Vera the Teacher chapter 3
Chapter 3:
Emily, a freshman from a class that specialized in fashion design, was walking through the corridor in the basement of the school where they had most of their practical education. She had excused herself during the first class of the afternoon and was now heading towards the toilet. In front of her, to the right, the corridor opened up into a rectangular area containing chairs, sofas and tables for the students to use during their
breaks. Behind them were the toilets.
Emily turned the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. A pretty dark-haired girl was sitting in one of the sofas. Over her lap, with her hands tightly gripping the armrest, a blond girl was lying on her stomach, facing away from the rapidly blushing Emily. The blonde's jeans were pulled down to her knees and she was breathing heavily.
Her panties were pulled aside and the dark-haired girl had her fingers buried deep inside
the girl's vagina.
Emily watched the fingers move in and out between the pussy-lips at a rapid pace, glistening with the blonde's juices. The dark-haired girl looked up at Emily, smiled and withdrew her fingers, causing the blonde to moan in disappointment. She pulled the panties over the girl's ass cheeks, took a firm grip on the globes and, still looking straight into Emily's eyes, pulled them wide apart, revealing a pink little anus and a dripping wet pussy.
"This is turning out so great", Julie thought. When she first came to the new school in august she was sceptic, wondering how it would be to go to school with students years younger than her. The cute girls showing up had quickly changed her mind. Paige, Jo and Nicky were all delectable but the moaning girl, squirming in her lap, was something else. The events this morning had really blown her mind. She had always been an
exhibitionist and she had gotten an enormous kick out of doing the horny Heather in public places all day long. And the encounter in the park had excited her beyond imagination. Getting thoroughly fucked, clit-to-clit with the woman, while pretty Heather watched masturbating beside her had made her come violently.
She looked down at the round buttocks and then buried her face between them. Her left hand slid around the narrow waist and quickly found the swollen clit.
The mesmerized Emily watched as Julie brought Heather to her seventh climax of the day, the fifth by the 19-year-old teenager's doing. Emily, overwhelmed with embarrassment, and with any thought of going to the toilet vanished from her mind, she quickly turned and left.
The digits on the computer-screen said 16:50 and it was time for Vera to go home. She looked the door to her room and walked through the almost empty school. A middle-aged cleaning lady was busy outside a row of toilets. She left through the school's main entrance and headed for the station.
When she arrived at the well-lit waiting hall she spotted a familiar figure.
It was Emily, a student that Vera knew commuted to school with the same train as her. She was a pretty, blond girl with a friendly smile and the perfect teenage body. She had long slender legs, a firm tight ass, slim waist and perfectly rounded, medium sized breasts. She was sitting on a bench with an absent look on her face.
The platform was packed with people. 'I'll be lucky to find somewhere to sit', the teacher thought. When the train arrived she elbowed her way through the crowd and was fortunate to get a seat next to a young blond girl with braids, already sitting on the train. The girl had hung her jacket by the window and was now resting her pretty head against it, fast asleep.
The seats were grouped four by four, forming a cubicle with a table in between. A glass wall was separating the cubicles from each other.
Opposite her, an attractive woman about her own age with half-long, red hair and trendy glasses, where sitting. Dressed in a black turtleneck and black pants she was rapidly flipping through her calendar.
Beside the redhead, a maybe 35-year-old woman was rummaging around in her bag looking for something. She had shoulder long blond hair, high cheekbones and the most beautiful blue eyes. She had on jeans and a tight sweater, showing of her full breasts nicely. She found what she was looking for, a paperback book, and started to read it.
Just when the train was about to start Vera saw Emily coming along the aisle towards her. She looked a bit bothered, clearly not finding anywhere to sit. The girl was wearing low-cut jeans; a white silk blouse under her designer-jacket and she had her long blond hair neatly styled in the latest fashion.
Her blue eyes lit up when she saw Vera.
"I can't believe how full the train...oops!" The train had started and Emily had to hold on to Vera's seat not to fall over.
"You can sit in my lap if you like" the teacher said. She was sure to get a negative reply but thought it was worth a shot.
"Ok" the teenager said cheerfully and sat down on the surprised teachers thigh.
The blond woman looked up, raising an eyebrow. The pretty girl was clearly to old to sit on the woman's lap but they seemed to know each other. She returned her focus to the book.
Vera was delighted to have the firm ass pressing down on her thigh but people passing by kept bumping into Emily's long legs.
"You better swing around, Emily" Vera suggested, "Otherwise your legs will be all bruised before you get home." The teacher parted her legs and gave her student room to turn around. Emily nervously took a hold of Vera's backseat with her right hand and twisted around with her firm buttock rubbing against the excited teacher's thigh.
"Are you sitting ok?" Vera asked and "accidentally" put her right hand on the girl's delicious thigh, making the girl jerk in surprise. Emily looked questioningly into the teacher's eyes.
"Sure" she said. Her eyes were drawn to Vera's hand that now started to caress the girl's firm flesh. The girl stared as her teacher's hand moved only inches away from her crotch, not knowing what to do.
Emily's back was blocking the view towards the aisle. The young teenager was still asleep and the redhead had put down the calendar and closed her eyes as well, but the 35-year-old blonde had stopped reading and was now looking straight at the hand, resting by the girl's crotch.
Vera quickly pulled the front of the girl's blouse out of the jeans and exposed the teenager's flat stomach. Emily couldn't believe her eyes! She stared as hypnotized at the teacher's hand now starting to unbutton her jeans. She felt the hand slide inside and caress her skin just above the panty line.
The blond woman was amazed. The pretty dark-haired woman's intentions were clear. She was going to masturbate the gorgeous teenager, sitting in her lap.
Emily was really getting worked up and she had to put her right hand on Vera's shoulder to steady herself as the teacher's middle finger found it's way under her panties and into her pink flesh. Vera's left hand slipped under Emily's jacket and blouse and started to caress the girl's back.
The jacket was quite long, fully covering Emily's back and buttocks.
Vera's hand found the bra clasp and quickly unhooked it, freeing the girl's breasts. Emily looked up and saw the blond woman in front of her staring at her teacher's hand moving inside her panties.
The train was now stopping at Emily's station.
"I'm getting off," she whimpered weakly.
"You sure are" the blonde said, taking in the gorgeous sight of the teenager's firm, tense body. Vera's hand was now firmly planted in Emily's vagina and pumped her pussy rapidly with two fingers. The teenager's hips began to move and she bumped into the sleeping younger girl.
The girl, angry at being disturbed, opened her eyes and must have thought she was still dreaming. Beside her a good-looking woman was sitting with a drop-dead gorgeous teenager in her lap and the woman's hand was somewhere deep down inside the front of the girl's jeans. The blond woman, sitting on the other side of the table, was staring like crazy at the action, squirming in her seat.
Emily couldn't believe herself. Due to the aroused state she was in, after seeing the blond girl being brought to climax earlier today, she had on an impulse accepted her pretty teacher's offer.
She was now to embarrassed to move but at the same time she could hardly sit still due to the woman's fingers in her pussy.
She looked at the now wide-awake girl by the window. She was a couple of years younger than her self and the pretty blue eyes were clearly showing signs of excitement. Emily suddenly got the urge to touch the girl. She reached out with her left hand and placed it on the girl's left thigh, making the young blonde jerk in her seat.
"This is to good to be true", the blond woman on the other side of the table thought, watching the aroused teenager's slender hand as it stroked the younger girl's thigh while the woman continued her masturbation.
Vera was so excited. The day's two encounters had made her loose her inhibitions and she had no intentions of letting the girl loose yet. Her left hand was still under the girl's blouse holding her firmly in place while her right hand happily pumped away inside Emily's now wide-open vagina.
"Tickets, please!" A brown-haired, pretty train conductor had suddenly come up behind them. Vera stopped her hand, immediately causing Emily to whimper in disappointment. The conductor looked over Emily's shoulder and smiled.
"You guys need to get a room", she said.
"Do you have one?" Vera asked in a husky voice. "This girl is all hot and bothered and could use some privacy." The brunette, fully understanding Vera's intentions, bit her lip and seemed to be thinking for a while.
"Come with me" she then said. Without waiting for a reply she moved forward along the aisle.
The teacher withdrew her hands from the girl and made Emily stand. She then quickly rose herself and started to follow the conductor, taking Emily, too aroused to protest, by the hand. 'No way I'm going to miss this' the 35-year-old woman thought to herself and followed close behind.
The pretty conductor held the door to the staff compartment open while the teacher and her student quickly slipped in. Vera, determined to get back into the girl's pants, put her arms around the teenagers back, pulled her close and pushed her tongue between Emily's soft lips.
Behind them, the woman slipped in, exchanging glances with the conductor who started to close the door.
"Can I watch to?" It was the younger girl with braids and she was looking shyly at the conductor, her eyes filled with lust.
"Of course, honey, come on in."
The conductor locked the door behind and then took in the scene in front of her.
The compartment was quadratic with three comfortable seats on one side. The woman had placed herself to the left and the young girl moved towards the window-seat leaving an empty place between them. Their eyes were focused on the teacher and the student standing in front of them.
Emily was responding to Vera's kisses and their tongues worked hard, moving around in each other's mouths. The teacher's hands moved rapidly.
She removed the girl's jacket, unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it over her shoulders. The pretty girl's bra was hanging loosely and soon disappeared, leaving the girl naked from the waist up.
Emily's breath had become ragged, which made the teenager's proud breasts move deliciously. The flat stomach just above her unbuttoned jeans was flexing rhythmically. Vera pushed the girl down at the empty seat behind the girl, barely noticing the avid spectators. She fully unzipped Emily's jeans, took hold of the waistline and softly whispered:
"Lift your butt, Emily." The thoroughly worked up girl closed her eyes, raised her hips and felt her jeans being pulled all the way off. The teacher then slid one hand under her ass, slightly lifting it up, and moved the girl's panties aside.
Vera found herself facing the most delicious little pussy. She extended her tongue and parted the girl's lower lips, tasting her sweet juices for the first time. Emily gasped as the teacher's tongue slid into her vagina. She suddenly felt two more hands pushing her knees apart. She opened her eyes and saw the younger blond girl that she had awoken before leaning over her from the left. The girl closed her mouth on Emily's left
nipple and sucked hard. She turned her head to the other side and stared in to the lust filled eyes of the blond woman, 20 years her senior. The woman licked her lips and then closed her mouth over the teenager's.
Vera inserted two fingers into Emily and started to lick the girl's clit. The teenager's breathing intensified and she moaned desperately into the woman's mouth.
The kneeling teacher felt a pair of eager hands on her buttocks. She looked over her shoulder and saw the young conductor behind her. 'Why not?' she thought briefly and returned her focus to the beautiful swollen clit. The conductor quickly pulled Vera's jeans and panties down over her hips and slipped one hand from behind between her legs.
Emily came hard when the train approached Vera's station. She pressed the girl's head to her breast, sucked on the woman's tongue as hard as she could and filled her teacher's mouth with her cum. Vera came as well with the conductor's fingers rapidly stimulating her clit. She clamped her mouth around Emily's pussy and tried to swallow as much pussy juices as she could.
When the train reached the station the young girl and the woman quickly vanished. Emily was sitting on the seat, still naked except for her panties. She now felt embarrassed and totally vulnerable.
"How do I get home?" she said. The conductor looked at her, smiling.
"Don't worry, honey. The train will turn around here and go back the same way. You can stay put here." Vera, feeling guilty for the girl, buttoned her pants.
"You'll be ok then, Emily?" Emily nodded shyly as Vera opened the door to the compartment.
"See you tomorrow" an also embarrassed Vera said before leaving the train.
Emily started to reach for her jeans.
"No need for that" the conductor said. She quickly moved over to the surprised girl, pressed her back down in the seat and took one of the, still swollen, nipples in her mouth. The girl unconvincingly tried to push her away but the talented tongue that licked her nipple soon made her concentrate on the feelings radiating from her pussy instead.
The conductor raised her up and made her stand on her hands and knees on the floor. The 20-something woman moved behind the teenager's ass, leaned forward and started kneading Emily's breasts while licking her earlobe.
"You're so delicious, baby", she whispered. One of the woman's hands slid down and found its way under the girl's panties. Emily felt herself being penetrated once more and gasped.
After a while the woman moved around Emily's prone body with her hand still tightly planted in Emily's vagina. With her other hand she swiftly pulled the panties down to the teenagers knees. Emily looked behind her shoulder and stared in fascination at the conductor. The woman, kneeling beside her, moved her mouth close to the teenager's exposed ass and let her saliva dribble down between her lips and into Emily's ass crack.
Emily felt a wet finger easily penetrating her anus. Soon the conductor's finger was buried all the way to the knuckle. Meanwhile her other hand's fingers rapidly moved over the girl's pussy. Emily came hard, shaking in ecstasy, but the woman just continued to pump her pussy and ass.
Emily had never had a multiple orgasm before but in no time she came two more times.
Totally spent she slumped to the floor.
"Now you can put your clothes back on", the conductor cheerfully said.
10 years ago