Embarrassed by my Mother. Part 12

'Well, arent I a lucky girl. Seems like I have all the credentials,' she said in a joking tone.
'Oh you have mummy, definitely,' I said eagerly, looking her up and down.
I was a bit too eager as she hadnt quite finished what she was saying and continued talking, but we ended up speaking over one another and neither of us caught what the other had said. I apologized for talking over her and asked her what she had said. She said, 'no, go on, what did you say, first. I didnt hear you.' I felt more embarrassed having to say it again but I repeated what I had said, then asked her what she had said. She repeated what she had said, 'I just said shame I am your mummy then really isnt it.'
Getting a bit braver I said, 'well I dont know, I think that makes me kinda hornier in a way.' 'Kinda?' 'in a way?' I thought to myself. More like 'extremely' and in 'every single possible way,' but I was trying to cover myself a bit, just in case I was going a bit too far. I didnt want to push my luck and ruin everything and scare her off. I was quite happy just to be in this situation and hoped that it may happen again sometime.
My diplomatic choice of words obviously worked. She giggled and said, 'I know what you mean. I cant remember being quite this horny in a long time.' She even blushed a little as she said it. We both laughed as we looked into each others faces and she said, 'Oh come here you, give mummy a big cuddle,' and she put her arm around me and pulled me towards her and I put my arms around her too, cuddling up close. 'Nothing wrong with a son giving his mum a cuddle anyway, is there,' she said softly. I just shook my head softly. As she had pulled me towards her I was now sat leant right over towards her and she had remained sitting pretty much upright. My head was resting upon the very top of her right tit and I had to cross my right leg over the top of my left to reach across to cuddle her. Her face was right above my head and she stroked my head and run her fingers gently through my hair. I was caressing her neck and shoulder at the same time. This continued for a good 10 minutes or so, not saying a word, just gently stroking each other. Then suddenly she let out a sigh and said, 'Why was you smelling and tasting mummies panties earlier?' Fear struck into me again suddenly at her unexpected question, and I my head instinctively moved away from her, but her hand on top of my head pushed it back down to where it had been. 'Dont worry,' she said in a soft, calm voice. 'Mummy wont tell you off this time, promise. I am just a little intrigued thats all. Can you tell me?'
It was my turn to let out a deep sigh. I paused for a while, trying to think of the right words to say.
Still stroking my head, she said 'Its ok sweetie, take your time. Try not to feel embarrassed and just tell me the truth. If you tell the truth I promise I wont be annoyed or upset with you.'
I let out another deep sigh, took a breath and said, 'I just liked the smell at first, they smelt very nice and sexy. Then, I dont know why, but I couldnt resist having a little taste, I licked them at first but then I couldnt resist putting the whole gusset in my mouth and sucking on it. I knew it was probably my only opportunity before they went in the wash, so I took it. I feel a bit daft now though and I am sorry for what I done.' I was almost crying again in shame at having to say this to my own mum.
'Awwww, dont feel bad, its fine sweetie, honestly.' Still stroking my head softly, she continued, 'Anyway, mummy finds it kinda nice that you liked the scent of her vagina.'
Not knowing what to say to that I kept quiet. After a moments silence, she asked, 'You do like the scent of mummies vagina, dont you?'
'yes, of course,' I quickly replied.
'Would you like to smell it again then?'
'Its too late now. Your panties are clean now and drying in the airing cupboard.'
She let out a little chuckle which caused her boobs and belly to bounce up and down, and with it my head which was still resting on her. I was just glad she couldnt see my face as we were having this conversation. 'I know that, silly. You could smell the real thing if you would like to though.'
Published by hornylilslapper
10 years ago
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Kate_Moss 1 year ago
sheepy2166 10 years ago
Mmmmm oh I would love to smell and taste her vagina xxx
stockinglover6 10 years ago
another excellent part to the story that left my cock leaking, wishing i was invited to participate in this electric erotic moment xx