Me n my girlfriend

This one time me n Aracely were drinking n getting on one. I told her let's do role play I ask her if u would fuck anybody who would u let them bang u she said half drunk n method out Eduardo a guy from her job so I told her to close her eyes n image him that she's getting fucked she got real into it I even told her moan his mame I would say dirty things to her to keep her going I remember I was pounding on her pussy hard Ara Ely was saying ooh yess Eduardo fuck me hard I love or cock I always wanted to fuck u I was kinda shocked and turn on she was ridding my dick real good she was thinking of Eddie I new there was something going on at her job with him well after a great fuck she was tel
Ng that she kinda wants to really fuck Eddie I was like omg really she can't handle a role play I told her if she like thinking of someone who
E I bang her she said yes n them
r that day I surprise a race
Y by going to her job wen I got there it was lonely no body was in the front soo I thought wrong I went insoe to the back to see if aracely would bang Eddie well I found Ara Ely getting grab on got her titssucked while I was there I didn't said a word I just watched then Ara Ely pop her big tits out Eddie began sucking them tits after that she Ben over Eddie took his cock out shoved in it Ara Ely pussy that's were I stop them n caught her I
EFT her job wen she got home I had her best friend Maggie ridding my dick has Ara Ely walked in the pad I didn't stop after I finished with Maggie Ara Ely just watched me fuck her friend n she said sorry I said nah is OK urjust a whore I broke up with her
Published by bandit1986
11 years ago
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