
Sometimes when I cross my legs my clit gets pinched in the piss slit of my chastity belt. It hurts so good I cum a little. I understand why Daddy makes me wear it when I'm out walking. He's trying to breed me to a Black man, and he doesn't want any puny pathetic white cocks squirting in me. I am actually pretty proud to wear it. And I can still suck all the cocks and eat all the pussies I want.

Most of my girl friends chastity belts are either cheap black leather one size fits all or cold steel. Daddy spoils me, and I wanted one like mommy's. So Daddy took me to a friend of his who makes custom saddles for horses, and expensive custom fit chastity belts and other useful high quality harness. When we got there I got to get naked in front of Daddy's friend, which I love doing, and laid on a big piece of tanned leather, while Daddy's friend took a pencil and drew around me. Then I got to stand on a platform in the middle of the room and Daddy's friend took precise measurements of where my pussy and asshole were and how far from my waist, etc... He even had me piss a stream so he could see the angle it came out. That was my favorite part. Then he showed me several butt plugs to be sewed into the back. I never knew until he explained to me, it is the most important part because it holds the belt in position. He told me again, although mommy had already taught me, about how wearing a good butt plug helps a girl to learn to lift her ass cheeks and gives her ass a very appealing and ladylike appearance. Besides we love the way they feel. I picked a medium sized one thinking it might be more comfortable to wear all day out in public. But, that was the only time Daddy spoke up and said: "I think we can do better than that. You are a big girl now," and picked a huge black butt plug just like mommy has in hers. I was sooo proud, Daddy saying I was a big girl in front of his friend. The whole thing had me dripping wet and sooo horny. I'm surprised I was not moaning. So Daddy let me put on a little show for he and his friend and his friends secretary/slut.. I don't think I have ever came so hard or squirted so much. The smell of all that leather and Daddy and his friend watching me. There was literally a puddle. I was so happy I had pleased my Daddy.

Well it took about three weeks and then Daddy took me back to check the fit and pick it up. And that is when I get the best surprise. I was expecting it too look like mommy’s. Beautiful oiled, saddle tanned leather, with shinning polished brass hardware. I always wanted one just like hers. But instead the leather was dyed beautiful Fuck Me Flag Pink! My very favorite color. Daddy smiled seeing how happy it made me, then laughed and told me. "Well it's your own damn fault," with a big grin on his face. It seems that when I had gone to get measured and Daddy had let me relieve myself and put on the show, I squirted so much it stained the leather. And they had to dye it to hide the stain. When the saddle maker called and told Daddy, he immediately told him to dye it Fuck Me Flag Pink. Well let me tell you I could not wait to wear it, there in the middle of his shop I peeled off my tight mini dress, dipped my finger in the jar of vaseline on the counter and carefully smear just a little on the tip of the butt plug, put one leg at a time into it and pulled it up. As soon as the perfectly positioned and huge butt plug reached my tight little pink asshole, I bent over and deeply inhaled as I pulled it inside me up to the base. Just like I had seem mommy do a hundred times. It fit perfectly, every strap was just tight enough. And to top it off just where all the straps fit together over my pubic mound Daddy's friend slipped a beautiful small lock and clicked it close. He then turned to Daddy and presented him with the only key. It was sooo beautiful it took my breath away. I could hardly believe it when the Saddle makers secretary/slut, told me it would not show under the tightest of dresses. So, I slipped my dress on and while Daddy was writing the sizable check, she led me to a full length mirror on the wall. As I walked away I could hear him telling Daddy how special the lock was. Small but made out of titanium or something and would defeat the best bolt cutters. I quit listening cause it sounded like guy stuff and besides, I never wanted to take it off. It felt like part of me. It moved when I moved like a second skin. I couldn't believe it when I got to the mirror. She was correct. Even with that skin tight, stretch, mini dress you could not tell I was wearing it underneath. For emphasis she even lifted her own mini skirt and to my surprise she was wearing one just like it but purple with silver studs. We both squealed with delight. As she leaned in closer, she whispered to me. "A coat hanger is your new best friend." I smiled back knowingly and told her softly. Don't worry I know, I have seen my mom bend a coat hanger double and push it through the piss slot to her clit and get herself off a hundred times. We both laughed again.

It was time to go. But I have never walked prouder beside my Daddy all the way home. I love my new chastity belt and am proud to say I am never going out in public without it until my Daddy decides which Black Bull he wants me bred too. Like I said. Daddy spoils his baby gurl!

Published by Boots2613
11 years ago
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