
Just got the CB6000 and going to give it a try. I've got the thing on (after a lot of tugging, twisting and cramming) and to be honest it doesn't feel that bad. I'm not able to get an erection, for sure, but it isn't like it hurts. Peeing has been interesting. I'll keep you posted.
Published by bored925
11 years ago
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SancheZ069 5 years ago
be hot to see :smile: you in your cage
bored925 Publisher 11 years ago
I made another entry to my blog regarding the CB6k. Please take a look and leave thoughts, if any.
bored925 Publisher 11 years ago
I haven't tried sleeping with it yet - I'm afraid my wife will spoon up next to me and feel it. She's out of town later this week though so I might try it. I only wear this so I don't jerk off and save all my cum for her, but when she's out of town I really have the chance to watch all my Xham porn and delete some favorites. I have wayyy too many - it is time to trim that down. Problem is with this on I can't really watch then and jerk off, so I just keep saving them.