Once a time " a cock loved pussy "
Big love story between a cock & pussy..
He was a poor cock having nothing except his rounded big head
She was a rich tight pussy very soft..Very hard to reach her
They met by chance in an elevator crowded by many dicks & pussies
But this cock & this pussy didnt notice this crowdness
Magic attraction happened when cock head touched pussy lips
Like a fire happened in both of them
They were shy about but prefered to be close to each other
The cock body started to get harder & the pussy lips started to be opened more wide
They cant imagine why they feel like this but the only feeling they can notice is tht they want to be close to each other as the warm they feel , they didnt feel before
The elevator now is empty...No one except them
The cock's mouth started to play with pussy lips..the pussy liked this very much & her dripples started to wash cock's head
the cock told the pussy tht he feels like in a sweet dream & he doesnt want to wake up frm this ephoria
He told the pussy tht he wanted her to give him a big hug...He wanted to feel this warm between her soft walls inside
He knows tht pussy wants to let him get inside & satisfy all her emotions deeply...It's her 1st time to feel like this love
The cock started to go inside her..Push himself softly & deeply inside his love
The pussy became more wide & relaxed & let the cock go deep inside
She asked the cock to hug her more deep & harder...She liked to feel his power inside her
" Cock hug me more more " , the pussy said
" I never let u frm this day & i ll be inside u forever " , the cock said
He wanted to be inside her , never loose her under any conditions
Nothing ll make him be far frm her..He swears to be close to her till the end of his life
The love he feel inside her cant be imagined
She gave him the most wonderful feeling ever
She ll be his love forever
Frm this day they lived together & to eachother
Every morning the cock cums inside the pussy big load of emotions in a very deep hug
Telling her always " I dont know how my life ll be if u wasnt in it "
The End
He was a poor cock having nothing except his rounded big head
She was a rich tight pussy very soft..Very hard to reach her
They met by chance in an elevator crowded by many dicks & pussies
But this cock & this pussy didnt notice this crowdness
Magic attraction happened when cock head touched pussy lips
Like a fire happened in both of them
They were shy about but prefered to be close to each other
The cock body started to get harder & the pussy lips started to be opened more wide
They cant imagine why they feel like this but the only feeling they can notice is tht they want to be close to each other as the warm they feel , they didnt feel before
The elevator now is empty...No one except them
The cock's mouth started to play with pussy lips..the pussy liked this very much & her dripples started to wash cock's head
the cock told the pussy tht he feels like in a sweet dream & he doesnt want to wake up frm this ephoria
He told the pussy tht he wanted her to give him a big hug...He wanted to feel this warm between her soft walls inside
He knows tht pussy wants to let him get inside & satisfy all her emotions deeply...It's her 1st time to feel like this love
The cock started to go inside her..Push himself softly & deeply inside his love
The pussy became more wide & relaxed & let the cock go deep inside
She asked the cock to hug her more deep & harder...She liked to feel his power inside her
" Cock hug me more more " , the pussy said
" I never let u frm this day & i ll be inside u forever " , the cock said
He wanted to be inside her , never loose her under any conditions
Nothing ll make him be far frm her..He swears to be close to her till the end of his life
The love he feel inside her cant be imagined
She gave him the most wonderful feeling ever
She ll be his love forever
Frm this day they lived together & to eachother
Every morning the cock cums inside the pussy big load of emotions in a very deep hug
Telling her always " I dont know how my life ll be if u wasnt in it "
The End
11 years ago