Why Not Porn
I get asked that question a lot. "You're cute, you're obviously sexually free, why don't you do movies?" Well first let me preface this by saying I'm not a porn hater, actually I'm the opposite, I actually love porn. But there are several reasons why I will never do porn as a career.
Being an escort is obviously more dangerous than porn. At some time every girl faces a situation where the lack of control is apparent. I've been doing this since 2009 and I've had about 4 such situations. So that's about one a year. So right there that proves that escorting is very dangerous compared to porn. But other than that particular negative there aren't many other reason to start doing porn.
For one, the pay. escorting pays exponentially more for less work. Contrary to popular belief the average porn star doesn't make a lot of money. Sure the big stars are millionaires but for every millionaire there are hundreds of girls making 100 dollars an hour. I can't put what I make on here, but it's far from 100 dollars an hour. As a matter of fact I'm beyond the hourly stage in my career and get a set fee regardless of how long I spend with a client. My mentor currently makes $900 an hour if you average out the time and no she's not at the tops of the escorting ranks.
Secondly, the work is HARD. A movie shoot can last up to 6 to 7 hours. With on and off sex scenes with both people in difficult positions. There is no REGULAR sex in the porn business. Even the simple doggy style position has to be altered due to camera angles. There's a lot of regular sex in escorting, more than what people think. I don't have to worry about cameras or getting the right shot or anything like that. Often times, 7 minutes later and the guy who actually paid for a whole night will want to go and that's fine by me.
Thirdly, STD's
Quite frankly most people in the sex industry period ,contract something. It's a part of the business. The goal is to not get anything that's not curable. I'm tested several times monthly. I can afford it, therefore I do it. Plus 85% of the time all interactions are protected. I only have about 4 long standing clients that I do anything unprotected with. In porn unprotected sex is rampant and testing is a joke, especially with men.
Last, privacy.
I don't have many friends in general but the few I do have don't have a clue what I do. Most think I'm a fashion consultant. Besides the short period of time that I did web cam stuff there aren't any clues out there of what I do. My mentor got me out of the web cam business because she said being in the public eye can ruin your career and also a person needs to be able to get OUT of the business anytime they need to .So if I want to go out and get a regular job I can. There's no history. Porn is a public business. You do one movie and it can end up on every free site available. Shot I had a friend who did a local movie here that ended up on Youtube before they took it down. There's no secrecy with porn.
So like I said, I have nothing against porn, but there are a lot of reasons why I wouldn't do it.
Being an escort is obviously more dangerous than porn. At some time every girl faces a situation where the lack of control is apparent. I've been doing this since 2009 and I've had about 4 such situations. So that's about one a year. So right there that proves that escorting is very dangerous compared to porn. But other than that particular negative there aren't many other reason to start doing porn.
For one, the pay. escorting pays exponentially more for less work. Contrary to popular belief the average porn star doesn't make a lot of money. Sure the big stars are millionaires but for every millionaire there are hundreds of girls making 100 dollars an hour. I can't put what I make on here, but it's far from 100 dollars an hour. As a matter of fact I'm beyond the hourly stage in my career and get a set fee regardless of how long I spend with a client. My mentor currently makes $900 an hour if you average out the time and no she's not at the tops of the escorting ranks.
Secondly, the work is HARD. A movie shoot can last up to 6 to 7 hours. With on and off sex scenes with both people in difficult positions. There is no REGULAR sex in the porn business. Even the simple doggy style position has to be altered due to camera angles. There's a lot of regular sex in escorting, more than what people think. I don't have to worry about cameras or getting the right shot or anything like that. Often times, 7 minutes later and the guy who actually paid for a whole night will want to go and that's fine by me.
Thirdly, STD's
Quite frankly most people in the sex industry period ,contract something. It's a part of the business. The goal is to not get anything that's not curable. I'm tested several times monthly. I can afford it, therefore I do it. Plus 85% of the time all interactions are protected. I only have about 4 long standing clients that I do anything unprotected with. In porn unprotected sex is rampant and testing is a joke, especially with men.
Last, privacy.
I don't have many friends in general but the few I do have don't have a clue what I do. Most think I'm a fashion consultant. Besides the short period of time that I did web cam stuff there aren't any clues out there of what I do. My mentor got me out of the web cam business because she said being in the public eye can ruin your career and also a person needs to be able to get OUT of the business anytime they need to .So if I want to go out and get a regular job I can. There's no history. Porn is a public business. You do one movie and it can end up on every free site available. Shot I had a friend who did a local movie here that ended up on Youtube before they took it down. There's no secrecy with porn.
So like I said, I have nothing against porn, but there are a lot of reasons why I wouldn't do it.
11 years ago
I've heard that most porn stars are escorts also and that they make most of their money from escorting or touring instead of movies. Is that true? Also it says you did webcam stuff. Does a girl make a lot of money doing that? It seems really difficult and you're always seeing videos of women breaking down from doing it.