Master's orders by stefhavre43
By: stefhavre43
I put on the tight stretchy black dress my Master had instructed me to wear. He had realised that I suggested it because it wouldn't blow up revealing my knickers, so as he accepted my suggestion that I wear it to the restaurant, he designated it 'No Underwear' so I couldn't wear anything underneath it.
It was so tight and clingy that my nipples could be seen quite clearly, and it was so short that I was sure the bottom of the cheeks of my arse would be visible. I had no choice but to obey.
"Now, a few ground rules." He announced.
"Yes, master."
"Being such clingy material it may ride up a bit, but if it does, I don't want you continually fiddling with it. So, if you want to pull it down, ask for my permission. If you ask again in less than fifteen minutes I will punish you. Do you understand?"
"Yes master"
"Second, because the dress is so short, and with your nipples on display, it may make some men think you are available for them to grope. They may put their hands between your legs, and play with your pussy, they may stick their fingers inside you, or tweak your nipples. If that happens, open your legs a little, to give them easier access, and also to let them know that you don't object. Do you understand?"
"Yes master."
"Third, once we are sitting at the table, keep your legs apart a little, I suggest your knees should be at least four inches apart.. I'm sure we'll get great service if you give the waiters a treat."
"I understand master."
"Ok then, let's go."
We walked out to the car, and straight away the hem of the dress started wriggling annoyingly up my thighs. It was going dark, so I risked a surreptitious touch between my legs. The dress had ridden above my pussy, and at the back it was above the level of the start of my bum cheeks. It was quite cold and my nipples had hardened to bullets.
"Don't waste a dress tug now, and don't pull it down when you get into the car. When I'm driving keep your legs apart."
"Yes master."
Master drove the five minutes to the gastro pub, where he parked on the far side of the car park, giving me a long embarrassing walk to the front door. I got out of the car and stood frozen. The car park was brightly lit, and there were quite a few people about, mostly businessmen from the nearby hotel.
"You may pull the skirt down now, and then once more by the door, but that's it though, don't ask to do it again."
"Yes master, thank you master"
I pulled the hem of my dress down as hard as I could, and set off across the car park next to master. Within a few steps I could feel the hem working it's way up again, and I could feel all the men looking at me. Finally we reached the pub door, having given quite a few of the rather good looking men a treat. I dragged the hem down again and followed my master through the door and towards the crowded bar, followed by a posse of turned on men. The bar was very crowded and I was soon hemmed in by attractive young men in suits. I was loving the press of male bodies around me, and getting so turned on. Master whispered in my ear.
"Feet six inches apart"
I obeyed and within seconds a hand was on the inside of my thigh and then on my clit. Fingers slid into my yearning cunt, giving me fabulous sensations.
"Don't cum, if you do you'll regret it later."
"Master, I don't think I can stop myself cumming."
"Try harder."
A finger pushed itself into my bum, which felt so good, and the fingers in my pussy moved in and out, with a thumb flicking my engorged clit. The vibrations gave me an exquisite feeling, which combined with the fingers, conspired to drive me onto the rocks of a crashing orgasm. I just couldn't control it, and in seconds I was cumming hard, and tensing for the anger from my husband.
"Was that fun?"
"Yes master, I'm sorry master."
"Come on, let's get a table."
"Thank you so much, but I don't understand?"
"I just wanted to give you a treat, I do still love you."
"I love you too, my beautiful husband."
"Have you fully accepted being a slave now?"
"Yes master, do with me what you will."
"I intend to."
A good looking French waiter led us to a fairly secluded table, and as we were getting settled Master ordered a bottle of Moet for me, and a large whisky for himself. The waiter had a good look at my pussy.
"Enjoying the view?
"I er um..."
"Do you want her to give you a blow job?"
"Wow, yes!"
"When you are free, you can meet her in the car park. She must be on her knees on the gravel."
"I can get away as soon as I've ordered your drinks."
"Excellent, please do something for me."
"Pee in her mouth before she starts."
"What? Really?"
"Otherwise no blow job."
"Oh, right, no problem."
I went out to the car park, trying to avoid everyone seeing my pussy and arse as I walked through the restaurant. Luckily there was a side door, so I only cut across a corner of the room. Once in the car park I waited in a dark area until the waiter came out, but when he appeared he was with two other guys.
"Hi Madame. I told my friends and they wanted a blow job as well. I asked your husband, and he said it was fine, but that they must pee as well."
There didn't seem to be anything I could say, so I just dropped to my knees and waited. The French waiter moved towards me undoing his flies and pulling out his cock. He shoved it into my mouth, grabbed my hair, and started peeing. I did my best to seal my mouth around his cock as the hot, rank liquid flooded my mouth and shot down my throat. I had to swallow like crazy to avoid drowning or leaking some down my dress, but I just about managed it. With a couple of final squirts he was finished and I started the blow job. He got big very quickly and was soon fucking my mouth with his rigid cock. I wasn't able to use my practised skill with my tongue, as his cock head was so far down my throat, but in a couple of minutes I felt his cum hit the back of my gullet.
The next two guys were a copy of the first, except that the third guy just placed his cock a little way into my mouth and let me use my tongue to make him cum. He also bent down to kiss me on the mouth after I'd finished him, which was nice of him, or maybe it was just kinky. I made my way back to my master at the table, noticing that he was just finishing his starter.
"That was quick, did you do all three in that time?"
"Yes master, they took control, so I couldn't make it last for them, except the last one, who I did spend some time on."
"Ok, well I told them to see if anyone else wants you after you've eaten your dinner."
"I'm not sure I can eat anything, master, I'm awash with pee. Also, I now need to pee."
"Ok, I don't want you using the toilet, so go squat in the car park. Oh look, there are two more waiters going outside. Go and stay out there until they stop arriving. I'll get a doggy bag for your food."
"Yes master."
I quickly rushed outside again, and apologised to the waiters saying that I needed to pee. They said I should go ahead, and just stood looking at me, so I squatted down and let go. There seemed to be gallons, which was not surprising really, and I created quite a lake, which my new shoes were in the middle of. Finally I was finished and started to stand up.
"Kneel." They instructed.
"But I've just peed here."
Half an hour later, and I was just finishing off the head chef. My stomach was glugging with pee, and I was so close to vomiting, when master came across the car park.
"Please master, I need to pee again before we go."
"No problem, pee there, where you did before."
I squatted again and increased the size and depth of my pee lake. I was nearly finished when Master stepped forward and shoved hard on my head. I immediately fell backwards into my own pee puddle, soaking the back of my dress, my long hair and the backs of my legs. Even worse, I couldn't stop peeing. I was lying in a pool of my own pee, and peeing down between my legs, making the dress even wetter.
"You silly girl, now you're a real mess. Take off your dress and shoes and put them in the boot. Now get in the boot yourself, I don't want you in my car covered in piss!"
I did as he instructed feeling wretched and getting very cold. I suffered in the hard, cold smelly boot for about ten minutes, and then we pulled in somewhere very bumpy, and stopped. My Master turned off the engine , got out of the car, and came and opened the boot. I was completely blinded by the boot light, so Master pulled me out quite roughly, then shut the boot.
I couldn't see much but we obviously weren't home, which is where I'd thought we were going, and as best I could make out we were at the entrance to a field. Master led me past the car and up to the gate. I was in the middle of the countryside, completely naked, and totally under the control of my Master.
"Climb onto the gate. Sit astride it like the wooden pony."
"Yes master."
"Hands behind your back."
Master brought a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket, and handcuffed my wrists behind my back.
"Take your legs off the gate and let them hang down. I want all your weight on your pussy."
"Yes master, please master, it really hurts."
"You won't be there for long, so don't whine."
"Sorry master."
"If you look to your right you'll see some house lights. The furthest left one is ours, well, mine. There are two fields which you need to cross to get home. Don't go on the road, it's too dangerous for you, naked and handcuffed. Good luck."
Master pushed hard on my left shoulder and I had no way of avoiding falling off the gate. At first, as I rotated on the top metal pole of the gate, my pussy lips were in agony. The gate was rough with rust and all my weight was on my pussy which was dragging around the pole as I fell. Then I was falling. I worried for a split second that my right leg would get caught in the gate and broken, but Master was ahead of me. I felt his hands grip my right ankle, and suddenly I was flying across the field, clear of the gate. I landed with a splosh in very wet churned up mud. I tried to turn to get up, but I just ended up wallowing around in the deep disgusting mud. I got completely covered in it, even my hair was plastered with the disgusting mess. Finally I got to my knees and then my feet.
I heard Master's car start, and then I was blinded by the headlights, and, of course completely illuminated for anyone driving along the lane. Two seconds later the headlights swung away as Master reversed on to the road. Two more seconds and he was gone, and I was alone, covered in mud, freezing cold, handcuffed, and completely blind. The headlights had blinded me so much that everything was black. If a car came along while I was standing there, they would get a full naked view of me. How many men could resist such an invitation?
After what felt like an hour, my vision cleared and I could see the dark hedge on the far side of the field by the light of a crescent moon. I set off quickly and immediately crashed face first into the mud. I struggled back to my feet and moved off more slowly. Soon the mud changed to grass, and I moved more easily, although I still fell twice more. I was gaining a lot of bruises. My breasts were suffering most, followed by my knees and face.
Finally I got to the hedge, and started to work my way along it to find the gate. When I found it, my heart sank. It was an old rickety wooden gate, and the top had barbed wire wrapped around it. If I tried to get over it my legs and pussy would be ripped to shreds. I couldn't think what to do.
In the end I settled for trying to find a gap in the hedge. It was difficult to see, and I went the full length of the field and found nothing. I was shivering from the cold, bruised and frightened, but I had no choice, I started to re-trace my steps to find the least bad option. Eventually I settled on a place where the hedge wasn't quite so thick, right at the base. I lay down on my back and started to wriggle through. My head got through relatively uns**thed, but as my boobs reached the hedge I realised I had seriously miscalculated. They would be shredded if I went on. But try as I might, I couldn't reverse back out. There was no alternative, I had to carry on. I pushed hard and started to get through, but my breasts were getting cut so badly. One particular thorn cut right through my left nipple. I was crying continually, but I kept moving. Finally my boobs were clear and I could move more quickly. The front of my thighs were also attacked, but not so badly, but then a bramble whipped down between my legs and a thorn stuck itself into my clit. I was in agony and as I tried to move the thorn embedded itself more. I tried to free myself with my legs but they got scratched but achieved nothing. I tried twisting right and left, but nothing worked. so there was nothing for it but to keep going and pray that my clit would heal eventually.
I cannot describe the agony as the thorn tore it's way through my favourite place. For a few minutes I lay in the field crying, but in the end I pulled myself together. I got up and crossed the second field. There was an iron bar gate at the end of this one, just opposite Master's drive. There was nothing for it but to climb the gate. I got my leg over and sat down on my mutilated clit. It was sheer agony and I just fell straight off on the other side, crashing onto the gravel. I got up and ran across the road, across the drive, and straight in through the open front door.
"You took your time, did you have fun?"
"No master."
"My God look at you, what a mess!"
"I think my clit has been torn by a thorn."
"Let's see, you're right, I'm not sure if that will heal or not. It's a good thing you had an orgasm earlier, it may have been your last. Now run along and shower, then I can put some disinfectant on your cuts, especially your clit. We don't want it getting infected!"
"Yes master."
The next day master told me that I had to be punished for my poor performance all the previous week.
"I'm sorry master, I tried my best to please you."
"Well, you're going to be very sorry indeed! I think you need a little obedience training. You need to learn to think about me, and my needs, rather than only thinking about yourself"
"Yes master, I'm really sorry master."
I was naked, as is normal around the house, and on my knees begging for mercy. It didn't sound as though I was going to get any mercy though. Master ordered me to follow him, so I stood up and walked behind him. I followed him down the hall to the kitchen, across the kitchen and out of the back door. It was 7pm in the evening, in January, in England, so it was totally dark and freezing cold. We live in the country, with no neighbours, so I wouldn't be seen, but I wasn't sure how long I could stand the cold. I soon learnt that the cold was the least of my worries.
We went to a corner of the garden, behind a little shed and near the fence between us and the paddock next door. It's an interesting fence, made from triangular section old rustic wood, with metal lattice fencing attached to it. Master informed me that it's called 'post and rail'. The top triangular section bars twist around all over the place, but at this point, where the fence runs between two trees about fifteen feet apart, the sharp edge of the triangular section is on top. That was why Master chose this particular spot.
"Ok, climb onto the fence. Sit astride it like riding a horse."
I put my foot on the lower bar, and swung my leg over, and managed to get that leg onto the lower bar as well.
"Lower yourself down onto the top bar."
As I gradually lowered myself down to sit on the sharp edge of the top bar, master put his hand between my legs and parted my pussy lips. I realised that I would soon be putting all my weight on my clit, on a very sharp wooden ridge. I did my best to keep my feet on the lower bar to carry most of my weight. Master then handcuffed my hands behind my back and tied them with a rope to a branch above and behind me. It forced me to lean forwards slightly, putting all of my weight on my clit, which was hurting like crazy, even with the assistance of my legs.
Master crouched down beside me and grasped both of my ankles.
"Please master, don't!"
"I can't tell you how irritating your whining is. You need to think of my pleasure rather than thinking about yourself all the time. I am going to get a lot of pleasure from really hurting you this evening."
He then pulled my legs off the bar, and slipped a cable tie through the fence and around my ankles and pulled it tight. My feet were secured either side of the fence, slightly behind me, and with nothing underneath them. All of my weight was pressing on to my clit, which was supported by a sharp ridge of wood. It was absolute agony, and I knew I wouldn't be able to stand it for more than a few minutes.
"Right, that's got you sorted. I'm going in to have a glass of whisky and get warm, it's cold out here."
"Please master, don't leave me like this, it really huts."
"Good, it's meant to. Now why don't you spend the time thinking of what you should say when I come back out in half an hour."
"Half an hour!!"
"Bye sweetheart, enjoy yourself."
And then he was gone. I was all alone, naked, frozen, and in agony. Time dragged, I couldn't think about anything but the pain between my legs, which seemed to be increasing with time. I tried to get some lift from my legs, but achieved very little. I started shivering from the cold, and still the pain got worse, I tried to move to give my clit a break, but all I succeeded in doing was to rub my poor clit on the rough splintery wood, and then settle back down on it.
My clit hadn't healed at all from the thorn which tore it, and now this.
After what seemed like hours my master came out. He was wearing a coat and carrying a large glass of whisky.
"Hi Pammy, are we having fun yet?"
"No master, please master, I'll do anything, please let me off this fence."
"You're still only thinking of yourself. You need to tell me things you want to do to please and excite me, not tell me what you want."
"I'm sorry master, I'll try, I promise."
"You do that. Let's try another half an hour, if I remember to come out, you can have another go. Of course I may just go to bed."
"Oh God, please no!"
Master leaned towards me as though he was going to kiss me. He put his hands on the top of my thighs, just near my crushed clit, his face was only an inch from mine. Then he leant hard on his arms, pressing most of his weight onto me. The pain in my clit exploded. How could it hurt even more? Then he did kiss me, but the pain was so intense, I was just screaming into his face.
"That's to help you think. Bye again, I'll try to remember to come out again, but it's so nice and warm in the house."
And then he was gone again.
I kept blacking out, then waking with a jolt, and going back to the crying. I had to concentrate, figure out what he wanted, offer something. Time moved so slowly, and at some stage I concluded that he had gone to bed. He wouldn't do that would he?
I wasn't sure, I didn't know him any more.
"Well Pammy, have you got any ideas yet? This is the last time I'm coming out tonight, so if you don't convince me this time, you'll be on the fence until I get up in the morning. I'm not intending to set my alarm, by the way, so I won't be getting up early."
"Master, I don't think I've been giving your beautiful cock the attention it deserves."
"Ok, go on."
"I thought I could spend hours licking it every evening. You could pee in my mouth, when you need to."
"I would love to lick your arse, several times a day, to make sure it's lovely and clean."
"Well it's a good start, but what I really want is for you to stay on the fence until the morning. Will you do that for me?"
"I...I...if it's really what you want, then..."
"Say it."
"If it's what you want I'll stay on the fence all night."
"Well done. I'll let you get off and come inside this time, but you need to get used to the idea that you are going to be on this fence a lot. In future there will be some nights, maybe when I have your friends over for sex, that you will spend the whole night sitting on the fence. I'm sure your friends will enjoy being fucked, knowing that you are out here in agony. What do you think?"
"Yes master, I'm sure they would."
"Something for you to look forward to then."
"Yes master."
10 years ago