IWF Crime Watch - The Story of Masterdog
Well Hammys, I was so hoping that my first blog of 2014 would be a happy one, but unfortunately I have yet again been accused of the worst crime ever
Things have been super cold (it's Alaska in January, big surprise there) and I couldn't sleep any longer, so decided to log on and check some messages from my Hammys. And lo and behold what did I find?
Oh happy day! A troll! Praise the Lord! Hello Masterdog! What wisdom do you have for me?
Let's see what I'm being accused of...
1) Being a girl - Guilty as Charged
2) Thinking I'm a Sex Goddess - Technically I'm still in training, but Guilty as Charged
3) Thinking I know everything about Guys - Did I say I knew it all? Innocent Until Proven Guilty
4) Being 19 years old - Guilty as Charged
5) Full of Bullshit - Jury is still out (?) <--- Yes this is sarcasm :-P
And what prompted this attack? Hmmmm let's lay all the cards on the table and see what horrible things I've been saying to Masterdog behind the scenes.
OH MY GOD. Can you believe it Hammys?!?! Look at all those horrible things I've been saying to Masterdog! Wow. I really zinged him there. Poor guy didn't know what hit him. I mean, just look at those curse words I'm laying down. It's like the devil possessed me and I was speaking in tongues or something.
I guess I must have deserved all that anger and hatred to my page BY NEVER HAVING TALKED TO HIM EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.
Not one to leave well enough alone, Masterdog was kind enough to come back and spam me yet again after some of my friends came to my defense. (Thank you everyone, you guys & gals are the best!!)
So, just who is this incredible internet watchdog? (Or Masterdog, clearly he's finished his MBA from Troll & Spam School, so let's give credit where it's due, my apologies)
Behold my Hammys! Your savior! A faceless male, 21 years of age! He's the everyman who has risen up from the tired porn deprived masses to save you from.... me.
God bless you Masterdog! Yet another girl has been successfully attacked and spammed for the worst crime imaginable, IWF - Internetting While Female.
Thank you for reading this my Hammys, and thank you again to all my friends for supporting me without me even asking. You are awesome and wonderful and I'm so grateful for all of you.
Remember Hammys, Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires... um, I mean, flame wars, um, I mean trolls, um I mean... uh..... did I mention I have boobs?
Things have been super cold (it's Alaska in January, big surprise there) and I couldn't sleep any longer, so decided to log on and check some messages from my Hammys. And lo and behold what did I find?
Oh happy day! A troll! Praise the Lord! Hello Masterdog! What wisdom do you have for me?
Let's see what I'm being accused of...
1) Being a girl - Guilty as Charged
2) Thinking I'm a Sex Goddess - Technically I'm still in training, but Guilty as Charged
3) Thinking I know everything about Guys - Did I say I knew it all? Innocent Until Proven Guilty
4) Being 19 years old - Guilty as Charged
5) Full of Bullshit - Jury is still out (?) <--- Yes this is sarcasm :-P
And what prompted this attack? Hmmmm let's lay all the cards on the table and see what horrible things I've been saying to Masterdog behind the scenes.
OH MY GOD. Can you believe it Hammys?!?! Look at all those horrible things I've been saying to Masterdog! Wow. I really zinged him there. Poor guy didn't know what hit him. I mean, just look at those curse words I'm laying down. It's like the devil possessed me and I was speaking in tongues or something.
I guess I must have deserved all that anger and hatred to my page BY NEVER HAVING TALKED TO HIM EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.
Not one to leave well enough alone, Masterdog was kind enough to come back and spam me yet again after some of my friends came to my defense. (Thank you everyone, you guys & gals are the best!!)
So, just who is this incredible internet watchdog? (Or Masterdog, clearly he's finished his MBA from Troll & Spam School, so let's give credit where it's due, my apologies)
Behold my Hammys! Your savior! A faceless male, 21 years of age! He's the everyman who has risen up from the tired porn deprived masses to save you from.... me.
God bless you Masterdog! Yet another girl has been successfully attacked and spammed for the worst crime imaginable, IWF - Internetting While Female.
Thank you for reading this my Hammys, and thank you again to all my friends for supporting me without me even asking. You are awesome and wonderful and I'm so grateful for all of you.
Remember Hammys, Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires... um, I mean, flame wars, um, I mean trolls, um I mean... uh..... did I mention I have boobs?
11 years ago
Because droopy dick!
Congratulations!!! You ma'am are a genius.