and I was happy to show her. She then led me outside into the back
yard. I struggled to pee on command in the grass. That was taking thing too far
in my mind. But Faith was patient and told me she could wait all night if need
be. She reminded me the longer I waited the greater the chance that one of her
neighbors would see me. My heart was pounding. I was frozen in humiliation but
eventually relaxed enough to relieve myself.

"Well done doggie," Mistress Faith told me.

Her praise pleased me and she led me back toward the house stopping just before
the sliding back door.

"Sit. Stay," she told me.

I paused, waiting for her return as she walked into the house. She returned
maybe 30 seconds later with a couple of paper towels that she folded and placed
under my pussy.

"Wipe yourself off with that."

I started to reach underneath my body to grab the towel when she chastised me.

"Don't use your hand. How could a good doggie use her paw to wipe her pee?"

I was confused until I realized what she was asking me to do. I had to lay down
flat on the cold hard concrete and try to hump the paper towel. I must have been
a sight for her as she stood above me as I tried to press my pussy into the
paper. When I'd done all I thought I could do, she told me to bring the paper
inside and throw it away. I got back on my knees and again started to reach for
the paper.

"What did I tell you about using your paws?" Faith scolded.

I looked up at her unsure of what she wanted me to do.

"You do have a lot to learn yet, Slave Tina. A good doggie can't use her hands
so she has to use her mouth."

I guess I should have been revolted, but in truth I'd been turned on all
afternoon in anticipation of being with her and her treatment of me was just
fueling the fire in my soul. I scooted backward, bent down my head, and bit the
edge of the paper towel with my teeth. It really wasn't as bad as you might
imagine. The edge of the towel was perfectly clean and there were only a few
drops of urine in the center. I could smell it, but it certainly wasn't
overpowering. Faith led me back into the house and over to the kitchen garbage
can where she had me deposit the towel. I then followed her back into the living
room. She positioned me parallel to the couch. She then sat down and my back
became a footstool for her legs. I watched as she reached back to the table
where the collar had been and pick up a riding crop.

"My slaves are very well trained. They are both pain sluts who can orgasm on
command when I beat them."

I wondered if this is what she had in mind for me as the crop made its first
contact with my ass. I wasn't a strong hit. Really just an attention getter and
more gentle than the spanking and paddling I had endured at the initiation.
Still I knew she could be much harsher if she chose to be.

"However, I am usually lenient with new slaves attached to the other mistresses
provided you do everything else without hesitation or questioning my commands.
Do you understand?"

She snapped the crop a bit harder across my backside.

"Yes Mistress Faith."

"Now let's get to know you a bit," she began.

I was questioned about all aspects of my life, my marriage, my path leading to
the group, my relationships with the group members, my turn-ons (many), my
turn-offs (few) and everything under the sun. Mistress Faith continued to warm
my buttock and the backs of my thighs with the crop, but they were really love
taps not intended to inflict much pain and certainly no damage.

Revealing my deepest secrets, desires and fantasies to her had my pussy
positively drooling. She assured me that the club took good care of its members
and would do its best to make sure all my dreams came true. It seemed strange to
me that I woman I was kneeling submissively in front of would be so concerned
for my wellbeing, but she sounded absolutely genuine and I believed her.

My arms and knees were getting fatigued, but I dared not ask to stand. I figured
it was at least 8:30 when she told me to service her pussy. She continued to use
me as a footrest routing her strong thighs around my head and her legs over my
back. About 9:00 and two orgasms later, I heard Mistress Faith's phone buzz as
she received a text message. She lifted her legs off my back and walked over to
the kitchen to grab her phone. I stayed kneeling in front of the couch since she
had not dismissed me yet. She walked back into the living room apparently
reading her message.

"Your husband will be in position in a few minutes. We need to get ready."

She didn't bother to specify what "ready" meant. She also didn't give me much
time to think about it. Grabbing the leash she led me to the stairs where I
crawled behind her up to the second floor, down the hallway and into her
"playroom." I had expected to be led to the master bedroom, but apparently they
used a spare bedroom just for "guests." Faith had me stand up and unclipped the

"If you need to go to the bathroom, now is the time," she said pointing back to
the hallway. She was busy doing something with a laptop. Looking around the room
I saw an armoire, no dresser, a king sized bed with a sleigh headboard and
footboard with iron bars for vertical supports, several large mirrors and a 60"
LCD TV mounted on the wall. There were also two large dog beds on the floor at
the foot of the bed. I wondered if that was where her slaves slept.

I decided a quick trip to the bathroom was a good choice since it was offered. I
didn't really need to pee again but I wanted to take a moment for myself. I
splashed some cold water on my face and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror.
Every day was bringing me deeper and deeper into my web of submission. Where was
it all going to end? Should I trust the group about Jim or was everything about
to come crashing down when he arrived? I guess I was about to find out.

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 07
By Tappy McWidestance

I stayed in Faith's bathroom for several minutes gathering my thoughts and
trying to build up my courage. It was now or never. She had promised to show me
how the group had dealt with my husband and I'm sure she had plans to test my
submission to her and the other mistresses as well. My heart was racing. I
splashed more cold water on my face. I couldn't delay any longer. She already
had shown herself to enjoy paddling the bottom of a submissive and I didn't want
to give her any excuses to give me a beating. I walked back to the bedroom fully
expecting to meet Jim with her.

But I didn't. In fact, the room was empty, although the TV was now on. There was
a picture of an empty bedroom. The quality was quite high. This obviously was
not a webcam feed. Faith walked back into the bedroom. Apparently she had gone
to her bedroom to change. Her clothes had been changed to a strappy leather
ensemble which wrapped around her body but did nothing to shield her from my
gaze and admiration. As I had always expected she obviously lifted a lot of
weights. She had tight muscles everywhere. She would have no trouble subduing an
insolent slave, or most men for that matter. I began to tremble at the thought
of submitting to this powerful woman. I could see her pussy was still glistening
from my oral favors I'd done about 15 minutes ago and her nipples were pointing
straight at me as if to say "suck me."

Faith didn't say a word. She walked over to the armoire and opened the door.
Inside I could see a collection of bondage gear and toys. Faith turned back
around holding a black dildo with a strange mounting harness on the back. The
dildo was about 8 inches long, I estimated and an inch and a half thick. I
watched as Faith mated the harness to her leather outfit. It seemed to snap in
easily. They were obviously designed for each other. I couldn't help but drool a
little as Faith's cock bounced obscenely in front of her as she walked.

"Here's what's going to happen little slave. Hubby was very easy to seduce.
Apparently he wasn't too happy in the bedroom. A pretty smile and a promise of
better sex was all it took."

I felt like she had just kicked me in the gut. Jim never voiced any complaints.
Sure we didn't do it too often because of our work schedules, but I thought I
had always been there for him.

"Did you ever let him fuck you in the ass?" Mistress Faith asked.

"No, I've only started doing that with the club," I responded sheepishly.

"He likes that. He also likes a very vocal woman. Do you moan and scream for

I had to be really turned on to be overly vocal. Again it was a trait brought
out by the group but not so much by my husband. "No, mam."

"Well tonight you are going to learn what he likes so you can satisfy him
better. I'm going to play the part of Jim. You... Well you are going to play the
part of you. On the TV we are looking at Judy's bedroom. Usually she gives my
husband and me a show before bedtime but tonight she's going to be your teacher.
You are going to watch her and Jim fuck. Don't worry, they are not going to make
love. That's for the two of you. This is just sex. Hot nasty sex to fulfill his
manly needs. Whatever Jim does to her, I'm going to do to you and whatever she
does to him, you're going to do to me. Got it?"

I nodded. "Yes mistress."

We sat down on the edge of the bed watching the TV. We were perverse voyeurs
waiting for the show to begin. Soon I saw Jim walk in with Judy. She was wearing
a long, thin, transparent robe that looked like silk. Jim was still dressed.
Mistress Faith tapped my on the shoulder and stood up. I understood I should
stand up too.

Judy managed to position Jim right in the center of the camera view before he
took her in his arms and began kissing her passionately. Faith held me in the
same position and began kissing me. She would stop every few seconds and have me
look at the TV. When Jim began running his arms up and down Judy's body, Faith
did the same to me. When he began squeezing her boobs, she did the same to me.
When Jim grabbed the back of Judy's neck and began kissing it and thendropped
his other hand into her panties, Faith did the same to me. Well, not into my
panties since I was naked, but she did begin to rub my slit which I'm sure is
what Jim was doing.

I could hear Judy moaning through the speakers. It was like we were in the room.
I was losing myself in the eroticism of the situation. My knees were beginning
to buckle when I heard Mistress Faith question why I wasn't moaning like Judy. I
snapped back into the moment.

"I'm sorry mistress. I'm not feeling it yet."

"If you want to keep your husband happy, you had better learn to fake some
sounds for him. It's one of his biggest turn-ons."

I looked back at the screen. Jim was now clearly finger fucking Judy. She had
her arms wrapped around his neck and her right leg wrapped around his body. She
obviously chose that leg for our benefit as that twisted her body to frame his
actions perfectly for the camera. I watched as she threw her head back in
ecstasy, her hair flowing backward like in a soft-core movie.

"See that move? I know she's enjoying herself, but that was for his benefit. Men
are simple creatures in the bedroom. She'll be rewarded with a better
performance by him if she gives him a little extra now."

Mistress Faith and I mimicked their position. It felt weird when I threw my head
back like Judy had done and faking the sounds was awkward. But there was no
faking what I was feeling in my pussy or the flash floor which was being to leak
from me. The sounds of Mistress Faith's fingers banging my wet slit were real
enough as I held on to her for dear life. She continued to fuck me until Judy
dismounted from Jim. I was close to cumming and I prayed Judy would have Jim eat
her so I could cum on Faith's tongue.

Instead Faith turned me toward the TV and wrapped her arms around me. She pulled
me tightly against her. I could feel her cock poking between my legs. I wiggled
my ass against her as much as her tight embrace would allow.

"I might fuck you now or I might not. Let's see what Judy does."

I watched the screen as Judy asked Jim what he wanted to do next. I'd never
really even asked that of him. We just sort of did things spontaneously without
talking about them. I wasn't surprised when he said he wanted a blowjob. I was a
bit surprised when Judy refused. I assumed it was part of their game that I
would have to kneel before Faith and suck the strap-on. I heard Judy said only
bad girls suck cock. She said it in a little girl teasing kind of voice. I could
tell she didn't mean it. She was probably looking forward to sucking his cock.
Maybe this was how she got him to be more aggressive with her.

Jim's response shocked me as I clearly heard him say, "Only bad girls may suck
cock, but good girls get spanked until they become bad girls."

Another first. Jim had never indicated he'd like to spank me. But clearly Judy
was a different case. He sat down on the bed and held out his hand. He didn't
force her. He didn't need to. She took his hand in hers and he gently pulled her
to him. She then meekly lay across his lap arching her butt slightly to meet his
hand. They were on the foot of the bed still in perfect camera frame. Was Judy
the only one planning that or did Jim know he was performing for me.

I felt Mistress Faith disengage from her death hug of me. I was still watching
the TV as Jim began to spank Judy. He wasn't hitting her very hard. Having been
on the receiving end many times with my mistresses I knew Jim was giving her
little more than love taps. But to hear Judy, you would think he was beating her
to death.

I heard Mistress Faith clear her throat behind me. I turned to find her sitting
on the bed and holding out her hand. I remembered how Judy had approached Jim
and repeated her actions. Mistress' strap-on was standing tall as I lay over her
lap. My weight pushed it over, but I could tell it was there. No doubt Jim would
be hard at this point and Judy would be feeling the same thing. I expected a
vigorous spanking, but Mistress Faith hit me with just slightly more force than
it looked like Judy was receiving.

"I should be hitting you much harder slave. I know you get turned on when
somebody spanks you. But tonight you're learning about Jim. He's doing this
because Judy likes it, but he doesn't want to hurt her. Still I want you to
sound like it hurts and turns you on at the same time."

Faking the sounds was easier since Mistress Faith had a good rhythm and since
Judy's sounds were so clear through the remote feed. I was praying Jim would
stop spanking Judy long enough to finger her to orgasm so Faith would have to do
the same to me. I could tell Jim was indeed fingering her after every few swats
and fortunately Faith reciprocated on me. But would it be enough?

If I had been in Judy's place, I know I would have cum already. But she did not,
at least not that we could detect. As Mistress Faith's finger continued to dance
over my clit, I had the troubling thought that either Judy was purposely holding
back to allow Faith to keep me on the edge, or maybe she could climax without
the camera detecting it. Based on her performance I was sure she would have a
loud screaming orgasm at some point. After all, Jim apparently liked that. But
what if she could control herself to have undetected mini-cums along the way so
I would be left unsatisfied? Again I was lost in thought when a sharp slap hit
my ass. I doubted Jim had hit Judy that hard.

I looked back at the TV and Judy was now on her knees and had taken Jim in her
mouth. I immediately followed suit. I wasn't a fan of suck on a dildo unless one
of my other holes her already plugged and I could pretend somebody else was
filling my mouth. But in this situation it felt natural somehow. As long as Jim
didn't come now, they should be fucking soon. Fortunately that is exactly what

I soon found myself riding Mistress Faith's cock. She was lying on her back with
her head toward the camera end of the bed. Jim was in the exact same position.
He was looking up at Judy. Mistress Faith was looking up at me. I was watching
the TV as Judy fucked my husband. I had a perfect view of her bouncing up and
down on him. Her breasts were bouncing crazily. I’m sure he was enjoying
himself. I was trying to match the intensity of her thrusts and pacing. She'd
ride him hard for a few seconds then slow down for a few seconds. That must have
been driving him crazy. I knew it was driving me crazy. Had it been up to me, I
would have just fucked the shit out of myself until I came and came hard. But
then it hit me. Judy wasn't doing this for her own pleasure. I'm sure she was
enjoying it, but it was more for Jim and me. She could tease herself because
Mistress Faith would undoubted reward her later.

I continued to fuck myself. I was turned on beyond belief. I wanted to cum so
bad. Eventually I broke character of mimicking Judy's sounds and actions to beg
Mistress Faith to let me fuck myself hard until I came. I didn't see the harm.
I'd obviously learned my lessons about Jim already. I pleaded with my eyes and I
pleaded with my mouth. I even reached down and began rubbing my clit even though
Judy was not doing the same.

Mistress Faith slapped my hand. "Only what Judy does."

I looked back at the screen looking for any sign that she was going to come.
Certainly Jim couldn't last much longer. He never did with me. Maybe after he
came he would eat her as a reward. That was a nice thought at least. Finally
Judy sat down filling herself as much as Jim could. I did the same on Faith. I
knew I was fuller with her than with him. I watched as Judy began to swivel her
hips. Was this her technique to make them cum?

She wasn't moaning any more so I stopped to. I swiveled my hips to match her. It
didn't seem to be doing much for me or Faith, although Jim seemed to be enjoying
it. I made a mental note to do it with him. Maybe it only worked on a live dick.
I watched as Judy pulled herself off him. I got a clear view of her dripping wet
pussy. She was moving forward on the bed and was now kneeling over him. Was she
going to drop her pussy on his mouth? I was holding the same position over
Mistress Faith praying that was exactly what she was going to do.

But through all my time in the club and my conversations with the other slaves,
I had learned that having a Mistress eat your pussy was an extremely rare event.
Judy must have known that and knew the game we were playing so after hovering
briefly over his head, she got off the bed. I reluctantly did the same. I
watched as she walked toward the camera until I couldn't see Jim any more.
Apparently the camera was hidden, or maybe not, on a dresser of some kind. She
got right up close and reached out coming back with a glass of water. She looked
right in the camera. I had a close-up view of her mouthing the words "I hope you
are enjoying this."

She then turned back toward Jim and walked to the bed still holding the glass.
There was no water for me to grab so I just returned to Mistress Faith. Like
Jim, she was now resting on the bed on her knees. Like him, her cock glistened
with womanly juice. We both looked to the TV for guidance. Judy was asking Jim
what position he wanted her in. Please be doggie I thought. We both loved
doggie, at least so I thought. But maybe Jim did different things with Judy.
Judy drank the water and set the glass down while she waited for his answer.
Fortunately he held true to form and soon Judy was on her hands and knees,
facing the camera of course. She had made sure of that.

Mistress Faith was matching him stroke for stroke. I got the impression that
Judy's moans were no longer faked. I knew mine were not. Jim was a stallion that
night. If he had been that way with me maybe we wouldn't have found ourselves in
the situation we were in. I had a perfect view of Judy as she took his cock over
and over. The look on her face was pure pleasure and I'm sure the look on my
face matched. Mistress Faith was relentless in her pounding attack and I loved
her for it. I couldn't imagine Jim lasting much longer but I prayed Mistress
Faith wouldn't stop. My breasts were flopping wildly as Mistress Faith
jackhammered my pussy. On the screen Judy’s were doing the same. I buried my
head into the bed and released a primal scream.

I looked up at the TV again just in time to see and hear Judy begin to cum. I
don't think she was faking but if she was it was a masterful performance. This,
of course, triggered my own orgasm. I quaked on the end of Mistress Faith's
cock, but she didn't relent. She continued to pound me. My pussy was so
sensitive right then that her actions became painful, but I wasn't about to try
to stop her.

My gaze had been distracted from the TV as I rode out my orgasm. I'm sure Jim
had spurted. There was no way he could have survived her performance without
cumming himself. I hoped he hadn't cum inside her. Surely this was being
recorded and I wanted to see him spray on her. It was perverse in a way, but as
long as he didn’t cum in her, we still had something we only did with each

When I finally came back to my senses and could focus on the TV, I saw Judy
kneeling on the floor. Mistress Faith was still pounding me. Apparently our time
of matching each other had passed. Judy had her now empty water glass in one
hand and Jim's cock in the other. She only had to give him a few strokes before
she aimed his cock into the glass. She neatly collected a good sized load in the
bottom of the glass. I had no clue what the point of that was, but since they
were clearly done, I felt released to concentrate on my own pleasure. I began to
thrust backward onto Mistress' cock trying to match her intensity. She began to
spank me again. This time they were not Jim's love taps but were inflicting
serious pain. It was a serious pain which went straight to my brain and clit and
drove my lust higher. I was now screaming in pleasure and Mistress Faith was
egging me on.

"That's right slut. Take my cock. You saw your husband cum. He fucked a slut
just like you and got off on it. This is what you want don't you?"

She punctuated the phrase with an extra hard thrust that rattled me to the core.

"I know you belong to Sharon, but maybe we can work out a trade. You're so close
I'd love to have you at my beck and call."

I could hear her, but my comprehension was limited by the delirious orgasm that
was consuming me.

"Yes, that could work. My other slave Helen has to drive to get here anyway. She
could just as easily drive to Sharon's. I'd still let her use you at the office,
but at night you'd be mine. I'd have you and Judy to keep me happy and Jim to
keep you in line. Yes, that would be good."

I still didn’t comprehend what she was saying. I couldn't grasp anything just
then except the pounding in my pussy. I felt her push me off her cock and I fell
to the floor in a heap. I lay on the floor looking up as she walked out of the
room. I was still trembling from my orgasm as I lay on the floor. I hoped our
time together had been taped. I knew I could cum again just from watching it. I
gathered my wits enough to look at the TV. The room was empty. They were
obviously done. The question was my marriage finished as well?

I slowly regained the strength in my legs and stood up. Once again a mistress
had ridden me hard and put me away wet, but I loved the feeling more than
anything. Mistress Faith had retreated to her bedroom and the door was shut. I
figured Jim would be home very soon and it was time for me to get going. I
walked back downstairs to find my clothes. They were still in a heap in the
living room. The TV was one which struck me as odd since it wasn't when we went

Sitting in the darkness with a glass of scotch in his hand was Faith's husband
Mike. The TV was showing a video feed of their playroom. He obviously had
watched my whole performance. He stood up as I entered the room. His cock was
obviously hard in his pants.

"That was a wonderful performance my dear. I knew you had potential from the
moment I saw you moving in. I must say I was surprised at Jim's stamina."

"You saw them too?" I asked.

Mike pushed a button on the remote and the channel changed to Judy's bedroom.

"Sometimes we like to watch her from down here instead of upstairs. We use this
TV mostly during parties and such."

Mike didn't say anything but he looked down at the tent pole in his pants. I
understood. I didn't have to be told. By the time I walked out 5 minutes later I
had a belly full of his cum. I'm sure Mistress Faith would have wanted it that
way. I could see lights on at our house. Jim must have been home from watching
"the big game." As I was passing Judy's house, I saw her standing in the
doorway. She was still wearing the silk robe. She waved me over.

"I hope you had fun tonight. I know I did," she said.

"It was interesting. Both Faith and Mike seemed to enjoy themselves too."

"I've got a present for you. I never swallow with other women's husbands. It's
one of the few rules I have."

Judy produced the glass containing Jim's load and held it to my face.

"Bottoms up!"

Judy pressed the edge of the glass to my lower lip. It was a final degradation
for the night as I sipped my own husband's cum from his adulterer's glass. Had
this not been part of the group's design I would have done v******e on her at
that point. But like some many of my recent activities it felt customary. I
thanked her and walked home unsure of what I was going to find next.

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 08
By Tappy McWidestance

As I walked into our house, I had a feeling of dread that we were about to have
a knock down drag out fight that would destroy our marriage. I found Jim in the
shower washing away the evidence of his evening. I decided that was a good idea
so I headed to the guest bathroom and did the same. Jim was affectionate that
night in bed, although it took a lot of foreplay before he could get hard again.
I was surprised he even tried given the workout Judy gave him. I guess he was
trying to keep his affair secret. In return for his affection, I tried to be
more vocal, although since he wasn't being the wildman I saw earlier, I had to
be a bit more restrained than Judy. I was getting tired so I faked an orgasm and
felt him squirt a tiny load into my womb. We both fell asleep quickly. Any
conversation would have to wait.

I was on edge the rest of the weekend waiting for Jim to tell me about Judy, but
he didn't. I started to think that maybe he really didn't know about the group
yet. I knew I was going to have to discuss this with Mistresses Sharon and Linda
at work on Monday, after doing my slave duties of course.

After bringing my mistress to orgasm starting at 7:30 sharp Monday morning, I
told her of my dilemma. She told me not to worry that everything would be taken
care of. She was trying to teach me to trust the group. I wanted to, but my own
insecurities were making it difficult. It was almost 8 and I had to get
upstairs. Sharon had Toni come in to reassure me. She told me it was very tough
to talk to her boyfriend about it too, but that Sharon could be very convincing
when she wanted to be and soon he came around. I understood how convincing
Sharon could be so I laughed a little.

Mistress Linda didn't want to talk about Jim. She wanted to talk about what
slave I was going to recruit for Suzy. I told her Lisette was my first choice,
but I didn't have a clue how to do it. She told me to talk to Suzy and see if
her calendar was free for a Friday toy party. She said she would talk to Faith
about having Judy host again. This time the party would be a setup. She's
getting all the mistresses and slaves to come. Everybody would be in on the goal
of seducing Lisette except for her. It would be fun.

I'd have never come up with that kind of party as fun, especially if I was the
object of the party. But then again maybe some of Suzy's parties were more like
that than I realized. I sent Suzy an email and confirmed that Friday would work
for her and asked if she could check with Jill. She said that was good for her
and since Jill would do whatever she told her to do, it would be fine with her
too. I received an email a little while later from Judy she confirmed that she
could host and that Faith could also be there. She also said Helen, Faith's
other slave had confirmed. Becky, Molly and Cathy rounded out the group from our
office. So we had three mistresses and seven slaves confirmed. Lisette didn't
stand a chance. Now we just had to make sure she attended.

Thankfully Judy took care of that. She said Lisette was happy to be invited.
Given her lack of enthusiasm at the last party that surprised me a little, but
as I was learning, the women of the group can be very persuasive. The rest of
the week went by in typical fashion. By typical I mean that I served my mistress
every morning at 7:30 and my boss sometime during the day. We only went
downstairs once during the week and LaShawn was the beneficiary of my paying the
room tax. I know Linda took one of her slaves downstairs each day so the
security guards were certainly well taken care of this week. Mistress Faith
called me over one night. Jim wasn't home and I don't know if he was with Judy
since we didn't repeat the video link. We did repeat her treating her like a
doggie and then doing me from behind. This time she took my ass and I loved it.
Mike wasn't home though so I didn't get my creamy desert. Fortunately Jim was
more than capable when he got home and we made very passionate love. It seemed
like things were finally starting to stabilize.

Friday all the slaves in my office (myself, Cathy, Molly and Becky) were kept on
edge by Sharon and Linda. They told us they wanted us "primed" for the party. I
wasn't sure what to expect that night, but I was sure I would enjoy myself. We
were instructed to be there at 7:30. Mistress Suzy laid out the plan. Since
Lisette didn't know I had joined Suzy as a demonstrator, tonight I would be a
regular customer. Suzy would do her regular sales pitch, but we were all to be
more sexually expressive and try on the clothes and test the toys. We should
start leaving the living room like Lisette would expect, but as the night wore
on, we should show her more and more. We should also talk about how great the
toys felt and how they have helped in our respective marriages. I almost felt
sorry for Lisette. I didn't know if Judy and Jill had been denied their orgasms
today, but I knew the rest of us were randy for action. Unfortunately Mistress
Sharon and Toni already had a special night planned with Sharon’s husband so
they were not there.

At 8pm the doorbell range and Lisette entered the lion's den. She was dressed
casually again. She was still cute as a button with her blonde hair up in a pony
tail. I could see why Suzy wanted to take her. If all went well, tonight she
would. The party started as each one did with casual conversation and a few
bottles of wine, cheese and crackers. It seemed Lisette was in a good mood. It
was hard to gauge the group's mood because I couldn't tell who was acting a part
and who was being genuine. Around 8:40 Suzy began the demonstrations. The tone
was decidedly more sexual than at the first party Lisette and I attended. Cathy
was the first to test drive a toy and Jill soon followed. They disappeared
upstairs, probably to the same bedroom. Both came back flushed and a little
sweaty. All the slaves took their turns upstairs. I noticed as Suzy talked,
Mistress Linda and Mistress Faith kept trying to steer the conversation with
Lisette to her husband, whether she was happy, whether she was fulfilled and
tried to assess their next move. They were not as direct as I make it sound.
They were experts at driving the conversation subtly. We all joined in at
various times to make sure it didn't sound like we were interrogating Lisette.
She was cautious and obviously didn't share intimate information about herself
easily. But the mistresses got the information they needed eventually as we
purposely kept the conversation light and disarming. I must say Linda and Faith
were masterful.

I could tell everyone except possibly Lisette was getting hot and bothered by
her seduction. I still couldn't quite tell about her. Jill and I modeled a few
provocative outfits for the group, although our purpose was more to gauge
Lisette reaction to having us stand in front of her. She was a tough nut to
crack. While we were back in the bedroom changing into our clothes, Jill took me
in her arms and gave me a passionate kiss.

"God, I've been dying to do that all night," she breathlessly exclaimed. "Suzy's
teased me all week and not let me cum once. If Lisette doesn't crack soon I'm
going to **** her."

"**** her?"

"Well not really. But I'm ready to tear off her clothes and have a big orgy.
Aren't you?"

"The orgy part sounds good. I just don't think she's right for the group."

"She's right. I can see it in her eyes. She's just got a block in her mind.
We'll wear her down."

We headed back to the party. Suzy had convinced Lisette to at least hold one of
the more powerful vibrators. She looked a little scared as Suzy turned it on,
but she didn't put it down. Her eyes were downcast as she stared at the toy
buzzing in her hand. The party almost stopped as everyone but Suzy was staring
at her. Suzy kept her sales banter up, the professional that she is, so that
Lisette since she wasn't watching would think everything was normal. The tone
had definitely changed.

I expected that we were finally breaking through her barriers. I hoped she would
excuse herself to try the toy. Suzy even suggested it. But Lisette held fast.
She turned off the vibrator and handed it back to Suzy. I could tell Suzy was
trying to decide what to do.

"That's about it ladies. That's all I brought," she announced.

"Don't you have anything else?" Faith asked. "Did you bring your special toys in
the car?"

Suzy looked at her for a moment.

"I've got my bondage demonstration case in the car. Is that what you mean? I
didn't think you girls were into that," she lied.

"How about it girls? Do you want to see the bondage toys?" she asked the group.

Unanimously, except for Lisette, everyone answered yes. Lisette looked a little
scared. Suzy went out to the car while Judy opened another two bottles of wine.
I wondered if Faith was pushing Lisette too far too fast. Suzy returned with two
more cases. I recognized one contained the bondage bed. The other held various
restraints, collars, crops, whips and the like. Suzy opened the cases on the

"Volunteers?" she asked.

I was ready, but I wasn't sure how the mistresses intended to play this so I
remained quiet as all the slaves did. Mistress Faith was the first to talk.

"Let's spin the bottle to pick a volunteer."

"A fine idea Faith," Suzy declared.

Judy grabbed one of the empty wine bottles. I felt like I was at a kinky high
school party. Suzy laid out a couple of quick rules.

"I need two volunteers. We will spin the bottle twice. Whoever is chosen will
come with me into the bedroom and I'll dress you. You'll then model for the rest
of the group."

Jill and I had sat down on either side of Lisette. I'm sure she was petrified
about being picked. Suzy kneeled in the middle and spun the bottle. I could tell
she was trying to predict how much resistance would be needed to pick Lisette.
Unfortunately she was a little light and got Jill. Not to say Jill wasn't happy.
She gave a little clap and stood up. Suzy reset the bottle. I noticed she was
starting the bottle in a slightly different position trying to make a better
spin. I doubt Lisette noticed. Looking over at her as the bottle spun I could
see a bead of sweat on her cheek. She was also staring daggers at the bottle. I
think everybody else but Suzy was looking at her.

Suzy did her best. You could almost make the argument that she hit her target as
the bottle stopped between Lisette and me. I expected Suzy, Faith or Linda to
claim Lisette was the winner, but I knew the bottle was just past the half way
point between us. Suzy declared me the selected one and I acted happy. I really
wasn't acting. I was happy. I just wished Lisette had been selected so the peer
pressure, fueled by her wine consumption, might drive her to letting herself go.
I joined Jill and Suzy in the bedroom.

"Well girls," Suzy began. "How many times have we found ourselves in this
situation? I think Lisette is going to need a different tactic. Just do one of
our regular party shows and see where it goes."

We dressed in our bondage themed outfits. I was wearing leather. Jill was in
latex. We both looked hot. Suzy collared us and led us back to the group with
leashes attached to our collars. We received a rousing round of applause from
everyone by Lisette. She looked very uncomfortable. Suzy led us from woman to
woman. I could tell Lisette was squirming as we stood before her. She was the
only one not to cop a discrete feel while checking out the outfits. We were
running out of time as our husbands would soon be expecting us home so Suzy
turned up the heat. As Jill and I were showing the various cuffs, blindfolds and
tails to the women, Suzy was busy setting up the bondage bed. Looking to us she
asked for a volunteer. Neither of us did. In my case I wanted to keep up the
appearance that we were not the most willing participants. I assumed Jill just
wanted me tied up again.

Suzy solved the problem by having us play rock, paper, scissors to determine who
would "volunteer." Jill won. Her paper covered my rock and I was quickly
restrained on the dining room table. I could see the group converge around me.
Lisette stayed in her chair. Suzy did her best to sell the benefits of the
bondage bed. Everyone looking already knew about this wonderful piece of
equipment, but they kept asking questions for Lisette’s benefit. In reality they
were more interested in touching my body. I doubt Lisette could see through the
wall of female flesh to see them teasing me, but I hoped she could. Suzy stopped
talking and walked back into the living room. I'm sure she was putting the final
push on Lisette. Mistress Faith had slid a finger into my pussy. She was done
playing games and her wonderful digit brought the expected moan from my mouth.
Linda pulled my left breast out of my leather bra and began sucking on it. More
moans from me. I imagined Suzy putting the moves on Lisette, breaking through
her defenses and not sharing her as the group was concentrating on me. But I was
right where I wanted to be. I had hands all over my body. They were squeezing,
rubbing, poking, prodding and gloriously pushing themselves inside by pussy. The
"sales" party was over. The real party was beginning. I guess I was on the bed
for about 15 minutes before the group splintered off back to the living room.
Linda pulled the Velcro straps off and helped me to my feet. They had not let me
come yet, but I was sure I would be soon.

I walked into the living room and Lisette and Suzy were gone. I didn't know what
happened. Did Suzy convert her and take her upstairs? Did Lisette run home in
terror? The front door opened and Suzy returned carrying another case. Lisette
was not with her.

"I did my best girls, but she went home."

A wave of disappointment swept over the group.

"But I did bring something special for our slaves."

Suzy brought the case to the center of the room. She unhooked the snaps and
folded it flat. Inside were a strap-on dildo, a chin dildo and four dildos with
shorter straps. I recognized the first two but the other four were a mystery. I
wasn't sure what they were for. Mistress Suzy, now in her dominate voice instead
of her sales voice ordered me to the center of the room. I stood still as she
stripped me of my leather sales costume and attached the strap-on around my
hips. She then attached the chin dildo in place and told me to lie down.

"Good girl. Now spread your arms and legs. Wait; turn so your pussy faces the
couch. OK. Good."

Mistress Faith and Mistress Linda were sitting on the couch looking directly at
my glistening pussy. Mistress Suzy then went to work strapping the other four
dildos to my thighs and forearms. I had six fake dicks standing at attention
from various parts of my body. I knew what was coming next. I think everybody
did. Mistress Suzy didn't have to say a word. Quickly the six other slaves were
shedding their clothes and mounting one of my cocks. I could do nothing but lay
on the ground as Cathy's pussy slid up and down on my chin dildo. Her pungent
ass was bouncing on my face. I could feel the other girls fucking themselves,
but the only pleasure I was getting was an indirect pressure on my clit from the
strap-on. The other slaves apparently did not have that problem as the sounds of
girl love echoed in the room and the smell of happy women filled the air.

I could only imagine the looks of satisfaction coming from the couch. The
mistresses had six beautiful women facing them as they fucked themselves silly.
Everyone was getting what they wanted except me. But until we took Lisette, I'd
be low woman on the hierarchy so what could I do? Nothing except wait as the six
other slaves fucked themselves until they all came. I think Cathy came twice.
The front row, Jill, Becky and Molly, got the privilege of crawling to the couch
and satisfying our mistresses. Cathy helped me out of the strap-on harness and
then dropped to her knees and made sure I received my pleasure. I thanked her
with a deep wet kiss. I could taste myself on her lips. The party broke up after
that. I didn't know what the next play was with Lisette. I figured Suzy, Faith
and Linda would figure that out.

It turns out, Lisette made the next move. She arrived at my house the next
morning and looked as cute as ever. We went out in the backyard and sat on our
patio chatting and enjoying our morning coffee. I didn't bring up the party. I
was waiting for her to make the first move.

"Can I ask you something personal, Tina?" she began

"Of course. Ask anything."

"Did you enjoy being tied to the table last night?"

"Actually I did. Bondage can be very fun."

"I'm not sure. I kind of freaked out last night."

"Freaked out? What do you mean," I asked.

I could tell Lisette was uncomfortable, but at the same time wanted to talk
about this. I just had to give her enough space to come to me in her own time. I
saw that she was thinking about how to phrase her next sentence. Unfortunately
Jim decided that was the perfect time to walk out onto the patio. Immediately
the look on Lisette's face told me our conversation was over.

"Good morning girls," Jim said joyfully.

"Lisette, let me introduce my husband Jim," I said.

Lisette extended her hand and greeting Jim. The three of us made small talk
while Lisette finished her coffee and then she excused herself to go home. I was
silently cursing Jim as I walked Lisette to the front door. As she was leaving,
Lisette asked if I could come over to her house later to talk. I was elated,
although I tried not to show it. I agreed, of course, and told her I'd be over
in about an hour. She said that was fine. She'd have the coffee ready.

Sitting in Lisette's kitchen an hour later she seemed much more at home, both
literally and figuratively. She made a point of telling me her husband was off
at the golf course as he always was on the weekend. Humm, alone for hours every
Saturday and Sunday. My devious mind began to plot. We got back onto the
conversation we started on my patio. Lisette was a totally different person. It
was like she had been holding her feelings in for so long that now that she had
a sympathetic ear, she was going let it all hang out.

She told me about the neglect of her husband. About how at their young age he
should be passionate every night but it seemed like sex was a chore for him. I
told her I could sympathize. She told me about her growing up having very few
boyfriends and even in college not dating too often. How she had only had four
sexual partners in her life which seemed unreal to me as cute as she was.
Certainly the boys in college would have been beating a path to her door. How
she really wanted to buy a vibrator at the party but was too embarrassed and a
host of other juicy details I filled away in my memory to share with the

I just kept nodding and letting her talk as she poured out her heart to me. I'd
speak when I needed to, but mostly I let her ramble until a direct question
snapped me back.

"Did you and Judy have sex at the party?"

So far Lisette’s entire monologue had been about her husband and guys in
general. This was the first time she mentioned another woman. I figured I didn't
have anything to lose at this point by telling the truth.


"Did you like it?"

"Yes I did."

"But you're both married?"

"True. But my story isn't that different from yours. My sex life at home wasn't
that great. I did buy a toy at the first party we went to and things sort of
happened from there."

I didn't feel the need to detail what those things were at this point.

"Lately I've been wondering what it would be like to be with another woman," she

Was she hitting on me? We had the house to ourselves for a while. She was acting
very coy. Was this an open invitation or not? I decided not to push my luck.

"It's wonderful being with another woman. They are so different from men. I
still love Jim, but I get a certain satisfaction from being with a woman that in
some ways is much better."

I hoped that made sense to her. I wanted to just jump her and I struggled to
restrain myself. She looked at me like she was thinking about my response and
formulating her own.

"I'm not sure, Tina. It seems so naughty."

I chuckled to myself at her choice of naughty as an adjective.

"It is if you do it right," I responded with a little laugh to show her I might
be joking.

I decided now was the time to make my move so I moved over to her a planted a
soft kiss on her lips. She didn't really respond, but she didn't pull away
either. I moved back and looked at her waiting for either approval to do it
again or a signal to back off. She really didn't give me either.

"Was that OK?" I asked.

Lisette paused. "I guess so," she responded.

"Can I do it again?" I asked.

She paused again. "Yes."

I moved over to her again and gave her another gentle kiss. She was more
responsive this time. I didn't want to push my luck so I didn't give her the
deep passionate kiss I wanted to. If everything went right, that would happen
soon enough.

I pulled back again waiting for a reaction. I watched as she licked her lips
slightly and then looked at me.

"I'm sorry Tina. I'm not sure about this."

"There's nothing to be sorry about Lisette," I answered. "If it's not for you,
then it's not for you. No harm done."

"No, that's not it. I think it might be for me, but not with you. I'm sorry."

Lisette was visible shaken. I was a little shaken too. What was wrong with me?

"I don't understand."

"It's not you, Tina. It's me."

"I still don't understand."

"As I told you, I've been curious about being with a woman for a while. But it
would be weird to be with somebody I know when it's my first time. If it went
terribly wrong it would be too awkward to see you in the neighborhood. I'm sorry
if I led you on."

"Don't worry, Lisette. I understand. You think, correct me if I'm wrong, that
you would rather have a one-night stand to break your girl on girl cherry, so to
speak. Then if you don't like it, you don't have to see that person again."

"Exactly. Is that weird?"

"Sort of, but it makes sense on some level too. Why don't you just go to a gay
bar and let yourself be picked up. You are a beautiful young woman. I have no
doubt you could find somebody who turns you on."

"I'd be way too scared of doing that," she countered. "I'm too shy."

I thought for a minute. A plan was hatching to turn this to the group's

"What if I went to the bar with you as your wing woman? I could run interference
for you until you found what you are looking for. If you're with me, you'll be
safer. If whoever hits on you doesn’t interest you, you can pretend to be with

I couldn't believe I came up with that plan on the spot. I'd take her to the bar
and have Mistress Sharon and Toni conveniently show up and pick her up. Toni was
close to her age and beautiful. If Lisette didn't fall for her, then Mistress
Sharon could use her exquisite powers of persuasion to capture her. The only
risk would be having somebody else get to her first.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"What about my husband? Isn't he going to notice?"

"You said he's a golf nut right? Well my husband Jim is going to his annual golf
buddies weekend in two weeks. He's got some friends from college who all meet at
a different course each year and play as much as they can for two days. He's
leaving Friday afternoon and getting back late Sunday night. I'm sure I could
get an invitation for your hubby. I remember Jim saying they only had 7 this
year and were still looking for an 8th."

I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"I bet your husband would appreciate that you're thinking of him by giving him
time away to do what he loves. Plus, if you find somebody, you don't have to
worry about him getting in the way. It’s a win/win situation."

I'd laid it out the best I could. If this didn't work, I was ready to give up on
her and find somebody else. To my joy, Lisette agreed. I gave her a hug, but no
kiss. She seemed almost disappointed but I wanted to respect her stated desire.
I went home and talked to Jim. He seemed pleased that I found him a new playing
partner. Now I just had to get Mistress Sharon and Toni on board.

I called my mistress and told her of my plan. She congratulated me on working it
out. She said she had talked to Suzy after the party and they were struggling a
bit formulating their own plan. She told me she would make sure Toni was at Club
Uno by 8:45 on Friday. She said it didn't get crowded until after 11 so there
wouldn't be too much competition to worry about. She said we should arrive by 9
and that she would be there by 9:15. She wanted Toni to try and pick up Lisette,
but if she was hesitant, I should let Toni pick me up. No problem there I

I was to let Toni join us at our table. That would help shut out more
perspective suitors who troll for single girls or couples more than groups.
Mistress Sharon said that after she arrived she would take charge. I would be
going home with whoever Lisette didn't pick. I guess I was the consolation

By the time I hung up the phone I was wet with excitement. Lisette would be my
first seduction and I was looking forward to it. During the week I visited Suzy
to tell her my plan. She was so happy she gave me a good fucking without asking
for any oral favors in return. Of course I gave her pleasure anyway. That's just
the kind of girl I am.

I could hardly wait for our date night to arrive. Lisette called me 3 or 4 times
that next week to go over the details. It was always the same questions. What
should I wear? How should I act? What goes on at a gay bar? And on and on. I
kept trying to reassure her just to go with the flow. Dress like you would at a
dance club. Wear something sexy. You're trying to meet someone to take you home
so it paid to advertise. As for how to act, just be yourself. Expect to be asked
to dance and don't freak out if a girl touches you more intimately than a guy
would at a regular bar. The girls will know you’re a virgin. Some like that,
some don't. And wear your wedding ring. If asked, just admit you’re curious.
Tell them you're looking for some instruction. They'll like that. I was pretty
much talking out of my butt at this point. I'd never been to this bar and I had
no clue what Sharon was planning or what she was telling Toni to do. The big day
finally came. The boys left at 4 to begin the 3 hour drive to the resort. I told
Lisette to shower, shave, dress and come over about 8.
I got myself ready early. I was on pins and needles. Mistress Sharon called to
confirm we were still a go. I dressed for success. I wore a dress with a
plunging neck line that hugged my hips and then flared out to a hem about 4
inches above my knees. I pulled on some stay up stockings and put on a sexy pair
of open toe shoes with a 3 inch heel. For some reason I didn't choose my sexiest
lingerie. I picked a regular thong and bra. I guess since my destiny for the
night had already been decided, it never occurred to me to wear nicer lingerie.

Lisette however took my advice to dress sexy. She was a vision when she appeared
at my door. I wanted to forget the bar and take her right to the bedroom, which
I told her. She hesitated as if she was contemplating my offer. I knew Mistress
Sharon would punish me severely for screwing up the plan so I quickly rescinded
the offer, gracefully of course. I served Lisette a glass of wine and then a
second to relax her. The bar wasn't too far across town so we left my house at
8:40. I could tell she was anxious. So was I.

Traffic wasn't bad for a Friday night so I wasn't worried about being on time. I
wasn't worried until I noticed the temperature gauge on the dashboard was
rapidly climbing. Something was wrong with the engine. We were not too far from
the bar, but I wasn't sure if we could make it. It was now 8:55 and the gauge
just went into the red zone on the dial. I spied a small auto garage I'd never
noticed before. The lights in the service bay were still on so I pulled in.
Lisette and I both got out of the car. She waited next to it while I went
inside. Fortunately the door was still open. The sign said they were open until
9, but nobody was at the counter. There was a bell on the counter so I rang it.
There was no immediate response so I did the next best thing. I sent a text to
my mistress and Toni that we were having car trouble and would be there as soon
as we could. I figured Sharon would get the message although I didn't know if
Toni would hear her phone. I rang the bell a second time. From the shop area a
heard a woman's voice call out "hold on."

I waited as patiently as I could, but time was wasting away. A minute or two
later a short woman walked out of the service area. She was wearing coveralls
and a baseball cap with the garage's logo on it. Her hair was pulled back in a
ponytail through the cap's adjustment strap. Her face was dirty from a mix of
sweat and grease. She was obviously the mechanic. Her nametag said Ronda.

"My car's overheating," I told her.

She gave me a deliberate look up and down before answering.

"OK. I'm kind of busy and we're about to close up. Can I look at it tomorrow?"

I told her we were on the way out for the evening. She peered out the window and
saw Toni leaning against the car. She looked like she should be in a music

"And just where are you heading?" she asked.

I didn't think it would hurt to tell her, so I said "Club Uno."

"Oh, two of those kind of girls," she said.

"What kind of girls? I've never been there before" I asked.

"Club Uno is for posers. It's a decent enough place. It's clean and the drinks
are reasonably priced. But if you’re looking for hard core action it isn't
there. The crowd is mainly suburban weekend bi housewives looking to scratch
some itch their husbands can't handle."

I couldn't believe she described Lisette and to a lesser extent me perfectly. I
felt required to defend our honor.

"Not all of us are prissy housewives. We can handle ourselves."

"You couldn't handle me sweetie. I chew up little girls like you and spit them

I didn't like being called a little girl. Especially by someone I was a few
inches taller than and of about the same age.

"Oh, I can handle whatever you can dish out," I countered.

"I doubt it. Fem girls like you exist to be punished and to please strong women
like me. But I'll make you a deal. Leave your car. I live upstairs in the
apartment so I'll start some diagnostics and then come back down and see if I
can fix it. Take a cab over to the club. Do your little pedestrian dancing. Let
some girly girl buy you drink. Heck let yourself be picked up for an
unsatisfying night eating pussy. I'll have your car ready by morning. Or..."

I waited as her option hung in the air.

"Be back here by midnight. That's when I usually go out. But if you come back,
know that I don't take no for an answer and I indent on teaching you what you
definitely will not find at the club."

She gave me a card with the garage's phone number on it.

"Don't worry it rings upstairs too."

She then called a cab for us and walked outside to look at the engine. It was
steaming when she opened the hood. Lisette and I peered over her shoulder as she
tried to get a look.

"I'm going to have to let this thing cool down. Leave everything to me."

She shut the hood and took the keys. The cab arrived and Lisette got in the back
seat. Ronda was shutting the garage door and walked back over to me.

"Bring her back tonight and I'll go easy on you," she said with a smirk.

I watched as she turned without another word and walked back into the garage
office. She never even asked for my name. The cab driver honked his horn so I
quickly joined Lisette in the back seat. We told him where to go and we were

We arrived at the club at 9:15. I was glad to be only 15 minutes late. I hoped
Mistress Sharon wasn't too upset, but it couldn't be helped. We walked into the
bar. It was dimly lit as I expected and a strong dance beat was blaring out of
the speakers. I spotted Toni sitting at the bar. She looked at Lisette and
smiled at me. I lead Lisette in and ordered two glasses of white wine. I looked
around and noticed a few unoccupied booths near a hallway where a sign said
bathrooms. I was surprised to see a number of men present. Apparently I assumed
it would be all women. Of course the men were all paired with each other. I
steered Lisette over to one of the booths. It was around the corner from the
dance floor so it wasn't quite as loud.

Looking around while Lisette got settled I saw several predatory looking women
watching us. I looked at Toni who was watching them too. I hoped Sharon would
arrive soon. I saw Toni pull out her phone and send a message. Just as we were
finishing our first drink, I saw her stand up. She appeared at our table with a
tray of three wine glasses and asked if she could join us. I looked to Lisette
who nodded. I thought she would like Toni.

We talked and sipped our wine. Toni was not overly aggressive, which was
probably a good choice this time. I nervously sat waiting for my Mistress to
arrive. I was there to bring Lisette, but I also wanted to play myself. We were
almost done with our drinks when I saw Sharon walk through the door. Almost on
cue, Toni asked if we wanted another glass of wine. Lisette quickly agreed. I
guess she thought some liquid courage would help her too.

Toni walked back to the bar. I was trying to watch Sharon without being too
obvious. I knew her plan was to take Lisette home and educate her and I was
wondering how she planned to do that. Toni arrived with three more glasses of
wine just as the song from the DJ ended and the next one began. I had no idea
who the artist was, but Toni exclaimed, "I love this song. Who wants to dance?"

I looked at Lisette who had the appearance of needing at least one more glass of
courage. I told Toni I was game. Maybe if I started having a good time Lisette
could loosen up. Toni took my hand and led me to the floor. I loved to dance and
Toni was an expert. I loved watching her shake her sexy body as I did my best to
put on a good show for her. I hoped Lisette could see us from the table, but I
was more concerned with Toni at the moment. Some other women began to dance near
us and for a few moments I was concerned they would be hitting on us. I had to
remember to be focused on our task.

I saw Sharon walking around the corner. I yelled into Toni ear asking whether we
should go back to the table. She yelled back no, not yet. We stayed on the dance
floor for two more song. I was sweating and more than a little turned on by
shaking my body in such close proximity to Toni and to the other women at the
bar. Finally when the song ended, Toni took my hand and started walking off the
floor. A new song started as we were walking around the corner to our booth. I
wasn't surprised to see Sharon leading a giddy Lisette out onto the floor. Her
proper seduction had begun.

I wanted to stay at the corner where we could see the dance floor but Toni
pulled me back to the booth.

"Give them some privacy. Lisette will get weirded out by you watching her."

"I told her I would watch out for her."

"You already left her alone once. She thinks you’re trying to hook up with me.
She'll be fine. Anyway, Mistress Sharon has everything under control. The plan
is working perfectly."

I sat down with a bit of a huff, but Toni put an end to that. She slid in next
to me and grabbed my head pulling me into a torrid French kiss. We made out with
a passion which had me leaking juices into my thong as she began to run her
hands all over my body. She held me close for the length of the entire song
doing her best to turn me on. And it worked. When she finally broke the kiss for
air, I was breathless. I'm sure my makeup was smeared. Toni looked a little
worse for wear too, but there was definitely a fire in her eyes. I looked back
toward the dance floor, but Sharon and Lisette had not returned. Toni took a sip
of wine and then rested her head on my shoulder. I took a sip of my wine and put
my arm around her. I wanted more, but I'd have to wait until the next part of
Sharon's plan was implemented.

As it turned out, to my surprise and joy, that was only about 3 minutes in the
making. After the second song ended, Toni once again began ferociously kissing
me. She was holding my neck with her right hand while her left ran itself all
over my body and finally up under my dress, along my thighs and onto my pussy. I
was making little whimpering sounds as I begged her with my eyes to finger fuck
me every time she pulled my head back to breath. I was guessing Mistress
Sharon's plan was to get me aroused enough to join whatever perverted thing she
had planned for Lisette. Either that or Toni was enjoying her temporary position
of power she held as Sharon's assistant for the night.

I was thoroughly enjoying Toni's hand sliding up and down my slit and having her
tongue explore every inch of my mouth when Lisette and Sharon returned to the
booth. I didn't notice them walking up. Rather I felt the change of weight as
Lisette slid into the other side of the booth. Toni broke our furious kiss and
released my neck. Her body posture however, remained very possessive as she was
bent slightly over my left shoulder to give her left hand better access under my
dress. I noticed Lisette looked down my body as Toni's fingers finally pushed
their way into my holy spot. I knew she couldn't see anything through my dress,
but there was a lump where Toni's hand was cupping my mound. I closed my eyes
and threw my head back. I released a soft moan when Toni flicked my clit. It was
obvious what we were doing.

I opened my eyes expecting Lisette to have freaked out, but she didn't. She was
sitting watching our show intently with a mixed expression of fear and
curiousness. She took a big swig of her wine and then excused herself to go to
the bathroom. All three of us watched her closely as she disappeared down the

"How did your dance go Mistress?" Toni asked.

"Fine. She's an open book. We're going to my place soon. By morning Suzy will
have her slave girl." Sharon replied matter-of-factly.

I was in awe. How could she do that in a 10 minutes of conversation and 10
minutes on the dance floor? I watched as Sharon pulled a small bag out of her
handbag. She gave it to Toni. Toni looked at me and then gestured toward the

"Make sure she sees you going into the stall," Mistress Sharon commanded.

We both nodded, although I didn't know what I was agreeing to do. Toni led me
back to the lady's room. I hoped only Lisette was there. I hadn't seen anybody
else going down the hall, but I'd been distracted. Toni pushed me through the
bathroom door. She was acting drunk and staggering a bit. This must have been
part of the game. Lisette was standing at the sink trying to touch up her
make-up. She must have been serious about Sharon and wanted to look good for
her. I looked at her and I knew she had seen us in the mirror. I raised my hand
to wave to her, but "drunken" Toni continued to shove me along the walls toward
the stalls. I lost sight of Lisette as Toni directed me to the handicapped
stall. Once the door was secure, she became sober Toni again and whispered in my
ear, "That was fun."

Toni proceeded to lift my dress and pull down my thong. She then got down on her
knees and dropped my dress over her head. The touch of her tongue on my lustful
pussy was electric. I moaned again. This time it wasn't a soft moan either. I
knew Lisette could hear me. Opening my eyes I looked down and noticed Toni's
feet would clearly be visible under the stall door. I heard the bathroom door
open and close. Lisette before she left or whoever came in would instantly know
what was happening.

Toni wasn't working with subtleties. She slid two fingers into my pussy while
she munched my clit trying to get me off as quick as possible. I was guessing
Sharon wanted us to make an appearance at the table before she left with her
conquest so Toni was hurrying. I felt strange grabbing Toni's head since I
couldn't see it, but I was starting to become unsteady the closer I got to
climaxing. She was taking me closer and closer and my sounds were getting louder
and louder. I heard a toilet flush in the stall next to us and a yell of "get a
room." It wasn't either Sharon or Lisette's voice. That was enough to set me
off. I showered Toni with love and she lapped up every drop. I was breathing
hard and unable to speak when she pulled her head back from under my dress. Her
face was a mess, but she was smiling.

I expected her to pick up my underwear, but instead she reached into the bag
Sharon had given her, apparently for a replacement. She pulled out a strange
looking thong. It had what looked like a plastic cup on the front and a luggage
lock on the back. I was confused. Fortunately Toni explained.

"Sharon wants me to stop at her house to help speed Toni's training. She knew
that without an orgasm you would be likely to find a new partner here tonight so
she wanted me to help you out. She also gave me this to make sure. If you need
to pee, you better do it now."

I hiked up my dress and sat down on the toilet. Toni's eyes were locked on mine.
Lust burned in my soul as I tried to relax enough to pee in front of her.
Finally I did, but it was humiliating and arousing at the same time. I looked at
the contraption as she began to slide it up my leg. The purpose of the garment
quickly made sense as she had me stand up. Toni positioned the cup over my
pussy. It was a tight smooth fit. There were a series of small holes drilled
into the plastic near the bottom. The back of the panty was a thick strap which
covered my backside, although there was a generously sized reinforced hole
directly over my asshole. Built into the top of the panty was a thick belt which
Toni cinched tight and locked in the back. Whatever this was, it wasn't coming
off without a key. Then it hit me. It was a chastity panty.

Toni pulled my dress back down and stood up to lead me out of the bathroom. She
didn't stop to fix her make-up and she didn't let me stop to let me fix mine. By
the time we were in the hallway walking back to the booth, she was once again
drunk Toni. I joined her faking a drunk stagger. We collapsed back into the
booth. As I slid around I noticed Sharon's hand was under Lisette's skirt. I was
happy for her. Our trip to the bathroom was not included in the short amount of
chit chat while Sharon and Lisette finished their glasses of wine. Sharon then
announced it had been nice to meet us and stood up extending her hand to
Lisette. She smiled at me and took Sharon's hand allowing herself to be led out
of the club and into her own adventure. As they passed the bar Sharon
repositioned Lisette in front of her. She then looked back at us and pulled
Lisette's thong out of her handbag. She waved it like a trophy for our benefit
and the viewing jealous of the other woman at the bar and then flung it to the
bartender and continued to follow Lisette out. Toni perked up immediately.

"I had fun in the bathroom. I'm looking forward to playing with you again soon.
Mistress told me to expect her tomorrow morning at your house. She wants you to
be naked and waiting for her."

With that she was up and walking toward the door. I was left in the booth alone.
My pussy was wet but protected from me doing anything about it. I sat by myself
sipping my wine. Several other women stopped by and began chatting me up, but
restricted as I was, I didn't bother even giving them the time of day. I slowly
finished my wine trying to gather my thoughts and then got up and left. It was
now 11:30 and I was going home to an empty house.

I walked into the parking lot and suddenly remembered I didn't have a car. It
was still at the shop. I fished around in my purse and found the card I had
received from the garage. I opened up my cell and dialed the number. Ronda
answered the phone on the fifth ring. She was as surly as she had been when I
dropped off the car. She told me she was getting ready to go out for the night
and that I should get the car tomorrow. I told her we were done at the club and
I could grab a cab and get it right now. She told me if I could get there before
she left, that was fine, but I'd better make it within 15 minutes. I looked
around hoping a cab would be driving by. As luck would have it, one was just
pulling in dropping off two guys. I told Ronda there was a cab right here and
that I was on my way. She told me to come up the stairs in the back to the

I arrived 8 minutes later. The lights were still on in the apartment, although
the garage area was dark. The cab driver asked if I wanted him to stay for a few
minutes but I was sure she was home so I told him he could go. I looked at the
window of the apartment one more time as I was getting out of the cab. I saw a
silhouette of a thin, busty, long haired woman walk past. Who was that I

I began to walk to the back of the garage. The chastity panty reminded me with
every step that I was going to be without relief until Mistress Faith removed
it. The area behind the garage where I was looking for the stairs was unlit. It
was kind of scary, but I needed my car. I found the stairs and slowly made my
way up to the landing. There was a door in bad need of a paint job. I wasn't
expecting the inside to be any nicer. I knocked on the door and waited. Then I
knocked again. I'd seen somebody inside and the apartment couldn't be that big.
I knocked a third time. From inside I heard an angry voice.

"I heard you the first time bitch. Keep your panties on."

I couldn't take my panties off if I wanted to. I heard the deadbolt click and
the door swung open. Ronda backed away and I walked in. Only this wasn't the
Ronda I saw in the garage. The girl in the coveralls was a greasy and plain
looking mess. This Ronda was obvious ready for a kinky night on the town. Her
coveralls had been replaced with tight, hip hugging leather pants than ended
just at the top of her ass crack. I could see that clearly as she walked away
from me. Her leather halter top ended just below her breasts and obviously had a
built in push up bra. I hadn't noticed her breasts in the coveralls, but
obviously she was stacked and not afraid to display her charms. Her abs was
tight and she had a pierced belly button. I wondered what other piercings she
might have. Her hair, instead of being pulled back was now down and framed her
head with a gentle wave. It was jet black and matched her leather. Looking down,
I noticed she also was wearing leather boots with stiletto heels and a silver
metal tip. She looked like the biker chick from hell. The inside of my chastity
panty immediately got a little wetter. She definitely oozed confidence and the
ability to back up the threats she made earlier.

"So I guess you didn't find what you were looking for at Club Uno," she began.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I'd say the night went fine," I replied.

"No, if you found what you needed, you wouldn't be here now."

I didn't want to get in an argument, so I didn't reply again. I watched as Ronda
began to advance on me.

"No, you've been thinking about what I do to weak fem girls. I'm sure some other
fem girls tried to pick you up at the bar, but you know you need someone

She was close enough that I could smell her leather and her words were cutting
me to the bone. She invaded my personal space. Although she was shorter than me,
with her boots on the extra inch of her heel over my heel helped equalize our
height. When she told me to kick my shoes off I did. She now had an inch height
advantage. But height wasn't the only advantage she possessed. She had the
aggressive nature than turned my knees to jelly. If she wanted me she could have
me. She knew it and I knew it. She told me to pull up my dress. She wanted to
check if it was wet for her. I wondered what her reaction would be to my

“What the hell?”

The Fuckerware Party – Chapter 09
By Tappy McWidestance

Ronda was staring at the chastity panty Toni had fitted on me at my mistress'

"Take off the dress. Let's see if you have any other surprises," she commanded

I quickly shed my garment. For good measure I slipped off my bra even though she
hadn't asked for it and dropped it on the floor.

"Nice. Miss Goodie Good Suburban Housewife has a dark side does she," she said
rhetorically. "I knew you wouldn't find what you needed at Club Uno, but how did
you find yourself wearing that? Did you do it yourself or did that cute girl you
were with do it to you?" she asked.

"My mistress' other slave did it to me. She didn't want me letting myself get
picked up at the bar."

"Doesn't she trust you?"

"It was sort of a special night. I was in charge of recruiting Lisette, the
other girl you saw, into our group of mistresses and slaves."

"This I have to hear about. Talk," she said.

For the next half hour I talked and she interrogated me on everything that
happened to me and everything about the group. I stood their naked before her.
She had me put my hands behind my back to improve the posture of my breasts, but
she did not restrain me. She stood for a while, then pulled a chair from the
kitchen and sat down in front of me. She didn't sit like a lady. She sat like a
guy, slightly hunched over and with her legs spread. Her right leg was out wide
in front of her and her left leg was curled around the leg of the chair. She was
listening intently to every detail of my story and telling it was definitely
turning me on. My arousal was impossible to hide. My nipples were hard as rocks
and my wetness was starting to seep out from around the edges of the plastic
disk covering my pussy.

When I was done with the story I wondered what she was going to do. Earlier she
had threatened to punish me and that was before she learned that I'd probably
enjoy it. Now I wondered if she would really follow through. She didn't say a
word. She looked satisfied and nodded in affirmation of an unasked question.

I watched as she stood up and walked out of the room, I assume into the bedroom.
I stayed in the combination living room / dining room / kitchen and waited for
her return. It seemed like I waited for ever, shivering naked in a stranger's
apartment. I wasn't surprised when she returned with a collar, leash and a
paddle. Honestly I expected no less. What was different, however, was the type
of collar. My mistresses had always used leather collars which typically were
lined with a soft fir. They were not necessarily comfortable, but they didn't
rub my skin raw either. Ronda's collar was different. It was a large dog's pinch
collar. It was made of sharp points that interlocked to form a circle. The hook
mechanism was a chain slipknot. When it wasn't pulled tight, the points would
just rest on the skin. If the leash was snapped, they would dig in. Ronda
obviously liked her girls obedient. Or she liked to impose pain. Or both.

The smart thing would have been to flee. But as I stated in an earlier chapter,
even when I knew the smart move I didn't necessarily make that choice. This was
one of my life's defining moments. Fight or flight. It was as basic as a****l
instincts came. I submissively bowed my head as she slipped the collar over it.
She clipped the leash to the hook and gave me a gentle tug so I could feel the
spikes pinch ever so slightly into my neck. I held my ground.

"Good. You've passed the first test. How is your ass at taking a paddling?"

"I am experienced if that is what you mean mistress," I replied.

"No that is not what I meant and don't call me mistress. I am not your mistress.
I am your worst nightmare. I get off punishing innocent little girls and I have
no emotional tie to you so I will not care if you get hurt."

I swallowed hard. My risky decision to stay suddenly seemed perilous.

"I can see you're nervous," she continued. You should be. I'm cruel, but I'm not
going to mark you permanently. I know you have to run home to your soft wantabe
mistress. I'm going to have some fun with you and send you on your way. Your car
is done and I have no idea where to find you. This is between us and is a
onetime thing."

I watched as she dropped the leash and sat back down on the chair.

"Last chance. If you want to continue, lie across my lap. If I'm too much for
you I understand. I told you that when we first met. Your mistress has denied me
your pussy, but you have two other holes I expect to use. Are you prepared to
give them both to me? A simple yes, mam is sufficient otherwise your car is
downstairs and I will not stop you from leaving."

She put me to a decision point again. There was no bullshit with her. She'd
warned me she was going to beat me and take my ass. She also told me she was
going to use my mouth. I could assume I knew what that was going to be. Still
this was exactly the kind of treatment I always craved whenever my mistresses
punished me. Her spankings were hard, but they always seemed to be purposed
toward turning me on more than real punishment and I knew an explosive orgasm
was always waiting in the wings. Ronda was offering nothing but punishment. With
my pussy protected, I wondered if I even could come. I took a deep breath and
told her "yes, mam."

I submissively lay over her lap. She was holding the paddle in her right hand
and was using her left to massage my buttocks.

"So smooth. Do you shave it?"

"Yes, mam."

I saw her arm swing before I felt the flat wide contact. It was hard, but I'd
had harder before. I managed to remain silent, save for a barely audible grunt.

"Good. You can take a soft stroke."

I worried that she deemed that a soft stroke. The second shot, this time to the
opposite side was about the same strength. Then quickly the third, fourth, fifth
and sixth. All were hard, but not too hard. As Goldilocks might say, they were
just right.

After the fifth stroke Ronda paused to rub my buttocks.

"Your ass has a nice blush. Time to turn it into a fire."

I took a deep breath. Apparently playtime was over. The next swat was at least
twice as hard. This one wasn't just right. It hurt and I yelled. Ronda wasn't
fazed. I was her arm moving again and my left cheek soon joined my right cheek
on fire.

"Much better. But fires should always turn into an inferno."

Ronda continued to paddle my increasingly hurt ass as her blows became harder
and more frequent. I was flailing my arms and legs, but she held me tight with
her free arm as she continued to punishing my upturned target. I thought I would
pass out from the pain, but thanking God for small favors she stopped. I was
crying. They were not crocodile tears either. These were real tears from the
real pain I was feeling. There was no sexual component to what Ronda did to me.
She didn’t play with my pussy. My mistress saw to that, although somehow I
doubted she would have given me that pleasure anyway. She had not played with my
nipples. She'd done nothing to give me any pleasure. She'd just beaten my ass
exactly as she had promised.

"Get up," she barked.

It was tough for me to stand up. The pain spread across my ass intensified as
the skin tightened when I stood. I couldn't help but rub my poor buttocks. I
could feel the heat radiating off them as the blood flooded the tissues to help
mitigate the damage. I'm sure I was going to be bruised. Mistress Sharon would
certainly notice I'd been unfaithful to her when I saw her in the morning.

"Are you done little girl?" Ronda demanded to know.

For some reason, and this certainly wasn't based on the rational thought, I felt
compelled to challenge her again. I needed to stand up for myself like I had
done when I dropped the car off earlier.

"Is that all you've got?"

I saw Ronda laugh.

"I like that. I've got plenty more where that came from if you've got the guts
to continue."

"I told you not all suburban fems are posers."

"Very well. I think we should go downstairs."

That was a surprise. I definitely wasn't expecting that statement. I was
thinking more like Ronda drops her pants and I eat her to a nice juicy orgasm.
Instead she once again walked out of the room. While I waited, I rubbed my ass
some more. I hoped she was done with the paddling.

Ronda returned carrying a leather bag the size of an airline carry-on. Was
everything she had made of leather besides my collar? She also had a major
change in her hair style. Instead of the medium length locks I had seen before
which had beautifully framed her face, she was now sporting an extremely short
page boy haircut. The color was not black anymore either. It was bright red. It
was quite a metamorphosis. She could tell I was staring at her head.

"This is my real hair. I like to wear a wig when I go out hunting for fems. It
helps me get into character."

"But didn't you have a pony tail when I saw you earlier in the garage?" I asked.

"Very observant. I did have a pony tail. I wear that one when I'm working
because the guys seem to like it when they bring their cars in."

She walked up to me without saying another word. She grabbed the leash and I had
to spin around and move quickly after her to keep from tightening the collar. I
left my dress, bra and shoes on her living room floor and followed her out of
the door. Now I was glad there were no lights in the back of her garage as I
walked naked into the night. I saw a back door, but of course she didn't use it
preferring to walk me around the building to the front door. It was late, but
there still was traffic on the street. I heard at least two horns honk. I
wondered if either person had the good sense to call the police or did they just
consider this normal behavior?

Ronda took me into the shop. She turned on the fluorescents and flooded the room
with light. My car was there along with a red Corvette convertible and a black
Mustang GT. There were also three Harley motorcycles and another one in pieces
that I couldn't identify. I wasn't an expert in motorcycle brands. It looked
Harleyesque but so much was missing I couldn't be sure.

"If you don't mind me asking mam, these looks pretty high end. What kind of work
do you do?" I said

"I don't mind you asking. I do mostly customization. It is high end stuff.
Engine tweaks, computer reprogramming for more power and some motorcycle
restorations. Harleys as you can see. I just love a big twin between my legs."

"So which one do you ride?"

"This one here," she said pointing to a Springer Softail.

It had been customized, but with restraint. The chrome was immaculate. She must
have meticulously polished it for hours. I'd never seen a bike that looked quite
like it. She must have been scared to take it out of the garage for fear of
getting it dirty.

I saw Ronda toss the bag onto the floor. It landed with a thud. She bent over
and unzipped the pocket. My attention was riveted on her actions. Whatever was
about to happen it would involve what was in the bag and it would involve me.
Somehow I expected something more obscure than four leather cuffs. They looked
like what I had worn before. The only difference was instead of the cuffs being
chained together, they had thicker chains which ended in clips. Ronda retrieved
a dirty stool which had been sitting in front of a tool cabinet. She set it
between two of the cars and told me to sit.

She was quick in attaching the cuffs. There was no fanfare and there were no
games. She then told me to stand and removed the stool. She pointed toward the
floor. I got down on my hands and knees but she told me to lie on my stomach.
The concrete was cold and smelled of grease and oil. It was dirty and nasty. But
dirty and nasty is what Ronda promised and what I was glad she was delivering.
She grabbed the chains attached to my wrists and pulled me over about a foot to
the right. She then pulled me forward about 18 inches. I watched as the
stretched the chains until they went under the Mustang. I heard a loud click as
the hooks attached to something metal. She then walked around me. I couldn't see
her but I felt my legs being pulled the way my arms had been. I slid backwards
this time until the chains on my arms were tight.

I then felt my right leg being pulled outward and tight until I heard another
click. The process was repeated on my left leg. My legs were spread. Not so much
as to be painful, but enough to leave me wide open to anything she chose to do.
The only problem was I didn't have a clue what she planned. I saw Ronda come
back into my field of vision. She walked over to the outside wall between the
two cars. She pressed a black button of the left side of a control panel and I
watched as the Mustang slowly began to rise off the ground. As it did, the
chains attached to my wrist cuffs also began to rise. I watched in horror as my
arms began to be pulled upward. My body reluctantly began to follow. The stress
on my shoulders was intense. I looked at Ronda and pleaded for her to stop.

"I told you. No stopping. This is what you need. Even if you don't know it yet."

I saw her release the button and then push a similar one on the right side of
the panel. I couldn't see it, but I knew the Corvette was now rising as I felt
the tug on my ankles. The stress on my hips was even worse than the stress on my
shoulders. As my legs rose, eventually my back arched my spine curving downward
as my belly button was the last part of my body to leave the ground. Ronda
lifted my legs until they reached the same height as my arms. I was begging for
Ronda to stop. As my body was finally almost level she pressed the left button
again. This time at least she lifted both halves of my body together. Higher and
higher I went until I was at least three feet off the ground. I saw her release
both buttons and walk back toward me. I knew I couldn't hold this position much
longer and I was not ashamed to tell her so repeatedly. Ronda didn't say a word.
She did grab the stool and slid it under my hips. This took most of the pressure
off my wrist, legs, shoulders and hips.

"Normally I'd suction cup a nice thick dildo on the stool so you could have some
fun. But your mistress took care of that, didn't she. Too bad. I would have
liked to see you on one. I bet you're pretty when you come."

It was hard to know whether that was really a compliment or was sarcasm. Either
way I was glad to have the additional support, although being penetrated would
have felt so good right then. Instead I craned my neck to watch Ronda walk over
to a refrigerator and open the freezer. She walked back with two clear bags
which proved to be ice. She must have prepared them long before we had even met.
They looked like gallon Ziploc freezer bags which she had filled about a quarter
of the way full with water and then laid flat in the freezer. The result was a
thin, square block of ice. She placed both ice packs on my ass which was still
hot from her paddling. Instantly I tensed and started thrashing as much as my
bonds would allow. Ronda grabbed the bags before they could fall.

"That is unacceptable, young lady. I'm trying to prevent your butt from

I felt her sliding the stool further forward causing my hips to now take the
weight load. My shoulders were also stressed again, but not as bad. I saw Ronda
walk back to her work bench and grab a roll of duct tape. One thing I knew was
the ice was bad, but the tape would be worse.

Ronda put an ice bag on each of my cheeks, and after a stern warning not to
shake them off, she taped them both in place. She then thankfully repositioned
the stool taking the weight of my stressed limbs. Ronda then ran her fingers
down both my legs. She didn't have long nails, but my body still responded to
her touch. I knew she could sense the shiver that ran through my body. Her hands
explored every inch of my backside. I could feel myself juicing around the
chastity panty and I silently cursed my mistress for having Toni install it on

After Ronda was satisfied that she had learned how half my body felt, she
reached back into her bag of tricks and pulled out two fat nipple clamps. They
were wicked looking and I was scared. She didn't say a thing. She was a woman of
few words. Without ceremony she clamped my nipples. There was plenty of room for
her to grab onto because my nipples had been hard as rocks since I first
stripped for her. I recoiled from the pain, but it was only beginning. She went
back to her bag and pulled out two weights. She assured me that they were "the
small ones" but they felt like they weighed 10 pounds each as gravity pulled
them, the clamps and my nipples toward the floor. Immediately I begged for
relief. I'd never felt such pain with any of my mistresses. Ronda just laughed.

Apparently she was enjoying herself. Tilting my head up, I saw her slowly
pulling her pants off. They were so tight she couldn't do that move fast.
Despite the pain, my mouth began to water as her hairy pussy came into view.
Finally I was going to get to taste her. Sans pants, but still wearing her
push-up halter, Ronda walked back to me. She was ripe. The heat trapped in her
leather pants had her sweating. Plus I was sure she was aroused from what she
had been doing to me. As she came closer, I stuck my tongue out as an invitation
to press her pussy into my face. She got within about two inches before she
stopped. I struggled to stretch my tongue that extra distance, but it could have
been two feet for all the progress I made, although I had a bird's eye view as
she began rubbing her pussy with her right hand.

She had the tasty sound of an aroused woman as her hand squished through a very
wet pussy. I begged again to be allowed to taste her divine nectar. I promised
I'd service her well. I promised to return any time she called if I could just
have one lick of her juicy slit. She said nothing. I was forced to watch. My
arms and legs were being pulled to the breaking point and my nipples were being
pulled down by weights hanging from my breasts, but all I could think about was
the pussy just out of my reach in front of me.

Without question, Ronda was enjoying herself. Her moans of pleasure were echoing
through her garage. She never called me a filthy name and she never did give me
the pleasure of touching her pussy, but eventually she came with a thunderous
climax. She had not been concerned about me in the least, but as she came back
to Earth, I began to beg to me let down. My limbs had enough.

With the same lack of ceremony as when she attached them, Ronda unclipped the
weights and clamps from my nipples. A fresh shot of pain coursed through them as
the blood returned to my sensitive tips. She then told me to tense my muscles as
she removed the stool. She could have just as easily unhooked the chains, but
she was showing me that even post orgasm, she was in charge. I pulled with all
my might to hold myself up as she lowered the car lifts, thankfully in unison to
save time until I was lying on the garage floor. She then told me to relax and
walked out.

I was laying face down, chained spread eagled on the cold and dirty concrete of
her floor. How could I relax? At least the cool temperature was somewhat easing
the pain in my nipples as my breasts squished beneath me. I tried to count the
seconds until her return. I gave up after a couple of minutes, although she
didn't keep me waiting much longer than that. When she returned she was sporting
a long, but not terribly thick strap-on and was carrying a bottle of lube. Her
intentions were clear and I was glad my mistress had not protected both my lower
holes. I allowed myself to feel excited as she began unhooking the chains that
bound me.

Ronda then told me to turn over on my back, but keep my legs spread wide and my
arms above my head. I was disappointed that she once again secured my leg chains
to the car lift. I could see her walk past me, her cock bobbing delicately in
front of her, as she then secured my arms. Certainly there was an easier way to
get me in the position she wanted. Back to the wall she went and up went the
cars for a second time. At least this time my joints were being stressed in the
direction they were designed to flex. As I hung three feet off the ground I
wondered if she was going to use the stool again. Holding this position was bad,
but it was manageable. I turned my head to look at her as she released the lift
buttons. She was stroking her cock like a man ready for action and seemed to be
thinking about something.

Apparently that something was the stool which was pushed under the small of my
back. The chair was further forward this time instead of being centered.
Apparently Ronda wanted my ass sticking out a bit. Of course I knew why that
would benefit her and I was all for it. Still Ronda didn't talk to me. It was
getting to be annoying. She made sure to grease her fake cock where I could see
her do it by turning my head. She then ducked under my legs and in between them.
As I felt the first touch of the strap-on's tip I had the strange thought of
"What must Jim be doing on his golf trip right now?" Why had I thought that? It
was much more likely that Lisette found herself with my Mistress's dildo up her
ass at that exact moment, but I was thinking of my hubby.

Of course those thoughts quickly vanished as Ronda continued to press her cock
into my ass. I was glad she had picked a slightly thinner model as it pressed
deeper and deeper into my rectum. Without question my body had been craving this
attention for the past several hours and it responded as it should. I was
howling with pleasure as Ronda began to go to town on me. She was relentlessly
pounding my ass and then to double up, she began to slap my tits. My nipples
were still tender from the clamps and her stinging open palm hits did little to
ease their pain. But they did plenty to raise the level of my arousal. I needed
to rub my clit, but that was impossible. I couldn’t satisfy myself both because
of my mistress' precautions and because Ronda apparently still had little regard
for my pleasure. Still I loved every moment of giving my most private hole to
her, although I was still longing for her to use my mouth.

I don't know how long she fucked me, but eventually she tired of me begging her
to help me cum. She pulled the dildo out of my ass. I knew she wasn't going to
let me eat her, but I wanted her to at least put the dildo in my mouth and let
me clean it. That was how I had been taught to take care of my toys and I needed
something in my mouth. Anything in my mouth. I was feeling very oral at the
moment. But it wasn't to be. Ronda removed the stool and began lowering me back
to the floor. She stopped when I was about six inches off the ground and
positioned the ice packs once again beneath my ass. She then lowered me the rest
of the way and once again walked out of the garage.

I was left chained spread eagled for the second time. This time instead of the
cold garage floor, I was bent backward over a pair of rapidly melting bags of
ice. I wasn't sure which was worse, although in the long run I was guessing the
ice was better for me.

Ronda returned dressed in a robe and carrying my clothes. She still wasn't
talking. She dropped my dress on the ground and then released my cuffs. I rubbed
my extremities trying to get circulation flowing again and then I got dressed.
She told me my keys were in the ignition of my car and to come back anytime I
needed auto service. She then pressed the button opening the garage door behind
my car. I guessed our evening was over.

I didn't really have anything to say to her. She had abused my body for her own
pleasure and although I had some pleasure of my own, I had not cum. Basically
since the time I'd first walked up the stairs, the evening was for her benefit.
Still as I drove home through the quiet late night air, I knew I had to see her

When I got home the first thing I did was go to the bathroom. It was messy to
say the least. My urine did drain through the chastity cup, but it wasn't fast
and it did spray a bit. My feces was fair messier. There was a hole in the back
of the belt to allow me to go, but I must have had it slightly out of line
because I had to wipe the belt in several places to clean it. I decided a shower
was the best bet to clean both the belt and my greasy body from Ronda's garage
floor. The shower did little to revive my energy and I quickly fell asleep once
my head hit the pillow.

I slept for about six hours before waking just after 10. My cell phone was
beeping indicating I had a message. It was a text from Mistress Sharon. It said
that she, Lisette and Toni were having such a good time that she wouldn't be
able to stop by and release me until tomorrow morning. Shit. That meant another
day spent in frustration and without orgasm. Why couldn't I join them in their
merriment? I had to remind myself that my mistress must have a reason.

I tried to busy myself around the house all day, but I was hoping one of my
other mistresses would call me to their service. But they didn't. As the day
passed, my thoughts kept returning to Ronda and how she had used me. I was juicy
under my chastity belt, but that did me little good and only served to remind me
how sexually frustrated I had become. I tried to limit my need to go to the
bathroom by not drinking anything and only eating a minimal amount. I did pee
twice, but I managed not to p*o.

I went to sleep incredibly horny and looking forward to the arrival of my
mistress. I was up early, showered, did my make-up and dressed as sexily as I
knew how all by 8am. I knew I looked hot and hoped Mistress Sharon would concur.
I wanted her to lose control, throw me over the armrest of the couch and fuck
me. As I sat in the living room waiting for her it was all I could think about.
I had every move she would make planned down to a T. Finally just after 10,
there was a knock at the door. Funny, I didn't hear a car pull up.

I teetered over to the door as fast as my fuck me pumps would allow. I had a big
relief smile of expectation on my face as I pulled open the door. Only my
mistress was not smiling back at me. It was Lisette. And she was smiling ear to

"Wow Tina. You look beautiful. I didn't know you ever dressed like that. You
must have been expecting Mistress Sharon."

She said the words. As predicted, my mistress had converted another one.

"Thanks, Lisette," I replied. "I was expecting her as a matter of fact. Where is

"She just dropped me off. She told me to bring you this," she said holding up a
key which promised to relieve my two days of sexual frustration.

I was disappointed, of course, but I figured as soon as left, I could satisfy
myself. Lisette told me to take off my skirt and she would unlock the panty. I
felt no shame or embarrassment as I unzipped the mini I was wearing to impress
Sharon. I also was wearing a garter belt and black stockings. This was
definitely not my typical Sunday morning fashion, but this wasn't a typical
Sunday morning. I had turned my back to Lisette as I disrobed, but I thought I
could hear a gasp as she first saw my ass. Immediately I thought she could tell
I had been paddled, but instead she complimented me on my sexy behind. In a way
I was now glad Mistress Sharon had dropped her off because I'm sure Mistress
Sharon could tell what I had done Friday night.

Lisette dispatched the lock and began to pull the panties down. I was thankful
that I'd been able to get them so clean after going to the bathroom. I wasn't
embarrassed to be stripped by another woman, but having shit covered panties
would have crossed the line. I stepped out of the panties and sensed Lisette was
standing up so I turned to face her. She was busy stuffing the panties into her
purse. I assumed she was ordered to return them. I started to wonder if I had
been replaced.

"Tina, I have been asked to give you a gift from Mistress Sharon."

"What's that Lisette," I replied.

I watched with glee as the bubbly and cute young girl dropped to her knees
without hesitation and buried her face in my crotch. Just days before she had
been innocent talking about how she was curious but too scared to explore her
desires. Now she was on her knees ordered to eat me out by a woman she had just
met. Another sister in submission was reveling in her desire to serve. I wasn't
about to refuse this gift. Lisette obviously had been schooled Friday night and
Saturday in the fine art of pussy eating. For a rookie, I thought she was doing
amazingly well. She must have been a quick study because she had me bucking
against her face in no time. Of course having been teased for two days myself,
my body was primed for her tongue, but that was not the only reason why I
shamelessly came all over her face. The girl was skilled. That was for sure.
Maybe Mistress Sharon decided to keep her for herself because she was better
than me at eating pussy? If that was the case I was still sure Suzy would want
me. And there was always Ronda, although I wasn't sure if I could take more of
her physical abuse.

After I was done quaking on her face, Lisette stood up and licked her lips. She
still looked like an innocent pixie, but there was knowledge and satisfaction
behind her eyes. I anticipated she would ask me to return the favor, which I
would have gladly done, but instead she asked if we could talk. I said sure and
we sat down next to eat other on the couch. I turned to face her and she turned
to face me.

"Mistress Sharon told me she was just training me and that I would belong to
another mistress? What's that all about and who is she talking about?"

"Well, there are four mistresses in our group. You had not met Mistress Sharon
yet so it was determined she would be the one to pick you up last Friday and
begin your education."

"I didn't take long for me to realize you set me up," she replied.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was sort of ordered to recruit you," I confessed.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad things worked out this way. Sharon and Toni were
amazing. Who is my mistress?"

"If Sharon didn't tell you, then I'm not at liberty to say. As they told me,
your mistress will reveal herself at the appropriate time."

"Tell me about how you were recruited?" she asked.

I took a deep breath and began to retell the story. I had to watch my words
carefully so she wouldn't figure out who her mistress would be. I also had to be
careful not to mention my adventure with Ronda after everyone left the bar,
although I almost slipped up because I mentioned a passing reference to other
"opportunities." Lisette seemed particularly interested in my serving my
mistresses while wearing the blindfold so I wouldn't know who they were. That
really seemed to make her squirm. I filed that information about her away to
share with the group.

"So how was it decided that you would be Sharon's slave. Did you have a choice?
I'm kind of freaking out a little that she just told me I would belong to
somebody else."

"You know I'm not sure," I relied. I work in the building that Mistress Sharon
manages so it was convenient for her to begin my training before I even realized
I was being trained. All of the mistresses like to have more than one slave.
They have told me that. But Mistress Sharon only had Toni and your mistress
currently only has one. At the time she revealed herself, I was only natural
that she would collar me as her own, but now that you mention it, your mistress
would have been a great fit for me too. She and her slave had been helping me
move toward a submissive lifestyle without me realizing it either. I wonder if
they were working together or were competing for the right to take me."

I'd thought about my journey many times, but I always had just accepted that I
belonged to Mistress Sharon. I'd never considered that Mistress Suzy could have
ended up as my primary Mistress.

"It doesn't really matter who you belong to, you'll end up serving all four of

"So you never thought about why you were taken?" she asked in amazement.

"Well, I know you were targeted because you are so young and cute," I replied.
“I think I was recruited mainly because of where I work. I was an opportune
target and the mistresses like the way I look. My boss is one of the mistresses
and has three slaves who work with me."

"You may have been an easy target, but I'm sure your looks were a major factor.
You are so beautiful and sexy."

Now was my turn to be embarrassed. Here I was wearing only a transparent blouse
and stockings while Lisette was fully clothed and we were both complementing
each other on how sexy we are. Lisette seemed satisfied with my response, but I
knew the real answer was from a much deeper and darker part of my psyche. During
my seduction period I learned that I craved submission. Maybe Lisette had
reached that point already in just one day, but I was guessing she was still
playing the game of exciting and taboo sex. On the other hand my body had been
conditioned to need a powerful mistress who would punish me when I was bad and
"force" me to act out sexually against the norms. It suddenly dawned on me why I
had been thinking of Ronda so much since our brief encounter. The mistress group
was wonderful and I always had mind blowing orgasms as a result of our playtime,
but really our games were just that. Games. Everybody always came in the end and
left with a smile on their faces. The dominance/submission component suddenly
seemed like it was just a means to have an excuse to have large quantities of
sex without worrying about the social norms.

If I was "bad" one of the mistresses would "punish" me, but the punishments were
not that severe and were always designed more like rough foreplay. It struck me
that one of the reasons I responded so enthusiastically to Ronda was that she
actually punished me. She really punished me and expected me to submit to her.
There was no concept that I'd be allowed to cum and Ronda really didn't care if
I did. I was meeting some need she had and not one of my own. Or was my real
need being met by her. Even though Lisette had taken my edge off by making me
cum, I knew as soon as she left I would be back in my bedroom using my toys on
myself. But would I be thinking about the group or about Ronda. I had a pretty
good idea and that realization scared me a little bit. Then again maybe this has
been part of Mistress Sharon's and the group's plan all along. You start a new
recruit off slowly with "play" bondage and "lite" submission and then as they
crave more you take more and more control. They had already set me up of dispose
of Jim for cheating on me. Mistress Faith told me the truth would be revealed to
him at the right time, but maybe the right time was when my training was
complete, I'd be forced to divorce him and I would become a 24/7 slave. My mind
started to spin. I craved harsher discipline from my Mistress, but I also wanted
to believe all the husbands and boyfriends eventually were in the loop. The
promised big group party / fuckfest had not occurred so except for Mike and
Thomas, I'd never seen the guys involved. Maybe that was just a lie too.

All of a sudden I was over thinking everything and questioning everyone
motivations. I had to sort through this. I'd never doubted the group before and
Lisette really had not given me any reason to doubt them now, but I was. I told
Lisette I wasn't feeling well and asked if she didn't mind going home. She said
that was fine that she wanted to rest up for when her husband got home from the
golf weekend. With her all too cute facial expression she said she was going to
attack him when he got home and "fuck the shit" out of him. Over the course of
one weekend she'd gone from mousey housewife nervous about talking about sex to
wild fuck b**st. It took longer for me to make that journey, but I guess that
was what the group did to a woman. The next question was what came next? After
she left I headed upstairs to ponder that question. I wasn't sure if I would
solve the dilemma, but I was sure that vibrators in my ass and pussy would help
me think.

Lying in my bed, my trusty silver bullet vibrator happily buried in my pussy, I
tried to make myself cum. I was thinking about my mistresses and all the
pleasure they had brought me, but my mind kept drifting back to Ronda and all
the pain she inflicted. I didn't know if I was subconsciously beating myself up
for the current state of my relationship with Jim and the fact that my own
infidelity had led to him being seduced by Judy. I couldn’t get myself off with
just the vibrator so I went back to toy box and got a thick dildo, another vibe
and some slippery gel. I coated my silver bullet and then took all three
implements of pleasure back to the bed. It required a bit of contortion, but I
finally managed to fuck myself doggie style in the ass with the vibe, my right
arm reaching over my ass to penetrate myself while my left arm, running under my
body held the second vibe tight against my clit. The dildo I had in front of me
filling my mouth. I couldn't really do much with that because I was afraid
without any support, I would drop it, but in my mind, I was stuffed.

I had a particular song in my head. It was an ode to oral sex by Bruce
Springsteen called 'Red Headed Woman' only in my case, my red headed woman was
fucking me in the ass with her strap-on while my husband was fucking my face. "I
don't care how many women you've dated... you ain't lived yet til' you've had
your tires rotated by a red headed woman... a red headed woman... it takes a red
headed woman to get the dirty job done." Over and over the phrase "dirty job
done" rang through my brain as I fucked myself and imagined it was Ronda taking
control of me. This time, however, Jim was participating. I wasn't sneaking
behind his back. And he was enjoying himself.

Needless to say this got me off. It was sick and perverted, but that was what my
body was craving. My second orgasm of the day only fueled a desire for more. But
I knew I couldn't get what I really needed by myself. I decided to call Mistress
Sharon. The rule had always been that a mistress would summon a slave on her
schedule, but I was craving her touch. I pulled out my toys and cleaned them
off. I then dialed Mistress Sharon's number on my cell phone. She picked up on
the third ring. I was afraid she'd be mad at me for calling on a Sunday, but she
seemed happy. I thanked her for sending Lisette over with the key and told her
she delivered my present with enthusiasm. We chatted about Lisette for a few
minutes and then I told her I really needed to see her today. Unfortunately she
declined saying she had plans with her husband. I asked if I could be included.
I told her I was horny from Lisette's visit, at least partially true, and that I
would gladly service her husband if I could get some of her special loving in
return. But she cruelly demurred. She told me she'd see me at 7:30 Monday
morning in the office as usual and then hung up.

I wasn't comfortable calling Linda, Suzy or Faith. Since Sharon had rejected me,
I knew the others would not go around her wishes. That left me only one
alternative. I pulled my skirt back on and straightened my blouse. My hair was a
little messy from my adventure on the bed, but I didn't bother to fix it. Nor
did I bother with a bra or panties. I figured they would just get in the way. As
I drove to the garage my mind was filled with lusty thoughts. I almost got in an
accident because I was so distracted I didn't pay attention to one of the
stoplights until it was almost too late. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid
running into the intersection. My heart was pound as the car sk**ded to a stop.
I had to force myself to not think about sex or the dull ache in my pussy and
focus on making it to the garage safe. Fortunately I arrived without further
incident. Unfortunately the apartment looked dark. I walked up the stairs,
knocked on the door and confirmed what I already knew in my heart. Ronda wasn't

Dejected I got back into my car. I couldn't help myself but release all of my
frustrations in a crying fit and pounding my fists on the dash. I'd set myself
up to have Ronda release all my passions and now she wasn't here. After I began
to calm a bit, I realized I was in no condition to drive. I still had 6 or 7
hours before Jim would be home so I decided to wait for a while. I turned my car
around and backed into a parking space so I could watch the front of the
building. I didn't leave the radio on. I sat in silence except for the sounds of
traffic driving past. I had the windows down, but the car was still heating up.
The car was heating up and so was my pussy. I wasn't even touching it, but I
could feel myself getting wetter as the anticipation built. I really wanted to
touch myself. I knew I could get myself off just staring at Ronda's apartment
window. But I also wanted to wait. The anticipation was tremendous foreplay. I
sat pondering my options. I had been sitting there for over an hour and I could
feel a wet spot starting to form on my skirt. Finally after about an hour and a
half, I couldn't resist any more. I looked around and the slid my hand under my
skirt. My finger confirmed what my brain already knew. My pussy was soaked. I
drew my hand up over my slit and rubbed my clit. I let go a contented sigh as my
little nub sprang to life. I leaned my head back and shut my eyes prepared to
get myself off when I heard the roar of a motorcycle pulling into the parking
lot. It startled me and I pulled my hand out from under my skirt and opened my

It was Ronda. She was home. She had her leather pants on again and a leather
jacket. I felt myself gush a little more. Unfortunately right behind her a
vintage Trans-Am pulled in. I knew Ronda had seen me, but I was looking at the
40 something man who got out of the car. He was standing next to his ride when
the garage door opened and Ronda walked out. I had totally forgotten about her.
They exchanged words and he got back into his car. Ronda began walking toward me
as he pulled into the garage. She poked her head through the window of my car
and took a deep breath.

"Masturbating while you're waiting for me fem? Such a nasty girl. Nasty girls
get punished."

I lowered my head unable to meet her gaze. She was right.

"Well don't just sit there. Come inside and let's get started. You can meet

She turned and walked back to the garage without waiting for me. As I watched
her walk away all I could think about was "get the dirty job done..."

I slowly walked over to the garage. It was like I was sealing my own fate. I'd
been willing to serve her, but I'd never cheated on Jim with another man.
Waiting for Ronda I never considered that possibility. Still like a moth to a
flame, I was drawn to her fiery red hair... "It takes a red headed woman..."

The Trans-Am's hood was up and Ronda was pointing something out to Anthony. They
both looked up as I entered. Ronda was the first to speak.

"Anthony meet Tina. Tina's a submissive little fembot I met last Friday night.
She let me beat her and fuck her up the ass. Now she's been sitting in front of
the shop masturbating waiting for me to return. Isn't that right, Tina?"

I was burning with shame and humiliation. Again I lowered my head. I couldn't
look at them. I nodded.

"What was that deary? (said with a mock English accent) I couldn't hear you."

"Yes mam, that is right," I whispered.

"I need about 10 minutes with Anthony to discuss what I'm going to do to his
engine. Then we can discuss what I'm going to do to yours. Take your clothes

It was a direct order which left no wiggle room. She and Anthony again buried
their heads in the engine compartment obviously talking about some custom job
Ronda was going to perform. They were ignoring me. That was one thing I couldn't
take. It was fight or flight time again and for the second time this weekend, my
instinct to run away was overcome by the heat in my pussy. I walked to the other
side of the car to shield myself from view through the open garage door and
slipped off my skirt and blouse. It didn't take long. I kept the garter and
stockings. I stood there nearly naked as Ronda continued to talk to Anthony. How
could she just ignore me? I estimated their conversation only lasted 7 minutes
instead of 10 when Ronda finally looked at me.

"Tina here is a classic hot pussied slut. She doesn't get what she needs at home
so she finds a tough woman to give her what she craves."

I stood motionless as she pushed two fingers into my pussy.

"See that," she said lifting her fingers for Anthony's inspection. She's soaking
already just waiting for me. Does your wife ever get like that for you?"

"You know she doesn't," he responded.

"What time is she picking you up?" Ronda asked.

"About 15 minutes."

"OK, you can help me then. Just don't get any of her slut juice on you or you'll
get busted by her musk."

I watched Ronda walk out of the garage and head toward the apartment. I was
rooted to the ground. I expected Anthony to wipe out his cock or at least touch
me, but he didn't. Maybe he was as scared as I was. Ronda quickly returned with
the same cuffs I had worn Friday night, a leather collar, a vibrator and a
riding crop. She started by telling me to put my arms behind my back. Anthony
seemed to enjoy cuffing my hands together. I bet his wife never lets him do
that. Once they were secured, he took the opportunity to reach around a cup my
breasts. Ronda saw him do that, but didn't say a word. She was busy putting the
cuffs on my ankles and then the collar around my neck. When she was done with
that, she slid her fingers back into my pussy. I swooned a little which I'm sure
brought a smile to Anthony as he took more of my weight in his hands.

Ronda pulled her fingers out once more and hooked them in my collar. I could
smell my arousal on her fingers as she pulled me toward an empty car lift. I
knew I was going to be suspended, but how would she do it. My pussy gushed again
in approval. Ronda told me to lie on my back in the center of the lift. If my
arms had not been cuffed, she could have secured me spread eagle on the inside.
As it turned out, she secured my leg cuffs to an engine hoist in the front of
the lift. Again she worked the wall mounted controls. This time I was raised
feet first into an inverted position. Ronda kept lifting me until my pussy was
at about shoulder height before addressing Anthony again.

"Nymphos like Tina need strong discipline to keep them from acting slutty. I can
keep her from cumming as long as I want to teach her some restraint. Hand me
that vibe will you?"

I watched as Anthony retrieved the toy. Ronda immediately turned it on and
shoved it into my pussy. I twisted in pleasure, a move Ronda stopped by grabbing
both of my nipples.

"Right now she'll do anything I want to have an orgasm. Friday night I paddled
her and whipped her until she begged me to fuck her. But her husband is coming
home tonight so I have to be careful not to mark her. He doesn't know what a
slut he married."

I watched as Ronda picked up the riding crop. I steadied myself for the blow I
knew was coming. But instead, she teasingly just flicked it across my nipples. I

"She how she responds to a little tenderness. She knows I'm not going to always
be so generous, but for the moment, she's trying to decide if I'm going to let
her cum."

Ronda was right, of course. I couldn’t believe how well she knew me in just
three days. Even when she snapped the crop against my clit causing a wet smack
to echo through the garage, my lust was not sated. I watched as she walked over
to the wall again and raised me higher until my head was level with Anthony's
crotch. His pants could barely contain his obviously hard cock. This was a new
moment of truth. Another man was going to have me. Or at least I thought.
Surprisingly Anthony looked at his watch.

"Tina, I'd love to stick my cock in that dirty little mouth right now. I'm sure
you know how to suck a mean cock. But my wife will be here in a few minutes and
I can't risk having her catch me. Maybe next time when I pick up my car."

I was shocked. How could he refuse? I gave a little moan of frustration to try
and entice him.

"Ronda, I'm worried that Tina will make too much noise when my wife arrives."

"She's going to investigate where you got that boner, not Tina's vocalizations.
Tina knows the score, she'll be quiet."

"I can't risk it. What can you do?"

I looked at Ronda and she pretended to think. I'm sure she had planned this the
whole way. She walked over to her tool case and pulled out a red rubber ball
gag. I'm sure all mechanics keep one in their tools. Ronda walked in front of me
and unbuttoned her leather pants. I was staring right at her pussy as she slid
down the front of her pants. Maybe she was going to finally give me a taste
before gagging me. That would be torture, but at least I'd get something.
Instead I saw her push the gag down into her pants and rub it up and down. She
then dropped her pants a little more and turned around pushing her butt into my
face. Anthony, being a gentleman, held my head as she pushed herself against me.
My nose was forced between her butt cheeks. Her pungent aroma of ass, sweat and
pussy which had been trapped by the leather as she rode filled my nostrils.
After maybe 10 seconds, she stepped back and pulled her pants back up. She then
attached the ball gag over my head. It had the same scent and taste. She then
went back into the toolbox and got a blindfold. My final preparation was to turn
the speed of the vibrator up before she used the winch to lift me to the

"I'm going to turn the radio on so we can't hear the vibrator, but you'd better
be quiet if you ever want me to touch you again," she shouted.

I heard Ronda turn on the radio. I wasn't too loud but was probably enough to
mask the muffled buzzing. I had to try and hang perfectly still so the hoist
chain wouldn't clank. It was not easy as the buzzing in my pussy and Ronda's
smell and taste were combining to bring me close to the edge. I had to hold off
until Anthony's wife came and went. I tried to listen for her arrival. I was
shaking as my orgasm approached. It was going to be a big one. I heard the chain
hit the hoist. I had to be still. If Anthony's wife saw the chain moving, she
would look up...

I heard another car arrive and I heard a woman walk into the garage. I strained
not to move a muscle or make any sounds through the gag. I heard them briefly
talk about the car. She apparently didn't share her husband's love of engines. I
wondered if she noticed the bulge in his pants and thought Ronda was the cause.
Fortunately I heard them say their goodbyes. Ronda told them she'd have the car
done by Wednesday. I made a mental note of the day. About a minute later Ronda

"There’re gone."

Those were the words I was waiting to hear. My body immediately let go all of
the tension that had built and I climaxed hard. I could hear the hoist chain
banging against the edge of the lift. No radio was going to block that or the
moans leaking out from around the ball gag. My body contracted over and over as
I rode out a spectacular climax, the one I'd been chasing since early Saturday
morning when Ronda took my ass. I felt myself being lowered as I was still
shaking. When I got back to Ronda's level I felt the winch stop. I was dizzy
from my climax and being hung upside down so long. I felt the gag being removed.
I thanked Ronda immediately. Then I felt the blindfold coming off. My first
sight was Anthony standing side by side with a hot brunette. His arm was wrapped
around her waist.

"Honey, meet Tina. She's a special friend of Ronda," he said.

Anthony's wife seemed amused as Ronda gave me three quick swats on my clit with
the riding crop. I squealed in pain and reflexively pulled my torso in toward my

"Bad girl. You didn't have permission to cum."

The Fuckerware Party – Chapter 10
By Tappy McWidestance

As the pain subsided from the three snaps of the riding crop Ronda had just
given me, I felt her lowering me back down to the ground. Her statement that I
was a bad girl for cumming had me both scared and exhilarated. I had needed to
cum and there was no way I could have held back any longer. As my body had
learned, one orgasm served very well as the gateway to another so I was
anticipating Ronda's next move. I was sure it would involve some form of
punishment, but I didn't care. Whatever she did would turn me on even more and I
knew I would be cumming again soon.

By the time I hit the floor, Anthony and his wife had left. That was too bad
because I thought I'd be getting a piece of his cock. His wife was hot. I
certainly would not have objected to eating her out either. But it was not to
be. Ronda would be my salvation and my tormentor. She quickly dispatched my
cuffs and the gag. I continued to lie prone on the dirty floor. The cool grease
and oil had begun to feel good to me. Ronda surprised me by picking up my
clothes and tossing them at me.

"We're done. I've got things to do. Go home and wait for your hubby," she

"No," I pleaded. "Let me stay and serve you. Please. I don't want to go home."

"I've got to clean my apartment and get the garage in order for tomorrow
morning. I don't have time for a slut who can't hold back her orgasm until she's
given permission to cum."

I was almost in tears as I beseeched her to allow me to stay. I told her I'd do
anything she wanted. I'd eat her pussy. I'd lick her ass. I'd let her fuck me
anyway she wanted. She could spank me. Anything at all. Just let me spend the
afternoon with her was all I asked.

"Anything?" she questioned.

"Anything," I replied.

I noticed a wry smile and I knew she was hooked. I waited through the pregnant
pause in the conversation, my body tensing in anticipation of what she would

"I'm sorry fem," she began. "I've got too much work to do."

I was crushed, but I quickly recovered. "Let me clean your apartment for you. I
don't mind."

I wanted more sex, but if cleaning her tiny apartment was what it took to be
with her right then, that was a small price to pay. With any luck, she'd even
give me a reward.

"If I let you clean my apartment, what's in it for me? What will you give me for
the privilege?" Ronda asked.

"What will I give you?" I responded back. "It's the other way around. You will
owe me."

"Then you had better go home like I said before."

My head was spinning from the conversation and I knew if I wanted to stay I was
going to lose this argument. I had to offer her something, but what?

"What do you want in exchange for letting me clean your apartment?" I asked.

Ronda thought for a moment.

"I like watching a fem doing manual labor. I'll give you the address of a shop I
know that specializes in sexy costumes. If you dress up for me, I'll let you
clean the apartment and the garage."

I had to laugh how she snuck in the task of cleaning the garage. I didn't care.
I'd have done anything to be allowed to stay. I agreed to her terms. While I
dressed she went upstairs to retrieve a business card from the costume shop. I
had not heard of the place. I assumed Ronda knew it was open on Sunday. But then
again maybe she knew it was closed and that was her way of getting me out the

Fortunately the shop was open. I really wouldn't call it a costume shop. It was
more of a fetishware shop for a discriminating buyer with unique clothing
tastes. At least that was what the small lettering on the door stated. I was
greeted by a statuesque blonde. She must have been Nordic. She was well over six
feet tall and looked like she could be a model. She noticed I was still holding
the card and asked, correctly, if this was my first time in her shop. It was
pretty obvious. I'm sure my nervousness was showing and I quickly admitted it
was indeed my first visit. She pointed at the card and asked who had referred
me. I told her Ronda from the mechanic's shop. I realized I didn't know her last
name so I decided to fake knowing her better by mentioning where she works. The
woman didn't introduce herself but according to the business card, her name was

"So are you here to find something for yourself or something Ronda will like?"
Ingrid queried me.

"Something for Ronda," I replied. "I'm going to clean her apartment this
afternoon and she wants me to wear something sexy for her."

I was a bit surprised how easily that information just came out of my mouth.
Ingrid obviously knew who Ronda was and I'm sure could infer a lot about me by
my confession that I wanted to dress sexy while I cleaned her apartment. I'm
sure she could sense my submissive nature coming out and I wondered if she would
attempt to take advantage of me. Let me rephrase that. I hoped she would take
advantage of me. Ingrid began to lead me through the store. I let my mind wander
into a fantasy. She'd pick out a couple of costumes and then take me back to a
dressing room where I could try them on. Of course when I was naked she would
come into the changing room, lock the door and have her way with me. I could
feel myself getting wet as I followed her Amazonian figure back toward the
maid's uniforms. Ingrid was talking, but I wasn't hearing her. I was focused
like a laser beam toward her ass as it gently swayed back and forth as she

I slowed down as we reached the maid's uniforms. There were leather ones, latex,
vinyl, rubber and plastic ones. Some looked very revealing, some almost
pedestrian by comparison and some like a traditional naughty French maid would
wear it. I was immediately drawn to a cheap plastic French maid costume I spied.
I figured Ronda would rip it off me soon enough, so cheap was good. But Ingrid
kept walking past the section. I put the plastic costume back on the rack and
scampered after her. When she reached the biker section of leather gear she

"I saw you looking at the maid's costumes. Save those for your husband," she
said pointing at my ring. "Guy's go for the French maid thing big time, but
Ronda will not. You need to become a biker chick. What's your goal in this? Do
you want your ass accessible or is this strictly looking no touch?"

"Accessible," I responded without hesitation or embarrassment.

"I would recommend these. What do you think?"

They certainly were not what I would have chosen for myself, but Ingrid
certainly seemed to know Ronda and her tastes so I decided to trust her.

"They look fun. Can I try them on?"

I still hadn't given up on my changing room fantasy.

"Of course," she said handing me the two hangers. "The changing rooms are right
through there," she said pointing toward two swinging doors behind the store’s

I took the hangers and started walked. I couldn’t tell if she was following. In
my fantasy she picked these clothes because I would be accessible not only to
Ronda, but also to her. I pictured her following me about to take control of me
once I stripped to change. My pussy was getting wetter with each step. When I
made it through the double doors, I found a short hallway with three more
swinging doors into the changing cubicles. These doors were much smaller than
any clothes store changing room I'd ever been in. The lower edge was close to
three feet off the ground. At my height, once I stripped off my clothes, my ass
and pussy would be just above the edge of the door. Anybody squatting down to
pick something up would be on full display. The tops of the doors were not much
more modest. At my height, the tops of my breasts were shielded, although not by
much. A woman as tall as Ingrid would not be shielded from view.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and wet panties. I wasn't too concerned
about the door. The shop was empty except for the two of us and I was so horny I
would have gladly changed on the cash register counter if it meant getting some
satisfaction. I heard the outer door creak. Finally Ingrid was here to take me
to the Promised Land.

It turned out Ingrid was the person entering the hallway and I quickly learned
why the door was so short. At her height, especially in the heels she was
wearing, she could look right over the door and see everything a customer had to
offer. The fact that I was in a changing room where I should have been safe from
prying eyes made me feel doubly naked as I put on the leather chaps she had
given me. They had a wide belt which I cinched around my waist. There were two
D-clips, one on each hip and a rectangular panel below the belt which covered
the front of my hips and my pussy, but then stopped like the micro of micro
miniskirts. There were two narrow strips of leather, about 3 inches wide, which
ran down the center of my legs, over my knees and culminated in an elastic band
near my ankle.

"You slide your leg through the band to hold them in place," Ingrid said with a
smile as she watched me over the door.

I knew my nipples were hard as rocks. They were unprotected from her lustful
gaze. Why didn't she just push her way in and take me?

After securing the leg strips I turned my attention to the bra. It was leather
also, no surprise in that, but I wondered how Ingrid just happened to have one
my size on the rack. It turns out she didn't. This bra was by design way too
small and forced my nipples to pop through two circular openings designed for
that purpose. The top edge was overflowing with my boob flesh as the bra
squeezed my breasts together and lifted them into an obscene cleavage while my
nipples poked at least 3/4 of an inch out the front of the bra. I struggled with
pulling the back straps tight enough to get them to clip. Ingrid obviously was
expecting this because she was ready on the spot to help me out.

I walked out of the changing cube and turned around presenting my back and ass
to her. She took hold of the bra straps and pulled tighter than I ever felt the
need to do and finally the clasp met its mate and the bra was secure. I could
tell it was obscene. My ass was hanging out of the chaps so I put a little
wiggle in my walk as I went back up front to find a mirror. All the way there, I
felt myself getting wetter and wetter as I questioned what Ingrid was doing
letting me get away like that. Why wasn't she forcing me to lick her pussy?

My fantasies were ruling my conscious mind as I strutted my stuff in front of
Ingrid, but unfortunately she didn't seem interested. She reassured me that
Ronda would love this outfit so I changed back into my clothes, swiped my credit
card and headed back to the garage. My pussy was throbbing for attention all the
way back and I practically sprinted up the back stairs to her apartment. I
knocked on the door but she didn't answer right away. I walked back downstairs
but she wasn't in the garage either. Her motorcycle was there, but I couldn't
tell if a car was missing because I wasn't sure what she drove. I headed back
upstairs and knocked again. This time I could see shadows moving through the
thin curtain covering the window in the door.

"Is that you Tina?" I heard her call through the still locked door.

"Yes, mam," I answered.

"Are you dressed for your cleaning duties?"

"No, mam, but I bought the outfit Ingrid suggested. I think you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will. Change and knock again. Then I'll let you in."

Obviously this was another test. She expected me to change on her stair landing.
I could have gone back to my car, but the landing was actually more secluded and
given the pulsating in my pussy, time was wasting. I quickly shed my clothes and
folded them neatly on the landing. I was standing naked outside her door. It
felt liberating. There was little chance of being caught, but I still felt
naughty which only heightened my desire for her. Slipping on the chaps was easy.
Getting the bra to snap was a little more difficult, but I managed. Ready to
serve, I knocked on the door again. Ronda answered wearing a short silk robe and
holding a cup of coffee.

"Sorry I couldn't answer the first time you knocked. I was, um, occupied," she

I could smell how she had been occupied as the odor of female arousal hung in
the air.

"No problem. I just wasn't sure if you were home. How do you like my outfit?"

"It's perfect. Ingrid knows what I like. Let's get you to work."

I silently jumped for joy. I knew I had interrupted Ronda while she was
masturbating and hopefully she was still feeling the need. I was more than
disappointed when she handed me a dust cloth and a can of Pledge.

"You can start by dusting the house. I have something I need to finish."

I tried not to show how disappointed I was. I watched her ass as she turned and
walked back to the bedroom and shut the door. I started to dust the minimal
amount of furniture she had but I was quickly distracted by the sounds of a
happy woman coming from the bedroom. I continued to polish and repolish the
pieces near her bedroom so I could listen to her pleasure herself. I was
surprised to hear her yell out "Fuck me Tommy" right before I heard her climax.
She had told me she'd never been with a guy before. This confused me. Was Tommy
another one of her customers or a biker friend?

I heard her getting up from the bed, the springs creaking as she rolled off the
mattress. I quickly bounded to the other side of the room and looked busy. She
was still wearing her robe, but it was ruffled and she had the look of a
satisfied woman on her face. I wondered where Tommy was and if I'd be meeting
him soon. She told me to straighten up the bedroom as she poured herself another
cup of coffee and sat down at the dinette table. I didn't want to miss this
invitation. Maybe Tommy was chained to her bed. But aside from a twisted
bedspread and an even stronger fragrance of pussy, there was nothing out of
place in the bedroom. I quickly straightened the bedspread. As I leaned over the
bed I took a deep sniff where I estimated her pussy would have been. Her scent
was heavenly. I wanted so badly to masturbate right then, but I was determined
to play her game. I was convinced my reward would be much better than a quick
session with my finger.

Ronda had a 5 drawer dresser and a French door cabinet which I quickly dusted. I
couldn't resist a quick peak in the drawers. The dresser contained nothing out
of the ordinary. The cabinet was another story. This was where she kept a wide
variety of sex toys and sexy lingerie. I also found Tommy, a generously sized
dildo still slick with her juices and warm to the touch. I couldn't resist. I
was there to clean for her and there was only one proper way I knew to clean a
dildo so I quickly sucked it into my mouth and savored her juices. I knew that
she knew I would find the toy. I was convinced she planned to "catch" me in the
act and punish me. I allowed myself the divine feeling of a full mouth a little
longer than I should have in order to give her longer to discover my intrusion,
but it never happened. Disappointed I shut the cabinet and returned to the
living room. The ache and wetness in my pussy was growing. Ronda was still
sitting at the table.

"Did you enjoy licking my dildo, slut?"

"Yes mam."

"I figured you would. I really enjoyed our session in the garage. I needed to
get out some frustrations. There is a mop and bucket in the closet. I need you
to do the kitchen floor next."

"Yes mam."

I still wasn't crazy about acting as her maid, but at least this time Ronda
stayed in the same room watching me. We talked about my marriage, my mistresses
and life in general. Dare I say we started talking like friends instead of a
dominant talking down to her submissive. Of course none of that put any damper
on the fire between my legs. A fact I shared when I finished the floor. Ronda
told me it wasn't her job to pleasure me. But if I did a good job mopping the
floor downstairs, she would give me a treat and get me off. I immediately
agreed. She escorted me down to the garage. I felt self conscious walking in
front of the building with my ass and tits hanging out for the world to see, but
thankfully Ronda didn't force me to hang around outside for long.

Inside the garage was already pretty clean, although I was sure it would take
some effort to mop the grease and oil from the floor. Ronda got me started and
then turned to leave.

"I'm going back upstairs. If you finish in an hour and do a good job, then you
get your reward. If you don't finish or do a bad job, you get punished. Deal?"


Ronda walked back out and I went back to work. Surprisingly the floor went
quicker than I anticipated and I finished with 20 minutes to spare. I used the
time to straighten up the customer area and mop that floor too. By the time
Ronda returned, everything was done. She came through the shop lobby door. She
was holding my clothes. I felt a pit in my stomach open up. She was sending me
home. My disappointment was obvious, although her next game was not.

"I promised you a reward and I always keep my promises. I'm leaving your clothes
here because, well, because I'm me and I can. Let's go upstairs for your

I didn't know what to expect as I climbed the stairs with more anticipation than
I'd ever felt in her presence. Walking into the living room I immediately
noticed a thick dildo suctioned cupped to the wall about 20 inches off the

"You've already met Tommy. This is Roger. You've got fifteen minutes. Have fun."

Sad to say, I didn't hesitate. A normal woman would have, but my brain was too
far gone to care. I dropped to my knees and took Roger in my mouth. I knew my
pussy was slick enough to skip this step, but I figured Ronda would enjoy the
show. My ass was pointing directly at her as I knelt on my knees and slobbered
over the fake cock. I could feel my juices running down my leg and I'm sure
Ronda could see that too. But licking a dildo wasn't going to satisfy me so I
spun around and impaled myself doggie style on the thick shaft. Even though it
was thick, it slid in easily. From my kneeling position I looked up in time to
see Ronda snap a picture of my predicament. She then grabbed one of the kitchen
chairs and placed it directly in front of me.

As I began fucking myself in earnest, Ronda sat down and undid the sash on her
robe. She let the sides fall away revealing her succulent form to my gaze. I was
leaning forward putting all my weight on my left forearm and knees as I pushed
my right arm underneath my body to give my clit the attention it desired. I was
rocking back and forth on the dildo moaning with each stroke of the cock and of
my hand. Ronda, in the mean time, had spread her legs and was playing with
herself as well. She was apparently enjoying my show as much as I was enjoying
performing it. She kept the chair just outside the reach of my tongue, although
God knows I stretched as far as I could for a taste.

At the ten minute mark she came which triggered my own climax. I was in heaven
as I collapsed onto the floor and pulling myself free of the dildo. I was still
quaking as Ronda knelt over me and mashed her pussy down onto my lips. As
special as that was, she'd kept me waiting long enough, I was even more
surprised when she knelt over me into a 69 and began licking my slit. I ate her
with gusto and she returned the favor. I felt another orgasm building and
assumed she felt the same way when I heard a timer go off. Before I could react,
Ronda stood up.

"Time's up. Time to go home to hubby."

I was breathless and began to pant. Surely she was k**ding. Alas, she was not.
She tied the sash on her robe and told me to take off my cleaning uniform saying
I could have it back next time I cleaned for her. I knew better than to argue.
She'd given me one great orgasm and allowed me the privilege of eating her
pussy. That was reward enough for cleaning her apartment. I'd been close to
having a second orgasm when I ran out of time. I guess Jim will be the lucky
recipient of that one.

Ronda escorted me naked back to the garage to retrieve my clothes. As I was
dressing I begged for her to let me visit her again. She told me to call her
whenever I needed service and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. As I was
walking out the door, she gave my ass a hard slap. It stung, but also made me

"Drive home safe slut," she called from the shop.

I got in my car and took a few minutes to compose my thoughts. I knew I had to
deal with Jim tonight and my mistress in the morning. I also knew I had to see
Ronda again. This was going to be an interesting couple of days.

Jim arrived home from his golf weekend late. I was already in bed exhausted from
my activities this weekend. He slept in so I didn't have to talk to him in the
morning either as I was out early to get to the office and service my mistress.
Monday progressed like most of my work days with my orally pleasing both
Mistress Sharon and Mistress Linda. Both of them teased me but would not let me
cum. Jim was certainly the beneficiary of my heightened libido that night.
Tuesday Mistress Sharon told me that she and Linda had decided to take their
slaves out to a minor league baseball game Friday night and that I should keep
my schedule clear. I'm not a big baseball fan, but getting together with my
sisters in submission was always a good time. I fell asleep that night dreaming
of what might happen Friday. I woke wet and horny. I managed to get to Sharon's
office on time, but my mind was on Ronda. My mistress had been teasing me more
than pleasing me the last couple of days and I needed some of Ronda's special
attention. I told Mistress Linda I wasn't feeling well and left work at lunch

I didn't go home, but instead drove straight to Ronda's garage. She didn't seem
surprised to see me. Her shop was humming with activity. She had two male
mechanics working on cars and there was a man and a woman in the waiting area.
Since we were not alone, Ronda didn't use her usual verbally assaultive manner I
had come to expect. I made up the excuse that I needed an oil change. I made
sure to emphasize that I needed an oil change not my car needed an oil change.
She said it would be about an hour wait and then offered to come outside and
look at my car. She was dressed in greasy coveralls. She had her fake pony tail
on again sticking through the back of her baseball cap. She looked far from the
leather Dom that I served so willingly last weekend. Outside she had me sit back
in my car and then leaned through the driver's window to address me.

"I want you to wait here until I signal for you to come inside. Take off your
bra and panties. Leave them on the passenger seat. When I wave you in, scurry
that sexy ass into the waiting room. You'll know what to do when you get there."

I nodded that I understood.

"One more thing. I'm sure you're already wet, but in case you're not, things
will go much easier on you if you play with yourself while you're waiting."

Again I nodded and Ronda turned and returned to the shop. I quickly shed my
undergarments as she had instructed. Removing my panties was easy. They were
already damp as Ronda had suspected. My bra proved to be a bit more of a
challenge, but it too was dispatched and placed on the passenger seat. Now my
only preparation was to masturbate and wait. Certainly this was not punishment.
At least not yet.

I stared intently at Ronda's garage while my fingers danced over my clit and
along my puffy and moist pussy lips. I didn't know what deviant plan she had for
me, but I knew I would enjoy it. In the short time we had known each other I
found myself completely captivated by her, much like I had been completely
captivated by Mistress Sharon.

I saw the garage door open and one of the cars pulled out. I expected Ronda or
one of her mechanics to wave me in, but they did not. I continued to play with
myself. I knew I could make myself cum, but I wanted to wait. I wanted to be as
hot and ready for her as I could be. I imagined myself suspended upside down
from her hoist again only this time I'd have to service the other two mechanics
also. This was a mixed blessing for me. I was horny enough to do it. There was
no doubt about that. But I still somehow saw myself as being true to Jim since
I'd been, with the exception of blowing Faith's husband, only cheating on him
with women. I know that doesn't make sense. Clearly I was being unfaithful to
him, but since he was fucking Judy, I justified it in my mind. Now if I was out
fucking different guys, that would be a problem, but I knew Jim would absolutely
love it if I brought him home a new woman to be his toy. I pinched my clit as
that thought crossed my mind and a shiver coursed through my body. I shook with
need and almost came as I pictured myself presenting Jim with another submissive
and then we both attended to his needs. Maybe I could convince Lisette to party
with us while her husband was out golfing this weekend.

I was being consumed by the thought of finally confessing my submissive desires
to my husband and becoming his slave wife. My eyes were open, but they were not
focused as my fingers continued to dance over my dripping pussy. The struggle
not to cum was getting harder and harder. It was a battle I was about to lose,
but fortunately I was snapped back to the present by the sound of Ronda's voice
yelling at me. I looked at the garage and she was waving me forward. I drove
over to the door where she signaled I should stop. She walked over to my door,
opened it and took my hand.

Leaving the keys in the car, she escorted me to the front door. Out of the
corner of my eye, I saw one of the mechanics sit down in my car to drive it into
the shop. I was humiliated by the thought of him seeing my bra and panties
sitting on the passenger seat. I knew my fragrance was hanging heavy in the air
and although I had not looked, I'm sure the leather driver's seat was probably
slick with my desires.

We walked into the small waiting room. Ronda told me to wait and walked into a
small storage closet adjacent to the bathroom. I looked around. Nothing seemed
out of place. The room was windows on two sides looking out at the street. There
was an uncomfortable looking couch, dirty from years of service, a table with a
coffee machine on it and a magazine rack with tattered car magazines on it.
Pretty typical stuff for an old school garage. My knees were starting to get
weak with anticipation. I noticed both of the mechanics looking through the shop
window into the waiting room. They obviously knew Ronda was up to something.

I heard the storeroom door begin to creak and watched with anticipation for her
return. I wondered if she was going to strip and bound me in the closet to be
used throughout the day. I could willingly accept that fate if that was her
choosing. Or I would gladly change into my cleaning uniform and clean her
apartment again if I could spend a few more minutes impaled on her wall mounted
dildo. Basically anything she would do to me right now was fine with me except
to ignore me and send me home.

Ronda opened the door and returned carrying a stool. The bottom looked like a
plain wood bar stool. The top was shrouded by a shop towel. Although it was
hidden, the shape of the towel left no doubt that a dildo was mounted to the top
of the stool. It was a large dildo at that. Ronda paused as she exited the
storeroom trying to peer through the window as if to check if any new customers
were arriving. I glanced into the service bay and both mechanics were smiling.

Ronda brought the stool around and placed it next to the table with the coffee
maker. She pulled off the towel and my estimation of what was underneath was
correct. Suction cupped to the stool was a dildo similar to the one Ronda had
attached to the wall in her apartment that she had me fuck for her viewing
pleasure. This one was about 8 inches tall, thick and veiny. There was a
prominent bulbous head which would stretch my pussy to its limits. I couldn't
wait to ride it. We both stood looking at the stool as the dildo slowly rocked
from side to side as it finally settled into position.

"The boys have a few projects to work on before they can get to your oil change.
This should keep you occupied until your car is done. I'd guess it will be about
an hour."

With that, Ronda turned and walked back into the garage. She didn't order me to
mount up and she didn't even wait to watch me do it. I continued to stare at the
monster I knew would soon be inside of me. I wasn't worried so much about the
length. I'd taken longer at the insistence of my mistresses, but the diameter
looked huge. I'm sure it wouldn't be a personal record, but looking at it
standing straight up instead of bobbing out of a strap-on harness made it seem
twice as large. Even as wet as I was, I figured I'd have to take it slow and
give my pussy time to adjust. I kept looking at it trying to psyche myself up.
My pussy continued to juice and I was glad I had successful denied myself an
orgasm in the car because I knew I'd have a better one soon after mounting the
behemoth. I was almost ready to begin when I heard a car horn. I looked out of
the window and saw a Dodge Neon pull up to the door. Shit another customer. It
was fight or flight time again and Ronda had my car keys limiting my options.

Mounting the stool was no easy task given its height. I decided wrapping my legs
around the dildo as I swung my leg over was the best first step. The dildo slid
under my skirt rubbing against my pussy lips. At first I thought this might be
an acceptable way to hide it when the driver of the Neon entered the waiting
room, but looking down I knew that was a bad plan. The dildo was pushing the
front of my skirt up like a schoolboy getting his first look at a naked girl.
There was only one place the dildo could go where I could look somewhat normal
sitting on the stool. I heard the car door shut. I only had moments before being

I steadied myself with my hands on the front of the stool and my feet on the
bottom cross dowel and raised myself up until I felt the head of the fake cock
dance across my slick lips. I used my right hand to pull the back of my skirt
over the back of the stool while I continued to steady myself with my left. I
started to inch back down, but the dildo refused to find its home. I tried three
times to mount it, but each time my wetness caused it to slide forward. Its path
would have been pleasurable, it was rubbing my lips and brushing against my
clit, if I was not so petrified of the Neon's driver appearing at the door any
second. In desperation I reached under my skirt and took a firm grip on the
invader. Once held tight, the head popped past my lips and lodged corrected into
my pussy. It felt huge. Whether it was the shape of the head, the situation or
maybe I wasn't as ready as I thought, I felt full with only the top two inches
finally in place.

Looking through the window I saw a boy of maybe 19 or 20 walking toward the
door. I was still obviously squatting on the stool in an unnatural position. I
had to move quickly. I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I
lowered myself onto Ronda's special stool. The head was bigger than the rest of
the dildo, so once my pussy stretched to accommodate the top, the rest would be
easy. The head was hitting every nerve ending in my pussy as it continued its
journey deep into my core. I was a good 5 inches onto the dildo when he reached
the door. I knew I couldn't just drop onto the stool. I would tear myself up
that way. I gritted my teeth and tried to speed up the process. I managed two
more inches in the next four seconds as the boy entered the waiting room. I was
struggling not to cry out in pain or moan in pleasure at the invasion. I could
have gone either way at that moment. My skirt was covering the top of the stool.
My legs were still taught holding me hovering just above the seat and I was
perspiring. In my mind I figured anybody looking at me would know what was going
on. I tried to relax my legs and take the remaining inch imperceptivity.

I forced a smile at the boy as he stood next to me picking a magazine off the
rack. My nipples were proudly displaying themselves through my blouse. I had to
lock my legs as he stood next to me in an effort to make believe everything was
normal. As the boy turned to step over to the couch, a wave of relief washed
over me as I could finally take the last inch. Although my conscious mind
ordered my legs to release their tension and lower me the last inch to the
stool, my u*********s body had one more trick up its sleeve. On their own, my
legs tensed even tighter and lifted my just a little before thankfully lowering
me into position on the stool. I doubt anybody watching would have seen the
move, but my pussy got the message as did my brain. The rubbing of the cockhead
up then down was electric. It was then I realized Ronda's plan. I was impaled on
her huge fake cock, ostensibly in public, and unable to give myself what I
really needed, namely to fuck the shit out of myself.

I looked over at the boy. He was pretending to read the magazine, but I could
feel his eyes on me whenever I wasn't looking at him. I doubt he was in on
Ronda's plan. More likely he was just feeling lucky at seeing a hot woman with
hard nipples sitting in front of him. If he only knew what I wanted more than
ever was to start bouncing on the stool. I didn't even care that my ass would
have been visible through the window to anybody on the sidewalk. I needed to get
fucked and fucked hard.

I did my best to sit and not fidget. I continually squeezed my thighs and pussy
muscles in an isometric dance. My mind was in a happy place where I was being
gang-banged by the boy and the two mechanics. I'd had that same vision before,
but it was always three of my mistresses wielding strap-ons not strange guys. I
couldn't help myself but to begin rocking ever so slightly on the stool. I could
hear one of the legs, slightly off balance to the other three, ticking against
the floor. It sounded almost like a metronome counting off my lewd wants and
desires. I'm sure the boy didn't hear anything over the radio playing in the
garage, but in my mind each little click sounded like a drum stick hitting a
snare. I urged my body to stop playing its risky game. I couldn't even tell if
the dildo was actually moving inside of me, but my sexual core thought it was
and that was enough to drive my arousal higher. If I so much as touched my clit
right then I would have came. The boy must have known something was happening. I
was sure he could hear the stool and I was sure he could smell my scent. But
outwardly he said nothing. I tried to look bored like somebody waiting for their
car, but I wanted to jump off the stool and rip his clothes off. I kept stealing
glances at his crotch for any signs of life.

I was reaching my breaking point when I heard the service bay door open and
Ronda walked back to the counter with some paperwork. Either his car or mine was
done. I prayed it was his. As much as I wanted off the stool, dismounting in
front of him was not my first choice. Having him lead me to a back room and then
fucking me senseless was my first choice. Ronda called him over to the counter.
I looked at the clock. I'd only been there for 15 minutes. After he paid, the
boy turned to walk out. He gave me a brazen look up and down as if he knew. I
blushed a little. If he really did know, he probably would not have left, but he
did. I watched as he walked out the door. I didn't notice Ronda walking around
the corner until she was standing in front of me.

"Looks like you are enjoying yourself. You're a good sport. Do you want me to
rub your clit?"

"Oh God yes," I said breathlessly.

Ronda looked deep into my eyes as she flipped up the front of my skirt and began
rubbing my clit. I responded immediately with a loud moan and began humping the
fake cock. It started with me lifting myself an inch and then down. Then it was
two inches and repeat. Then three inches and finally about four inches at a
time. Ronda's eyes were locked on mine the entire time as her thumb remained on
my clit rubbing me in a tantalizing circular motion.

"That's a good girl. Cum for me," she hissed.

As if responding directly to her command, my body released all its tension. I
crashed back down onto the seat burying the dildo deep into my womb as I came on
her thumb. I felt Ronda reach around me and pull me tight against her body as I
shook, consumed by an orgasm hours in the making. I'm sure the mechanics could
hear my ecstasy over their radio. Fireworks were exploding in my mind as I
placed my head against Ronda's shoulder. I continued to hump her thumb and the
dildo as I tried to ride every last quake out of my climax. Although I had been
sweating a bit from straining against the dildo earlier, I was down drenched in
the afterglow of a wild orgasm and kinky sex. The peaks of my breasts were now
clearly visible as the sweat turned my blouse transparent. The top of the stool
squeaked as my ass bounced down on a seat coated in a mixture of sweat and pussy
juice. I couldn't see myself, but I must have looked like I was rode hard and
put away wet. Which of course, I was.

"You're car has a little more work on it. We're changing the trans fluid while
we've got it in. Just hang tight."

Again, as before, Ronda was gone in a flash. I was left to wallow in my own
juices and a series of mini-cums keeping me on edge. Alone with my lustful
thoughts, it wasn't long before I was fucking myself again in earnest. There was
no pretence or hiding this time. My left hand was holding up the front of my
skirt while I diddled my happy nub with my right. I was afraid I would break the
stool I was bouncing on it so hard. I was building up to a wonderful second
climax when I heard another car horn. Immediately I froze. I looked up at the
clock and only 5 more minutes had passed. I'd never make it waiting another 15
or 20.

I tried to settle my hair and straighten my skirt and blouse as best I could. My
nipples were still at attention and my perspiration was still turning key parts
of my blouse transparent, but I really couldn't do anything about it right then.
I tried to slow my breathing back to a normal rate. I stretched to reach a
magazine I could pretend to read. To my shock, I knew the person who entered the

Through the door walked Anthony, the man who, along with his wife, had seen me
suspended in the garage last Sunday. This couldn't be a coincidence. He gave me
a warm greeting as Ronda was walking through the door.

"Hi Ronda. Are you keeping her here all the time now?"

"Hey Anthony. No she keeps coming back begging for more. She just came on my
hand a few minutes ago."

"Really? What did you do to her?"

"Nothing much. She was really doing it to herself. She's sitting on a nice thick
dildo right now. She was fucking herself in front of a 20 year old k** trying
not to let him notice. I guess it got her worked up."

"No shit. That's hot. Belinda's got to see this."

I watched as Anthony pulled out his cell phone and took a picture of me sitting
there. I watched as he quickly tapped out a text message and then put his phone

"So what's up with my car?"

I couldn't believe he just turned his attention away from me that quickly.

"It's all done, for now," Ronda replied. "I need to show you a few things. Come
on back."

I watched as they disappeared into the garage. That wasn't supposed to happen.
They were supposed to play with me. Well screw them. I don't need them to make
myself cum anyway. I quickly returned to slamming the dildo and fingering my
clit. Immediately I felt my pending orgasm being to build again. I moved my left
hand across my mouth to make sure they could hear not me in the garage. It was
their loss. If they didn’t want to play I didn’t want to give them the
satisfaction of listening. My vision was unfocused as I concentrated entirely on
the pleasure flowing over my body from the marvelous dildo and my fingers. I
shut my eyes and through my head back. I pictured squatting over my husband as
he lay on the bed with his cock buried in my ass. On top of me was Ronda fucking
me with her strap-on. Both of them were tearing me part. I felt my husband's
hands on my breasts pinching my nipples savagely and I came. I came hard. Like
my first cum, I would have fallen if not for the hands holding me. Then I
realized the fingers pinching my nipples were not my husband's and part of my
fantasy. As I trembled and moaned through my climax, I tried to focus my eyes.
What I saw was the same sexy woman who had been with Anthony last Sunday. His
wife was squeezing and tugging on my nipple. She must be Belinda and have given
Anthony a ride to pick up his car.

"That's right baby," she cooed. "Ride that cum. Let me see your slut face."

She dropped my right nipple a slid her hand under my skirt.

"You're a wet one aren't you?" she said rhetorically. "When you tire of Ronda,
come by our house. We'll teach you how a real slut should act."

Belinda began stroking my clit. It was hypersensitive from having climaxed twice
in the last 10 minutes. I opened my mouth to protest that it was too much, but
before I could vocalize a response, she pulled her wet fingers from my steaming
snatch and pushed them into my mouth. I greedily sucked on them.

"That's right girl, clean momma's fingers. How about we have you clean that cock
in your pussy next."

I had been waiting for Ronda to tell me it was OK to dismount, but I wasn't
about to pass up this invitation. Belinda steadied me as I stood up on the cross
supports. I don't think she realized just how much cock I had inside of me. The
dick stood proud with my juices glistening in the sunlight streaming through the
windows. I didn't need to be told twice. I quickly bent over at the waist and
took the cock into my mouth. Belinda's hand slipped up my skirt exposing my well
used pussy.

"Oh yes," she commended while starting to rub her hand up and down my slit.
"You've really been fucked today haven't you?"

I couldn't vocalize much of a response as I was busy cleaning the cock, but I
tried to mumble "yes mam."

I felt Belinda push two fingers into my still simmering pussy. She then used her
other hand to spread my ass cheeks and I felt her forcibly pushing one of her
fingers into my ass. I responded with a moan.

"Anthony would love to fuck the cute little ass," she said. She was wiggling her
finger around inside of me. "You're pretty tight back here. I can tell it has
been used, but not enough. I could train you to take that cock that's in your
mouth up your ass. Would you like that slut?"

Again I just moaned.

"I can tell you like this. I'd have to train you. Anthony is at least that size.
I'd have him fuck you up the ass while you suck on my pussy. How would you like

I took my mouth off the dildo long enough to answer that I would love it.

That is how Anthony and Ronda found us. I was bent over at the waist with six
inches of cock in my mouth. Belinda now had two fingers in my ass and was
rubbing my clit insistently trying to get me to cum again. Ronda told her to
stop. I certainly didn't want her to, but Ronda said he had a better plan.

"The boys in the shop have been working hard and I promised them a treat."

I assumed this mean fucking them. I wasn't about to say no. But I was wrong.
Instead, after walking in back, Anthony lifted me up onto the counter and I was
instructed to spread my legs and masturbate for their viewing pleasure. It was a
command I joyfully followed. Anthony had his arm around his wife while Ronda
stood proudly off to the side. The two mechanics leered at me but I had the
distinct impression this wasn't the first time they had seen this kind of show.
I expected Ronda to toss me some toys, but this performance remained a strictly
hands on experience. I pulled my breasts out of my top so I could recreate the
divine pleasure Belinda had bestowed on them while plunging three fingers into
my pussy and rubbing my clit with my thumb.

It took longer than I expected, but I finally had my third and final monster
climax. I received a rousing ovation from my audience and all three of the guys
were sporting erections. Although I was tired, I hoped they would drop me to the
greasy floor and take turns using my mouth, but Ronda interceded and said the
boys had to get back to work. I was still sitting on the counter with my legs
spread and pussy on display as one of the mechanics opened the overhead door and
pulled my car outside. Luckily another customer was not arriving as I didn't
have the energy to snap my legs shut. If fact I asked Ronda if I could take a
short nap upstairs because I didn't think I could drive right then.

She told me that wasn't a problem. She said the cost would be I'd have to clean
her apartment again. I smiled and said no problem. She said she would be back up
in an hour and that I should be dressed appropriately. I knew once my head hit
the pillow I'd be out like a light. I hoped that if I was still asleep when she
came upstairs she would see fit to punish me. I deserved it after the
performance I'd just put on.

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 11
By Tappy McWidestance

As I anticipated as soon I lay down in Ronda's bed I was out like a light. I had
found my maid's outfit but left it on the end of the bed instead of getting
dressed. I wanted her to find me naked in her bed and either make good on her
threat to punish me or to make love to me. Either way would be good for me. I
woke about 2.5 hours later. I was shocked when I saw the time. I got up and
walked around the apartment. Ronda was nowhere to be found, although she had
left a note for me on the table.

"My Dearest Tina," the note began. "Obviously you did not follow my
instructions. Your punishment is you are not going to get what you so obviously
crave. I've got better things to do than waste my time with a sub who can't
follow my orders. Run home to hubby."

I was in tears reading her note. This isn't what I wanted at all. I got dressed
and headed down to the garage but Ronda wasn't there either. One of the
mechanics told me she had seemed upset and left without saying where she was
going. I was devastated. Had I screwed up our relationship for good or was this
just another power game she was playing? I tried calling her cell phone but she
didn't answer. I did leave an apologetic message, but then I headed home. I
didn't hear from her Thursday and then I didn't hear from her Friday. I was
starting to get worried she was gone for good.

But Friday also brought a new opportunity. Friday night the mistresses had
decreed to be a group party night. We had not had one for a while and the sense
of anticipation in the office was palatable. Both Mistress Sharon and Mistress
Linda had told us we were going to a minor league baseball game, but other than
that, we didn't know what was going to happen. They had been especially tight
lipped during our office sessions the last two days. I'd cleared with Jim that
we had a company outing and not to expect me home early. All of the mistresses
and slaves were supposed to be coming so I wondered if Judy would be given an
exception to keep Jim from questioning our activities.

At 4pm Mistress Linda told me to head downstairs to Mistress Sharon's office. I
gleefully turned off my PC. I doubt any of us had been getting much work done
that afternoon anyway so I rushed downstairs. Toni was not at her desk. I walked
down the hall and knocked on my mistress' door. I heard her call me in. I could
see Toni's legs under Mistress Sharon's desk. I was a little jealous, but I had
no doubt that I would be servicing our mistresses soon enough.

I waited as Toni completed her task. Mistress did not have an earth shattering
climax, but she seemed pleased. She then told both of us to strip while she told
us of the plan for the evening. As she talked I could feel my pussy getting wet.
Mistress Sharon opened her desk drawer and pulled out two of my favorite toy.
She had two of Mistress Suzy's infamous remote vibration panties. Mistress
Sharon had grabbed two of the good sized butt plugs, a generous vaginal dildo
and of course the clit vibrating attachments and placed them on the table. She
seemed to enjoy watching the expressions on our faces as we willingly secured
the diabolical devices to our overheating bodies. Mistress Sharon said all of
the slaves would be similarly accessorized tonight and I knew we were in for a
group tease of epic proportions.

The plan was simple. We were all going to the baseball game. Each mistress would
keep one of the remotes in her purse and could change the settings for everyone
at the same time. The contest was for the slaves to hold back from cumming as
long as possible. After the game, everyone was heading over to Suzy's house for
an orgy. The first girl to cum would be low girl on the totem pole. She would
have to service all the other slaves. The second slave to cum would have to
service everyone but the first girl and so on. The slave who held out the
longest would only have to serve the mistresses and if she didn't cum at all,
then she could spank the other slaves and would be given immunity to servicing
the mistresses if she wanted. I said if I won my mistress didn't have to worry.
I'd always choose to service her.

Mistress Sharon tested her remote. Instantly both Toni and I jumped as our
panties came to life. She then had us dress in matching baseball uniform shirts
and tight black shorts. The shorts hugged my ass and insured the vibrators would
be held fast. The panties were set to low and we walked out to Sharon's
convertible. Toni and I both got in the cramped back seat while Mistress Sharon
drove. It felt weird to have her chauffeuring us through town. I was expecting
to head straight to the ballpark but instead we went to a park with a nature

"Don't tell your sister slaves, but I want to help you two win," she said.

She had us get out of the car. She then cuffed our hands in front of us to "set
the mood." She was kind enough to give us each a windbreaker to put between our
wrists to hide the cuffs. She then turned the remote up to half...

"I want you to walk the trail. It's about a mile and a half. I'll turn the
panties up to medium. If you can cum before you get back, it will be our little
secret. Off you go."

I looked at Toni. She was already feeling the effects of the triple erogenous
teasing. I wasn't sure if I could cum on the medium setting. I knew I would be
totally aroused by a brisk 15 minute walk with my hands tied and clit being
teased, but I was afraid a public orgasm might not happen. Still, time was
wasting so we headed out.

I guess Friday night was a popular one in the park. There were people
everywhere. We had to be careful to hide our cuffs and the embarrassment proved
arousing. The quicker we walked, the more insistent the panty's vibrations
became. Although we were in a crowd, I didn't sense anybody was particularly
watching us. If we had any kind of cover I would have suggested to Toni that we
hump each other's legs and get off, but there was not any good hiding places on
the trail. As we were walking I felt my cell phone buzz in my front pocket.
Somebody had just sent me a text message. With Toni's help, I was able to hide
the handcuffs while I contorted my wrists enough to grab my phone. I assumed it
was Mistress Sharon sending us some task to complete in the park. Toni was
looking over my shoulder as I lifted up my phone. I could see on the display the
number was Ronda's.

"It's from my husband," I lied as I shielded the screen from her view. The
message was short and to the point as Ronda tended to be. "We need to talk."

I quickly deleted the message. Having one mistress discover messages from
another would not be good for anybody. I chuckled as if Jim had sent me
something witty and shoved the phone back in my pocket. Suddenly the vibrations
in my holes and on my clit didn't seem as insistent as I began to worry about
Ronda. Of course that concern didn't last as the panties worked their magic.

In the end we returned to the car panting in need, but as was usually the case,
unfulfilled. Mistress Sharon mocked us for not cumming saying that wasn't going
to help our chances. We both knew our unsatisfied walk was part of the plan, but
that didn't make us feel any better.

We both got in the back seat again. This time Mistress Sharon secured our hand
behind our back using the car's LATCH system. I bet the designers of car seats
didn't plan on their hooks being used for that purpose. Once we were secured
Mistress Sharon took the liberty of unbuttoning the tops of our jerseys to
maximize the amount of cleavage we could show. She also turned the panties up to
high. Now that was what I really wanted.

"I expect you both to cum before we get to the baseball field. However, we're
still going to have a little contest. Whoever lasts longer will be serviced by
the loser Monday morning. Deal?"

We both readily agreed. I didn't particularly care if I lost. It was a pleasure
to service Toni. I was pretty sure she felt the same way about me. Sharon drove
us to the ballpark. Both Toni and I were on display in the backseat and quickly
reaching the zenith of explosive climaxes.

Toni was the first to go over the edge. We hit a bump as Sharon pulled her
convertible into the gravel parking lot of the baseball stadium. As the rear
axle bounced, we both rebounded off the seatbelt and wrist restraints forcing
the vibrators deeper into our holes. Having been on the edge of release for the
last several miles, this extra sensation was the last straw for Toni. She
attempted to hide the pleasure surging through her body as other patrons walked
past the car toward the gate. Her face was a dead giveaway to the pleasure she
was experiencing and that was enough to trigger my own orgasm. Mine wasn't as
strong as hers, but it was obvious to Sharon that I too had cum. Quickly
thereafter the panties shut off.

I suppose it looked very strange that the driver of the sports convertible had
to lean over into the backseat to fiddle with something behind her passengers as
Sharon unlocked our cuffs. Both Toni and I brought our hands to our laps to rub
our wrists. We then climbed out of the back seat. I can't speak for Toni, but I
assume her erogenous zones were as sensitive as mine at that moment. Even with
the panties off, the movement of the various apparatus contained within was
maddening. After we exited the car Sharon put the top back up and we walked
toward the stadium. We were the last from the group to arrive. All of the slaves
looked stressed. I couldn't tell if they had been given the release Toni and I
had just enjoyed.

Everyone from the group was there, including Judy. I guess she hadn't been given
the night off to fuck my husband. We had a block of seats in four rows. Each
mistress sat with her slaves. Mistress Linda along with my co-workers Becky,
Molly and Cathy were in the first row of our section. Lisette and Jill joined
Mistress Suzy in the next row. Mistress Sharon, Toni and I were next and finally
Mistress Faith, Judy and Helen were behind us. I never heard how our positions
were decided or if it was just random.

We were all chatting and drinking beer until the game started. When the first
pitch was thrown, the panties turned on. I could tell the slaves sitting in
front of me flinched at the same time I did so true to Mistress Sharon's
promise, everybody must have been being controlled by the same remote. I saw
Mistresses Linda and Suzy whisper something in their charges' ears. Mistress
Sharon soon informed us that a bathroom break would happen after the fourth
inning and we would be going amass to be sure nobody sought relief before then.
It was also decided that the orgasm competition would be a team event. Instead
of ranking the slaves individually for who could hold out the longest, whichever
team came last would be declared the victor. Suddenly our mistress allowing us
to cum in the parking lot looked shrewd indeed.

I almost protested that Mistress Linda had a team of three, but in my experience
Molly was always a quick cummer when a vibrator was involved so she really
wasn't that much of benefit to them. True to form, she came in the bottom of the
second inning and was the first out of the competition. In fact, she was also
the second one to cum just before our bathroom break. I was thankful when the
fourth inning ended. Beer always went right through me and I had to go.

I fully expected our mistresses to have some kind of kinky adventure waiting for
us in the bathroom, but other than the challenge of getting the panties off and
then reinserting the vibes without fucking ourselves senseless, the process was
straight forward. All of the vibes were off for the duration of the field trip
to the washroom and nobody made embarrassing comments in front of the other
women in the bathroom.

Leaving the washroom it was decided we should all take a stroll around the park.
This was obviously meant to tease us all and the setting of our panties to
medium fueled this suspicion. Becky and Lisette were the next to cum. Lisette in
particular had to stop and hold onto one of the stadium's support beams for
balance. She was so cute when she came. I almost felt sorry for her trying to
act normal as an orgasm ripped through her in full view of hundreds of screaming
baseball fans. Cathy was now the long holdout from Mistress Linda's team and she
must have been feeling the pressure. I felt good about our chances. Toni seemed
to be enjoying herself, but in control. Jill would be a challenge as she could
always take a lot of teasing. I didn’t know much about Helen. She was an unknown
along with Judy.

Returning to our seats the mistresses began to up the speed with each inning. I
could tell they were determined to have a winner before the game was over. It
was a lovely night to be outside at the ballpark. Lovely for everybody who
wasn't struggling to hold back from a very loud public orgasm at least. Mistress
Linda was the first to be out of the competition as Cathy succumbed to her
temptation with a visible shiver and audible moan. Linda lamented that her
slaves would need far more training before the next group outing. I snickered to
myself that she didn't know what training was as I thought about Ronda.

My thoughts about Ronda proved to be my secret weapon as one by one all of the
other slaves, including Toni, gave in to their lusts and came in their seats.
Some, like Judy, were loud enough that I'm sure the people sitting around us
suspected she just came. Others, like Jill, were quiet as a mouse and except for
a change in breathing and a confession to losing her battle, you never would
have suspected she just climaxed in front of you. I continued to think about how
Ronda would keep me on the edge and threaten me if I came. I was also thinking
about what she wanted to talk to me about and how she was probably steaming
right now that I had not called her back. In the end it was enough distraction
to keep me from having a very public outcry even when the panties were set near
the top speed. I almost gave in as the other girls enjoyed multiple waves of
pleasure as the mistresses were determined to get me over the edge. There was no
downside to my sisters in servitude not holding back and they took advantage of
the opportunity to get the pleasures they had been denied during the week.

Mistress Sharon appeared proud of my new found ability to resist cumming
although I could tell Linda, Faith and Suzy were not so amused. Still I had
secured victory for our team. I could have easily allowed myself to be
transported to a blissful climax right then. I had no problem cumming in front
of the group or the strangers in our section. But I figured I'd survived this
long so I wanted to make it to the end of the game. Our team was down 4-3 with
two outs in the ninth. Another pitch or two and the game would be over and I
would have beaten the clock. Then it happened. The pitcher hung a 2-1 curveball
and the batter, who had been sitting back waiting for a breaking ball deposited
the mistake over the left field wall. The game was tied. As the crowd roared its
satisfaction, I held a celebration in my pants. I'd have never made it through
extra innings so as everyone else in the stands stood to cheer, I grabbed my
crotch pushing the clit vibe down a little tighter and had a wonderful climax.
Any noises I made were drowned out by the cheering crowd. It felt as if they
were cheering for me. As I came down from my high and looked around, it was
clear Toni, Becky, Jill and Lisette had taken advantage of the distracted crowd
to sneak in another cum. Imagine how the men sitting around us would have
reacted if they knew five submissive women had just cum in front of them while
they yelled at a little white ball.

Soon after the homerun, the panties turned off. Everyone seemed relieved that
the teasing was over. We didn't wait for the game to end. Led by a still upset
Linda, we marched out of the stadium. Some of the men sitting around us gave us
appreciative looks and I knew we were busted. Not that I cared, mind you. Soon
we were back in the cars and headed to Suzy's house to pay off the bets.

Our panties remained off for the drive to Suzy's. I could tell just the mere
penetration of the now dormant vibrators was keeping Toni on edge as were mine.
I assume Sharon was excited too as our destination came ever closer. Since we
had won the "contest" I knew we would be serviced by the other slaves. This was
a prospect that pleased me greatly. I was also curious as to what form of play
this would take.

Once everyone arrived, the mistresses ordered all the slaves except Molly to
disrobe. Mistress Suzy addressed us.

"Slaves, tonight we held a little contest to see which mistress had trained
their slaves best to deny themselves an orgasm. Molly obviously lost so more
training is in order. The rest of you did better, although we will continue
working on your self control in the coming months."

I looked around the room. Molly seemed apprehensive but the other girls were all

"Becky and Cathy step forward," ordered Mistress Linda. "You too caused me to
lose a bet I made with your other mistresses. As the first ones out of the
competition, you two will pay the price. I hope your tongues are well rested. On
your knees with your hands behind your backs."

I watched as Suzy produced a set of manacles for each slave and quickly secured
their wrists and ankles. She also affixed a wide collar around each of their
necks which was secured to the chain holding the cuffs together by a long bar.
The effect was to force the girls to lean slightly backward thrusting their
breasts forward. I noticed the bar was also the right length to touch the floor
which would at least give them some support, although the stress on their thighs
would soon be punishment enough.

Mistress Sharon told us that Toni and I had won the right to use Becky and
Cathy's mouths first. We could choose to have them eat us or we could use them
as a toilet. It was our choice. I had no interest in pissing on either of them,
but I was more than happy to let Cathy lick my slippery slit. Toni made the same
choice and soon we both were loving life. I got the impression Becky and Cathy
were not too upset with their placement either.

The same could not be said about Molly. After the mistresses got us started,
they took Molly and secured her in a tight hogtie complete with a blindfold. She
was still wearing her panties which they announced would be put on tease mode.
Molly would have to spend the rest of the night listening to our pleasure but
receiving only torture. I remember thinking there but for the grace of God go I
as I continued to grind my pussy on Cathy's face.

I could tell Toni was getting excited as was I. For fun we switched and Becky
ended up the recipient of a nice juicy orgasm from my pussy. Her face was
glistening as I moved away from her. Toni was just about to cum. We had not
noticed, but my boss, Mistress Linda had also removed her clothes. The other
mistresses were busy securing her the same was Cathy and Becky were bound.

"Mistress?" I questioned. "What is going on?"

"Mistress Linda was very confident her charges were not going to lose. So she
bet her mouth that they would not be the first team out. Obviously she lost so
now she gets to service the three of us," Sharon said pointing to Suzy and

As soon as Linda was secured, Faith took up position in front of her and let go
a stream of urine all over her face.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," she confessed.

I felt a rush of adrenaline as I watched the hot yellow liquid splash off my
boss' face. If everyone at the office could see her now, her days of ruling with
an iron hand would be over. Of course I knew I would never tell and was pretty
sure Becky and Cathy would be mute on the subject. Molly couldn't see what
happened although since Faith called Linda a “piss drinking whore” I’m pretty
sure she could guess what happened.

Lisette and Jill were the next to be serviced by Cathy and Becky while Sharon
took her position over Linda. The sounds of womanly pleasure filled the room
much, I'm sure, to Molly's dismay. I'd worn those panties on tease mode plenty
of times and I knew combining the torture of being teased mercilessly with being
forced to listen to other women having what you are being denied would be sheer
hell for her.

After Lisette and Jill had their orgasms, Lisette being particularly loud, they
were ordered to their knees to pleasure Toni and me for the second time. They
were not bound, although I noticed Lisette holding her wrists behind her back.
Judy and Helen then took their turns on the bound Becky and Cathy while Sharon
was busy riding Linda's face. Toni and I enjoyed our second sloppy orgasm of the
orgy but had little time to rest before Judy and Helen went back to work on us
again. Our prize or perhaps curse of winning the competition was forcing
ourselves to cum three times in short order. My pussy was sore from pleasure by
the time Helen accepted my happiness and I hoped we'd be given a chance to rest.

Faith was now forcing Linda's mouth deep into her pussy as she ground her crotch
over my boss. Since Faith got two turns with her I wondered if Sharon and Suzy
would take advantage of the situation for a repeat performance. They seemed
happy, like the rest of us, to sit back and watch Faith degrade Linda the way
Linda so often degraded us. When she was finally satisfied, Faith pushed Linda
away and she fell sideways, her face glistening with mistress fluid. She made no
effort to get back up to her knees. Suzy released Cathy and Becky from their
cuffs and the pair stood up rubbing their wrists. Looking at Sharon, Becky asked
if they had earned an orgasm. She wasn't looking at her mistress who was still
lying prone on the floor.

"Yes, I suppose you two have been good sports and deserve some pleasure," my
mistress announced.

I fully expected Toni and I would be ordered to return the favor. My mouth was
even salivating a bit at the thought. I watched as Suzy went back to her
restraint cabinet and returned with some different cuffs attached to a pair of
spreader bars. "This is interesting," I remember thinking. I watched in
fascination as Suzy quickly undid Linda's binding. Linda continued to lie
passively on the floor. Almost as quickly Suzy resecured Linda's wrists and
ankles. This time instead of being hooked together, however, they were spread
apart. Sharon helped Linda up into a kneeling position. Her pussy was glistening
in the light and obviously in need of attention.

Suzy disappeared again and returned with two strap-on dildos. "Oh my God," I
thought. "They are going to fuck her."

Well, I was half right. Suzy walked up to Toni and me and handed us the plastic
weapons. That was some bet Linda lost. We prepared ourselves for our opportunity
to exact some revenge on our mistresses. I was positioned on my back and Linda
was lowered onto me. My dildo slid easily inside her and she looked happy
perched above me. The spreader bar between her wrists was a problem. As Suzy
pushed Linda over so Toni could access her ass, Sharon helped guide the bar
around my head so Linda could support her weight with her wrists. It wasn't
ideal and I knew my neck would be sore from resting on the bar, but I wasn't
about to question what was happening.

I could see the strain on Linda's face as Toni penetrated her. She was stuffed
the way I had been so many times. I doubted it happened much to her. We were
told to hold off fucking her for just a minute. I could tell Linda didn't want
to wait, but like us, she had to follow orders. The final insult for Mistress
Linda was a camcorder setup on a tripod.

"I know your hubby will love to see you as a bottom," Suzy snickered. "Cathy,
get up here."

So Mistress Linda's debasement was complete. She was sucking out the pussy of
her slave as Toni and I double teamed her ass and pussy. She was enjoying
herself. We could tell from the moans and her body language. Cathy certainly
enjoyed herself. I could tell from the drops of fluid falling on me from Linda's
chin. Toni seemed happy as was I as the harness of the dildos included a nub
which hit my clit just right. In fact neither of us had any incentive not to
fuck the shit out of her as the harder we slammed her, they more pleasure we
received ourselves.

After Cathy came and backed away, I heard a guttural moan from my boss. Her
sounds were quickly muffled as Becky gagged her with her pussy. I figured we
were done after Becky stiffened and came but I was wrong. Helen and Judy each
took turns and then Faith, Suzy and Sharon each enjoyed themselves again. I was
fortunate. I just had to lay there and enjoy the nub rubbing my clit as a lewd
display of female flesh danced above my head. Toni was doing the real heavy
lifting in our partnership, but fortunately she seemed able to keep fucking as
long as she was ordered.

Linda wasn't holding up as well. After Sharon moved off her face, Linda began to
babble and beg for permission to cum. I think all of us slaves learned a
valuable lesson as to holding back out climaxes since Toni and I had been
fucking her for a good 40 minutes as she had serviced 7 women yet had been able
to hold back her own release. I watched as Faith, Sharon and Suzy looked at each
other and then nodded.

"Go ahead slut," Suzy said.

Almost immediately Linda let out a howl which shook the walls as she began to
convulse and twist as she was consumed by her orgasm. I had a front row seat as
her pleasure ripped through her body. I'd never seen such passion on someone's
face so close-up before and the vision of erotic pleasure she presents triggered
both me and Toni to have our final climaxes of the night. Mine was certainly no
match for Linda's as she was still quaking long after mine had subsided. She end
up collapsed on top of me as she had released all her available energy in a two
minute burst.

I couldn't move as I was pinned beneath her, my cock still buried deep inside
her. I could tell Toni was pulling out of her ass. I saw her stagger back to a
chair and sit down. I'm sure her legs were worn out from the fucking she gave
her. Other than struggling to breathe a bit because of Linda's weight, I felt
pretty good. Suzy and Faith helped pull Linda up and then they laid her out on
the couch. I'm sure she wasn't going to move for a while. Sensing a climax to
the evening, Molly began to beg for her own release. Shit, we'd forgotten about
her. She must have been ready to explode.

Suzy didn't bother to confer with her partners. A simple push of the button on
the remote sent Molly to the heavens. Overall it was an amazing evening. We all
were satisfied and I think we all had our kink quotient filled, although driving
home my thoughts continued to drift back to Ronda. I tried calling her even
though it was late but I only got her voicemail. I crawled into bed next to Jim
terribly conflicted. I couldn't keep this from him much longer. He deserved to
know the truth.

That night I slept the sleep of the dead. If I had not been so worn out I
probably would have been restless thinking about what to do with Jim, Ronda and
the Mistress Club as I'd come to think of them. I knew Jim loved me and since
he'd been having a kink filled affair with Judy I somehow thought he would
forgive me. Ronda was a different issue. She had stirred in me a craving for
harsher discipline than Sharon and the other mistresses were giving me. Somehow
I had to convince my husband that was a good thing. I also knew that eventually
the group was going to find out about Ronda. I had no clue how that would play
out. The group was certainly very open, but membership was strictly controlled
by the mistresses. Had I committed an expulsion worthy transgression? As you
might have guessed, everything quickly began to come to a head.

Jim had to work his second job on Saturday, so he was up and gone early. I heard
him getting up so I dragged myself to the shower while he was in there and gave
him a good morning hummer. He seemed very pleased. I figured he incorrectly
assumed Judy would be taking care of him last night so it would be better to
send him off to work happy.

As soon as he left, I called Ronda. This time she answered her phone. I was
expecting her to be angry with me. Surprisingly she was apologetic. She was mad
at herself for sending me away last Wednesday and she said she really missed
talking to me Thursday and Friday. She asked if she could come over. That
surprised me as she had shown no indication that she wanted to see me anywhere
but the garage. Of course I said sure and told her to come over.

After I hung up the phone I had the realization that maybe that wasn't such a
good idea. Three other members of the Mistress Club lived within a block and a
half of me. I'd have to hide Ronda. I watched through my living room blinds for
her arrival. I had the garage door opener in my hand. She had not said when she
was coming which left me with a mixed feeling of anticipation dread of being
caught. Finally I heard the roar of her motorcycle before I actually saw her. I
opened the garage door hoping she'd take the hint and pull inside. What I didn't
know was the roar of her bike had also drawn the attention of Lisette who was
gardening on the far side of her house. I couldn't see her but she definitely
saw Ronda as she rode up the street. I was focused on Ronda as she pulled up my
driveway and into the garage. I pushed the button on the remote and headed to
the door. I didn't see Lisette's head peering over the bushes at the corner of
her house.

I met Ronda in the garage. I wondered if she would still be in the apologetic
mood or whether she would simply order me to strip the way she had so many times
before. She greeted me with a warm embrace and a passionate kiss. Both were out
of character for her.

"We need to talk," she said. "Can we go inside?"

I ushered her into the living room and we sat down on the couch. Ronda did most
of the talking. She told me how bad she felt about the way she treated me. I
told her I loved the way she treated me. I was confused. She was my mistress. My
fuck buddy. My kinky protagonist. Why was she telling me I shouldn't get off by
having her abuse me?

She seemed tense and I offered to give her a back rub to relax her. She refused
saying her problem was talking about herself. She said she found it very
difficult but that her ther****t told her she had to come clean with me. Come
clean with me? That is what I knew I had to do with Jim? What had she been

It turns out plenty. Ronda went on to describe why she was such a bitch and how
her inability to surrender her past had haunted her relationships. She said she
was ready to trust me with the truth even if it meant ending our relationship. I
hung on her every word. She paused searching for the right words... “It all
started like this...” Ronda began.

I sat spellbound as Ronda told me her life's story. I felt sad for her. She grew
up a normal fun loving k**, but when she was 18 and getting ready to leave home
for college she was sexually abused by two of her cousins, one of their older
friends and her boyfriend. Ronda explained that she had been a virgin, although
not 100% pure. She had made out with boys and even given a couple of hand jobs
but had never "gone all the way" or sucked a cock.

She had never been very close with her cousins. They got along alright, but
usually only saw each other on family "state occasions" like weddings and around
the holidays. Out of the blue, one of her cousins called to invite Ronda over.
Both her cousins were freshmen in college at the time so it seemed like a good
idea to get together and talk about what she would be experiencing later that

Ronda said that besides her cousins there was a woman about 25 or 26 at their
house. She obviously was not in college anymore. The group was lying out in her
cousin's backyard sunning themselves by the pool, drinking margaritas and
talking about college life. The woman seemed very knowledgeable as did her
cousins. As the day went on, Ronda felt herself getting a little drunk. At some
point the conversation was steered to the wild sex Ronda's cousins enjoyed.
Ronda said she was uncomfortable discussing sex with her cousins since she was
still inexperienced in the ways of love, although she didn't share that with

The girls were taking turns talking about their wild experiences. Ronda tried to
fake it, but her cousins were having none of that. They busted her and started
taunting her for being a virgin. Ronda was almost in tears describing how they
taunted her. I gave her a supportive hug hoping she would continue the story.

Ronda said her cousin's friend eventually tore off her swim suit top exposing
her budding breasts. As she moved to cover herself, her cousin pulled down the
bottoms leaving her naked and defenseless. Ronda's cousins decided she needed
"an education" before going to college so the boys "wouldn't take advantage of

Now stripped naked, Ronda was forced to the ground where her trio of aggressors
took advantage of her. That afternoon she ate her first pussy. Well first three
pussies actually. She also took her cousin's dildo in both her pussy and ass
deflowering her. She was spanked and forced to lick the older woman's asshole
and as a finale, sat on a table and forced to masturbate herself to climax in
front of them.

Ronda said she'd been crying through the whole ordeal while the girls just
laughed at her. The final humiliation came when the woman's boyfriend arrived to
pick her up. Ronda was lying on the floor naked and crying. The man didn't seem
concerned for her wellbeing any more than the other girls did. Ronda could
hardly see through her tears, but her cousin had dropped to her knees and was
blowing the guy. When he was ready to cum, the older woman pulled him over to
Ronda and had him blow his load all over her prone body. Ronda told me she felt
even sicker and more degraded by being used as his cum receptacle than if he had
just fucked her. After all, she wasn’t a virgin anymore.

The man was still standing with his deflating cock hanging from his pants. Ronda
said her other cousin immediately began licking his cock while the woman told
her she was a good slut. The woman then thanked her cousins for introducing
Ronda to her. Ronda said her cousin said “it was our pleasure mistress.” She
said she didn’t know what that meant and as the woman and man were saying their
goodbyes by kissing her cousins, Ronda managed to sneak back to the bedroom
where she had left her clothes after she changed into her swimsuit. She quickly
dressed and then left her cousin's house and never went back and never talked to
them again.

I was in tears as she described how she was ****d, but Ronda wasn't done with
her story. She then told me she made a decision that day to never let anybody
hurt her again. She'd never been with a man because he should have protected her
from the assault of his girlfriend. She also took revenge on beautiful women by
beating them as a way to extract a moment of revenge on her cousins.

Ronda had been in therapy for years wrestling with her demons. She'd been
celibate for over a year before I arrived in her shop that fateful Friday night.
Apparently I looked just like one of her cousins. I asked what her ther****t
thought about all of this. Ronda said her ther****t wanted her to apologize to
everyone she had hurt through the years. She said she was starting with me. I
was dumbstruck.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked.

"Well that depends on you," she replied.

I looked at her confused.

"I think I love you," Ronda continued. "But I understand if you never want to
see me again."

I paused to think.

"I don't love you, Ronda," I told her. "But I loved the way you treated me and I
think I understand you."

"I can't treat you that way anymore."

"But I need you to treat me that way," I pleaded.

"I don't know," she replied. "I was actually going to ask you to spank me. My
ther****t said it would be good for me to experience the pain I caused other

My head was spinning. I'd never been sexually happier than when I was under
Ronda's control and now she wanted me to dominate her. I knew if I told her no,
she'd probably leave and never come back. If I told her yes, would I ever get
the same feeling with her that drew me to her in the first place? I was
conflicted, but I told her OK and that I’d try to help her.

As experienced as I was being a submissive, the dominant side didn't come
naturally. I told her to strip and then lay across my lap. She didn't hesitate.
I gave her a solid hand spanking. She didn't cry and took every blow without
resistance. I could feel her wetness begin to flow onto my legs. She was
enjoying herself. I wish I could say I was too.

I got the impression that Ronda wanted me to provide a more intimate service as
her hips began to rotate slightly on my thighs between strokes. Her breathing
was becoming labored and I wondered if I should rub her clit and get her off.
Clearly it wouldn't take much, but as I said being the dominate partner didn't
come easy to me and I was basically waiting for her to give me instructions
about what she wanted. She was topping me from the bottom and still clearly in
charge. I wondered if this is what her ther****t had in mind.

Finally with a cry Ronda begged me to finger fuck her. Her voice had the
authoritarian edge I craved and I quickly stuck three fingers inside of her.
Just as quickly she crashed over the edge and orgasmed while d****d over my lap.
She humped herself up and down on my fingers as she rode her climax. I was
finally starting to get turned on as the smell of her sex and the wetness on my
legs from her pussy started to get to me. I thought about pushing her down to
her knees and forcing her to eat me. I wondered if that is what she really
wanted or did she just want a spanking that got a little out of hand.

I decided not to care about the consequences and force her to serve me. I pushed
her down to the floor. She had still been quaking in post-orgasmic bliss so it
was easy. I stood up to take a position above her when I happened to glance at
the window. I couldn't make out a face, but there was definitely movement
outside the blinds. Somebody had been watching us. I shrieked in surprise and
sprinted to the window. My vertical blinds had been drawn, but not quite shut
completely. There was maybe an inch opening at the center. Somebody would have
had to have been in the bushes brazenly peering into my window to see anything.

I left Ronda on the floor and went outside. All was quiet and I didn't see
anybody running up the street. I took a quick walk around the perimeter but
didn't see anybody hiding in the bushes or around my neighbor's house. I did
find shoe prints in the dirt by my living room window. They were Nike shoes. I
could make out the logo in the impression. They were small shoes too. Either
some neighborhood k** saw us for more likely one of the women in group had been
spying on us. Now what was I going to do?

I had my former mistress in a submissive post-orgasmic heap in my living room, a
peeping Tom who saw me get her off, a husband who was cheating with my neighbor
and a group of mistresses who, while they knew how to make me cum, didn't
satisfy my core being like being Ronda’s sub did. What else could happen today?
As it turned out plenty as I saw Jim’s car turn the corner and head down the

The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 12
By Tappy McWidestance
A wave of panic washed over me when I saw Jim's car. He'd be here in 30 seconds
and would see Ronda's motorcycle in the garage. I had to think and think fast.
Ronda was still in a heap on the floor. She was naked and still recovering from
her orgasm. What was I going to do?
I was frozen at the window watching Jim approach. My mind was racing. Maybe it
was meant to be that I'd be caught and finally confess my transgressions to him.
I yelled back to Ronda to get dressed, but she didn't acknowledge me. I was
starting to freak out. I yelled at her again to grab her clothes and get into
the bathroom to dress. Still no movement. I saw Jim's car pull into the driveway
and heard the garage door go up. I was screwed. I quickly grabbed Ronda's
clothes and took her by the wrist dragging her to the powder room.
"Get your clothes on and whatever story I come up with, go with it," I told her.
I shut the door and quickly looked at myself in the hall mirror to make sure I
was presentable. Jim still had not come into the house. I imagined he was in the
garage wondering about the motorcycle and ready to burst in on me and whatever
guy I was hiding. I decided to beat him to the punch and walked over to the
garage door. He still had not come inside, so I went outside. Jim was standing
in the driveway. Judy and Lisette were with him. Things were not getting easier
for me.
"Hi Jim," I called to him trying to sound normal.
"So who owns the bike?" he asked.
"That's my friend Ronda's," I replied trying to sound casual. "She doesn't like
to park it in the sun so I told her to pull it in the garage."
That sounded like a good excuse to me.
Lisette chimed in. "I saw her pull up about an hour ago." She also gave me a wry
little smile outside of Jim's field of view.
"She's having a hard time. She just broke up with her lover and needed to talk,"
I offered.
"I don't think I know any Rondas," Jim stated with a quizzical look. "Where do
you know her from?"
"Oh, we work together," I lied. "We've been friends for a while, but I don't
think you met her at any of the work parties."
Jim seemed satisfied with the answer. Judy quickly changed the tone of the
conversation to neighbor talk asking Jim about his recommendation on some kind
of planter or another. She made an excuse of showing him something on the side
of their house and like an obedient idiot, he followed her.
"I think you got away with it," Lisette said giving me a scowl. "At least for
Instantly I knew it was her I saw in the window.
"Lisette let me explain."
"No need to. My hubby will be out golfing tomorrow. I expect you at my house at
9am," she said before she turned and walked away.
I didn't have a chance to respond. I was still panicking. If Lisette knew I was
lying then so did Judy. She might be telling Jim right now. I had to get back to
Ronda and get her on board. I sprinted back into the garage. Just as I reached
the door, Ronda emerged looking none the worse for wear.
"I think I'd better get going," she said.
"You have to meet my husband first," I responded. "I told him you were a friend
from work who just broke up with her lover and you needed to talk."
"Did I just break up with my lover?" she asked. She had a softness in her eyes I
had not seen before.
"Not yet," I told her. "But my neighbor Lisette saw us together and wants to
talk about it tomorrow. If she knows then my neighbor Judy probably knows.
Judy's on the side of the house with my husband. She's also having an affair
with him."
Ronda stood there taking it all in. She didn't say a word but I could tell she
was thinking that if my hubby was fucking around, what was I worried about that
somebody would find out about us? I didn't tell her than Lisette and Judy were
part of the Mistress Club.
"Well introduce me to this husband of yours," Ronda announced as she walked out
of the garage, her motorcycle helmet cradled in her arm.
I took a deep breath and followed her out of the garage. We turned the corner
and found Judy discussing her garden with Jim. I could think of nothing Jim
would hate more than discussing our neighbor's garden. Unless, of course, that
wasn't all they were discussing and Judy was promising him more sexual thrills
to come.
We interrupted their conversation and introduced Ronda. Jim was pleasant and
friendly. Judy was outwardly nice, but I could tell she was appraising Ronda as
a threat or possibly a potential conquest. Ronda thanked Jim for lending me to
her saying that she really needed a friendly ear that morning. Jim seemed to be
buying our story and told her to come back anytime. Ronda roared out of the
driveway and Jim and I said goodbye to Judy and went inside.
Jim pressed me for more information on Ronda. I must say I told a good tale and
he seemed at ease. I asked how his golf went. I knew he was home hours early,
but I didn't ask directly about that. I figured asking that question was an
admission that I was doing something I didn't want him to know about. He said he
had tweaked his back hitting out of a sand trap and had to quit. I played the
part of loving wife and offered him a back rub. He moved to sit on the couch,
but I skillfully maneuvered him to the bedroom instead. I didn't want him
catching Ronda's scent.
We spent the rest of the day doing husband and wife stuff. We ran some errands
and worked around the house. I was trying to be the perfect wife, although my
thoughts were with Lisette and Ronda. That night, we made love. Well, maybe not
love, we had sex. a****l sex. Jim was far more aggressive than usual. I loved
it, of course, but I did wonder where he was getting his inspiration. I was
tempted to ask, but he wore me out and I fell asleep pretty quickly.
The next morning Jim got out of bed early. I watched him through groggy eyes as
he stretched and twisted.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"My back feels pretty good. I'm going to go golfing," he replied.
That was good as far as I was concerned.
"OK. Can I ask you a question about last night?"
"Sure hon. Fire away."
"It's just that you seemed, how do I say this, not like yourself. You were more
"I don't know. Was that a good thing? I guess I was inspired."
"It was a great thing. I was just wondering, what inspired you?"
Jim started acting evasive. He clearly didn't want to tell me.
"It's OK Jim," I told him. "I will not get mad. Was it Judy and her tiny little
shorts she was wearing?"
"No. It wasn't Judy."
I figured he was lying about that.
"Was it Lisette?"
Jim looked disgusted as he realized I wasn't going to stop asking.
"It was your friend Ronda," he finally admitted.
"Ronda? What about her?" I asked.
"Do we have to talk about this?" he responded.
"Yes we have to talk about this. I'm not mad at you. I liked you being more
aggressive. I'm just trying to figure out what I can do to make you be that way
more often."
Jim seemed to like that last comment.
"I've always had a thing for a woman in leather or on a motorcycle. I was
picturing you dressed in leather."
Interesting, I thought. Jim had never told me about his thing for women dressed
in leather, although now that he said that I could remember his reactions to
seeing women on motorcycles or dressed that way in movies hinting at his
"Ronda rides a lot," I offered. "Come to think of it she wears leather often at
I could see I had piqued Jim's interest. I could probably use this to my
advantage in coming out to him. I had hatched a plan that the best way to tell
him about my needs was to show him. Perhaps I could talk Ronda into a three way
with Jim. He was ready to head out so I let the conversation drop until I could
formulate a more complete plan. I also looked at my watch and realized I had to
get down to Lisette's house.
I watched Jim as he pulled out of the driveway. To my surprise he was the first
one from our family to stop at Lisette's house as her husband walked outside
with his golf clubs. I felt my knees go weak. That meant we had at least 5 hours
alone. I wondered what Lisette had in store for me.
I didn't have long to wait before I had to walk down to her house. Yesterday she
had ordered me to be there by 9. Her tone seemed out of character since she'd
always been very quiet and submissive. Since she caught me with Ronda, however,
she seemed different. Maybe it was because she felt she had the upper hand. I
rang her doorbell right on time. She answered the door wearing a black mesh
robe. It was obvious she was naked underneath.
"Good morning Tina. Come on in."
She led me to their kitchen where she had coffee and toast ready to serve. She
was obviously ready for sex and after pouring the coffee, our conversation
started exactly on that subject.
"So who was that woman in your house yesterday?" she asked.
I tried to be coy saying Ronda was a friend, but Lisette was having none of
that. She said friends don't hide their motorcycles in the garage, take their
clothes off or get spanked. It was obvious she had been the person I saw at the
window. I tried to convince her that wasn't what happened, but I was not
"Look Tina, I don't care who she was and I'm not going to tell Sharon or the
other mistresses. I need your help."
I paused. I'm sure I had a confused look on my face.
"I really want to tell Chuck about Suzy. He's so passive in bed. I love him and
don't want to leave him, but I need him to fuck me better or I'll go crazy."
I'd never known her husband's name. Jim had never mentioned it and I'd never
actually met him. I realized that we were living parallel lives.
"You know, I feel the same way about Jim, although I must say after he met Ronda
he was much better in bed last night. Apparently he has a thing about leather,"
I said giggling a bit on the last sentence.
We spent the morning talking although I knew she caught me several times staring
at her sexy lingerie.
"I wore this to seduce you," Lisette admitted. "Is it working?"
I nodded.
"After I saw you spank that woman yesterday, I wanted you to spank me."
I told her that my relationship with Ronda was way more complicated than what
she saw. I told her that although I had spanked Ronda, I didn't really enjoy it
and that Ronda was usually the one who beat me.
"Would she spank me?" Lisette asked.
I wasn't sure what to say. Before yesterday I would have said yes and sent her
over to the garage. But after Ronda's confession and apology I wasn't sure.
"I don't know," I said truthfully. "She's kind of confused right now about what
she wants."
"Would you spank me, Tina? I've been dreaming about it all night and all
morning. I've been wet ever since you walked in the door."
Again I paused trying to think about what I should do.
"I'll spank you Lisette, but only if you agree to spank me too," I offered.
I figured that was an offer she couldn't refuse and she didn't. She led me from
the kitchen to her bedroom and gently helped me remove my clothes. She then
dropped her robe and went to her dresser drawer.
"I bought these from Suzy hoping Chuck would use them on me. But so far I have
not been able to bring myself to talk to him about it."
I watched as she produced a leather ping pong paddle and a pair of leather
cuffs. She handed both items to me and in her best submissive voice told me to
punish her. She hopped up on the bed and lay on her stomach with her hands
crossed behind her back. I wondered if I looked as silly to Ronda as she just
did to me. With the reluctance gone, there seemed to be an element of nastiness
missing. Of course that didn't stop me from cuffing her hands.
I pulled her butt up and ordered her to keep her ass high in the air for her
punishment. The paddle was very effective. It was much firmer and had a much
larger contact area than a hand would. Lisette came to life with the first blow.
After a few relatively soft swats to put some color in her ass cheeks, she began
to beg for more force. I was surprised she didn't cry. I could feel the heat
rising from her ass. I knew she must be soaking in her juices, a fact I quickly
confirmed with my index finger on my right hand. She moaned as soon as I made
contact with her pussy.
"Oh, mistress," she begged. "There's a dildo in the drawer. Please fuck me."
I gave her another swat with the paddle. "I'm not your mistress slut. You're
doing this just because you’re a nasty whore."
I wasn't sure where that language came from, but Lisette appeared to love it.
She started humping her hips trying to get my finger back inside her. Instead I
just teased her outer lips and gave her clit just enough attention to keep her
begging. She was so cute under my control. With Ronda yesterday I didn't enjoy
being on top, but with Lisette, something was different. Maybe it was because
she was so much younger than me. Maybe it was because she'd never made me
submit. Whatever the reason, I was very aroused at my ability to tease her and
make her beg.
"Where do you keep your dildos tramp," I hissed at her.
"In the bottom drawer, mistress. The same place I had the paddle."
I spanked her again. "I told you I'm not your mistress." She just moaned.
I got off the bed and retrieved her dildo. It wasn't very big, but my finger had
confirmed that she was pretty tight so it probably worked well for her. I didn't
make her wait. I pushed it into her pussy with one stroke. She threw her head
back in ecstasy. I didn't let her enjoy it. I pulled it back out and reached
around her head pushing the dildo into her mouth.
"Taste what you have been giving away. Does your husband make you blow him after
he's been inside of you?"
Lisette tried to answer my question but I had no idea what she said. Her voice
was muffled by the dildo I had jammed into her throat. Still her body language
made it clear that she was enjoying herself. I was becoming more aroused at
having this beautiful creature under my control. I knew I could make her cum at
any time, but I also remembered what my mistress taught me. Mistresses always
cum first. I decided I could tease Lisette some more and have my own pleasure
doing it. I threw off the pillows from her bed and sat down in front of her head
and spread my legs. She was about 5 inches away from my pussy. She also had an
up close and personal look as I slowly pushed her own dildo into my steaming
"You wish I was doing this to you, don't you?" I teased.
Lisette could only watch and nod.
"Oh, this feels so good," I continued. I wasn't lying. It did feel good and not
just the fact that I was penetrating myself but the fact that Lisette was
submissively hanging of every word.
"Maybe I should dress you in leather and give you to my husband as a gift?" I
asked rhetorically.
I could tell Lisette was conflicted. Her pussy was drooling and her ass was on
fire. She would have gladly buried her face in my pussy and got me off if I
hadn't positioned myself just out of her reach.
"No Tina, I don't want to cheat on Chuck. I want you to help me with him."
"So you want me to cheat on Jim so you don't have to cheat on Chuck? That
doesn't sound very fair," I countered.
I was fucking myself good by this point. My pussy was all squishy. Lisette's
focus was riveted on the dildo sliding in and out. I knew I could get her to do
anything at that moment.
"Roll over and let me ride your tongue. If you make me cum good, I'll consider
your offer to help you with Chuck."
Lisette didn't hesitate. In a flash she was on her back. Like a good submissive
she kept her legs spread. I assumed she thought I might use the dildo to keep
her pussy happy as I sat on the face and ground my pussy into her mouth. I might
have done just that if her tongue had not been so talented. Suzy had obviously
taught her well and in no time I showered her face with my affection.
As I rolled off of her she gave me a look of pure lust. Her face was glistening
with my pussy juice and she begged me with her eyes to finish her off. I wasn't
ready just yet. Oh, I did slide her dildo back into her pussy, but I didn't fuck
her. I just let it sit there. I then got back off the bed standing as best my
wobbly legs would allow. I went back to her dresser while she began to rock back
and forth attempting to move the dildo and trying to get a little pressure on
her clit.
I found a pair of cotton panties in her drawer. I wanted regular panties not a
thong for what I had planned. To Lisette's dismay I slid the panties over her
legs and up around her bottom. They held the dildo tight. I then had her stand
up. I found a dress in her closet. It wasn't anything particularly sexy, but it
was light weight. It came down right about to her knees. I released her wrists
from the cuffs and had her put on the dress. I then recuffed her hands. I could
tell she was confused.
"We need to talk about how we are going to involve our husbands. I'm not going
to cheat on Jim and you should not cheat on Chuck. The only solution is to
involve them both. We're going to go to my house and discuss it."
I wanted to do this for one very good reason. I knew Lisette was primed and
ready to cum. I also knew walking to my house with her pussy leaking around the
dildo would take her even higher. I had a good idea what we should do with the
boys but I figured if she was even more desperate to cum it wouldn't hurt. Also
I was really enjoying teasing her and didn't want to stop.
Once we got outside, Lisette seemed to be in a hurry to get to our house. I'm
sure she figured the quicker she made the trip, the sooner she'd be allowed to
cum. I, on the other hand, preferred the leisurely approach. I'd been
conditioned to hold off from cumming as long as possible and wanted to make her
wait. I saw Judy working on her flower garden again and was tempted to involve
her. I wondered how Jim would react if I brought her over as his play toy too.
But just as I was about to decide that was a good idea, I had a vision of the
boys picking her and Lisette and leaving me out as the third wheel. No, that
wasn't a very good plan. Judy did look up and notice us, but we didn't go over
to talk to her. We just gave her a friendly wave and disappeared into the house.
This time I was careful not to position my partner in the living room where
prying eyes could catch a glimpse. Instead I took Lisette down to our basement.
With her safe from Judy's view, I could have my way with her without worrying
about the mistresses getting a detailed report. I also figured the basement
would fuel her submissive fire.
As we got downstairs, for the first time I started seeing the erotic
possibilities of the space. The exposed rafters were perfect for suspension
bondage, sound wouldn't be a problem and the lack of windows could make sensory
deprivation play an option. I started thinking of our basement as a potential
We had a couple of folding chairs stored against the wall so I grabbed one and
set it up. I then told Lisette to strip, but not to touch the dildo. In a flash,
she was naked. She stood before me waiting for my next command. Unfortunately I
wasn't sure what that command should be. I ended up sitting down and once again
put her over my lap. As soon as she was in position she began grinding her hips
on my knee in an obvious effort to get herself off. The dildo was poking
tantalizingly out of her puffy pussy. I took hole of her arms and pinned them
behind her back. She gave no resistance to my actions and I felt a surge of
power. I wondered if this was what my mistress felt when I lay over her lap.
Lisette's ass was still pink from my earlier spanking, although the fire red
hand prints I left before had faded. She continued to grind herself on my knee
so I gave her a hard swat to get her attention. She moaned and stopped trying to
get herself off.
"Slaves only cum when given permission," I scolded her. "Didn't your mistress
teach you that?"
"Yes mam, she did," Lisette whimpered. She then coyly added, "But she needs to
remind me all the time."
I caught on to her game. She liked being punished, something I could certainly
understand, and was egging me on. I, however, didn't want to play that game.
Instead of spanking her, I grabbed the base of the dildo and slowly began to
pull it out of her.
"Your mistress may like to punish you for being a cum slut, but I have another
plan. We're here to discuss what to do with our husbands not to make my hand
sore. So, you are going to lay there and not hump my leg. I will fuck you with
this dildo and if we come up with a good plan for Chuck and Jim, I'll let you
cum. That's my offer and it's non-negotiable."
I was playing this by ear. I didn't know if I was pushing her too far. Lisette
responded by slowing and then stopping her hips from humping my leg. I responded
by slowly, as slowly as I could in fact, pushing the dildo back into her
overheating pussy. She moaned. I was pretty sure she wasn't going to be much
good to me developing our husband plan so I just gave her what I had been
"The mistresses had Judy seduce Jim to make sure he'd be compliant when the time
came for him to find out about my needs," I began. I was currently drawing the
dildo back out of her pussy as slowly as I had pushed it in and I questioned
whether she was really hearing me or not.
"I assume they did the same with Chuck so neither of them should be too
resistant to having a little swap party. I suggest we have an informal dinner
party. Since the boys have become friends from golfing this would not seem out
of the ordinary. We could even suggest going away as couples to a resort. They
could golf while we get pampered. At dinner we'll have some drinks. We'll be
sober but we'll play up that were drunk and don't know what we're doing."
I was getting turned on by speaking my plan. Playing with Lisette's pussy wasn't
hurting my mood either. I kept fucking her so slowly that she'd not cum and I
could tell she was getting majorly frustrated.
"After dinner we'll offer to play some board games for something. We'll play
girls against the guys. They'll probably make some joke about playing for
blowjobs or something. We'll up the ante and tell them if they lose we get to
spank them. It will be a blow to their masculinity and they will do their best
to win. Of course we'll lose on purpose and get them to spank us. How does that
Lisette was unable to answer through her moaning. I couldn't tell if she had
heard a word I said, but I took pity on her and began to fuck her in earnest.
She began to go off like a rocket humping my leg and screaming as her orgasm
overtook her. My own pussy was dripping as she continued to press her clit into
my knee and rock back and forth. She was out of control. I could guess Suzy had
her hands full with this slave and questioned whether mild mannered Chuck could
handle her. I pushed her down to the cold concrete floor, stood up, removed my
own clothes and pressed my pussy against her mouth. Even if our plan never came
to fruition, I was at least going to have her service me again.
Lisette was definitely skilled in the oral arts. I was turned on by teasing her
and she didn't have to work too long before I came on her face again. She was so
cute and innocent looking as she lay beneath me glistening in the dim light of
the incandescent bulb. We'd had a good morning. Now we just had to implement my
plan and I still had to deal with Ronda...
I waited patiently for Jim to return from golfing. I ended up talking for over
an hour with Ronda. I told her my plan and he laughed asking if guys were really
that stupid to fall for a bet like that. She asked why we didn't just tell them
we wanted to get spanked and go from there. She told me to just pull down
Chuck's pants and suck him off while Lisette did the same to Jim. I told her for
a girl who'd never fucked a guy she sure had a lot of ideas.
"Look Tina," she told me. "You know I don't beat around the bush. Just tell your
husband you know about Judy and that you are submissive and want him to be more
dominant over you. If he loves you, he'll do it."
I told her that made a lot of sense, but I was scared. I admitted that I'd
rather have him think it was his idea and if I could get him to spank me and
then admit that I liked it, things would be better. She disagreed. I joked that
maybe she should come over and help explain things to him. Ronda didn't find the
humor in that. She called my bluff and asked what time he'd be back from
golfing. I tried to back pedal on my suggestion, but Ronda was having none of
that. Aggressive Ronda was coming back into the conversation and I eventually
wilted under her interrogation and told her he'd be home in about a half an
hour. She said that didn't leave her much time to prepare but that she would be
over as soon as she could. She then hung up the phone before I could protest. I
tried calling her back, but her phone went straight to voicemail. I didn't know
what to do. I was not ready for this confrontation. If Jim got home before
Ronda, I'd have to get him out of the house before she arrived. How do I get
myself into these messes?
I paced back and forth in the living room. I worried endlessly about what was
about to happen. I worried about Lisette and Chuck. I worried about Judy. I
worried about Sharon. I bit my fingernails and I thought about opening a bottle
of wine. In the end I just sat down and tried to slow my heartbeat which had
begun to run out of control. Eventually I heard the garage door opening. I had
reached another decision time. Should I hustle Jim out or wait for Ronda?
As it turns out, I didn't get the chance to make that decision. Before Jim came
through the door, I heard the roar of Ronda's motorcycle coming up the street.
It was time to come clean. I could only pray that Jim was receptive to my new
I continued to sit in the living room and wait. Jim didn't come through the door
and the sound of the motorcycle got louder and more insistent. Finally it roared
up onto the driveway. Still Jim didn't come through the door. He must be talking
to Ronda outside. Still I waited. What was she telling him?
Each minute seemed like an hour. Ronda had not left. I could tell that because I
didn't hear her ride off. Jim obviously had not left because Ronda had not come
inside alone. What was happening?
I wanted to go to the garage. But I also didn't want to face Jim until I knew
his reaction. I figured if they both came inside, all was well. If it was just
Jim or just Ronda, the news would not be good. I struggled to hear any sounds
from the garage. There was no yelling and there was no screaming. Finally I
couldn't take it anymore. I had to know so I walked into the garage. Jim's car
was there and Ronda's motorcycle was in the driveway, but neither of them was
standing there. Where were they?
As Jim later explained to me, he pulled into the garage and as he was getting
out of the car, he heard the straight pipes on Ronda's Harley. He turned to see
who was riding on our street and was surprised to see Ronda pull back into the
driveway. He obviously remembered her from her leather outfit yesterday. That
was the outfit that drove him to make a****l love to me.
Today Ronda was again wearing leather pants, boots and a jacket. Under her
jacket, however, she was only wearing a leather bra which served up an ample
amount of cleavage which she displayed by keeping the top of her jacket
unzipped. Jim was a goner as soon as she rode up. He didn't admit it, but I bet
he was hard.
Ronda told me that Jim tried to flirt with her, but she put a quick stop to
that. He then questioned why she was there again and she bluntly told him we
were having an affair. I obviously could never admit that so plainly. Ronda said
Jim was upset and said he didn't believe it, so Ronda defended me and told him
not to be so indignant since she knew he was having an affair with Judy. She
said that took the wind out of his sails.
Ronda said she then explained that I had a deep need to be dominated and that I
had been seduced into a lesbian DS relationship with her. Apparently Jim was
dumbstruck. Ronda continued and told him that I still loved him very much and
that what I needed more than anything was for him to take control of me. She
said I wanted to be his slave and that I accepted his affair with Judy, but he
had to accept her submission to her mistress.
Apparently that entire conversation occurred just before I went into the garage.
At that time Judy happened to come home and Jim had the foresight to ask if she
was involved. Ronda said she didn't know all the details, but yes. Jim then led
Ronda over to Judy's garage where after some initial denials, Judy not knowing
who Ronda was, later confirmed the existence and structure of the mistress club.
She also admitted that her involvement with Jim was in order to insure his
compliance with the group.
Apparently this was a bit much for Jim as I saw him walk back to our house
alone. I met him in the garage and he took my hand and we walked back inside. We
sat next to each other on the couch, held hands and looked into each other's
eyes. Soon after I heard Ronda's motorcycle pulling out of the driveway.
Jim and I had the kind of deep intimate conversation that you would expect to
have with your spouse but which so rarely happens. In the end we both agreed to
forgive each other for our past infidelities. I did my best to explain my need
to be submissive and he said he would try to be the kind of lover I needed. I
told him I didn't know if I could give up the mistress club or Ronda. I told him
I wasn't keen on him fucking Judy, but if that was the cost of seeing Ronda and
the group, I could live with it. He said as of this afternoon, he and Judy were
through. Apparently he didn't like the lie their relationship was based on. I
can't say that I blame him.
Finally when we were all talked out, I gave him a tear filled hug and told him
that I loved him. He told me to strip. I froze for a moment shocked at what he
had said. He told him such hesitation from a slave was reason for punishment. I
started to feel myself get wet. I wanted to test him to see if he'd really
punish me, but I was also turned on by his change in demeanor so I quickly shed
my clothes.
He began by giving me a playful spanking. It wasn't strong enough for my tastes,
but I figured he was new to all this. Still I was turned on so I waited to see
what he asked for next. He did finger me briefly and called me some dirty names
for getting wet like I was. It all seemed so foreign coming from him. He just
wasn't right in the roll.
Finally he stood up, dropped his pants and ordered me to blow him. His voice
lacked conviction, but I followed his lead anyway. I dropped to my knees in
front of him and gave him a loving suck job. I wanted him to fuck me, but
apparently I was too good with my oral pleasure as he surprised me with a
mouthful of man goo. He was clearly finished as his cock deflated and he sunk
back into the couch. I whined that I had not cum yet and he told me slaves
shouldn't complain. At least he was talking the talk even if he wasn't walking
the walk. That night he did fuck me and with the aid of my trusty vibrating egg,
I finally had a soul quaking orgasm. He managed to hold back until after I came
and then deposited a reduced load onto my face.
We fell asleep in each other's arms and were out all night. The next morning we
woke for work. I told him I usually had to be in my mistress' office by 7:30 to
lick her pussy. He said to go ahead, but to be ready to be fucked when I came
home. There was no problem there.
At work Sharon knew about the conversation Judy had with Jim. So did Linda. Both
were apparently fine with what had happened. I couldn't tell if they knew about
Ronda and I didn't bring it up. As usual, I serviced both women during the day.
They both, along with Toni under Sharon's orders, teased me into a frenzy. Both
of my mistresses said if I was going to submit to Jim, I should be prepared to
give it my best. I was ready to fuck when I got home. Fortunately so was he. He
must have done some research during the day because he seemed much more
knowledgeable the second time around. He even fingered me to an orgasm after
spanking me before he made me slurp down another load from his balls. While
spanking me he had me tell him about my fantasies and what new things I still
wanted to experience.
I couldn't tell him I'd done just about everything I could think of so I let it
slip that Lisette wanted help coming out to her husband about her submission.
Apparently Jim really liked this idea as he dropped me to the floor and took me
by force. I had another delicious orgasm describing how innocent little Lisette
was really a submissive hellcat. Jim was pumping me like a wild man before he
again pulled out and showered me with his seed. This was becoming a habit I
didn't really like, but since he was in charge, I didn't say a word.
After he had finished with me he didn't let me clean up the gooified mess that I
had become. He told me a slut should wear her man's load with pride. Where did
that come from? He'd never talked like that to me. He had me call Lisette while
his cum ran down my body. I felt like such a slut. I told Lisette that Jim was
hip to our little plan and that he wanted to help. She asked if tomorrow night
was OK to get together since if we waited she thought she might chicken out.
I gave Jim the good news. I also mentioned how overnight he seemed to have
learned about how I liked to be treated. Jim admitted he did a little research
letting it slip that he had his car worked on this afternoon. I took that as a
coded reference that he had talked to Ronda.
"So how's Ronda?" I asked.
"She's fine. She sends her regards. You really did some interesting things with
her," he replied.
I wondered just how much she had shared about our relationship. I let it slide
for the time being, but later that night I questioned him about what they talked
about. It turns out Ronda didn't tell him our history, but instead concentrated
on some of the basic moves a dominant would make on his submissive. She said Jim
had to learn about me and both what he enjoyed and what I enjoyed.
"She also volunteered to come over and give me a hands on lesson," he said.
"Hands on?" I repeated.
"Very hands on," he replied.
We were set to swing with Lisette and her husband tomorrow and now Jim was
telling me he had been arranging a three-way with Ronda. For an inexperienced
guy, he was certainly taking charge fast.
For the next 24 hours I wondered how our "date" would go with Lisette and Chuck.
Since Jim was in on our plan, I figured our odds of success went up greatly. Jim
told me to dress as slutty as I could in an effort to get Chuck to flirt with
me. Jim said he wouldn't flirt with Lisette, but that he looked forward to
spanking her and then fucking her. I was surprised that I felt a little jealousy
toward her, although I said nothing.
Finally at 7pm I heard the doorbell ring. I took a deep breath and headed to the
door. I was teetering on 4 inch stiletto heels and wearing a loose fitting skirt
which ended a few inches above my knees. At Jim's insistence I wasn't wearing
underwear. My pussy had been wet since I first started getting dressed and I
could feel my lips sloshing as I walked. Up top I wore a blouse unbuttoned to
just past my breasts. The blouse was very tight so I didn't have to worry about
my breasts flopping out, but Jim made sure I wore a push-up bra to expose a
generous amount of cleavage. I'd never dressed like this for a dinner party. It
made me horny as hell and I was dreaming that Lisette and Chuck would take one
look at me, tear off my clothes, throw me to the floor and fuck the shit out of
me. As it turns out, I wasn't far off.
I opened the door to find Lisette completely disheveled. She looked like she had
just been rode hard and put away wet. Her make-up was smeared, her hair was a
mess, her skirt was crooked and her blouse's buttons were missing as if they had
been torn off. She had a look of satisfaction on her face. She didn't say a word
but wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a deep passionate kiss. I
couldn't see either Chuck or Jim, but I'm sure they were enjoying the show.
Although I couldn't see Chuck, as soon as our tongues met, I could taste him.
Lisette apparently had taken his discharge and been ordered not to swallow it
until she could share it with me during the kiss. I should have been repulsed. I
wasn't. While we were still kissing I felt Jim begin to lift my skirt and rub my
"I felt bad that you girls were going to play a trick on Chuck so I tipped him
off. If you slide your hands under Lisette's skirt you will find her ass has
been warmed for our pleasure and she has agreed to be our plaything for the
Immediately I slid my hands under her skirt while continuing to swap spit with
her and enjoying Chuck's creamy goodness. Jim wasn't k**ding. Chuck must have
given her a good paddling. I also found a butt plug stretching her asshole. I
felt a second wave of jealousy only this time it was because I had not been
spanked yet.
Lisette and I continued to make out while Jim slowly stripped me of my clothes
and Chuck did the same to Lisette. I was getting seriously turned on sucking
face with her while our husbands prepared us to be used for their pleasure.
After we were both naked, Jim led me to the couch while Chuck positioned Lisette
on her knees between my legs. They must have discussed this ahead of time
because she dove into my pussy without any words being spoken. She found me wet
and inviting and I found her enthusiastic and talented.
While the boys were enjoying the lez scene playing out in front of them, they
stripped off their clothes. I was arching my back as Lisette ate my pussy and
hit all the right pleasure spots. This put my head in just the right position
for Jim to slide his rapidly hardening cock into my mouth. My head was bent back
uncomfortably, but he didn't seem to care. Apparently his only concern was
getting to full hardness.
My eyes were focused on the look of lust on his face as he alternated looked at
me and at Lisette. Most of Lisette's sounds were of a happy rug muncher, but I
did hear her squeal at one point. The sound coincided with a big smile from Jim
and I wondered what Chuck was doing to her. I was soon able to find out as Jim
popped his cock out of my mouth allowing me to pull my head forward and look
down. As I took a deep breath refreshing what his cock had denied, I saw the
butt plug lying on the floor and Chuck finger fucking Lisette's ass. I also saw
a tube of lube on the floor. Apparently Chuck was being a good husband and was
preparing his wife to be ass fucked by another man. Lisette almost had me coming
by this point as I watched Jim walk over to Chuck. Jim's hard-on was bobbing out
in front of him and almost hit Chuck in the face as Chuck gave Lisette a final
spank and began to stand up.
I'd seen Jim fuck another woman before, at least through a video link, but
having it live in front of my while that woman was servicing my pussy was too
much. I felt Lisette howl into my pussy as Jim began to push his rock hard rod
into her ass. I'm not even sure how to describe the look on her face. She was in
obvious pain, but she was also glistening with my juices. She paused only long
enough for my husband to bury his cock to the hilt and begin to pull back out
before she resumed her attention to my pretty kitty. From the next flick of her
tongue, I was climaxing.
I grabbed her hair and held her face tight to my pussy as she had no choice but
to go along for the ride. I was looking at Jim as he sawed his cock up her butt
as I ground my pussy against her face. It was savage. It was primal. It wore me
Devoid of energy, I slumped back down on the couch. I was surprised Jim had not
already deposited his load deep inside her. I noticed Chuck had taken up a
position standing next to his wife. He took my wrist and pulled me up long
enough to reposition me on the other end of the couch. He then sat where I had
been sitting and fed his dick to his wife's waiting mouth. She looked pleased to
be receiving his cock while I suddenly felt alone and empty. Even though I had
just enjoyed a massive climax, I felt my pussy begin to flow again. Watching the
two men skewer Lisette reenergized me. Drawn my own lusts, my fingers found
their way to my clit and nipples as instinct took over. I sat on the couch not
feeling jealousy as my husband fucked another woman's ass but feeling relief
that I could finally be myself with him.
I began to moan. Lisette was probably moaning too, but her husband's cock was
preventing any sounds except the slurp of saliva from being heard. Watching Jim,
I knew he would soon blow his load. I'd seen that look too many times when he
was on top of me. I began fingering myself faster and pinching my nipples. I
wanted to cum again when he did. I was getting lost in the situation when I was
brought back to reality by the snapping of fingers. Focusing back on Jim I saw
him snap his fingers and point to the ground next to Lisette. Then he snapped
his fingers again this time using his eyes to tell me he meant business.
I quickly dropped to the floor and took up a position next to Lisette's rear
end. Almost immediately Jim grabbed my hair and pulled his cock out of her ass.
He twisted his hips and pulled my head. The first spurt from his cock whizzed
past my ear. The carpet was going to be sticky. The second hit me in the nose
and droplets splattered across my face. By the time the third jet rocketed from
his man tool, my mouth was open and being pulled at high speed toward his cock
and its job as a cum receptacle.
His cock tasted of ass. It wasn't as bad as I had expected. Maybe Chuck had
given her an enema before they came over. But I could definitely tell where it
had been as four or five additional cum bombs hit the back of my neck. As he
finished shooting, Jim pushed his cock deeper for the first time forcing me to
deep throat him. I had not prepared and began to choke. He took mercy on me and
pulled himself to a more manageable (for me) position and ordered me to clean
him off. As I did, I resumed fingering my pussy. My eyes were focused completely
on my husband and I didn't even notice that Chuck had finished with Lisette. I
felt a finger tap my shoulder and then felt Jim pulling out of my mouth.
I turned toward the tap and a very angry looking cock was presenting itself at
mouth level. I was at first surprised that Chuck had not finished in his wife's
mouth, but then again, I probably should not have been. From the corner of my
eye I could see Lisette lying on the floor. She was staring into space trying to
recover and didn't seem the least bit interested that her husband was now
fucking my face. I kept one hand busy stroking his cock as he treated my mouth
like it was a pussy sawing his way in and out and one hand on my clit trying
desperately to cum again.
Jim apparently had other ideas. Quick as a flash, he grabbed my wrist and
brought it behind my back. He then took the hand I'd been using to message Chuck
and pulled it behind me. Before I realized what was happening, I felt the click
of a pair of handcuffs. Where was he hiding those?
I didn't have long to ponder that question. Whether he had been struggling to
hold on or whether the site of me with my arms secured was enough to push him
over the edge, Chuck unloaded himself on my face. His cum splattered from right
between my eyes. I tried to take what I could in my mouth, but he seemed
determine to aim from maximum facial content. Soon cum was dripping off my chin
and onto my chest and I could do nothing to stop it or clean myself up. I felt
dirty and degraded, yet also alive and happy. I could have done without the boys
high fiving each other above me. That was a bit much as Lisette and I had given
them both a very rare gift.
I looked back at Lisette. She still wasn't stirring apparently shagged out for
the moment. I was tired, but my nerves were tingling. I was ready for more. I
knew Jim still struggled with being aggressive at time, so I decided to egg him
on. Perhaps, please oh please, he would try to prove his manhood in front of
From my kneeling position with another man's jizz dripping off my face, I looked
at Jim and said, "Is that all you've got?"
Maybe that wasn't the best idea I've ever had. Maybe I could have phrased it
better. But it got the desired result. For the rest of the night, I was the
center of attention, not Lisette. She recovered soon enough to join us. By that
time, though, her husband had lubed my ass and stuck her plug up my butt to
"loosen" me up. I'd had plenty of anal sex with the mistresses, but I didn't
want Chuck to know. If he did he would have also had to know Lisette had most
certainly been used that way too. I figured it was better to fake the discomfort
instead of celebrating the joy of finally having something up my ass.
I was repositioned on my knees with my face buried in the sofa seat cushions as
the butt plug was rammed home. My wrists were still cuffed behind my back and
offered no protection as the boys each took one ass cheek and turned them first
pink, then red and finally I was sure black and blue.
At some point I was pulled back and Lisette dropped down on the couch in front
of me so I could return the favor and munch on her up until now unused pussy.
Like I had been before, she was juicy and inviting. Also like I had been before,
her vocalization left little doubt that I was doing a fine job. Only this time
instead of being ass fucked like she had been, I was being spanked. In fact
neither man used her mouth to get himself hard again. I guess they needed a
rest. My ass was quickly getting to the point of needing a rest too as their
palms continued to rain down on my backside.
Fortunately Lisette finally came which ended the spanking. As soon as she calmed
down, my wrists were released and I was lifted into position to make out with
her again. This time we were not sharing semen or trying to turn on our
husbands. This time we both were gentle and passionate. I heard Chuck comment
that he and Jim were going to have to be careful or the two of us would be
getting together while they were at work and there would be nothing left by the
time they got home. I chuckled to myself as I thought his deduction was at least
partially correct.
The boys let Lisette and I share the pleasure of each other’s mouths for a few
minutes and then as a group we adjourned to the kitchen for refreshments.
Lisette and I quickly whipped up sandwiches and drinks and served the boys.
While we ate, our husbands had us sit next to each other and play with each
other's pussies. Obviously our night was not over and our masters wanted us
primed and ready for action.
By the time we were done eating and the guys were able to get it up again, both
Lisette and I were whimpering in need. Neither of us had come on each other's
fingers, but we were both close. Chuck suggested that Lisette and I take turns
getting DP'ed. I looked at Lisette and she had a nervous look in her eyes. I
could tell she didn't want to get ass fucked again. I was game, but I wasn't
about to brag about it. Fortunately Jim came to Lisette's rescue with an
alternate plan and Chuck agreed.
Lisette and I were bent over the kitchen table facing each other. Apparently the
boys liked watching us kiss almost as much as we enjoyed doing it. I felt Chuck
kick my legs apart giving him full access to my backside. Thankfully I felt more
lube being applied to my brown eye before I felt his gloriously hard cock begin
to push against my ass again. From the rocking movement in Lisette's head I
could tell my husband was inside of her again. She had not made a sound as she
was penetrated so I assumed he was in her pussy.
Both Chuck and Jim were pounding away at their slut wives. Neither one seemed
too concerned with taking long enough to make sure we came first. I was cradling
Lisette's head with my hands as we continued to make out as her husband bore a
hole in my backside. I could tell from Chuck's grunting that he wasn't going to
last too long. I guess it was good that his DP plan didn't happen because either
Lisette or I would have been left without a hard cock. From the moaning leaving
her mouth, I knew she was enjoying my husband's staff. At least this way
everybody would get something.
Chuck was warning that he was about to come. Jim kept imploring him to hold off
just a little longer. I guess it was a compliment that Chuck told my husband
that my talented ass was milking him and forcing him to pop. I heard Jim say
just a few more moments and then felt Chuck pull out, grab my wrist and pull me
to the floor. I landed on my knees and looked up. I saw Lisette begin the same
journey and saw Chuck furiously pulling on his cock. I'd seen enough porno
movies to know what the guys wanted to do.
I leaned my head next to Lisette's just in time to share a stream of cum
shooting from her husband's cock. There wasn't a great quantity. He'd cum too
many times already for that. But it was hot, sticky and fun. The sight of cum
blobs splatting our upturned faces must have been the catalyst for Jim as he too
quickly unleashed his load hitting primarily Lisette, but splashing onto me. Of
course as soon as they were done we were back at each other's lips and licking
the cum off each other's mouths. Everyone was too worn out for another round, so
Chuck and Lisette soon went home. Jim and I were too tired to talk and soon fell
asleep in each other's arms.
That night I dreamed of a happy place where Jim was my master and satisfied all
my submissive cravings. I woke up horny and alone. Jim had already left for
work. I pulled myself out of bed and realized I'd be late to Mistress Sharon's
office. I tried to make myself look at the bright side that at least she'd
punish me now :-)
I called her on the way to work and explained why I was late. She said at least
I had a good excuse, but of course I'd still have to be spanked for not
satisfying her that morning. I was expecting her to spank me during our lunch
break session, but was surprised when she walked into Mistress Linda's office as
I was performing my morning break duties on her. As I expected I received a
blistering spanking for being late to work. Mistress Linda seemed happy to watch
Sharon banging away on my ass as she got juicier as soon as the first slap
echoed through the office. After Mistress Linda climaxed Mistress Sharon took
the time to stop the spanking and finger me to the brink of a major release. Of
course then she stopped. That was part of my punishment too. Mistress Sharon
switched places with Mistress Linda and I began to eat her pussy. Mistress Linda
continued the teasing my clit and began probing my pussy with her finger probing
for my g-spot. Unfortunately she was expert at bringing me to the brink of
orgasm and then backing away. I could feel the wetness running down my legs as I
paused my service to my mistress every 10 seconds or so to beg to be allowed to
cum. I could tell Mistress Sharon was getting annoyed at my placing my needs
above her. She roughly grabbed my hair and pulled me tight against her pussy.
She didn't have to say a word. I knew I was in the wrong.
I redoubled my efforts to please my mistress and she soon released her grip on
my hair. She gave me a slight reprieve at least until she grabbed me again,
stiffened and shook through what sounded like a very satisfying orgasm. I was
still beside myself with need as Mistress Linda was still being very effective
keeping me on the edge. I was glad both mistresses had cum because now it would
be my turn. At least that is what I thought until Linda told me to get back to
work. I implored her with my eyes to let me cum. I didn't bother asking, but I
hoped a desperate puppy dog look might break through, but it didn't.
I walked back to my cubical and I could tell all of Mistress Linda's other
slaves I shared office space with had a pretty good idea of what just happened.
I sat down in my chair and tried to focus on work. It wasn't going to be easy.
My ass was still on fire from Mistress Sharon's hand and my thighs were
plastered with my juices. Still I felt no shame or humiliation. I knew all my
cube mates had been in the same position I found myself in so why worry. I just
hoped Jim would be ready for me when I got home.
Unfortunately he was not home. He'd been called into his second job on short
notice. I called Lisette, but she and Chuck were out too. So were Faith and
Judy. Damn, everybody was gone from my block. I was about to just masturbate
myself into a c*** when my cell phone rang. It was Ronda. I felt myself get wet
when I saw her number on the caller ID.
She said it was a perfect night for a motorcycle ride and asked if I wanted to
come along. I wasn't thrilled with a teasing motorcycle seat between my legs,
but I was thrilled by the prospect of Ronda putting me through my paces. She
roared up the street about 20 minutes later. She was in her leather goddess
outfit and I reflexively dropped to my knees and kissed her boots as she
approached. She asked was happening and I confessed that Mistress Sharon had
left me horny and unsatisfied. Ronda told me she could take care of that
She ordered me to hurry upstairs and change. Jeans, boots and a white t-shirt.
"No bra, no panties and don't keep me waiting," she exclaimed. I spun to bound
upstairs. As I hit the second step, she added "I want your ass plugged and Ben
Wa balls in your pussy."
I stopped in my tracks and held onto the banister as a wave of pleasure up from
my feet to my brain. I knew her intention was to make me cum on the back of her
motorcycle. And I intended to help her succeed.
Ronda was right. It was a perfect night to be out on the bike. I was also right.
The vibrations of the big twin engine rocked the saddle and were very
effectively transferred through the plug and balls to rock my world. We were
scarcely out of our subdivision when my first orgasm hit. Ronda stopped at a
stop sign and revved the engine as I held her tight and moaned in her ear. My
second cum happened on the Interstate. Ronda didn't seem to have any destination
in mind so I fantasized about her taking me to some lesbian biker bar and
throwing me to a pack of butch lesbians. I had two more orgasms dreaming of
being the object of a girly gang bang before I realized we'd just pulled into
the parking lot of her garage.
Ronda hit a remote in her jacket pocket and the service bay door opened. She
parked the bike and told me to dismount. I had not realized how four orgasms
would take my legs right out from under me and crumpled to the floor as I swung
my leg over the seat. Ronda didn't seem to notice, or at least didn't care, and
stepped over me to hang her jacket on a hook on the wall.
I'd been on her garage floor many times and wondered what devious plan she had
for me tonight. I stayed on the floor waiting for her. She looked back and told
me to strip. She said I could take the balls out, hinting that they would slide
out anyway, but that I should leave the plug in. I interpreted that to mean she
was going to fuck my ass later.
Ronda walked over to a cabinet and returned with a cardboard box. She opened the
box and let me look inside. There were various leather cuffs, a blindfold, a
collar and some things I could see on the bottom. Ronda started with the collar.
It was black leather with no adornments. Just a large D-Ring in the front and an
engraved tag that read Slave Tina. My pussy, which was already wet from the
motorcycle ride turned into a flash flood as she secured my own personalized
collar around my neck. She then attached the cuffs around my wrists and ankles,
although she didn't clip them together... yet.
Finally she attached a leash to my collar and affixed a blindfold over my eyes.
I was lost in the eroticism of my submission as my sense of sight was taken away
and I was led outside. I assumed we would head up to her apartment, but I was
wrong. With a tug of the leash and then a hand on my shoulder, I found myself on
the cold metal floor of a vehicle. My cuffs were quickly secured and I was left
exposed, scared and wanton as the door slammed shut. I lay on the floor
wondering what would happen for several minutes before I heard a door open and
then the engine start. I did my best to pictures the twists and turns of the
route we took, but soon I was hopelessly lost. My pussy was still leaking its
juice like a faucet in need of a new washer and the smell of my arousal hung
heavy in the air. Finally we came to a stop. After a short pause, we slowly
pulled forward a few final feet and stopped for good.
"Welcome to your new home, my pet," I heard Ronda exclaim.
I didn't know what to make of that statement. My new home? I felt the cuffs
begin unclipped from the vehicle and felt another tug on my leash. Once I was
standing, my wrist cuffs were secured behind my back. Any hope of escaping was
gone. Ronda did allow my ankles to remain free. I guess she didn't want to
inhibit my ability to walk. She did push two fingers into my steaming pussy. As
I knew they would, my wetness allowed them to penetrate me with no resistance as
my knees buckled with her touch.
"Good girl. I knew you would enjoy this," she snickered.
I didn't say a word. I hoped she would finger fuck me to orgasm, although I knew
that was just a dream. Almost as soon as she pushed her fingers into me, they
were already on their way back out and my leash was being tugged indicating I
should follow. Once inside it was a quick turn and down a flight of stairs. The
steps were tricky without the aid of eyesight, but Ronda made sure to guide me
safely to what I assumed was basement.
We stopped moving. I could sense Ronda grabbing something and soon felt a ball
gag being forced into my mouth and then buckled around my head. I then felt
headphones being placed over my ears. Soothing sounds filled my head. While I
would normally consider the classical music relaxing, I was now left blind, deaf
and dumb to my surroundings. Whatever Ronda had planned for me, I was left with
only touch and smell remaining of my five senses.
I felt my wrists being unbuckled and the cuffs being removed. I was then
positioned in what felt like a solidly built wood chair. Although I heard no
commands, I knew I was expected to sit still. I put my arms on the chair's
armrests and waited. Without being about to hear where Ronda was, I was left to
wonder. Finally I felt her take hold on my left hand. She pushed my arm back so
my elbow was on the back of the armrest directly below my shoulder. I then felt
a length of soft rope begin to wrap around my arm.
Thus Ronda began to secure me to the chair. Personally I would have preferred
the cuffs as her rope bondage took a long time to complete. From my wrist Ronda
wrapped the rope all the way up my arm until she reached my elbow. I was unable
to move my arm at all, although the rope didn't feel like it would cut off any
After my left arm was secure, Ronda began on my right and then each one of my
legs. She took her time and was very deliberate on how she wrapped me up. With
my extremities secure, she began on my torso. She did not wrap me in the same
way she had with my arms and legs. She began under my breasts going around the
chair. After several loops, she switched the rope to above my breasts. Several
more loops insured my breasts were sandwiched forcing them to pop forward. At
this point she began to criss-cross the rope between my breasts making a rope
bra until just my hard nipples and a little boob flesh were pressed forward. I
figured she was done, but she wasn't. Another rope was looped through the ring
of my collar and tied to the back of the chair while yet another was fitted with
a leather pad of some kind to my forehead and the pulled down and secured to the
back of the chair. The result was my head was held bolt upright. Now she must be
done, I thought.
Well almost. She began wrapping rope around my thighs and under the chair,
although I think that must have just been for show as I already couldn't move.
Finally I felt a vibrator being pushed between my thighs and across my pussy
lips. It was turned on low and Ronda secured it in position with what I later
learned was bondage tape. Even as turned on as I was, I knew the low speed would
serve just to tease and not get me off. Based on the care Ronda took in securing
me, I figured I'd be here for a long slow tease. In one way I hated her. In
another I loved her for putting me under her care.
I lost track of where she was. She had not touched me for at least a minute and
I could not hear her move about the room. Then the music stopped. Apparently the
CD or tape had ended. Silence. I could hear the faint buzz of the slow moving
vibrator, but I could make out no other sounds in the room. I was alone, unable
to move, unable to finger my steaming pussy and unable to call out or beg for
My only option was to sit and stew in my own juices while my mind raced through
fantasy after fantasy. I had no idea what Ronda had planned for me or even where
I was. She had said this was my new home. Did she mean I was in a basement
prison? Would I ever see Jim or my other mistresses again? I could not tell how
long I had been there. I knew I was desperate to cum. Evil nasty thoughts flowed
like water through my consciousness. Bad thoughts of things I'd never believe
Ronda would do to me, but nonetheless served to build my arousal ever higher. I
would do whatever she asked of me right then to climax. Of course how many times
had I said that when we were together.
I don't know how long I waited until I finally smelled her again and then felt a
gloved hand across my face. If I could have moved my head toward her I would
have. But my bondage prevented that. Although I had fantasized about her coming
to fuck me, she didn't. She did however remove the headphones. Thank God for
small favors.
"I know you're probably ready to fuck anything I tell you right now," she began.
"But I've got a couple more treats for you."
I was still unable to move or see, but I could hear a second person moving in
the room. I could discern one person off to my left and I knew Ronda had been on
my right. Both sounds migrated in front of me. Neither person spoke, but I heard
the unmistakable sound of a zipper. I then heard the groan of a happy man. What
was happening in front of me?
I listened intently. Somebody was getting a blowjob. I couldn't believe Ronda
would be performing that act which meant a third person must be in the room. My
mind continued to race through the options of what was happening to me. The
vibrator, even though it was hardly moving was starting to get to me. After a
few minutes, the anonymous couple in front of me obviously switched positions
because I could now hear the sound of a squishy pussy being penetrated. I also
began to hear a woman moaning. I was shocked when I realized it was Ronda in
front of me. I knew her moan. She was getting fucked.
Her moans would have mixed with my own if the ball gag had not prevented me from
expressing what I was feeling. Of course I'm sure the couple would have tired of
me begging for release as Ronda continued to get pounded in front of me. I was
on the verge of a massive climax, but couldn't get over the edge. That was not a
problem that Ronda was experiencing. She came at least three times by my count.
And I'm confident that she wasn't faking. Finally I heard them stop and maybe 5
seconds later I felt his cum splattering across my face. I was coated in his
juice. I'm sure his jizz was dripping off my face, but it must have by landing
on the rope because I didn't feel it on the rest of my body.
Ronda and her mystery man didn't speak, but I felt the tape being cut and the
vibrator pulled off the front of my pussy. Finally, some relief, I thought. But
instead, the headphones were placed back over my ears. Instead of music, this
time, however, I heard the sounds of sex. Then it hit me. Not only were they the
sounds of sex, but it was the sound of Ronda and I playing our mistress / sub
games. I heard myself beg as she paddled me in the garage. I heard her taunt me.
I heard myself climax as I rode her dildo. This was pure torture. How long would
I have to wait for her to let me cum?
At long last I felt the headphones pulled off my head again. I then slowly felt
Ronda, at least I think it was Ronda as they were feminine sized hands, slowly
start to unwrap my body. It took much less time to unwrap the ropes than to
apply them, but it was still maddeningly slow. Whoever it was made sure to tease
the outside of my pussy, brush my nipples and even graze my clit, but none of
the contact was enough to send me over the edge. I felt the woman rubbing my
wrists, arms and ankles bringing them back to life after being secured for so
long. She left the blindfold in place and I never thought to try to remove it.
Eventually I felt the now familiar tug of the leash and I stood up.
My path was reversed and I know walked up the stairs. I was almost to the point
of tears with my sexual needs unfulfilled. I was afraid she was leading me back
to the garage, but my heart leapt with joy as we turned a corner and I felt
carpet under my feet. My ordeal was not over.
I felt my arms once again drawn behind my back and cuffed. I then felt myself
pushed across a man's lap. It was easy to tell it was a man as his hard cock
pressed across my belly. After just a moment of teasing along my pussy lips, the
man began to spank me. It felt wonderful. The slaps were firm, but not overly
painful. My ass was warming up and I'm sure I looked alluring as I wiggled my
butt both in invitation for him to either spank me harder or to fuck me and in
an effort to grind my clit along his leg. It was quite possible that I would
have been able to finally cum if he had let me continue for another minute or
two, but it was not to be. Instead I was dropped rather unceremonially onto the
I landed on my side and rolled over onto my back. I made no effort to get up or
even to move. I knew the decision as to what I would be doing next was outside
of my control so I just lay passively waiting for my protagonists to make their
move. I felt my legs being pulled in opposite directions. Once person had hold
of each ankle. I then felt the same cuffs I had worn in the van being attached.
Quickly my wrist cuffs were also attached. The horrifying thought that I was
about to be put back in the van flashed through my mind. But fortunately that
was not the plan.
I felt my legs begin stretched apart again and then two hands on my wrists as my
arms were pulled down toward my legs until they cuffs could be snapped together.
Thus I found myself lying on my back with my legs spread about as wide as they
could go. Unlike in the chair, my body was unsecured, but in reality my mobility
was just as challenged. I could rock back and forth and wiggle on the floor, but
I wasn't about to hop up and take a walk. I then felt the butt plug being pulled
out. I'd forgotten I was even wearing it. My mind had been too distracted by the
other stimulations to my body. I was completely defenseless and spread wide open
when I came to the realization that I was about to be fucked senseless. OK, the
fantasy side of my brain added the senseless part, but I was sure I was about to
get fucked.
I heard the sound of Ronda sucking his cock again. At least I assumed it was
Ronda and the same guy. Why he would need help getting it up looking at the
enticing morsel of sex flesh I was presenting was a question I asked myself, but
for whatever the reason, he didn't waste much time before taking up position
above me. Finally I felt a hard cock sliding into my dripping pussy. I had been
teased for hours, it must have been hours wasn't it, and I was ready for him. I
think I started to cum on his second stroke. His cock wasn't huge. It was
probably about the size of Jim's and I almost felt sorry for him because I was
so wet I'm sure he wasn't getting much sensation transferred to his dick.
He kept slowly fucking me while I rode out a climax I could only describe as
massive. He then pulled out and I felt his cockhead pushing against my ass.
Having worn the plug most of the day, I was well stretched and ready for him.
His cock had been liberally coated with my juices and he had little trouble
pushing into my backside. I then sensed legs on either side of my head and was
soon presented with a dripping pussy over my face. As the sweet nectar of an
aroused woman reached my tongue I immediately knew it was Ronda. Her flavor and
scent was unmistakable. I was relieved it was her. Although I wasn't in position
to argue, I wonder what I would have done if it had been another woman now
riding my face.
My suitor was pounding his cock up my ass while I did my best to get Ronda to
climax into my mouth. I felt the flat leather tip of a riding crop draw across
my clit. In an effort to placate her, I redoubled my efforts eating her pussy. I
didn't want my clit whipped. Ronda was grinding her crotch along my face and
apparently was more concerned with that since she thankfully just flicked the
crop along my naughty bits. My mystery cock was not losing steam. Whoever Ronda
had found was a stud par excellence. If fact he made sure to hold back until
after Ronda came before pulling out and spraying another load up my torso. I'd
now been spunked from above and below by him yet had no idea what he looked like
or his name.
I was still recovering when I felt them unclip my cuffs and lead me back to the
van. The collar was removed and I was once again secured spread eagled in the
van. I think I almost fell into a blissful sleep because quicker than I could
fathom we were back at the garage and Ronda was removing my cuffs. Finally the
blindfold and the gag were removed. My jaw was sore and my eyes needed to adjust
to the harsh light of the garage. Of course I had a barrage of questions about
what just happened and where we had been. She just told me all my questions
would be answered in due time.
We seemed to be retracing our steps from earlier. I quickly found my butt
plugged and the Ben Wa balls back in my pussy as I once again rode bitch on her
motorcycle as she brought me home. It was late and I was sure Jim would be home.
What would he say when another woman brought me home completely fucked out?
We rode up the driveway. I asked Ronda if she was coming in, but she said it was
late. I knew I'd have to face the music alone. I walked up the front steps. The
ride had me horny again and the dance of the balls in my pussy had me
contemplating masturbating on the front porch. I walked inside. Jim was sitting
in the living room. He looked tired.
"How was your evening dear?" he asked.
Knowing what I looked like I couldn't believe he had been so casual. Even if he
wasn't upset, certainly he would be wondering what I did.
"It was fine. I went out with Ronda."
"That's nice," he said yawning. "I'm heading up to bed."
Jim stood up, gave me a hug and started toward the stairs.
It was surreal. Certainly he should be able to smell the spunk covering my body
and undoubtedly the female musk emanating from between my legs. Maybe he was
just too tired from work. I stood in stunned silence as he began to walk away.
He paused when he reached the stairs.
"Hon, do I have a clean dress shirt downstairs by the laundry?" he asked.
The question snapped me back into domestic mode.
"Yeah, I did laundry a couple of days ago. Do you want me to get you one for
"That would be great. Do you mind?"
"No. That's fine. Head up to be and I'll be there in a few minutes."
I watched as he disappeared up the stairs before heading downstairs. I was worn
out myself as I rounded the bottom of the stairs and headed into the laundry
room. I grabbed a couple of shirts I had on hangers after ironing them. I turned
and was prepared to head back upstairs when something caught my eye in my
peripheral vision. I flipped the light switch for the finished side of the
basement and dropped the shirts to the floor.
You can probably guess what I saw. In front of our projection TV was a large
wooden chair I'd never seen before. Covering the arms and on the floor all
around it was discarded rope. Next to the TV was our video camera on a tripod
and hanging off the lens was a collar. It didn't take long to confirm that this
was the same collar Ronda had place around my neck and the same one she had
removed when we got back to the garage. Everything clicked that is was where I
had been restrained.
Looking at the video camera, I noticed that the power was still on. We had the
style of camera that wrote the video to a mini-DVD so it was a simple matter of
popping the DVD into the TV's DVD player to confirm what I already knew. The
scene wasn't me in the chair, although that probably was on another DVD. The
video clearly showed me cumming as Jim's cock pummeled my ass and Ronda rode my
face. Needless to say, my pussy instantly flash flooded as memories of the night
returned and I realized that Jim was finally becoming the kind of man I craved.
And apparently he was fine sharing me with Ronda.
I hurried back upstairs. Jim was waiting for me in the bedroom. I was surprised
to see he had changed into a pair of leather chaps and a leather vest. He cock
was on full display and it was hard and ready for action. I immediately dropped
to my knees in front of him.
"Oh master, may I please suck your cock?" I begged.
"You may my pet," he replied.
His voice sounded possessive. I was thrilled. He used my mouth. There was no
other way to describe it. He took what he wanted and didn't worry about my
needs. Of course that was exactly what I craved. Apparently Ronda had taught him
well, although I still didn't quite understand how it had come to pass that he
had fucked her.
He blasted one final delicious load of cum into my mouth before we both stripped
and collapsed into each others' arms in bed. I don't think either of us moved
the rest of the night. In the morning we showered together and then I went to
make breakfast while he dressed. While he was eating I ran upstairs to get
dressed myself. I didn't want to be late for work. Jim promised to fill me in on
the story after work tonight. I kissed him goodbye and was walking out to the
garage when he stopped me.
“Just a minute slave,” he began. My pussy began to lubricate at the
authoritarian sound of his voice. “There will be many new rules going forward,
but rule number one is that you are to always be naked in the house. You will
dress and undress in the garage. Rule number two is that you will also always
wear your collar at home to remind you of your status.”
Jim’s confidence left no room for discussion. He dismissed me and I got to
Mistress Sharon's office with just 1 minute to spare. She seemed pleased to see
that I had made it on time.
The day was completely usual for how my life had become. I sucked some pussy. I
got horny. I begged to be allowed to cum. And then I drove home with a wet pussy
anticipating my husband explaining how it came to pass that he fucked one of my
mistresses and made me cum as hard as I ever had before. As I rounded the corner
of our street, I saw Ronda's motorcycle in our driveway. Walking in the door, I
was surprised not to find either Jim or Ronda. I searched the main floor and
then the bedrooms but I was alone. Then it hit me. They had taken me downstairs.
That must be our new playroom. I hurried downstairs. The chair was still there
as was the ropes. But still no people. Then I heard a muffled moan.
I traced the source of the moan to our mechanicals room where the washer, dryer,
furnace and water heater are located. Hanging from the ceiling was another new
apparatus. And hanging in that apparatus was Ronda. It was a bondage swing. She
was apparently quite comfortable, although her arms and legs were extended in a
spread eagled fashion and she was unable to move. She was blindfolded and
gagged. Then I noticed why she was moaning. Belted over her pussy was a Hitachi
Wand. I traced the power cord back to an appliance timer. It was currently on,
but as I was watching it turned off. I watched as Ronda's body began to relax. A
minute later, the wand turned back on. Her whole body tensed and the moaning
resumed. I watched this timer cycle on an off at one minute intervals. It was
fascinating. I couldn’t tell if she knew I was watching, but I felt myself
getting wet at the voyeuristic opportunity I had. Her pussy juice was leaking
around the bulbous head of the wand making obscene squish noises every time it
turned on. I couldn't help myself. I stood in front of her and played with my
own clit as she was teased mercilessly.
Her moans were getting more insistent with each cycle of the timer until finally
she came. My own fingers were flying over my clit and her screams of passion
drove me over the edge too. I was still howling after she finished climaxing and
the wand had turned off. I saw Ronda turn her head in my direction and smile.
"Hello Tina," she mumbled through the gag. At least I think that is what she
tried to say.
I was still shaking from my cum, but I managed to stagger over to her and
removed the blindfold and gag. She blinked several times adjusting to the light
and open and shut her mouth a number of times. Just then the wand cycled on
"Damn that thing. Turn it off," she beckoned me.
Suddenly I felt a surge of power run through me. Jim had been teasing her and
now it was my turn.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"Jim called me up and invited me over for a nooner. He bound me like this and
then left me," she replied.
"So did he fuck you?"
"Not today."
She was fighting against the vibrations. She must have been there for over four
hours and her clit must have been buzzed raw. She could tell I was thinking
about leaving her, but she was having none of that. She found enough inner
strength to transform back into dominant Ronda.
"Listen slut. Turn that damned thing off and get me down from here," she
I was stunned, but I didn't make a move toward the timer.
"Bitch, you pledged obedience to me and I still expect that. Trust me, I can
make your life very unpleasant, not to mention you'll never get the chance to
serve me again if you balk at serving me now."
Her tone was turning me to butter. In truth, she had me at "listen slut" as all
my submissive tendencies flowed back to my mind. I simply nodded and unplugged
the wand. I then began uncuffing her from the swing. I wondered if I would soon
find myself placed into the same torturous position. After I got her free from
the swing, I helped her into the finished side of the basement and onto the
couch. Her legs and arms were weak from being tensed so much all afternoon. She
explained that the wand wouldn’t be enough to get her off each minute, but the
cumulative effect of the cycle was enough to get her off about every 20 or so. I
did the math in my head. That meant she'd cum 12-15 times that afternoon. I
could only imagine or is it dream about such a day. While her body was done for
a while, her mind recovered quickly.
"I suppose you are wondering how it is I fucked Jim last night and why I was
bound in your basement?"
"As a matter of fact I am. Jim said we would talk about it, but he was too tired
last night and left early this morning."
Ronda went on to describe how Jim came to her looking for pointers. Apparently
he thought he and Chuck didn't do too well when they tag teamed Lisette and me.
I wanted to say they did fine, but I held my tongue and let her do the talking.
"So Jim came over to talk. As you know, I'd never been with a man before and I
wasn't really looking to hook up with him. But as I got to know you and how much
you loved each other, I started getting jealous and wanted that for myself. I
started thinking about trying to have a relationship with a guy. I also kind of
wanted to expand my relationship with you beyond just beating you and then
masturbating after we were done. I bet you didn't know that as soon as you left
each time we were together I'd frig myself blind thinking about you."
"No I didn't. I had no idea," I replied
"I guess I need to thank you in a way. Your friendship has allowed me to move
past, at least a little ways, my pain from growing up. I really want to try to
have a normal life."
I was staring at her in disbelief. The rock hard mistress I'd known was crumbing
before my eyes.
"So how do Jim and I fit into this?" I asked.
"To get back to the story... Jim wanted some pointers so I tried my best to
instruct him on what you like and what needs you were not having fulfilled. It
was pretty graphic. Somehow I ended up getting naked to demonstrate how he
should touch you. It was weird. It was like I was watching myself in the third
person. I shocked myself by telling him to practice spanking me. That definitely
wasn't my plan and I'd never realized I'd had a submissive side, but when his
first hand print made contact with my ass, I flooded my pussy like I never had
I still couldn't believe the story she was telling me. Ronda told me that before
the spanking was over she had cum on his lap. She said he didn't even ask, but
that she dropped to her knees and blew him right in her living room. For the
first time, she felt a man unload on her face and she found she loved the
feeling of the hot sticky liquid running down her cheeks.
"He went home to you after that, but he was back the next day and I fucked him.
I was prepared to send him away, but I think I finally understand how you felt
coming to me because I couldn't resist him and stripped on command. After that I
was a goner. I couldn't go back. That is when we decided to share you."
"Share me?" I asked.
"Yup," she said. "Although Jim tapped into a submissive side I didn't know I
had, I'm not going to give up being your mistress. You're going to serve both of
us, but I'm also going to serve Jim. You fucked around on him for too long. He
deserves to have two women serving him."
I had to admit, the thought of Ronda serving my husband as my slave sister was a
turn-on. And the thought of them dominating me like that had the night before
was even better.
"So just how did the two of you plan this relationship?"
"Well I'm going to teach Jim how to dom you. Last night worked pretty well, I
think. I know you came pretty hard. And if he can't get it up, my strap-on will
always be there to fill in. I'll have to see how submitting to him goes. I'm not
sure I want that full time, although it's been fun. Maybe we'll find me a
submissive guy and Jim and I can dom the two of you as a couple. Who knows?"
I didn't think she meant to say she and Jim would be a couple. I certainly
wasn't going to give him up after all we'd been through, but I let the comment
"I don't know about this," I stated.
"You don't have much of a choice, pet," she retorted. "I know what you need and
if I gave the command right now, you'd be between my legs eating me. Jim knows
what you need now too and is committed to giving it to you. He loves you more
than anything."
I knew she was right about having to just give the word and I'd be slobbering
over her pussy. After hearing the deliciously naughty sounds her juices were
making against the wand I'd done nothing but dream of burying my mouth in her
"So where do we go from here?" I asked.
"First we need to get you ready for tonight's training session. Didn't Jim tell
you to always take your clothes off in the garage when you enter the house?
"Well, yes, but I came in through the front door because of your motorcycle in
the driveway."
"Do you really think that is an excuse?"
"No mistress," I said while I bowed my head.
"So why are you still dressed?"
"I don't know mam."
"I can tell you are going to need a lot of training too. I shouldn't even have
to say it, but get your clothes off now."
Her tone left no room for argument.
"You have earned a severe punishment for breaking that rule, but I'm going to
wait until Jim gets home so he can learn how to keep you in line."
My arousal was building as Mistress Ronda continued to chastise me. In the end
we ended up in the living room. The front blinds were open and anybody walking
by could see me standing naked and collared. Before Jim got home, Ronda had
secured me very effectively. Using a series of straps around my ankles, legs and
thighs I found myself on my knees, bent over with my face to the floor unable to
move. My legs were pressed tightly together and my arms were secured against my
legs. My ass up straight in the air presented for whatever punishment they saw
fit to give me for my transgressions.
While we waited for Jim to arrive, Ronda amused herself by pressing the wand
against my rosebud for a few seconds and then removing it. She couldn't get the
large head between my bound thighs to access my clit so the vibrations didn't do
much for me, although they hinted at a night of teasing I was sure to
experience. Eventually Ronda got bored and after I described how to find my sex
toy collection left me alone and headed to my bedroom. She returned with a
medium butt plug and some lube. I was a bit surprised that she didn't gag me or
blindfold me since Jim apparently liked both. After pushing the plug into me,
she used another strap to make sure I couldn't push it out. Of course I didn't
want to push it out, but in a perverse way I liked her attention to detail.
While we waited we talked at great length about Ronda and her emotional state.
We also talked about my fears and expectations. In the end it seemed like the
right thing for everyone concerned to try and make this relationship work. We
had become close as sisters, only unlike sisters, when Jim came home Ronda
immediately dropped to her knees and fished his cock out of his pants.
"Hello Tina," he began. "I trust Ronda has explained things to you?"
I couldn't turn my head very well to look him in the eyes, but I could still
respond. "Yes master."
"Good. Like your rule to always be naked entering and leaving the house, Ronda
has a rule to always greet me with a blowjob. I hope you don't mind."
Of course I minded. I was still not thrilled about sharing him with another
woman, although I didn't have much choice. I had to admit to myself watching her
suck his cock was hot.
Jim pulled out after about two minutes. He had not cum. I expected him to roll
me over and have me finish what she had begun or at least jerk off and come on
one or both of us, but he didn't. Instead he asked Ronda if I had been naked
when she first saw me. She tattled on me and told the truth.
"I have prepared slave Tina for your next lesson in how to punish her," she
My pussy quivered at the thought as Jim agreed with her plan. First they began
with a light hand spanking to "warm me up" before proceeding to a paddle. My ass
was bright red and I could feel the heat radiating off my soft skin. Although
they told me to be quiet, I couldn’t help but scream with each blow. Of course
they promised more punishment for not following orders, but I didn't care. After
they determined my ass had enough, the rolled me over.
Lying on my back with my legs above me was much more stressful than being on my
knees. The pressure against my ass wasn't helping, but the pain in my butt was
soon forgotten as the kiss of a riding crop snapped against my painfully hard
nipples. My pussy was still protected or I'm sure it would have received the
same stinging embrace that my nipples endured. Again I was unable to comply with
the order to stay quiet, although their solution, having Jim ram his cock down
my throat, was perfectly acceptable to me. Ronda refrained from hitting me while
Jim knelt over my face. I imagine having your dick cropped would be pretty
painful, but I'm sure she was also worried I'd reflexively bite down.
Finally Jim had reached his limit and he stood back up just in time to shower me
with his affection. I was a mess and I loved each and every gooey drop as his
load splattered against my face and over my chest. I wondered if Ronda would
continue with my punishment as Jim sat down on the couch to rest, but apparently
she was too excited to waste time causing me pain. Instead she straddled my face
and force fed me her well used but still juicy pussy. 15 orgasms was not enough
as she rode my face for two more and Jim recovered enough to stand again at full
attention. After that it was a simple matter of him pulling me up and flipping
me back over onto my knees before pulling out the plug and driving his cock into
my ass with one push.
I was seeing stars as he pummeled my back door. Jim always took longer to cum
the second time I and figured I was in for a long hard pounding. I was right. I
lost all track of time as over and over Jim drove his seemingly undeniable cock
into my defenseless body. I was turned on beyond belief, but with my clit
protected by my bondage, I couldn't cum. From the corner of my eye I saw Ronda
returning again from the bedroom, this time sporting a strap-on. My ordeal was
far from over. Fortunately Jim finally had enough and deposited a small, but
nonetheless hot load deep into my bowel. I shivered as I felt the spurts contact
the sensitive walls of my ass, but still couldn't cum. I felt him begin to
deflate and wondered if Ronda was about to take his place. Instead, he returned
the plug to its home up my butt and pushed me over on my side.
"As your ass is occupied, I guess I'll have to break your pussy instead," she
With Jim's help she quickly removed the straps which had held my body for so
long. I should have been sore from holding that position for so long, but when
Ronda told me to stand up I jumped.
"We're you ever into gymnastics, slave?" she asked.
"No mistress."
"Well if you want to get fucked and have a chance to beg me to let you cum,
let's hope you are a natural," she replied.
I didn't understand at first as she moved in front of me, took my face in her
hands and gave me a passionate kiss. After she broke the embrace, she told me
what to do.
"You're going to wrap your arms around my neck. When you settle yourself on the
tip of the dildo, you're going to jump and wrap your legs around me. Jim will
help steady you from behind. After that, you have three minutes to fuck yourself
and cum if you can. After three minutes, cum or not, I'm strapping you to the
bed and leaving."
I nodded my understanding.
"Oh, one more thing. If you don't do this right and cum for us, I'm leaving that
damn wand on the time teasing you all night. Only I'll have it on for a minute
than then off for five so you don't build up to any climax."
Again I nodded. It wasn't easy and it took two tries which cut into my orgasm
time, but eventually I got the monster into my pussy and my legs wrapped around
her enough to steady myself. The first minute was already gone before I could
start trying to hump her appendage. Fortunately after my punishment my body was
primed for any pleasure it could take and I immediately found it building to a
wonderful release. Jim stopped supporting my ass and move away a bit to watch.
I'm sure it's every man's fantasy to see two sluts fuck each other the way Ronda
was fucking me. He announced the second minute was gone. I was getting there but
it was going to be close. I needed something else. I yelled to Jim to resume
paddling me.
He quickly grabbed the paddle and laid his hardest swat squarely on my left ass
cheek. The pain shot up my spine and mixed with the pleasure Ronda was giving me
exploding into my brain. I was seeing stars.
"Again," I shouted.
This time it was the right cheek and I let out an inhuman, guttural groan.
"More master. Punish your slut," I screamed.
The time must have been up, but three more swats was all it took before I came
so hard I blacked out. I must have fallen off my mistress' cock as I woke up
some time later lying in a heap on the floor. The room was dark. There were
lights on in the kitchen, but the house was still. The plug was still up my ass
which was still on fire. I could only imagine the bruising I would feel
I saw Jim returning from the kitchen. He had a glass of water for me and he
helped me to the couch. He said Ronda had gone home and we cuddled on the sofa.
The blinds were still open. I'd forgotten Ronda had put me on display. Anyone
walking on the sidewalk could have seen out entire performance. I should have
been upset, but I wasn't. I was happy and as I felt Jim's strong arms around me,
I felt safe.
We sat together for about 15 minutes no saying a word. I didn't think there was
anything that needed saying. Jim finally broke the silence.
"I think you were suitably punished for being dressed in the house, but you
broke another rule tonight."
I couldn't think of what I had done.
"You came without permission."
“I don’t understand Master. You never told me that rule.”
“I know your other mistresses have that rule. Besides, do I really need a reason
to punish you?
“No Sir.”
I guess he liked the idea of the bondage swing and the Hitachi Wand because I
soon found myself secured the same what I found Ronda some six hours earlier. My
master informed me that since I shouldn't have cum without his permission, after
all he is superior to Ronda in the household, I would have to learn that lesson.
I watched as he reprogrammed the timer and the wand came to life causing me to
jump a little. The intense vibration felt great, but I knew it would only be
fleeting. As I expected, after a minute, the wand went still. I looked at Jim
with evil in my eyes at his intent to tease me.
"I put Ronda on the minute cycle. I'm sure she came her fool head off this
afternoon. Actually it was her idea. I liked her idea of making you wait five
minutes for the next vibration. But even at that pace you might cum and that
would be a shame since I'm going to bed. I wouldn't want you to come without
permission again and break a rule. So I've put a 29 minute delay on the timer."
With that, Jim turned and walked toward the door as I pleaded with him to
reconsider. He stopped at the door as if he was thinking.
"You know honey, you're right," she said.
He walked out of the room but left the lights on indicating he was coming back.
When he did, he was carrying the ball gag he had used with Ronda. Without
ceremony he gagged me preventing me from pleading any more for him to change his
plan. Curiously he didn't blindfold me. He did walk back out of the room without
saying a word. This time he flipped off the light switch. I could hear him
walking up the stairs and with the flip of another switch, the room went dark.
I hung in my bondage completely defeated. At least the swing was comfortable. I
couldn't really move, but the hammock like contraption didn't stress my arms or
legs. Unfortunately I could see hanging like this for 4 hours like Ronda or 8
hours like I was likely to be required. I wondered why my master had not
blindfolded me and then realized the deviousness of his plan. Ronda was stuck
until somebody came home. Time didn't matter. I was only going to get buzzed
every 30 minutes and I would be begging for it long before that. Above the
washer on a shelf was an old cock radio we placed there as a clock. It was
10:30. I'd be able to watch the minutes tick away until my next blast of
pleasure. Damn him.
And watch I did. My saliva was dripping around the gag and I counted down the
minutes. I kept my mind active with dirty thoughts hoping to achieve another
orgasm in the short time I'd be allowed pleasure. I had not noticed when my
first buzz had occurred, but it must have been around 10:25. I watched as the
clock hit 10:55 with a sense of anticipation. But nothing happened. 11:00, still
nothing. 11:05, 11:10, 11:15 and still no vibrations. Had the bastard forgot to
turn the timer back on? I screamed for him through my gag but I knew he'd never
hear me upstairs. My only hope was he was waiting in the living room and he
would return to set me free. I'd learned my lesson. I'd have to control my
orgasms better.
Finally at 11:25 the wand sprung to life. A sense of relief and dread rushed
through my body and the pleasure tingles I felt would soon be replaced by
another hour of anticipation. I watched the clock intently. My entire body was
tensed against the swing's bondage and I did all I could to trick my mind into
allowing me to orgasm before I saw the clock changed again. My pledge to control
my orgasms had lasted all of ten minutes as I screamed into the gag and
fantasized about serving both Ronda and Jim. Just before the wand turn off I
remembered all of the pleasure the Mistress Club had given me and pictured
myself groveling before them. It almost worked. I almost made it. But then
nothing. I groaned in frustration. It was going to be a long night.
Once again I found myself staring at the clock. I counted down the minutes until
12:25 and my next brief encounter with the pleasure wand. But then something
strange happened. At 12:11 the wand sprung to life again. I was taken aback. I
wasn't prepared. I'd been mentally ready to start fantasizing to try and get off
at my next opportunity. I figured 10 minutes of wicked thoughts before the
vibrating wand worked its magic would have been enough to climax, but without
that preparation, the minute of pleasure turned simply to another minute of
teasing torture. WTF?
From then on, the cycle seemed to become random. There was never less than a 15
minute delay before the wand would buzz my clit for a minute, but it was
anybody's guess whether I'd be left panting in need for 15 minutes, 30 minutes
or up to an hour. The result was I spent the night unable to relax, sleep or
climax. Much like the state I had found Ronda in, my thighs were plastered with
my juices and I was worn out.
Finally the night was over. Jim appeared about 7am. I was so horny I would have
fucked anyone or anything he commanded. He removed the gag and asked me if I had
learned my lesson.
"Yes master," I replied. Then I begged for him to fuck me.
Jim responded by adjusting one of the pulleys holding the swing which caused my
back to drop. Now instead of an almost sitting position, my head was at a
downward angle and slightly below the line of my shoulders. My glistening pussy
was on full display and ripe for the taking. But Jim had other plans. He opened
his robe to reveal his semi-hard cock. A couple of quick tugs brought it to full
attention. He then walked over to the timer and flipped a switch. Immediately
the wand jumped back to life. He must have hit the manual override. This time it
was going to stay on.
"Thank you master. May I please cum?"
"Not yet pet. I'll tell you when."
The intense vibrations on my clit were impossible to ignore. I was going to lose
this game. Jim walked behind my head while continuing to stroke his cock. At the
angle my head was held it was easy for him to slip his cock past my lips and
right down my throat. I gagged at the sudden intrusion and blocking of my
airway. Jim began to slide his cock in and out of my mouth using it as if it
were my pussy. At the same time he took hold of both my nipples and squeezed
them hard.
"Ronda says you love nipple play? Is that right pet?"
All I could do was moan around the base of his cock, but I think he got the
idea. I was transported to another world. I did my best to service him, but it
was clear he was more interested in just taking what he wanted from my body.
Saliva was running down my cheeks and my nipples were on fire as he continued to
squeeze them, pull them side to side and then lifted them up letting them snap
back down. My clit was buzzing driving me into frenzy. I tried to beg again to
be allowed to cum, but all Jim would have heard was a muffled grunt.
Jim picked up the pace he of his face fuck. He was still pinching my left nipple
as he began slapping my right breast. I couldn't hold out much longer. I was
going to cum and it was going to be huge. Punishment be damned. I couldn't wait.
Jim popped his cock out of my mouth with a sloppy fling of spit. Reflexively I
tried to move my mouth to capture him again, but he slapped my cheek.
"I make that decision slave," he chastised me. "However, ask nicely and I'll let
you cum. It's been a long night for you."
I didn't need to be told twice.
"Master, please may I cum?" I begged.
"Do you pledge your undying love to me and Mistress Ronda?" he asked.
"Of course master. Anything."
"I'm serious, Tina. From now on you must follow the rules and never refuse me or
even hesitate."
The time was now. He knew it and I knew it. I was about to explode. The only
question was whether I'd do it with his blessing or whether I was a bad girl. I
did love him with all my heart. I didn't want to disappoint him. I also wanted
to serve him more than anything I'd ever done in my life.
"Yes master. I pledge my life to you."
"Very well. You may cum now."
I shut my eyes. The entire night of fantasizing came crashing down on me as I
let go the biggest orgasm of my life. It made the Mistress Club seem like
pretend as I came on command for the love of my life. I was lost in the fog of
release and didn't notice what Jim was doing. He had stopped touching me, but I
soon felt the splatter of his spunk across my head and down onto my torso. I
wished he had fucked me, but I guess he was overwhelmed by the sight of my bound
and convulsing body and my pledge to serve him whatever he demanded. My face was
a sticky mess of cum and spit as Jim finally helped me out of the swing. I was
exhausted from my ordeal and Jim had to help me up the two flights of stairs to
our bedroom. Jim tenderly laid me on the bed and pulled the cover over my body.
"I'll call your boss and tell her you're taking a sick day," he said.
I just nodded. I was in an otherworldly state. I was warm under the blanket and
glowing from my massive climax. I heard Jim talking on the phone but it was as
if he was somewhere else. Soon the world went dark as I passed out. My body
obviously needed the rest as I didn't move until Jim gently nudged my shoulder.
Looking at our clock I was shocked that it was 3 in the afternoon. I sat bolt
upright with a start.
"Relax honey. Everything is fine," Jim assured me.
It took a moment to get my bearings, but then the events of the night came
flooding back to me.
"Don't worry. I talked to Linda and told her you had a restless night and had to
sleep in. She said she would talk to Sharon."
I was sure she could guess what "restless night" meant. I wondered if I'd face
punishment at the office for not performing my daily duties.
"Linda was very understanding. We had a long talk. She's very happy for us."
"Do I still have a job?" I asked.
"Of course. In fact, she said Thomas is looking for a new director of sales and
I managed to sell myself enough that she's getting me an interview. If it comes
through, I can quit my second job and spend more time with you."
That sounded great, although I had to wonder why Linda was so interested in Jim
all of a sudden. They knew each other, but to my knowledge had never had a
meaningful conversation before.
I didn't have time to dwell on it. Jim said we had plans for the evening and I
needed to get up. My face and hair were a fright from our nocturnal activities
so the first order of business was a long hot shower. Jim also told me to shave
my legs and pussy in anticipation of going out tonight. Immediately I began to
get excited.
After I was done in the bathroom, I returned to the bedroom expecting to find
the outfit he wanted me to wear. When I questioned him he told me it was in the
garage. Of course it was. Rule number one after all. We still had some time
before we needed to leave so I busied myself around the house cleaning and then
made us dinner. It felt liberating to be walking around the house nude, although
I wish Jim had allowed me to shut the blinds.
By 7 I was wondering when we were leaving. At 8 he said it was time to get
dressed. Jim escorted me to the garage. I started to remove my collar, but a
stern look from Jim told me it was to stay on. I thought the collar was only for
inside play, but apparently he wanted the world to know my true identity. I
meekly tightened it around my neck again.
Looking around the garage I tried to find my clothes but all I saw was one of
Jim's dress shirts hanging from one of our storage shelves. I looked at him
confused as he retrieved the shirt and wrapped it around my naked body. At least
it was a tall size so it covered my ass by a few inches. Jim left the top three
buttons open. My nipples were on prominent display and any breeze would show off
the tops of my breasts. I was not pleased.
Jim excused himself to get my shoes. Apparently they were still inside. I looked
at my reflection in the car window. I looked hot in his shirt. I always did when
I’d put one on after sex. But this was different. With the collar and no
underwear I was not dressed to leave the house. Yet I knew that was exactly what
was about to happen.
Jim returned with a short pair of black stiletto heeled boots. They only came up my leg a couple of inches. I'd never seen them before, but I had to admit the heels did wonders for my calves and butt. Turning to look at my reflection again I did like what I saw. The only question was who else was going to see me this way.
Jim opened the passenger door of the car and indicated I should get in. As I squeezed past him, he said, "Oops, I almost forgot."
From his pocket appeared a shiny chrome set of handcuffs which he deftly used to secure my arms behind my back. The night was getting kinkier and kinkier much to my pussy's delight. Jim helped me into the car. As I slid down the leather seat, Jim grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it up so my ass landed on the seat instead. He told me he didn't want any of my naughty juice spilling on the shirt. At least not yet.
We began to drive toward the city. I had no idea where we were going. I was lost in thought and didn't realize at first we had arrived at Ronda's garage. Jim told me to wait in the car while he walked around back. He returned with an identically dressed Ronda. The same shirt, the same boots, the same collar and of course, the same handcuffs. Ronda was deposited in the back seat. Jim opened my door and soon I was sitting next to her. Jim then opened the trunk and returned with a paper bag. Inside were two silver bullet vibrators which he turned on and positioned between our thighs. He did not push them into our pussies as we both begged him to do. Instead he told us we'd have to just hold our legs together if we wanted any of the pleasure the toys promised.
We resumed our trip. Neither Ronda nor I said anything, but the buzzing between our legs was having the desired effect. The car began to reek of female arousal, a fact I'm sure was not wasted on Jim.
We were now on the Interstate driving out of town. I still had no clue where we were going and if Ronda knew, she wasn't giving any indication. The vibrator between my legs was giving me happy tingles and I just passively watched the scenery fly by out the car window. Wherever my husband and master was taking me was fine. I looked back at Ronda and she too seemed happy and content. My mistress and sister in slavery looked back at me. There was happiness in her eyes. Our adventures together were just beginning.
The End.
Author's note: This is the end of The Fuckerware Party. I'm pretty burned out on the characters and I want to write new stories. I want to thank everyone for the wonderful feedback on this story. I really appreciate all the positive reactions and kind words. I hope you will enjoy my new stories as much as you've enjoyed this one.
A special thanks to Tamara, the reader who created the Ronda character and who collaborated on how she could be woven into Tina's life.
For those who are wondering, I do know where Jim is taking Tina and Ronda, what happens next and what happens after that. I have a basic outline for chapter 13 and maybe after a long break, I will write it down. If not, just use your imagination...
Published by kamenm
10 years ago
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