Florida weekend.
Well as usual that client is totally unpredictable. I got there late night and he picked me up for breakfast the next day. I had four events I had to escort him to. Two were public socials that were completely uncomfortable but cool because the food and wine was amazing. I really don't understand why he gets me to go to these socials because he is married. All the people there knows that he is married also, so when they see me they kind of freak out. Sexually I was not prepared for what he wanted at all. Friday night he wanted us to join a swinging couple. The couple was cool except they wanted to video tape the session. I had to keep telling them that I didn't want to be video taped and finally had to leave because they were being so forceful about it. My client was cool with it because he knows of my rules about cameras or recording. Saturday night he shared me with three other guys. This came out of no where. I only see him about once a year and I guess he's into sharing and watching now. He wasn't before. Anyway it really wasn't too bad, the first guy was straight laced and fast, the second guy lasted forever, maybe 30 to 40 minutes. The third was rough. Didn't mind any of them but felt a little weird when it was done. They all sat around and did coke and started talking about business. They had planned on going another round but none of them got erect again. My client didn't touch me once that night.
11 years ago