An Update on My Cousin Kylie

As some of you may have read in my earlier blog post talking about my wonderful cousin, Kylie,
I touched a little upon the fact that she's now pregnant.
I just wanted to get it off my chest about how incredible her pregnancy is to someone like me...

You see, there is one major side-effect practically every woman in the world goes through, and that's really bad gas!

Now I don't just mean they fart more often, I mean they also produce VERY strong toxic fumes.
I can't actually guarantee that EVERY women produces a real strong bad smell when pregnant, for I haven't actually sniffed every pregnant woman's ass while they let rip.
Although I would absolutely love to do that!

Alas, I can't, but according to every site I've researched, that does seem to be the case.
Anyhoo, my gorgeous cousin Kylie, her pregnancy farts really are such powerfully toxic things, they're so ripe that even I struggle to not pinch my nose when she lets off around me.
Now that's saying something!

I still love them though :)

At first, I didn't find that out strait away.
She called me one evening to invite me over to hers for she had big news to tell me.
I went round the next day, and over a cup of tea, she told me that she was pregnant.
I was delighted for her and gave her a big hug. I was asking her all sorts about it.
Her boyfriend was there too and he suddenly said to me,
"It's not all a bed of roses, you should talk to her about the horrible side-effects..."

"Oh no, you don't suffer bad morning sickness, do you?" I quickly asked her, concerned.
I could see her face grow a little red as she shied away a little.

"No, thankfully that hasn't been so bad." She answered.

"It's really bad though, go on, tell her." Her boyfriend insisted.

"What? What?" I grew more concerned, thinking she was having real bad troubles.

"It's nothing really," She slipped out, "it's just... Well..." She went quiet.

"Don't get embarrassed, you do it around her enough times when she's here." He chuckled at her.
His relaxed demeanour made me realise it's probably nothing bad.

"Ok, geez, I get a little gassy." She revealed. That wasn't nothing new to me, as her boyfriend pointed out, she does tend to fart quite a bit around me whenever I'm there with her.

"A little?!" He splurted out, "She blows up a right storm when she's in bed with me!"
He laughed. She playfully hit him with a folded up newspaper that was sitting on the table.

"Don't be so rude, Gav!" She nervously laughed.

"It's true though, you do!" He backed away laughing.

"Nothing bad about that." I quickly assured her, with a big smile.

"Oh you haven't smelled them, they ARE real bad!" He quickly interjected.

"Gav!!" She squealed, she tried hitting him with the paper again but he dodged out of her reach.

"They are! I had to redo the wallpaper in our room because her farts caused them to peel!"
He joked and laughed.

"I'll throw my tea over you, if you carry on!" She threatened him, her cheeks blushing loads.

I laughed along, trying to hide the fact that I was feeling so jealous.
Jealous of the fact that he gets to lay in bed with her at night while she lets rip real delightful farts and he cant appreciate them the way I would...

"Surely they cant smell that bad, can they?" I asked, still grinning.

"They do smell a bit..." She quietly confessed.

That wasn't nothing new to me either, her farts have always had a bit of a smell to them, like at least a musky slightly eggy smell to them. I've smelled her farts so much before that I'd instantly recognise them anywhere!

She never thinks hers smell though, or if she does she doesn't say so because she's always said whenever she's farted around me that, "at least mine don't stink", so for her to admit that started to make me think that maybe they do smell real bad...

"Well, I don't believe that." I muttered.

"Next time, I'll fart in a bottle and give it you!" She laughed and playfully nudged my arm.

"Thanks!" I replied, hiding my true feelings behind laughter,
I really would be thankful to her if she did that!

I was really excited and so eager to sniff her new smellier farts.
Her boyfriend really doesn't know how lucky he is, to have such a hot gorgeous looking woman produce amazingly good smelly farts infront of him...
I'd have given my right arm to be in his position!

A week later from that, she invited me to sleep over at hers, I jumped at the chance!
We had a typical girlie day together, went out shopping for baby-clothes and also a couple clothes for ourselves. I was feeling a little flush with money so I treated her to have a manicure which she was very grateful for.
She told me after if there was anything I wanted her to do for me she would.
I desperately wanted to tell her to fart in my face, but don't think she would have looked at me the same afterwards, if I did say that!

I got the next best thing to that happening shortly after we returned back to her place.
We was sitting on the sofa, she was laying with her feet tucked up under her gloriously peachy bum, resting her cup of tea on her knees. I was sitting on the sofa perpendicular to her,
chatting to her when she suddenly went quiet and just paused, as though caught in thought.
Suddenly, to my complete surprise, I got a really strong burnt egg smell in my nostrils.

I sniffed the strange, sickly smell a couple of times,
my brain trying hard to place exactly what it was. I coughed as the awfully strong smell seem to stick to the back of my throat.

"What is that smell?" I asked, looking around.

"Um..." She sheepishly looked to her tea before raising her hand up, "That would be me..."
She blushed and nervously giggled.

"Oh." I gasped. I felt a subtle twinge of pleasure striking my clit like a tiny electric shock at the realisation of the fact I'm smelling her fart.

It really was surprisingly strong, and very stinky! I must have been about 10ft away from her gorgeous butt but it smelt so strong that it was like my nose was only an inch from it.
Infact, I was wondering just how much more of a smell I would get if my nose was right at
ground zero!

I was so turned on, I didn't realise my hand was clenching the white leather upholstery of the sofa, making my knuckles go white as I sniffed the really foul heavy air around my face.
It smelt so bad, and yet so good! I just couldn't get enough of it. Best of all, was that the smell it seemed to linger around for a good few minutes before it started to disperse.

"Sorry, I told you they smelled a bit..." She sheepishly grinned.

"It's ok, I hardly noticed it really." I lied, my heartbeat pulsing with desire.

"Come over here, and say that!" She laughed before fanning the air infront of her face.

There was only a short break of fresh air before she let out another quiet but very violent fart!
It was so heavy of a smell, it was practically suffocating, but I loved it nonetheless.
I kept glancing towards her beautiful smelly bum, thinking how lucky her feet air getting to be right under it. I would have gladly switched my face with them just so I could get the rancid blast right up close and personal. I kept wondering how much worst it would be being right at the source of the putrid yet delightful smell.

She carried on chatting to me, ignoring the fact that she's making me breathe in her farts.
I couldn't concentrate on anything she was saying, I was so horny and so lost in the smelly haze.
I had to masturbate so I politely excused myself and headed for the bathroom.
I closed the toilet lid and sat on it, lifting my skirt up, holding my knickers to one side, and fingered myself to orgasm. Having her delicious rotten egg smell stuck in the back of my throat meant that I was very quick to cum. I then quickly cleaned up and resumed chatting to her.

I wanted more, but she seemed to be relieved of her gas, so I decided to give her more!

I offered to cook dinner for us (her and her boyfriend when he returned from work).
I did them a lovely greasy English fry up; sausages, bacon, egg, fried tomatoes and fried bread,
and most important ingredient of all, beans!

She managed to eat it all, despite the fact I gave her more than the rest of us.

"Well I am eating for 2!" She laughed it off when her boyfriend commented on her having a slightly bigger portion of food to us.

Afterwards, with her tummy now really full, we sat around talking and laughing the evening away.
The whole time I kept glancing towards her gorgeous belly and crotch, waiting and waiting and waiting, as patiently as possible for the gassy effects, but nothing happened...

I was feeling so disappointed by the time she said she's going to head for bed.
Her boyfriend quickly followed her to bed, as I made my way to the spare bedroom just down the hall from her bedroom.

After a quick brush of my teeth, I settled down into the bed and laid there thinking about her.
I could hear both of their muffled voices talking and laughter. Gavin seemed to be upset about something though, but everytime he said something, she just laughed.
I wondered what was going on between them both but then I suddenly heard her sigh angrily and say,
"Fine, I'll sleep with Sam." My ears pricked up!

I sat up in bed as I heard her bedroom door open and shut. A few moments after, the spare bedroom door opened, and in walked Kylie, holding a few blankets, a duvet and pillow.

"Gav didn't want me sleeping with him tonight,
you don't mind me sleeping in here with you, do you?" She revealed, throwing her sleeping set down onto the floor before I could even answer.

"Sure, of course I don't mind." I grinned. She quickly arranged the set into a floor bed,
and was about to lay down on it when I quickly told her to sleep in the bed,
I'll sleep on the floor. She hesitated at first, but I insisted so she agreed to sleep in the bed.

I got settled onto the floor, as she got herself real comfy in the bed.

"Hey Kylie?" I softly called, a few minutes after.

"Yeah?" She replied sleepily.

"Why did Gavin kick you out of bed?" I asked.

"'cos of my ass..." She softly answered.

"What?" I chuckled quietly.

"I kept farting, and he didn't like it." She explained sounding very sleepy.

"Oh right." I softly chuckled some more. "Well I don't mind you farting, you just let rip!"

"Thank you." She yawned and rolled over onto her side, causing the springs to creak.

I laid there smiling, feeling like the cat that got the cream,
and wishing so much for her to gas me with her farts.

A short while later, my wish came true.
I heard a small little ripple of a fart above my head. I grinned, and within seconds the hot heavy eggy smell caught in my nose. I sniffed it up excitedly, feeling my nipples grow hard.

"Kylie?" I whispered, sitting up.
"Kylie, you awake?" No answer.

I looked hard into the dark at the bed, she was asleep.

I very gently prodded her, just to make sure she was asleep.
She didn't move. She was fast asleep.

I took my opportunity, and pulled the covers back, revealing her glorious ample buttocks.
I couldn't believe my luck, she had taken her knickers off to sleep!

My knees trembled as the adrenaline flushed through my body.
I just couldn't resist and leaned my face in close to her naked butt.
I nervously swallow as I very gently placed my nose right to the crack of her ass.
I sniffed. Oh what a wonderful smell!

Her crack felt so hot, hotter than I could ever imagine. The scent of her real eggy fart lingered around her little asshole, it smelt so much more stronger at the scene.
As bad as it was, it also smelled so good to me. I breathed in through my nose, sniffing up the incredible hot smell, and tilted my face away to breathe out of my mouth, so as not to contaminate it with the smell of my minty fresh breath before putting my nose right to her crack again for another sniff, and repeat.

My pussy was soaking wet on my fingertips as I began to slowly rub myself.
I was turned on beyond belief as I sniffed and sniffed.
To my utter surprise, she let out a real airy puff of a fart onto my nose!

I couldn't believe the amazing gift she just gave me!
I eagerly sniffed it up but nearly choked as the overpowering hot air shot down into my lungs.
I stifled my cough with my hand, I almost thought the hairs in my nostrils had burnt off,
it was that much of a real hot fart. I leant back in though for another whiff.

It was a very sickly sweet yet very rancid smell. I was loving it though and
couldn't get enough of it.

She suddenly rolled over onto her back, causing me to quickly lay back down in a panic.
I was so scared she had just woke up and saw me, but thankfully she was still fast asleep.
I was pretty gutted now as I sat back up and realised I couldn't get my nose back over her crack for more smells of her foul eggy scent.

Not that it stopped me from continuing with my play. I kept fingering myself loads.
I was looking over her naked body, admiring her goddess-like beauty as I bated myself to sleep.

The following day, over breakfast, it was clear there was a bit of tension between her and Gavin.
She was pretty upset with him. I tried to ease things though by saying it was a pleasure
to have her sleeping in the same room with me. It really was, in more ways than she'll ever know!

"Even Sam told me she doesn't mind me farting!" She declared to him, with a wry smile.

"Should give her a medal of bravery then!" He replied. I couldn't tell if they were trying to joke around together to ease the tension or not, but at least they were talking.

She suddenly farted onto her stool she was sitting on.

"Oops, speak of the devil!" She laughed. I beamed a grin at her while he just sort of grunted and headed upstairs to get ready for work.

"God this baby is giving me so much gas!" She chirped and rubbed her tummy.

"That's right, blame the baby!" I joked.

"I will." She replied, and got up off her stool. She walked into the living room, and realising I was alone, I quickly walked over to her stool and sniffed at it. There was a pretty strong smell of her fart still lingering on it. I felt myself get excited but I quickly restrained myself and walked into the living room to her, before anyone had caught me sniffing her seat.

I kept visiting her as often as I could. Every few weeks, her baby bump grows.
Now at 7 and half months pregnant, she's gotten a big beautiful bump.
She's got that beautiful pregnant glow about her and with her bump fully showing, she looks even more gorgeous and even more womanly than ever.

Her farts still smell bad though, but I sure do love them bad!

And I sure do love my cousin Kylie...
Published by LittleMissFart
10 years ago
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forzafrankie 10 years ago
the best story yet. love it x
LittleMissFart Publisher 10 years ago
Thank you very much :smile: x