Tribute Story for Cokokisses

This is a tribute story, meaning it is for someone in particular, but that doesn't mean you all can't enjoy it. Please note that this is fiction, and hasn't actually happened, the star in question being cokokisses. Lovely woman, very sexy. Very arousing video's and stories. Check her out, you won't be sorry ;)

A few months of exchanging emails with a gorgeous and intelligent woman would be enough to stir any mans loins, and I'm no exception to this rule. In fact, I'm probably more susceptible to it than most would admit, given that the thrill of the chase, the flirting banter, the playful notes and teasing, those were the fun moments. Obviously the rest was fun as well, but given the nature of emails and how periodic they were, it only makes sense to relish them a bit more until the big day. That particular day was today, having flown in a few hours previously, the long and draining flight being immediately forgotten as my feet touched down on solid ground once more. A rush of energy filled my body, the dull hum starting up as it flooded through with an almost nervous anticipation, heart palpitating at the thought of it. Any man who says he isn't nervous the first time he meets a woman is lying. The familiar gurgle in your stomach, the thick tension of excitement and the possibilities that play out in your head all eclipsing any attempts to remain calm when it all came to head.

Stepping off the tarmac and grabbing my bags, I headed to the nearest hotel that I'd reserved for the next few evenings, planning to stay in town for as long as I could before I needed to head to my next duty station. This pit stop had been planned for months, and the anticipation was killing me now that I was so close to the finish line. I took a long hot shower, the steam building up on the mirror and beading up, sliding down it in rivulets as I washed away the smell of the planes insides and wiped the grime from my frame, before breaking out the razor to shave off the small bit of stubble on my chin. Soon that turned towards manscaping, taking care of the precious pacakage with a steady and practiced hand. Soon enough, the little bit of stubble around my cock was gone, followed by the heavy orbs of my balls and then down a bit further, making sure it all faded nicely into itself so that it didn't just look like there was a bare spot for no reason. The undercarriage was taken care of as well, and then some and soon I finished up.

Stepping out of the shower and toweling off, I took the time to grab my cell phone, snapping a quick picture of me with the towel on, hair spiked and wet looking from the shower, body glistening still with the moisture and sent it off to her, Karrine. Smirking I take another one after dropping the towel to the ground, letting the thick meat between my legs be in plain view as the mere thought of her brought a surge of blood towards it, filling the chambers and causing it to engorge slowly but surely. I took a few more pictures, each with my cock in different states of arousal and sent them all off to her, wanting her to see just how excited she got me, without having to even be in the room!

The rest of the was spent with a bit of fretting, not so much worrying as just excited energetic want. The moment had come and I wanted to meet her, badly so. To lay my eyes on her wonderful frame for the first time in real life, to spy the marvelous chest she possessed in a live format. Slipping on a pair of jeans, and a plain black t-shirt, swiping a bit of gel through my hair and letting the messy spikes fall however they wanted, a quick spritz of Aqua Di Gio by Armani and I was ready to meet her.

We'd decided to meet in the hotel bar, an upper class sort of place to get to know each other. Email exchanges could only reveal so much about a person after all, and a true face to face would either cement the feelings we had, or they would prove to be false and we could split amicably. My guess was that it was going for the former, rather than the latter, and that was my hope as well. I got there about fifteen minutes early, a habit picked up from the military that drilled it into your head that being late was just about the worst thing you could ever do. As I ordered a drink, a Captain and Coke, I glanced about to see if she'd shown up, but it was still early yet, so I forced myself to be patient as I sipped the contents of the drink, chatting with the bartender for a few moments.

Swiveling my gaze elsewhere however, I saw her...and my jaw dropped. She was even more stunning in person, and when she said she dressed to impress she wasn't lying. Black leggings with a tight top that contrasted her skin nicely, giving her a richer appearance in a way, the gloss on her lips, the large voluminous and enticing breast, the soft glow of her skin and the eyes of a temptress...what man wouldn't be putty in her hands? I raised my hand up a bit to get her attention, but she'd already noticed me and had made her way towards me at the bar.
"Hello ma'am" I said, courteous as ever and wanting to make a good impression after all.
"Hello hun" she purred, the silken tones of her voice reaching my ears and even further, stimulating my loins with the husky tone of two simple words. She had some voodoo in her, but I wasn't complaining. This was certainly a first after all.

We chatted for a bit, exchanging pleasantries about the flight, the trip, the hotel and the city in general. Normal conversation that belayed the ones we had online, but we were in public and she seemed to embody the definition of lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets, though I had to find that out for myself if I wanted to know for sure. Eventually though, the social lubricant of the alcohol started to creep in, and the talk turned less rigid and more fluid, more easy, and more erotic.

"I really did enjoy watching you while I was so far away you know" I admitted to her, the thoughts and memories of her videos flooding his mind, as well as the words of her stories as she detailed her forays with other men. They were wholesomely erotic and each spurred on a level of arousal that I hadn't known had been possible.

"Oh you did, did you?" she questioned, a slightly challenging tone being presented to me.
"Yes ma'am...and I was a bit jealous of them as well, to be totally honest..." I said.
"What did you have to be jealous about hmm?" she asked, her hand dropping from the bar to rest on my knee, giving it a small squeeze.

"The attention they were recieving...from you actually. Every man has fantasies, though most go unfulfilled because of being scared of being rejected, or just lack of opportunity...mine fell into the second, as I wasn't here and all thoughts of being able to experience what they were experiencing, were being washed away by the distance between us...but I'm so glad that you messaged me back," I said and offered her a beaming smile. I had braces when I was younger, the white pearls now perfectly straight.

"Oh, you flatter me!" she said, a light and lilting laugh escaping her gorgeous tan skinned throat as her hand slapped me lightly on the knee. "But on a serious note, thank you for the kind words. That means a lot to me that someone appreciates my work, not just the video's but the stories as well."

"Well, thank you for writing them and for being so forthcoming with them towards me" I said and finished off my drink. My gaze drifted lower towards her impressive chest, the cleavage that was exposed being a tasteful amount, though I still craved more...and she caught me. I could tell by the look she gave me as my gaze moved up to meet her own, the knowing stare and devious smile on her lips.

"I take it you like them hmm?" she purred, her hand squeezing my knee a few times gently, my loins starting to swell almost immediately. I could only nod in the affirmative.

"Yes I do...they are very tempting..." I said in a hushed tone, the bartender too busy to notice the conversation, but I'd noticed that both drinks were running empty. I grabbed his attention and ordered another round, and paid for it of course. I was a gentleman after all!

"Why don't we move to a more private table? I feel constricted over here, and I'd like to open up a bit more to you" I said, a pleasant smile on my face as I stood up from the bar stool, moving back a bit to allow her room to do so as well.

"Private huh? Don't you think you're being a bit presumptuous there?" she shot back, the quick wit and silken tone causing my smile to stretch a bit more, as my hand fell to her lower back, to rest on it more than to guide her. Across the way there was a corner booth with a round table that would suit their needs. Allowing her to slip into it first, he noted that it was near the exit for one, and that they had a perfect view of everyone in the bar without being conspicuous, while simultaneously keeping themselves out of sight and out of mind of those around them, for the most part anyways.

"Much better" I said, my voice dropping an octave now. My voice is naturally deep, so I normally have to go up a note to register in normal conversation with people when there are others around, otherwise it gets drowned out by the ambient noise.

Slipping an arm around her shoulder slowly, and scooting a bit closer, I would give her the once over again, the smile still plastered on my face as I raised my drink towards her. "To finally meeting one another for the first time." We clinked glasses and I took a sip before setting it down on the table. Soon, the chat turned a bit naughtier now that we were out of the way of the other people and in a more secluded spot.

"So have you ever had an orgasm in public?" I questioned her, and my mind flashed back to her story about her in the car. That should count as one, but mine was loaded in such a way as to refer to the current surroundings. I noticed a slight dusting along the bridge of her nose and cheeks, a slight darker coloring and smirked to myself.

"No... I'm not that kind of girl..." she stated, not hesitantly, but more as if she was unsure about that answer more than anything.

"I'm not that kind of guy...on Fridays anyways" I teased, dropping one hand to her legging covered thigh and giving it a soft squeeze. The warmth of her skin was apparent then, and how soft she was as well. I could smell her perfume from the proximity, and it struck a cord deep within, resonating nicely with the current situation as my hand started to stroke over her thigh. "I'm not saying you have to, but I think you'd find it very...stimulating..." I whispered, having leaned in a bit more towards her and press my nose against the base of her ear softly. Inhaling her scent slowly, my tongue would slip outwards, caressing the lobe of her ear gently, pulling it towards my mouth with the pink muscle before my teeth found and captured to soft section of flesh.

A small shudder passed through her, one that wouldn't be noticeable if you saw it, but I could certainly feel it, as well as the rising heat that was coming from her body, the moist heat from between her legs small at first, but the more I suckled, the more it grew and it excited me greatly, that much was evident by the outline in my jeans, the pulsing making the tight denim a bit uncomfortable. My hand slid up and down her thigh some more, moving slowly closer towards the apex of her thighs, closing the distance with teasing strokes. "Even if you decide to not go through with this, or if you wish to stop at any time, i will respect that wish, but just know... I will be more than happy to please you and then let you go about your way. I get off, getting others off, and I'd love to do that for you..." I whispered, biting her earlobe once more before biting her earlobe softly once more, before my hand slid fully up her thigh, palm cupping over her vulva softly.

Pressing my palm against where her clit would be, I would start to massage it in slow and rhythmic circles, fingertips pinching her labia between my index and middle finger gently, feeling the heat and wetness start to build faster and faster. "Mmmmph, you're so warm, and so wet... I love it..." I cooed, letting her earlobe go and moving towards her cheek to plant a kiss there. To my surprise she turned her head to face me, pressing those full soft lips against my own, pushing the kiss a bit deeper than I had anticipated, but I was excited none the less.

"" I managed to pant out as we broke it softly, stars swimming in my vision for a moment. I couldn't deny how turned on I was by one kiss with her, and it showed as my cock was stiff as a rock and trying to escape the confines of my jeans. But I was patient, and I wanted her to see that I was worth the time, my palm starting to press a bit harder against her clit and my fingers started to stroke along her labia softly, my other hand moving around her shoulders. It was a good thing we were semi-hidden from view as my hand became slicked with her juices for a moment, the other hand resting on the large swell of her breast, a single fingertip sliding over the bra she wore until I located her nipple, pressing down against it and then manipulating it in small and tender circles.

"You're so wet ma' you enjoy this?" I asked, leaning into her ear once more to ask, the grin on my face refusing to leave. She could only nod to me, and I speed up my motions a bit more wanting to make her climax then and there as I could feel her hips shifting up to meet my palms ministrations, wanting to push against it more but still struggling to maintain her composure. I decided to cheat a little bit and my hand slid up her vulva once more, fingertips finding the swollen and sensitive bead of her clit, pinching it ever so slightly and giving a few small tugs, as my other hand found her nipple and gave it a firm squeeze. The coup de grace would be my mouth, tongue laving up from the base of her neck towards the bottom of her ear and then latching onto her lobe gently, slowly increasing the pressure as the tugging on her clit and nipple also increased. Then it happened, the shuddering of her body under my hands and actions, the convulsing picking up in intesity for a moment as she struggled to stifle the cry of pleasure. Luckily I pulled my teeth from her ear and pressed a hard and possessive kiss to her soft and full lips to help mask the sound and muffle it. Success, no one had heard us.

Glancing around the bar area, I decided that I wanted her all to myself, where we could be us without fear of reprisal and I stood up (with some difficulty mind you, due to a raging hard on at the time) and helped her to stand as well. I could see the secretions of her pussy on her leggings, and I was once again happy I chose the booth next to the exit. "Lets get out of here" I said in a hushed tone and we skittered through the exit quickly and into the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, the soft ding being heard, I couldn't contain myself anymore and I pressed her back against the wall of the elevator, my lips descending onto hers fully once more, tongue probing the inside of her mouth, the taste of the alcoholic drinks still on our tongues as I deepened the kiss a bit more, sliding one hand up to cup her large breast through her shirt, the other hand slipping around to squeeze her large and heavenly ass, massaging the muscles with my strong grip.

I could feel her hand on my cock too, stroking me through the outside with soft and teasing motions, slowly descending to a more tense grip as her hand brought forth a wellspring of pleasure that blossomed deep inside of me, the pre-cum that was barely contained starting to push out of the head of his cock and soak into the fabric of his jeans now, a small wet spot forming from where the head pressed against it. "Oh fuck...I want badly I can taste it!" I hissed out, my voice sounding strained now as I started to rock my hips into her palm..but the door chimed and pulled open. Quickly I guided her down the hallway and then to the left towards my room, fumbling with the room key for a second before getting it to open and leading her inside of it. As soon as the door closed and clicked behind me however, it was a whole new ball game.

Her demeanor seemed to change, subtley so however, but she seemed to be in command for the time being and I couldn't deny how appealing that was. I'm normally a dominant person, controlling the flow of things for the night, but I'm not above letting control go for the evening, or a few days, allowing myself to be in the position of having to listen. She placed her hands on her hips and glanced at my jeans and shirt before shaking her head. "Take those off. Now."

I followed her request without hesitation, slipping the shirt off first and tossing it to the side and away from me, before I unbuttoned my jeans and then slid them down my legs, letting them puddle around my ankles before kicking them away. My cock was stiff as a rock, pulsing with life and in full view of her now without the slightest interruption, the head glistening with pre-cum as the seven and half inch length pulsed with desire. I could see her tongue wetting her lips and the lust in her eyes but she maintained her composure well enough. "Grab two of the towels, and then sit on the edge of the bed." I quickly did as requested, bringing her two of the towels and laying them down on the bed before I sat down on it, my hands gripping the edge softly as she grabbed the hotel chair and pulled it into place. I leaned forwards to try and kiss her but a hand on my chest stopped me, pushing me back towards the bed and laying me out. "Stay still" she purred, letting her hands glide over my frame slowly, up and down my chest and abs towards my rigid meat. I'm pretty fit, active service in the military generally keeps me in good shape, and I noticed her fingers trailing over my stomach a bit more, through the soft hair around my belly button and then a bit lower.

My breath hitched but I remained still, letting my legs dangle off the edge of the bed as she worked her magic, and my cock pulsed with anticipation, the head still beaded up with pre-cum and dripping onto my stomach. Then it happened, her soft hand made contact with the rigid pole and gripped it lightly, giving it a soft tug at first, from the base to the tip and squeezing out a heavy drizzle of the clear fluid onto my stomach as I let out a small moan of ecstasy. "Oh god...that feels so good..." I managed to gasp out, and she was just getting started! Her teasing strokes continued for a good long while, bringing me to the throes of passion almost instantly and very easily I would imagine as her touch was almost magical, forcing my body to be wracked with jolts of pleasure, my stomach rising and falling as rapid breaths escaped me and my toes curled, legs spasmed and my hands gripped the sheets roughly. She always pulled back at the last second, letting me calm down as my cock flexed and spasmed, wanting just a bit more to get that sweet release, but it never came, and soon my balls were heavy and pulsing orbs, a dull ache filling them, but a sweet sort of dull ache never the less.

As her hands left my cock for the final time, she pushed back a bit, and I watched as her hand dropped down to her pussy, the moistness apparent through leggings and I tilted my head up to watch her, mouth dropping open once more at the sight as I could see her fingertip finding her clit, stroking over it lightly and her thighs spreading apart for me to get a better look. I didn't move from my spot, but my cock started to flex and spasm a bit more from the thoroughly erotic sight, my toes clenching and curling once more.

"Hnnngh...God I want to taste that wet pussy of yours!" I cried out and sat up slightly to watch her going at it. I couldn't help myself anymore and I shot off of the bed, crouching down between her thighs and resting on my knees. My arms maneuvered beneath her legs, hooking the backs of her knee's over my shoulders. She was still wearing her leggings and panties and my hands slid up to grip the hem of them. She didn't seem to protest and lifted her ass up off of the chair allowing me to tug them down her thighs and toss them to the side. My nose was filled immediately with her sweet scent and my mouth watered instantly. "Oh god...this smells heavenly" I moaned out, licking the inside of her thigh softly. She gave a small twitch at first and soon my mouth was fastened around her clit, suckling at it like a man possessed. My hand slid underneath her and teased the ultra wet entrance to her hole, and she let out a moan, no longer having to repress it like she had in the bar. Pushing into the slick hole, my fingertips curled upwards, stroking along the upper wall softly as my mouth continued to suckle and lick over her clit, loving and worshipping the stiffened jewel with relish.

Soon I could hear her panting, the moans and pleasured sounds escaping her mouth spurring me on to move faster, suck harder, slip my fingers deeper, over and over again in a never ending cascade of pleasure as she bucked her hips up into my mouth, her hands gripping the lightly gelled hair of mine and pulling me against her mound, humping against my face and mouth feverishly as she let loose ecstatic cries. "Oh God!! I'm...I'm cumming!" she shrieked and I felt a flood of wetness soak my chin and lips, along with the clamping of her pussy over my fingers, trying to push them out from her orgasm as she trembled underneath my touch. I panted slightly and nuzzled against her clit, before slowly moving backwards. Pulling my hands free, I would grip onto her wrists and gently pull her from the chair, spinning her around and laying her back down against the bed. "I need badly..." I panted, kneeling on the edge of the bed, my hands on either side of her waist now as I shimmied up to meet her.

I spied the clothes covering her large chest and wanted to get rid of it immediately as my hands scooped around her lower back, pulling her up to sitting and gripping the hem of it, pulling it up and over her and tossing it to the side, letting it land on the ground as my hand worked with and found the clasp of her bra, unfastening it as well and letting it join the fray. Soon we were both fully nude with one another on the bed, my heart racing a mile a minute and I relished the feeling that washed over me, the anticipation, the nervous excitement, the almost frenzied energy within myself.

Dropping both hands to her tits, I couldn't help myself anymore, squeezing them relentlessly, massaging them gently over and over again as my mouth dropped to her nipple, suckling it hard over and over again, teeth capturing the nub and biting on it softly at first, giving a few tugs with the oscillations of my head. My other hand found her other nipple, and pinched and pulled on it, the head of my cock resting on the bead of her clit, the shifting causing the glans to rub against the nub over and over again, my cock getting bathed in her juices.

"I need to fuck you...I need to" I panted out softly, pulling my lips from her nipple and moving up to crush them against hers, feeling her hands slide around my frame and down towards my waist, guiding my hips forwards again as a way of accepting it and me and I smiled into the kiss, our tongues battling one anothers for a few moments before we broke it off. My mouth dropped to her other nipple now suckling on it roughly as I dropped my hips slightly, feeling the warmth and dampness of her pussy leaking out over my length. Lining up the head with the tight quivering hole, I started to push forwards, sinking into her silken depths slowly and smoothly thanks to the prior lubrication of her pussy juices.

"Ooooooh god...this is incredible..." I moaned out, my body still spasming from the denied orgasm that she'd given me. I was hyper sensitive and I didn't know how long I would last with her the first round and that thought alone spurred my actions. I started to buck into her with a madmans pace, thrusting as hard and as fast as I could as the mounting pleasure shot up and down my spine, tingling along the most sensitve of area's, the wet squishing noises of our coupling being heard and filling the room easily. I grunted and moaned, cursed and vociferated just how good it felt, and she did the same, each of us devolving to our baser instincts now and meant to breed with one another. I growled and sucked on her nipple harder, my other hand squeezing her tit harshly as I fucked her harder and harder, balls slapping against her pussy juice coated asshole over and over again as the familiar tightness started to creep up, pulling my balls up into their sac.

"Oh god fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she cried out, her soft hands moving all over me, one pinching my nipple lightly and giving it a small twist, the other hanging on my hip and squeezing before she resorted to smakcing my ass, harder and harder to spur me on. I could feel it building, more and more as time went on, and I wasn't going to hold out much longer.

"I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum soon!" I hissed and picked up for the final spurt of energy that I had right then and there. As I thrusted her hand gripped my ass, and then her fingernail brushed over the super sensitive rim of my asshole, ever so softly and everything went white. My vision clouded over and a miasma of colors burst into view before I bucked into her one final time, pulling out at the last second and letting my cocks length rest against her clit as it flexed and throbbed, spurting thick heavy ropes of cum onto her breasts and stomach, pearlescent strands of seed coating her darker flesh and contrasting beautifully as I trembled and gasped for air.

Leaning over and pressing another possessive kiss to her mouth, I broke it softly to look her dead in the eye. "This is going to be a fun few days..."
Published by draksnake09
10 years ago
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draksnake09 Publisher 10 years ago
Any time love, I'm here for you hehe :wink:
cokokisses 10 years ago
My god ...that was so steamy and sexy to read!!! I love, love, love it! Excuse me while I slide my pants down...