Is penis size important factor in sex. Or is it ov
The penis: An amazing organ,one that we have endlessly been fascinated with. If you happen to be the owner of one,then it's shape,size,length and appearance can be a cause for celebration or concern.I understand men's obession with the penis size big and small. All penises are exciting regardless of size. I think it is bit overrated,cause no matter what your size is you can still enjoy the best sex ever. It is not the size of the ocean its the motion that counts. I don't say that it is not at all important. I think its important to have a decent size.Size should not be a problem unless it's really small. I personally believe that it is not the size of the wond but the magic in the stick. Being good in bed isn't about penis size with that you need a talented tongue too. The key to good sex is satisfaction and compatibility in the bedroom. More than half of the men out there are really worried about the size of their penis and thus have apprehensions around the way the perform on the bed. But there are really few of them who would actually know that the size has nothing to do with satisfying a women in the bed. Penis size is not actually an important issue for the vast majority of women. Indeed you could pretty accurately say the penis size is exclusively a male issue. And why is this? I think it's because we have all been conned into believing that a man's power resides in the penis. So bigger more powerful you are. So don't worry about the size jst enjoy
11 years ago