Jane1973 gives you an offer

[/image]Hi. Lately my income has been going down. So i am wondering if you my xhamster friends and others would like too bay photos and clips/ movies of me. It cost
15 unique pictures 25$, 250NOK ,18€, 25pund(uk)
2 Different clips/ short movies of me 50$, 300nok,37€,30pund(uk).Athor money from ather countries can google the amount up. You can order by sending me an email at [email protected]. As soon as you have payd the amount in too western union bank wich is almost emidietly you will get the your order in too your email. " if you want to i give you promichen too sell the pictures on too magazine or webstores. So if you are wise you can actually earn money for it. Please be a friend and bay some og me. Kisses from Jane1973
Published by Jane1973
11 years ago
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carlosalanya 6 years ago
yes baby when u want :smile: