Betrayal is one of the most destructive
in human relationships. It is a serious need to
violation committed fidelity or loyalty to
must save or to another person, is
offend and injure treacherously to friendship, to
love or sincerity.
We feel betrayed when they violate
our principles or the trust, or
when there is disloyalty, infidelity or we
lie or cheat.
Given the betrayal stopped believing in the person
betrays us. We feel cheated,
defrauded and is very difficult to regain the faith of
again who have betrayed us.
The betrayal occurs in the betrayed, anger and rage
at first. Immediately generates
desire to assault the traitor. Then comes the
bitterness and hatred and desire for revenge. at the same
time brings a huge pain, loss of
confidence in the couple, partner, friend or
the entity in whom we have placed our faith
or hope. Also causes loss
self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, humiliation
and impotence, which can prompt depression. the
man seeking justice and when you do not see
satisfied frustrated.
Meanwhile, the traitor lost friendship and love
of their near and the support of his community. its
remorse or being made ​​to go alone,
as slowly being discovered as
that is, it leads to a very empty life, despite
the wealth that has been obtained for their actions.
Given the betrayal the only cure we have is
make him see the traitor we know what he did and
express our forgiveness. And if it was love,
friendship, fidelity or loyalty to a loved one
what was sold, we must overcome our anger,
figuratively bury treason, make
our grief, learn from experience and continue
always trying to live forward
spiritually, ie being aware,
loving and working properly.
Published by reininblack
11 years ago
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Paul6748 3 years ago
I will confess, I have done such things in the past, not meaning to, I promise, but that is where they are, and where they belong. In the past. I did not understand the women I mistreated, but that isn't a defence. I am sorry for that now, and always will be. I'm also sorry you seem to have experienced bad things. No one should have to go through that, and I truly hope you are happy now 
SNextremathule 3 years ago
I fully agree with your holy words. Betrayal  is really horrible unless there is a mutual and sincere agreement.  Sincerity is the solid basis of everything.
Very Nice!
alli69 11 years ago
Well written!