A Lot of Cock
I lost my virginity when I was 15 and I'm now 35. I've escorted and done a lot of dogging and this is only a ball park figure but I tried to work out how many cocks I've had in me over the last 20 years. It's XXXX. Whoever guesses closest to the actual figure will get a special video just for them.
10 years ago
Being an escort would get around 4 on a quiet day to 15 and on good days around 22! Have known for escorts to get serious gang bangs in just an hour or two in just an hour or so and the amount of spunk you have probably swallowed or seen on you and in you would close to about 20 gallons in that time! I would say....not counting regulars....200 cocks x month quite easily, but depends on services as you may like a gang bang and the dogging you horny slut from what I can see at least one a day!! You really are a nice cock slut!!Cuming to think about it..You've had a had fab fucking time!!! So my guess is.....2015 and if you take mine 2016 xx