My personal garden

Some people come into your life for a lifetime and some come for a season. You have to know which is which. I put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are leaves on a tree. The wind blows, they go to the left. The wind blows from the other way, they go to the right. They are just unstable. You can't count on them for nothing. All they ever do is take from that tree. What you need to understand about a leaf is that it has a season. It'll wither and die and blow away. There ain't no need to be praying over a leaf to be resurrected. When it's dead it's gone. Let it go! Some people are like that. All the leaf ever does is cool you off every now and then. If you're grown, you know what I'm talking about, because you can call them in the middle of the night and get cooled off. That's the leaf people. They come to take.
Then there are people like a branch. You got to be careful with branch people. They come in all different shapes and sizes. You never know how strong they will be in your life. So my advice is to tip out on it slowly. When you're going out on a limb, don't put too much weight on it at once, because that branch it can break and fall and leave you high and dry. Sometimes, you have to wait for a branch to grow up before it can hold all of the things you want to share with it.
Finally, there are people who are like roots at the bottom of the tree. If you find yourself two or three people who are like roots in your entire lifetime then you are blessed. The roots don't care nothing about being seen. All they're there to do is hold that tree up, to make sure it stays in the air. It comes from the earth to give that tree everything it needs. That's what relationships should be about. That's what we need, people who want to be in our lives for the right reasons. If somebody wants to walk out of your life, or isn't treating you right, you've got to LET THEM GO! When you learn to love and respect yourself the way you should you will end up giving standards to everyone around you. Please learn this lesson, if they don't meet those standards, you have to let them go, because they might be a leaf. Forgive them and accept what they are and let them go cool someone else off for a season..
Published by 1LuckyGirl
14 years ago
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papa61 14 years ago
Hi, can i use it...
nxtyme 14 years ago
I really absorbed and appreciated this....thanks for sharing !
bushwick 14 years ago
i may have to borrow that
bushwick 14 years ago
thats good food for thought
XMaverick 14 years ago
How interesting. I've never heard such an explanation before. I sorta understand it
I had to read this twice. I know what your saying. x