My first Blog

Welcom to the first installment of What Captan Brandon Thinks. No its not a perfect title, but i will work on it. After all rome wasnt built in a day. just so we all are on the same page this Blog isnt about punctuation/capitalization its I don't know what its about yet but its definitely not about grammer so this is the last punctuation, you will see here on my blog. You know i'll do a entire Blog with pefect grammer for a woman who requests it But she has to give me a pic of her boobs 1picture of 2BooBs= 200 words but im not sure if my fans would read that many words so we may have to discuss this come to an agreement I was going to tell you all about my 2011 but I dont want to depress anyone or bore them more then I have
ps 3syllable sallute
how I got my last gf
Published by capBrandon
14 years ago
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