
Id like to hear some ideas,fantasies,scenarios for scenes I will be shooting in the neasr future......cmon get creative!!!! Let me hear youre thoughts ,wants and ideas and maybe i can bring them to life!!!
Published by robwyld
11 years ago
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jmtampa34639 11 years ago
What about so glory hole stuff?
rockfreak0821 11 years ago
My scenerio ive always wanted to do was to have a girl sunbathing nude and me peeping on her, while she doesnt know im watching she starts playing with her pussy, I pull out my dick and start stroking it....then she looks over and notices me, but doesnt say anything just continues doing what shes doing...then after a few minutes she tells me to cum over and sit next to that point i sit next to her and she says how can you sunbath with pants on and she takes my pants off and starts sucking me off!!!

I have a few other fantasies and scenerios also