3 angels

3 angels sitting on a cloud an 1 says .... I can put my hand down an feel wer we r ... go on then so 1st angel puts hand down ..... an says mmmm we r in London I can feel big Ben .... amazed the second angel puts his hand threw da cloud an says ..... mmmmmmmmm ok we r in Egypt I can feel the pyramids ...... so 3rd angel says ok my go .... he puts his hand threw da cloud an says ...... mmmmm we r in west brom ... puzzled 1st angel says well how do ya now that .... cus sum cunts nicked my watch !!!
Published by pinkyf42
11 years ago
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bob_69 10 years ago
I like your sense of humour. xxx
skybluebigbear 11 years ago
An oldie but a goodie .
satire111 11 years ago
lol :wink:
carboncopy 11 years ago
A coach crashes and kills a load of holidaying Scousers...who a few minutes later, turn up at the Pearly Gates of Heaven...
" Oh hang on a minute" says St Peter "not sure about havin a load of Scousers in here, I'll have to see the boss, wait here a minute"
So St Pet5er toodles of to see God, and explains about the bus load of micky mousers outside,
" Fuck that" says the almighty, "dont want them robbing fuckers running all round the place, fuck em of Peter..christ sake, there be nothing left"
St Peter shoots of sharpish, and returns a few minutes later,
"Well" says the almighty
"There gone, dont believe it there gone", says a breathless St Peter
"What the Scousers" says the almighty
" Yeah, and the pearly gates,"....