What Makes Sylvia so Lush?

Today, I would like to offer up a “review” of one of my x hamster friends. Sylvia Lush. But first, a couple prefatory remarks. As with many on x hamster, I normally do not add to my friend list any x hamsterites with very little content on their page.

Under this criterion, Sylvia Lush would not normally have made the cut. However, she did meet another of my criteria. She has a splendid looking set of large lovelies. And yes, I’ve gotten up and off to the sight of them—a little embarrassed to admit how many times. Let’s just say, those huge honeys have helped me start—and finish—more than one jack off session.

Her site is relatively new and as of the time of this posting has only one, very brief clip about which I will comment on toward the end of this review.

For now, let me emphasize, Sylvia has some breathtaking photos of her oh so pretty titties. And, her pretty face. Her gallery of clips is for friends only—so I leave it you and Sylvia to work that out.

But, trust me, seeking her friendship is well worth the effort as I am sure the erstwhile reader can discern from her profile pic.

She is MILF of the first order. Divorced. In her late thirties, horny, willing to put her big beauties on display, as well as the rest of her plush body, yes Sylvia is a dream girl. She begs the question, “Damn! Why can’t I have a neighbor like that?”

However, I get ahead of myself. I love the “no nonsense” short cut of her hair. One of my biggest turnoffs is a woman who is so worried about her hair that I can’t get in a last minute, “one more time” fuck in the morning because she is afraid it would mess up her hair. Okay, so I’m bitching about my ex-wife. Sorry. I’m over that—no seriously I am. Okay, maybe there is some residual resentment—but I digress.

Judging by her hairstyle, she looks like a woman who could very well be ready for a roll at a moment’s notice—and not worry about her hair.

It frames her face nicely. And what a pretty face, Sylvia isn’t beautiful in a classical sense as in Helen of Troy, but even better she exudes a kind of sexiness and confidence that teen age boys and men my age and all in between get a hard on for. She is so damned cute! And, well, at the risk of being redundant, sexy! Sexy as hell! Damned sexy! Okay…I will calm down now.

Yes, you want to be the one who gets to kiss those lips and, to enjoy that mouth. Sylvia looks like she likes to laugh! Oh how I love to tickle a naked woman—I’m just saying.

Sylvia has posted several galleries that put her lovely titties on display. Here, I will review a few of them.

And, as I’ve already mentioned, what a fine looking pair they are. She bills them as 36DDs and I believe it.

If you are lucky enough for her to friend you, don’t start viewing and jacking to the first gallery. Stretch out the “Sylvia” experience. Go to the last gallery, “Me in bikini.” Don’t worry, she offers up some shots of those beauties uncovered. There are a couple of nice tits against glass shots as well—got to love that. But they look very nice in the black bikini where they hang down loosely.

But the point is, we get a nice sense of perspective.

I am not sure how these photographs are taken. Maybe they are solo. But if the boyfriend she mentions in the profile is the guy taking the shots—well, for the record, what a lucky fucker you are!! And I hate you! Just k**ding. No I’m not. Yes I am….oh hell, again I digress.

Among my favorite photos of her is in her “Me so beautiful” gallery, photo #3. Now if you don’t see that as some very nice wanking material then, my friend, you are not a true tit man. I would not describe Sylvia as a BBW…but she has a richly proportioned body than promises such pleasure, such hedonistic joy if you are the man lucky enough to capture her attentions.

But as for the aforementioned photo, I love the way those titties hang in this clip. Large areolae, pert nipples, we get a sense of their heft. In motion—which I hope we see some time soon—these would definitely qualify as wobbling wonders.

The fifth photo in this series shows Sylvia in all her naked glory. And, right there Sylvia looks like she would be so much fun with which to romp and rut.

A special treat is in the “Me so beautiful 5” gallery, photo #5. As I often say, while not all ass men are tit men, I believe all tit men ARE also ass men. We get a fine shot of Sylvia’s ample ass that feeds into my “come and get it” fantasies. It is what I call a nice rolling rump. Oh to be able to get my hands on that ass, slip inside her pleasure place and just pump away, ram rich lucking butt and bang it is so exciting to ponder—and the proof of my arousal is right here as I stroke myself between paragraphs.

In this vein, “Me so beautiful 3” photo #1 is a must see. Oh what I’d give to be able to jack out my jism on those lovely ass cheeks.

Now, back to the tits. Photograph #3 from her “Me so sexy 2” is in my screen saver rotation of big tit women. Imagine that woman greeting you every day. She looks so inviting, so full of mischief—as in, let’s go fuck again!

Sylvia has asked the question in her status line, “Are my boobies big enough for a tit job?”

Well, lest there be any doubts, check out the photo in “Me so beautiful 7” gallery, photo #8. In this clip, she offers them up, lifts them and presses them together—and of course, my immediate thought is, yep, there is some great tit fucking material right there.

You have to admit—those are beautiful. They look so soft and pliant.

However, my favorite series is the “My BBC” gallery. These could very well be video caps, but take a look at each one individually. If you are a healthy male, I can almost guarantee to you an erection.

In this series of 17 photos, Sylvia puts her body on full display. What a lovely spread she makes. I am sitting here right now thinking about how nice it would be to just space out on that lovely body, to use my hands, my mouth and tongue, my cock to explore all that delightful looking female terrain.

Okay…I’m back…uh, had a little incident. Needed to get a towel. That’s what happens to my self-control when I have a few too many bourbons on the rocks while I’m alternating between writing pornography and watching big titties.

Now, a final word about the clip Sylvia added very recently. As I commented on it—she left me panting for more.

But we get another great view of her oh so soft looking fun bags. The problem is that she is putting on clothes rather than vice versa. And, well, there is that boyfriend who I am sure is behind the camera. And, I guess I can’t blame him—not sure if I would want to share more of her either.

But there is a final second or so that has to be mentioned. She is at a beach, showering off-- what? Saltwater and sand? But she hefts out one of her lovely breasts and then sees the camera angled at her.

That laugh of hers has to be heard.. Oh my goodness. I’ve used this line in some of my erotic/pornographic fiction, “Other than the sound of a woman achieving climax, there is no finer sound than that of woman laughing.”

Good luck in “friending” her. I consider myself one of the lucky guys. Not as lucky as her boyfriend, of course, but I have—am right now—enjoying Sylvia Lush.

Hope your get to do as well—soon.

Published by deandenhomme
11 years ago
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MaccioCapatonda 10 years ago
She's very sexy.
art683 11 years ago
I am trying! Thanks