I have been looking for an opportunity to join the porn and be a porn star, but I have been finding it difficult. I really want to join, can you please direct me? if you are up there please select me. I really want to be a porn star, I have tried severally but not really getting in, because I have not found some one to help me, direct me and choose me to be a porn star. please I really want to be a porn star, I have dreamed about this all long but no idea and support to lead me to the rightful person and porn organisation, I'm an African, a Liberian to be more precised, I'm 22 years old very energetic. I'm presently residing Senegal, Dakar. Liberte 6 Extension, Rue 87 this is my whole information I'm displaying so you can help me get where I want to be, it's difficult here in Africa to be a porn star because to find it is very hard I don't really belief that they operate here in Dakar. I'm real, all of the information that I'm providing are facture these are my personal emails: [email protected]. this is my gmail:alieu.sneh1@gmail and also my skype address alieu1235, so please select me I really want to be a member, I'm new on this site. I have been hoping to meet up with this opportunity, so glad that I can be able to write you that you will be able to reply me. Please I really want be a member this is my contact +221778816768/+221338276088 you can call me at any time I will be available always, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm a high school graduate and a college drop out due to financial impotency so please I really want you to pick me, if in any ways or means you can get to me I await your response. I'm new on this site and I will like to be pick up in any ways or means, please, this is my story,thanks for taking your time to read my profile, hope to hear from you soon.
11 years ago