What happend to the good shit

So for many years if done CRANK! and never thought it would end up like this .my quite little d**g has reached the big time now ,I can remember when crosstops ,pinkharts where all over my home,cross tops by the thousands, and then in the 80 came that penutbutter crank,that shit was the best for your money ,see criss ain't hit the market yet ,and it was all about the CRANK!and there WS plenty of good crank everywhere ,see that's when most people where still not to sure about it and it was all coke from the major part of the 80, so crank was left to the Mexican /white trash/bikers truckers /and your ocasunal house mom/oh can't leave out carnies, those fucking tweekers had the shit that would fuck you up ,get you all silent, thinking you want to fuck everything twice ,but my dad was a biker from before my birth it was all about crank .in the mid 80 you had your lemon drop and rosebud crank come out and ,it was all I remember be sides flashes of different pussies and asses ,those where the good oil days ,then late 89 the criss made her way out to the main stream like no tomorrow, at first it was 50 for .25 and well worth it ,shit had you just flying for days, shit had no landing gear ,cuz you never touched ground ,it was a non stop flight, round trip ,then the bathroom batchers came along and cheap end it up,k and broke the p2p connection down ,and made everything cheaper. also the crank was now harder to find, it was like searching for a thin bitch at a jenny Craig convention, just ascent there ,fill me .so now ah now let's skip to the present only because I don't speak of the years I was in prison so there is a lot ,,,which brings us to 2014 may and it is like finding any thing not crap is basically what its like it sucks and well IRS turning in to a novelty d**g like tie bud or alskin thunderfuck sure it looks real but its not at least what this 42 year oil crankster remembers ,time to get out my Jr scientist and get to batching up some cookies for all the good little tweekers ,
Published by ilovecrank
10 years ago
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