Underneath the Carolina Stars

The stars were glowing like a thousand candles high above her head. I could see the gleam of the moon run down dark hair, which was long and fell all over her body. I evnyed that hair for being so close to her. Her silhouette was the shape of a country hillside, the sort of hillside that was aged (although she was quite young) and held a history all it's own. I wanted to caress that history, and write it down on the love we were about to make.

I held her by the small of her back while i layed her down. I kissed her from her ear lobe, across each of her breasts, and down the her abdomen. Gently my tongue pressed against her clit. She let a soft moan that broke the glowing silence of the night. I was a thirsty journeyman. And i had come to this one place, to please the very land that i roam, and to drink. At the oasis between her thighs, i drank. I drank and drank and drank. And as my hand slid up her body, and caressed the side of her breast, and the bottom of her neck as she writhed beneath my thrashing tongue on her clit, my heart drank.

Her body rose up like a great fire, shaking and flickering in orgasm, then collapsed like red embers, hot and at peace.

Dizzy, she reached to grab hold of my mountainous dick. I was throbbing in the palm of her hand. She stroked downward, pointing me right in the direction of her oasis. I could feel each individual finger, every line on her hand as she stoked. But it wasn't her hand that i wasn't wrapped around my thick penis; it was her body. She shot me a erotic grin that told me she wanted the same.

With each slowly filled her, inch my inch. The deeper my dick went into her dripping wet oasis the more a part of her i felt. And though it was i who was deep inside of her, filling every crevice, it was she who was filling me. As i became one with her, she began to occupy every empty space that ever existed inside of me.

All the lights of the eart, all the colors of the universe swirled, and made music as she and i made love. It was as if we were the only two souls underneath the Carolina stars.

I could feel her body surge with energy beneath me. Her eyes began to roll to the back of her head. Eyes that i locked into as we were making love had now dissapeared and all i could see was whitness. I wanted to go with her. I wanted to exist that far deep inside of her. But it was though she had shut me out, leaveing me not even her eyes to connect to. I felt lonely. I felt as if all the emptyness she had lifted not moments ago was being thrust back to me, 10 fold. I was completely isolated.

But as her orgasm waned, i realize something. As her eyes returned to me i could the Carolina stars reflected in them. Each of those stars rained truth down on my body. The place she had turned to deep inside of herself was a place of ecstasy, a place that she only could exist in. But when she went there, our bodies were one. And in peering deep inter herself as we made love, it was as though it were MY eyes that she were peering with. She shot me a smile that broke through her flushed face, returning back from the purest natural ecstasy and oneness that a person could experience. My sexual heart was satisfied that it could send her there.

Published by DMB21
14 years ago
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r1otgirl 13 years ago
God that was a great story, lovely and erotic, and not too short or too long. great story