BIG DICK vs small penis................ Size does

For all the Men who r blessed to be Hung I speak 4 U. Sorry but size does matter!!! When your woman wants u to go inside her she wants to feel u and feel u go DEEP.... U cant get there with a small penis..... lol u cant hit that cervix where the gold is!!!!!! Big dick guys know what im saying >>>> we have certain problems that small dick guys don't have !!!

We cant where anything tight unless we trying to show off our bulge!!!

We where mostly boxers not brief so our Dicks can hang... sometimes he comes out the bottom of the boxers on hard!!

A Big Dick has a mind of its own!

Woman stalk us when we cut them off ....... Its like a d**g for some who seek that special attention and pleasure.

Big dicks can't take a shit on hard we take a chance on touching the inside of the toilet bowl. lol

Guys hate us but the woman loves us.

Big dicks r bigger soft than most little penis r hard. lol wtf

Big dicks come in all sizes but .....small..... lol

You can b ugly and still get a girl if you have a Big Dick...

Some woman will take care of a man with a Big Dick......

Some woman can't handle a BIG DICK....

some woman can't DEEP THROAT A BIG DICK...

A BIG DICK wakes u up n the morning....

A BIG DICK can put u too sleep anytime of the day....

a BIG DICK is a feeling of EUPHORY...

lol ok enough fun... all I can say about the small guys is what woman tell me and that is

she can't feel u

when she's too wet u fall out

when she laughs u fall out

2 minutes and done

no!!! ORGASM!!!

sometimes no wetness !!!!

He eats more pussy than he do fucking......

He overly compensate for his miserable performance

He blames the woman for his misfortunes.........

He comes up short every time ........

when u looking for him u cant find him....

Is that it!!!!!

NO call backs!!!

Came and gone like the wind......

ok I done lets have some Adult FUN.>>>.....

Published by BD-MO
10 years ago
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