What I would've said to bunzHD
"No need to be so sensitive homey, I wasn't overly negative about you vids...I just think their could be more to them...This is some sort of website thing right? Take it as constructive criticism. If I had hated them LIKE THAT I wouldn't have said anything at all."
This is what I would've said to bunzHD. If I had been given a chance to respond to his complaint. He complained that I was talking bad about his clip. (view what I said in the comments section here.)
The way he was whining you would have thought I was cursing his mama while bitch slapping his sister in front of him. No instead he takes the cowards way out. He pulled up his dress got his panties in a wad, then BANNED ME from saying anything to him on his clips OR in private. You would think someone running a website wouldn't have the hormones of a 14yr. old girl and could take a little constructive criticism.
The really ugly thing about it is that for the most part my comment was COMPLIMENTARY of the video as a whole with one MINOR suggestion about how they could be improved. He could have thanked me for my suggestion, he could have ignored me. No instead he writes to whine like a little bitch to me about my "talking bad" about his little clip, then doesn't allow me to defend or respond to his statement by blocking me out. Just like some k** who runs up and rings the door bell to your house and runs away.
To be honest, I'm not upset that he blocked me from commenting on his future clips. He didn't have to worry about that anyway. I had seen a couple, concluded that while they were adequate they weren't for me & I hadn't looked at his stuff since. No sitting here thinking about how he blocked me from responding to what he said to me in private is what got me stewing and a little ticked off. Not to mention that I had commented on that clip, like, almost 2 WEEKS AGO.
I guess it's true what Kat Williams said; "A haters job is to hate, don't be afraid to do your damn job. If ya ain't hatin' how am I gonna know that I'm a player?" lol
This is what I would've said to bunzHD. If I had been given a chance to respond to his complaint. He complained that I was talking bad about his clip. (view what I said in the comments section here.)
The way he was whining you would have thought I was cursing his mama while bitch slapping his sister in front of him. No instead he takes the cowards way out. He pulled up his dress got his panties in a wad, then BANNED ME from saying anything to him on his clips OR in private. You would think someone running a website wouldn't have the hormones of a 14yr. old girl and could take a little constructive criticism.
The really ugly thing about it is that for the most part my comment was COMPLIMENTARY of the video as a whole with one MINOR suggestion about how they could be improved. He could have thanked me for my suggestion, he could have ignored me. No instead he writes to whine like a little bitch to me about my "talking bad" about his little clip, then doesn't allow me to defend or respond to his statement by blocking me out. Just like some k** who runs up and rings the door bell to your house and runs away.
To be honest, I'm not upset that he blocked me from commenting on his future clips. He didn't have to worry about that anyway. I had seen a couple, concluded that while they were adequate they weren't for me & I hadn't looked at his stuff since. No sitting here thinking about how he blocked me from responding to what he said to me in private is what got me stewing and a little ticked off. Not to mention that I had commented on that clip, like, almost 2 WEEKS AGO.
I guess it's true what Kat Williams said; "A haters job is to hate, don't be afraid to do your damn job. If ya ain't hatin' how am I gonna know that I'm a player?" lol
14 years ago