Ex-gf pics are posted

I dont hate many people, hate is such a strong word, almost a 4-letter word. Yet there are those lucky few I do really hate.
My ex is one of them.
It's been over 3 years since she left and the pain has nearly gone away. Now I can view the pics without missing her. Now I can post the pics for everybody to see.
When I met her, she was a 39 year old stripper. When she left - she went back to doing the only thing she knows, being a whore, a stripper, and going back to a pathetic loser gaming boyfriend whom dumped her a year prior to her meeting me. She gave him a choice, the video games or her - he chose the games.
I have more pictures somewhere of her. I will be doing another post sometime.
Published by max_is_back
11 years ago
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alabamabimale 6 years ago
um hate is a four letter word,. and i know how it feels bro. 