Tribute Story for Cokokisses -Part 2!!

This picks up where part one left off, immediately after. As always, this is a work of fiction and hasn't happened, though I wouldn't mind if it did ;) Enjoy!

Round 2!

Leaning over and pressing another possessive kiss to her mouth, I broke it softly to look her dead in the eye. "This is going to be a fun few days..."

Now this was the turning point for me usually. There were times whenever all I wanted to do after a good fuck was to leave the house or apartment as soon as possible, but then there were other times, ones more special and meaningful where all I wanted was more. As you can guess, the latter was my primary choice for this particular adventure, and I was afraid that by the end of my tenure with the lovely woman beneath me that I'd be heavily addicted to her. Her mouth, the large soft tits, the wonderful and full squeezable ass. All of it on the physical and primal level, but even more than that was the ease that I found myself to be at around her. It was something remarkable that most people seem to deny. You can have friends and have a good time with them, but being intimate with someone and still finding it so easy to hang around afterwards, that was a truly special sort of bond. How deep it would run, I wouldn't have words to say, as I couldn't predict the future, but if I had to guess, I'd say it would be quite a while, and quite the wellspring of feelings.

But enough with the sappy melodrama yes?

My breathing was labored, the power and intensity of the orgasm still racking through my body at that moment as my cock flexed and throbbed to the point where it was almost painful, the tip of it slightly red from the excess of blood that had been forced into it, the stiffness being a level of which I've never achieved before hand. As we laid there for a moment, my body pressed against hers, cum sliding around my abdomen and chest as well as hers, another set of kisses was exchanged. Slow, sensual, teasing kisses, tongues dancing against one another, the wet slipping and sliding making just the barest of noises as it co-mingled with the soft inhales through our nostrils. My hands came up to rest on either side of her torso, my knees sliding up underneath her on either side of her thighs. My cock was still throbbing hard and it seemed to not want to go down at all, but I also knew that the second round was always the longest for me, and I intended to take full advantage of this fact...but I remembered I'd told her this in an email and she seemed to remember it as well.

I felt a pair of soft hands glide up my rib cage, setting my nerve endings alight once more as she slowly and gently rotated me onto my side and off of herself, laying me out flat on my back. She was careful, slow, methodical, reaching up to tuck a pillow under my head for my comfort it seemed, and I was grateful for it, as it gave me the perfect angle to see what she was about to do next. Rolling onto her own side, she would glide her silky smooth palm up and down my torso, finger trialing over the sticky cum that had been slathered between our bodies during my brief rest, and then down a bit lower, finding the tumescent rod still standing at attention and begging for her touch it seemed, as it flexed the nearer she got to it.
"Oh someones eager, aren't they big boy?" she purred to me, voice like silk and finding its way deep into my brain immediately, and easily as my cock pulsed once more.

"Yes ma'am..." was all I could utter out to her, the thought of her hand on me again causing my toes to curl reflexively. My heart rate had JUST died down a bit to normal, but was rapidly bouncing back up to a rapid tempo, the pulse showing through the small bobs and weaves of my cock as her hand glided around it, not quite touching it but always on the periphery. She knew how to tease, that much was for sure.

"Mmm, how badly do you want to cum again?" she cooed, bringing her mouth within an inch of my own before diving it to the side and biting onto my earlobe, my hips lifting slightly for a moment. "Beg me to make you cum, because you won't be taking over this time..." A promise it seemed, not a threat, but one that was no less powerful than the other as her hand suddenly slipped over and gripped my shaft, the silken texture sliding up to the tip just once, palm covering the ultra sensitive rim gently, the last vestiges of my previous load being squeezed out by her expert touch. I was super sensitive after the orgasm, my cock almost feeling raw but still it was an undeniable pleasure that mixed with just a slight bit of pain from how powerful it was.

"Please...please make me cum ma'am..." I whispered out to her, trying to thrust my hips into her hand. She pulled back from that, punishment for my eagerness or so it seemed.

"Ah ah ah, bad boy. I'm in control now, and you'll sit there and be good, or you won't be cumming at all" she chastised me. Her hand left my cock and rested on my thigh, placing her touch elsewhere just to show me that she meant business. It took everything I had to let my hips press back against the mattress and to remain calm for the most part. Panting ensued and I tried to regain my composure as best I could. She had other plans however as her mouth suddenly left my ear, kissing a long and slowly sensual trail down towards my nipple, soft lips finding it and teasing it to erectness. The sensitive nerves there sent another pulse through my frame, causing my breath to hitch slightly, and then came the warm moist flesh of her tongue, laving over it and giving it a small bite with her teeth, teasing it even more. As her mouth broke free, the cool air would attach to it, causing a small spike in my arousal, one I thought impossible given how horny I already was, but she seemed to find new plateaus to throw me on to at a moments notice.

"Good boy, that's much better!" she said, words of encouragement for my actions and I suddenly felt a small surge of pride. That was new...never felt that before... Her hand glided along my inner thigh, finding the edge of my cock and then gripped the base of it by forming a ring with her index and thumb finger. She gripped it loosely, just enough to glide over the skin as she stroked, slowly, gently, and teasingly up to the head. I stayed put, wanting it to never stop and my mind being consumed with thoughts of her speeding up and allowing me to jettison my seed up into the ceiling, the exaggeration seeming appropriate for how horny I was at that point in time. A thick bubbling string of pre-cum leaked from the head of my cock, slicking down and over her fingers.

"Oh my, what have we here...." her voice came into my ears once more, causing me to open my eyes and glance down. She brought her fingertips up towards her mouth, letting her slow and sensual dance of her tongue lave of her flesh, collecting my tribute to her pleasant hands and gathering it up, before swallowing it. Her eyes closed, a low hum emitting from her throat and causing my legs to writhe about. I wanted so badly for her mouth to be on my cock, that appealing pout suctioning on my rod. She glanced up at me deviously, as if she read my mind. "What are you thinking big boy? Hmm? Do you want my mouth on your cock? Do you want me to take it deep to the back of my throat, slide my hot, moist tongue over the head of it, and lick your balls? Is that it?" she whispered, the throaty notes all causing my hands to tighten on the sheets.

I could only nod at first, words failing me for the moment as I tried to look around, but found myself unable to tear my eyes away from her own, wanting to get lost in them at that point in time and wanting to continue forever. "Yes ma'am..." I started out, my breath shaky and wanting to come out in pants. "Please suck my cock!" I all but whimpered out to her, my whole body flexing and tensing up from the immense psychological feeling of it. The image of it alone in my head was enough to translate some of the feeling to my cock, the feeling no doubt would be much more intense than what I could imagine...and I wasn't wrong.

Without warning, her mouth descended, the plush pout she held wrapping around the head of my cock and suckling on it hard. "Gaaaaa--aaa-aah!" I cried out, not from pain, but the immense surge of pleasure that shot through my frame causing my upper torso to lift up and off of the bed, hands pressing against the quilted top and squeezing the sheets between my fingertips tightly, toes curling, legs spasming and my breath leaving me fully. I couldn't breathe now, and she took that opportunity to suckle hard on the tip of my ultra sensitive member, the suction pulling her lower lip over the underside, the spot where the densest patch of nerves was, over and over again in rapid succession. The feeling itself causing another thick heavy drizzle of pre-cum to leak from my tip. "Oh shit I'm gonna...I'm.." But she stopped. Pulled off and away from me fully.

"No you aren't," she said, voice sweet, almost demure in a way as she grinned at me, pretty teeth hiding behind gorgeous lips as she suddenly shifted her weight off of the bed fully. She started to gather her clothes, and strangely mine as well as she tossed them to me. "Get dressed big boy, I'm going to have some fun with you."

I complied in a haze, not knowing what I was doing at the moment but blindly following her orders as I slipped on my shirt and jeans. "No underwear" she warned me and I nodded, removing them and tossing them to the side as I put the jeans back on, wrestling my still hard and leaking cock into the pants that I wore. The feeling was uncomfortable, snug to the extreme and you could clearly see the outline of my cock in my jeans, a small spot starting to form from where the pre-cum had been leaking out. She dressed back into her attire from before, and I wondered if she'd brought more clothes with her when she drove here. But that was all washed away as she moved around to my side, slipping an arm around my waist. My own fell around her shoulders, palm coming to rest on the upper part of her breast, fingertips idly toying with the exposed flesh for a moment. "Come on big boy..." she purred and the guided me out the door of my hotel room.

We walked down the hallway at a leisurely pace, set by her of course as her fingertips teased along the waistband of my jeans, sinking into it easily as I wear them just about a half inch larger than I need to for comforts sake. Suddenly though, her hand slipped into it, fully and found the still hard cock, giving it a firm squeeze and then leaving it there, rhythmically squeezing it as we walked. Needless to stay I almost stumbled a few times as the pleasure mounted up, and we made it to the elevator, but just barely. We were alone, and as the doors closed shut, I felt her hand leave the confines of my jeans, her other coming up to press against my chest and push me back against the elevator walls.

"Lets see how if you can hold off. I don't want any cum in my hair when we're out in public now" she whispered, pressing a soft and what I took to be loving, kiss to my mouth as her hand dropped to the buttons of my jeans, popping the top three easily and letting my cock spring back out and into full view for her. She sank down suddenly, one hand pushing back against my stomach to pin me to the wall, the other coming to grip and stroke along the shaft. She brought her face within a millimeter of it, looking me dead in the eye and almost daring me to cum on her face right then and there. My toes tightened and curled, my body stiffened once more and I could feel my glutes retract, each ding from the elevator door seeming like a countdown to when it would happen. Her tongue darted out and laved over the tip, collecting the drop of pre-cum onto it, and I buckled at the knees. I tried to lean forwards, but she'd pinned me back to stop this and suddenly stood back up. She buttoned me back up, treating my cock like precious cargo as she carefully positioned it back in my pants, just as the doors chimed open. "Good boy, we'll see how long you can last." She winked and slipped her hand back around my waist again.

"Where...where are we going ma'am?" I asked, the curious tone of my voice not belaying just how horny I was.

"We're just going for a walk Drake, nothing wrong with that right?" she asked, sweet tone in her voice coming back. The ability to switch from one to the other was astounding, and I couldn't help but tremble slightly from the thought that she would be able to bring forth the more commanding mistress from just a few seconds ago.

"No ma'am, just curious is all," I replied, but offered her an easy going smile as my arm around her shoulder squeezed her a bit tighter to myself.

We walked for a little while, just chatting about various things, various observations and the like, wondering where we both came from and having a good heart to heart over what ever came to mind. The ease with which I was able to open up astounded me a bit, but I took it in stride and went with it, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth as it were. We came to a section of the downtown area, one that had plenty of alleyways, though I didn't take notice of them at first. But she seemed to know exactly what she wanted and suddenly guided me down one with a shift of her hips and walking direction. I followed, but hesitantly. I'm not a skittish person, but I am careful about what I do, and for a fleeting moment the sense of getting mugged pulled over me, but that all disappeared as she seemed to notice my hesitance and slipped her hand into my jeans again, gripping my half hard member and squeezing tightly as she led me down the alleyway. She turned around and pushed me against the wall, my back digging into the rough brick texture for a moment as she pushed a passionate and hard kiss against my mouth, tongue delving into my own as her hand got to work unbuttoning my jeans once more.

My cock had sprung to life under her grip immediately, only hastened by the fact that her mouth was pressing against my own, tongue delving into my mouth, slipping, warm and wet against my own slick muscle as her grip worked along my shaft. She suddenly dropped down in front of me again, and I expected the same kind of gesture from the elevator, however, she had more devious plans. Index finger and thumb encircled the heavy sac that held my balls, giving them a small tug downwards, as the other gripped the base of my shaft to hold it still. What happened next was surprising as all get out as her mouth literally seemed to devour my cock, slipping over it with a practiced ease....and then she started to rock her head back and forth at a frenzied pace. If someone had seen it, it would have looked like I was fucking her mouth, however she was controlling everything, her speed that impressive and stimulating as another thick rivulet of pre-cum pouring into her mouth.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuuuuuuck...." I hissed outwards, trying to buck my hips forwards, but something was holding me back. It wasn't her, but seemed to be a conditioning technique she'd instilled in me already, that if I did thrust I would lose it all and have to star over from the beginning. So I stayed put, letting her thrust her face upon my rod at a quick and heavenly pace, bringing me right to the edge of the precipice and I flexed every muscle that I had, the small bunch of muscles at my taint squeezing tightly and causing my cock to throb harder and harder. She pulled off with an audible 'pop' noise and grinned at me, standing up and seeming to primp herself. "My my my, you do have a handle on it don't you? You like being a good boy for me right?" she crooned, her words pulling at my psyche.

I nodded dumbly to her and stood still, pants around my ankles as I caught my breath. "Yes...yes ma'am..." I shuddered out, shakily so as I bent down to pull my jeans back up and over my cock. The stiffness was starting to ache slightly, and my balls were churning with the need for release, the feeling stretching all the way up and into my k**neys, a sort of dull ache that accompanied blue balls.

She laughed, the bell like chime of it all being rather pleasant and seeming to belay the situation a bit more and it put me at ease. "Come big boy, we have a few more stops to make..."

The next few stops where a whirlwind of activity for me, some of them bringing me so close to cumming that I actually thought I had, but she'd intervened with a skillful hand, and an appeasing touch, holding me just at bay and keeping from being able to do so. Had I been a lesser man I would have devolved into a puddle of goo, no good for anything anymore and consumed with the desire to cum. I believe that might have been what she was going for actually, but I can't be quite sure...

As with the pleasure increasing, so to did the chance of getting caught. She grew more and more brazen with her venue choices, the first being the elevator, and then the alleyway. She led us into a mall as well, going to a changing room in Victoria's Secret, and that was almost impossible to resist, as she'd slipped on a red lace bra to try out, just for such a special occasion. Then after that, she'd pulled us towards a photo booth, the one with the small seat in it to take your picture. I had a hard time believing that no one heard what was going on in there, and in fact thought I caught a couple of suspicious glances from people as we exited it. Soon enough, though she pulled us to our final spot. A restaurant. Cheesecake Factory to be exact, one of my all time favorites, if I'm being completely honest.

As we waited to be seated, she tapped my shoulder and I leaned down a bit so that she could whisper to me, her sultry voice pulling at my loins immediately as I recognized it as her commanding tone. I'm not one to give into the desires of someone else, but for some reason she could evoke this response from me so easily, that it surprised me quite a bit. "When we get seated, I want you to unbutton your pants, and slide them down a bit. Leave your cock exposed for me. Don't worry, we'll get a private table" she purred, and gripped by backside firmly. I could only nod and felt the familiar surge of arousal shoot through me. We were seated in a back corner of the restaurant, in a booth table that was circular and with a heavy and long table cloth covering it, allowing a little bit of hanky panky to be had underneath, if one so choose. And she did choose. As soon as the waiter took our order and left, I did as she asked, pulling my pants down just under the edge of my impossibly aching and swollen balls, my cock standing hard as a rock and ready for her. She saw it out the corner of her eye, bringing her fingertip up to press between her lips, suckling on it softly for a moment, winking at me. "My my my you certainly love this don't you? The thrill of it all, almost being caught, and my warm, hot..." she started, moving closer, inch by inch, her mouth coming next to my ear, "...succulent mouth..." she purred out, dropping her face down towards my cock.

She gave a few experimental licks before coming back up, her hand gripping firmly around the base. She started to pump, slowly, teasingly and brought forth pleasure over and over again, stimulating the nerves every which way. The waiter came back with our drink orders, but her hand never left my cock, relying on me to keep my cool as best I could. I'm sure my face was flushed, probably a glazed look in my eye, but I didn't care. I ordered for us in a haze, a fog so complete I wasn't even sure I was talking anymore, and the dinner passed by as an almost torturous affair, my cock ready to burst with just that little push over, the slight extra stimulation...but it never came. She was too good, too able to tell when I was close and able to stop before that time came.

When it came time to pay for the check, she buttoned me back up, careful of my cock once more and I paid off our tab, not even caring the cost, which really wasn't all that much considering it was Cheesecake Factory. He asked if we wanted dessert and I nodded, wanting a slice of the Godiva cheesecake they had. I call it 'Diabetes Inducer' but they don't understand my slang for it. We exited the restaurant and made our way back to the hotel, with no more pit stops and got to converse a bit more.

As soon as we made it inside and had set everything down however, she snapped her fingers. "Undress." I did so immediately, a practiced routine it would seem and she pointed to the bed. "Kneel on the edge, legs spread apart."

I was a little dumbfounded by the command, but she didn't have anything with her, so I couldn't imagine anything too nefarious happening to me just yet. I did as I was told and she brought the chair over towards the edge of the bed, her silky smooth hands trailing over the backs of my rear end, giving it a smack or two, before hefting the weight of my swollen orbs in her palm. She massaged them gently, taking away some of the dull ache that throbbed through them and for that I was grateful, wanting to release already, but anticipating that the time would come when I could.

Her hand found my cock, gripping the base of it once more and squeezing, tugging it down at a slight angle and starting to pump it in slow heavenly strokes, easing me into it, and slowly working her way to a faster tempo. I whined, I mewled, I keened and prayed that she would bring forth my orgasm, to bring me over the edge finally, but she denied it all. I was frustrated, exasperated and squeezing the sheets between my hands, thighs trembling and quivering heavily.

"Relax big boy, its almost over...but first, since you've been so good today, I think you earned a little special treat" she spoke, her tone seductive and heady, powerful and reaching into my loins on the volume alone. I could hear her shifting around a bit, and then I felt something warm on the back of my ass. Breath. "Don't think I didn't notice the first time you came lover, that was quite powerful to say the least..." Her hands slid up my back side, cupping each of my ass cheeks in her hands and squeezing softly. Slowly, I felt them being pried apart, little by little and I was about to object...but something stopped me. I DID like this after all, and I had no idea why I would deny her. Then it hit me, the sensation once more. A wriggling, wet, warm and moist flick, the barest of grazes over the tightly puckered and wrinkled star of my asshole.

I yelped out in surprise, the pleasure intense and that one little flick had caused a surge of heat towards my loins, and then a huge dribble of pre-cum spat from my cock, slathering onto the sheets and slicking them with my fluids. "Oooooh very good!" she cried out enthusiastically, her tongue starting to lave over it over and over again, each swipe bringing forth a new level of pleasure. I never thought she would go for it, but I'd prepared accordingly by shaving the area just in case. I didn't want her to go through a dense patch of hair, and preferred her to have unfettered access to it if she wanted.

She took to it with gusto, licking, caressing and laving over the area with her skilled tongue, wriggling against it with the tip, sometimes even seeming like she was trying to worm her way inside of it, each time causing me to thrash about as best I could while trying to hold still. My cock was literally dribbling like a leaky faucet, drip after drip of pre-cum slapping into the beds mattress and sheets. The pleasure was indescribable, and could only be described as 'intense'. Thats the only acceptable word I could think of, but it too soon drew to a close.

Smacking my ass a few times lightly she then got up and disrobed, standing before me stark naked and grinned at me mischievously as she crawled onto the bed, large tits swinging and waiting to be sucked on, to be squeezed and caressed. Her nipples like small beacons and begging for attention. "Now...come fuck be big boy, and don't stop until you fill my hot, tight pussy with your cum!"

Who was I to deny such a request from her?! I immediately sprang upwards, her on all fours with her legs spread wide and giving me the perfect height to sink into her, the lips of her pussy drooling with her own fluids. I'd wondered how long she'd been like that....and planned to steal her panties later on. "Come on big boy, take it, its just waiting for you. All day you were teased, brought you think you can even cum anymore?" she taunted me, and my hand arced through the air, smacking against her large rear, a satisfying smack resounding and sending a ripple through it. I'd lined up the head of my cock with the drooling gash, covering it in her juices immediately and as the final word was uttered, gave a low growl as my hips gave a hard thrust forwards, sinking into her snatch fully.

The heavenly tight grip squeezed my cock harder than I thought could be done and I let out a loud low groan of delight. All day flashed through my mind, the teasing, the edging, the sultry looks and squeezes on my cock, the way she brought me close and then stopped, over and over again, making me weak in the knees... and it translated through my motions. I didn't slowly build up, or even try to. I just went whole hog and brutally hammered into her as hard as I possibly could and as fast as I could, abs flexing and thrusting into her harder and harder with each passing second. One hand on her hip, the other moved forwards to tangle in her hair, gripping it tightly and pulling back to force her onto my thrusts harder and harder. "Oh fuck, fuck, your pussy is so tight!" I called out, my heavy balls slapping up against her clit harder with small clapping noises.

"Yeah,mmmf, take it big boy! Take that tight fucking pussy! Show it who's boss!" she cried out ecstatically. The wet squelching and slapping noises that we brought forth filled the whole room and echoed around it over and over again, building in intensity. My need to cum was reaching its peak, evidenced by the thick hot ropes of pre-cum I was leaving inside of her snatch with each thrust. I growled, and grunted, leaned over her and bit down on her shoulder hard as my hand pulled harder on her hair, the other slipping around and squeezing her large tits hard as well. Fingertips found her nipple, and she shifted her position, rubbing her fingertips over her clit at a furious pace. She seemed to be as horny as I was at this moment, and we both just wanted to cum.

It happened so fast and so powerfully I can't tell if it was a dream, or reality. My body locked up, thrusting into the hilt one final time, the impact splattering her fluids around us as I let loose a howl of absolute ecstasy, her own moans mingling with mine. I'm sure the whole floor heard us, probably the ones above and below us as well. My balls tightened so quickly they could have been in my stomach, her pussy clamped down around my cock hard, refusing to let up and my cock throbbed so hard I thought it might burst open. The floodgates retracted and thick heavy globs of semen were rocketed from the tip, over and over and over, painting the inner walls of her pussy white with my hot seed, each spurt being more powerful than the last, filling her to the brim and then leaking out of her warm folds, the sudden expulsion of her fluids being heard as she screamed out in ecstasy. "I'M CUMMIIIIIIIIIIING!!" she shrieked and she squirted, a trio of expulsions painting my thighs with her fluids and soaking through the mattress, her thighs quivering and her arms giving out. My own did too and my head pressed against her shoulder blade. Everything went black.

I came to six hours later, and I was still buried inside of her, our fluids drying slowly between us. We'd both came so hard we passed out, and I smiled to myself...and went back to sleep, staying insid of her soft and inviting folds. I couldn't wait for day three.
Published by draksnake09
10 years ago
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draksnake09 Publisher 10 years ago
Mmm, that sounds absolutely amazing to me ma'am. I'd love to feel that tightness squeeze and milk me even as we both pass out.
cokokisses 10 years ago
mmmm, so fucking hot! love to drift off to sleep with your cock buried inside me...