Message to bigo2323

bigo2323 (

You invited me to be your Friend. Then you blocked me. How odd.

Clearly you didn't read my profile contacting me, and then you were offended, angered, hurt -- I'm not sure which -- when we began PMing each other. Your PM's did give me a vague understanding of where you may be with me and my points of view. Then you blocked me and that gave me a definite understanding of how you viewed me. Sort of.

If you were offended by what I said, please understand that was NEVER my intention to offend you. Never.

My profile offers a brief and simple explanation about myself and others with whom a similar fetish is shared. The profile is something that you should have read carefully to save yourself from being hurt/offended contacting me.

If you weren't interested after realizing what you stepped into, then man up and fucking TELL ME. Don't be a pussy and block me without reason, running away as if you are still 8 or 9 years old.



At any rate, be well! Be safe!

Published by RoughFuck
11 years ago
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