
Friday afternoon my man and I rolled some X...Fast forward to the wee hours of Saturday morning...
I'm sleeping in bed (trying to anyway) and I realize that he is up, rhythmically making noise. I realize that he is kneeling over me, masturbating close to my head. I pretend to continue to sleep, half excited, half mortified. Is he really about to do what I think he is gonna do? And then, it happens.

A few warm drops of something falling on my cheek, and that unmistakable smell. My first (I think) facial!! I remained motionless as he finished. He then got up and crossed the room in the semi-dark. (I have a small night light). I imagine he is going to get a towel and clean up, and then clean me up...but thats when I hear the click and see the flash through my closed eyelids...OMG!!!

He took three pictures of me. And then he slowly and carefully wiped my cheek and turned it into a snuggle/spooning hug and I imagine threw the towel over by his side of the bed. I murmured slightly and acted like I was still out of it and he gently and quietly whispered "ssshhh" in my ear and wrapped his arm around me.

I haven't brought it up, and he hasn't spoken of it. I don't look at his phone, and he doesn't look at mine...but I wonder how many other pictures he has on there of me. I wonder if he has done this before....Honestly, I love him, but I'm a little freaked out. Kinda wonder if any other guys have done this to their partners? I'm just venting here...anonymously getting this off my chest, lol. Not exactly something you can ask your friends if they've done...

Published by wetholly
11 years ago
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ranetruck 11 years ago
Hmmmmmm....I honestly think you should bring it up. Maybe you can make it part of some fantasy play...if you enjoy it! The way you describe it...it sounds kind of hot...again...as long as you enjoyed it.
wetholly Publisher 11 years ago
This was an ex-lover...my new guy hasn't done this, but I have found a pair or two of panties with dried cum in them!!! Pretty sure my guy has "marked" his "turf". LOL
CockThrobbing 11 years ago
ever guy has wanked off watching his woman sleep,they just look so gorgeous while sleeping,maybe cummed on their ass leg of thigh but as for the face not sure,i wouldn't do that but that's just me lol!!!
skirtchaser_founder 11 years ago
I think it's sexy that you were secretly excited about him wanking over you and the anticipation of the facial. But it's definitely uncool that he sneaked a pic after. Looking deeper, maybe he really REALLY craves you taking facials but hasn't felt comfortable asking for it? Take the initiative next time - when you know he's getting close to cumming, finish him off with your hands and mouth - pulling back a bit to aim the shot at yourself. Look him in the eyes as he loses control and give him a lusty cum hungry moan as it splashes across your face. You'll own him after that!
Pacogrande 11 years ago
I don't impugn his motives nor yur reaction. It is. Let it be. What's the harm?
Smita_J 11 years ago
I hate to say it, but someone who takes pictures without asking can post them online without asking. Of course, he might just want those as a trophy of sorts. Guys can be sweet and creepy at the same time. Still, if I were you, I would bring it up and let him know that taking pictures without permission is not on.
x24u 11 years ago
Maybe you are his center of attention, even obsession... However, jerking off on your face while you sleep is a strange way of showing it!
NectarDesire 11 years ago
Nah, I side on the uncool opinion. If he is capable of this indiscretion who knows what else he is doing. I would vent to him, not a bunch of horny keyboard jockeys...
CharlieXxXHK 11 years ago
I have done that before... the wanking over face and the pictures too.
wetholly Publisher 11 years ago
Hot!! Definitely take pics next time!!
wetholly Publisher 11 years ago
odlum 11 years ago
Great story...great event...be honored that he thinks so highly of you...you are obviously the center of his attention!
asianbutts 11 years ago
I have jokingly said I would cum in there hair when they were sleeping if we did not make love lol. But never done that...