Not really a story but more of a question.?

Ive been married over little of an year now. She (22) I'm (23). Well during sex my talk's to me about haven sex with other men. She know's it turn me on. Well not to long ago she started talking about her x boyfriend.Doing stuff with him.( me and my wife meet in high school i was her first so i took her virginty fyi.)Well during sex one night i asked if there was any guy she could sleep with who it would be. She said some guy she grew up with not her xboy friend. I think he is in the army.
Any ways sense my wife keeps talking about it do you think i should try to really get her to sleep with another man.? It turns me on and all.But she also say's she never would sleep with someone else or cheat.? But during sex she's not afraid to talk about it.?
What should i do.!?
Published by cryptic8956
14 years ago
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ThickCockFeeder 13 years ago
So after reading this, I am curious what happened. Update?