And - in other news ...
Can I suggest that you do NOT have a power outage while logged into Xham, as it would appear that while you are completely definitely not online the system still sees you as being here. I have logged into a freakin' DELUGE of mail *snickers ahahahahahaa sorry but thats FUNNY!* And half a boatload of friends requests from people who apparently have reading comprehension problems.
Now why is that funny??
Cause I can sit here for HOURS and no one says a word but I get killed via power outage and damn man I got a message every 15 minutes with THAT goin on lol. Come on - laugh it's funny - it IS!
I have spent the last few days dropping (at this point) 45 000 words onto paper, indeed I penned 14 pages of the material today alone in 6 hours - someone want to tell me how many words a minute that'd average :P Come on I KNOW there's some geeks among ya itching for a pointless equation because you see I've feckin figured IT out on all three levels of IT and I'M FREAKIN EXCITED AND JAZZED AND - woop woop - ALIVE man - ALIVE! More alive more attuned and more IN TUNE than I've felt in - well - ever.
You see I've been trying to write THAT BOOK since I was a teenager, and it's shit ass tough work! It's insanely complex and stupidly simple, it's proven it's myth it's dead fact, real fact and artifact, and the whole point of he process is NOT to answer anything but rather to ASK - to imagine - to wonder and ponder and go - damn, this is actually kinda FUN - actually - let's have another round of that discussion on a new topic or level.
Which is to say - my head and heart are NOT between my legs right now. Yes I'm stupidly horny, yes I am feelin' hot n sexy and - wickedly wonderful but that's all about something - everything else.
It's about LIFE baby - it's about the fucking WONDER and amazement that is existence - simple - pure - existence.
ODDLY it took RICK and ROBERT and a few other people to help me to get my arse over that final hurdle of WTF, but what I'm seeing over this rise, is fucking amazing - it's stunning, it's just - wow, so simple, so complex, so amazingly beautiful ... really - I can't wait until I get to share it with everyone.
So thanks to all those jackasses who thought they were fucking my day up - what you ACTUALLY DID was completely and totally fix my attitude problems, help me get past a bunch of issues and crap I was carting around and actually stand UP and WALK into the new beginning I've been trying to find - Too bad your intentions were in conflict with the outcome, but that's the lesson you need to learn. Mine - was somewhat different :P
Anyone I've discussed this material with is also caught by the flame, the spark, the fire - and they listen to it and look at me with this - LOOK of amazement and awakening and wonder - and they ALL just kind of go - whoah - holy fuck that's cool! So - I'm kinda BUSY right now off on my own PLANET of reality and existence because as YET none of you are aware of this in entirety and none of you WILL be until I'm ready to share and show it with you, which at the rate it's going honestly shouldn't be long!!! lol ... Right now I have to keep stopping because I've killed my brain battery.
So like we live we do - we manage right - we don't NOTICE how much calories it takes to run our BRAINS cause they're mostly on idle and "set pattern programming" Kinda like the other browser window in the background, the photo app, the chat app, (eyes ears etc) ... but just sitting upon me duff playing with so many realities, so many possibilities and it's just falling into place now - REALLY burns some brain calories I tell you - seriously. I'm firing them dual neurons across the hippocampus at freakin stunning rates, and I know it; realization and memory - boom ... it's FUN - I LIKE IT!!!
When I was in university and attending (I'm being harassed to get me arse back in there too) - but when I was there the proffs used to like to tease me about the fact I am nocturnal, and tend to eat at night - that if I actually ATE before class and in school I'd be EVEN smarter! So I'd tease em right back - why I'm already pulling 100's and outsmarting you - what more do I need?
ALL of my papers were "one offs" I never rewrote anything, didn't edit, didn't need to rework things - just sit down no notes even, and do the work. When I was finished I'd go back and do the citations cause for ME that was just logistically easiest - I have the flow, I know what I'm talking about I'll do the words and then the annotations and citations as part 2 - then titles numbers and that crap as final stage of completion before PRINT!
Can't believe I flipped 14 freakin' pages on a computer though - roughly 9500 words. Less than 6 hours - JD! YOU have got to come check this out and let me know what YOU think and make of it ... no you can't sit on my lap and read, but I MAY let ya grope me a bit ... :P
so - I'm about half way through this initial pass of the cloth at this wipe and wax of the world if you will ... however at the rate at which this is progressing I'd imagine it's not going to be even another month before I've done my graphics and stuff I need as well - have to have the purty pikturez - cause honestly I'm not sure people "GET IT" but I know if it's explained and visually submitted they'd fathom the fuck up which is - the AH HA moment ...
ok so like if you are TRYING to talk to me and waggling your weiner in my face I'm just going to laugh at you and delete the note. You CAN actually TALK to me you know. I am a human being who just happens to have a vagina, not the other way around.
Meantime boys - Wank away and carry on!
I'm just completely preoccupied re-designing reality. Nothing major.
Now why is that funny??
Cause I can sit here for HOURS and no one says a word but I get killed via power outage and damn man I got a message every 15 minutes with THAT goin on lol. Come on - laugh it's funny - it IS!
I have spent the last few days dropping (at this point) 45 000 words onto paper, indeed I penned 14 pages of the material today alone in 6 hours - someone want to tell me how many words a minute that'd average :P Come on I KNOW there's some geeks among ya itching for a pointless equation because you see I've feckin figured IT out on all three levels of IT and I'M FREAKIN EXCITED AND JAZZED AND - woop woop - ALIVE man - ALIVE! More alive more attuned and more IN TUNE than I've felt in - well - ever.
You see I've been trying to write THAT BOOK since I was a teenager, and it's shit ass tough work! It's insanely complex and stupidly simple, it's proven it's myth it's dead fact, real fact and artifact, and the whole point of he process is NOT to answer anything but rather to ASK - to imagine - to wonder and ponder and go - damn, this is actually kinda FUN - actually - let's have another round of that discussion on a new topic or level.
Which is to say - my head and heart are NOT between my legs right now. Yes I'm stupidly horny, yes I am feelin' hot n sexy and - wickedly wonderful but that's all about something - everything else.
It's about LIFE baby - it's about the fucking WONDER and amazement that is existence - simple - pure - existence.
ODDLY it took RICK and ROBERT and a few other people to help me to get my arse over that final hurdle of WTF, but what I'm seeing over this rise, is fucking amazing - it's stunning, it's just - wow, so simple, so complex, so amazingly beautiful ... really - I can't wait until I get to share it with everyone.
So thanks to all those jackasses who thought they were fucking my day up - what you ACTUALLY DID was completely and totally fix my attitude problems, help me get past a bunch of issues and crap I was carting around and actually stand UP and WALK into the new beginning I've been trying to find - Too bad your intentions were in conflict with the outcome, but that's the lesson you need to learn. Mine - was somewhat different :P
Anyone I've discussed this material with is also caught by the flame, the spark, the fire - and they listen to it and look at me with this - LOOK of amazement and awakening and wonder - and they ALL just kind of go - whoah - holy fuck that's cool! So - I'm kinda BUSY right now off on my own PLANET of reality and existence because as YET none of you are aware of this in entirety and none of you WILL be until I'm ready to share and show it with you, which at the rate it's going honestly shouldn't be long!!! lol ... Right now I have to keep stopping because I've killed my brain battery.
So like we live we do - we manage right - we don't NOTICE how much calories it takes to run our BRAINS cause they're mostly on idle and "set pattern programming" Kinda like the other browser window in the background, the photo app, the chat app, (eyes ears etc) ... but just sitting upon me duff playing with so many realities, so many possibilities and it's just falling into place now - REALLY burns some brain calories I tell you - seriously. I'm firing them dual neurons across the hippocampus at freakin stunning rates, and I know it; realization and memory - boom ... it's FUN - I LIKE IT!!!
When I was in university and attending (I'm being harassed to get me arse back in there too) - but when I was there the proffs used to like to tease me about the fact I am nocturnal, and tend to eat at night - that if I actually ATE before class and in school I'd be EVEN smarter! So I'd tease em right back - why I'm already pulling 100's and outsmarting you - what more do I need?
ALL of my papers were "one offs" I never rewrote anything, didn't edit, didn't need to rework things - just sit down no notes even, and do the work. When I was finished I'd go back and do the citations cause for ME that was just logistically easiest - I have the flow, I know what I'm talking about I'll do the words and then the annotations and citations as part 2 - then titles numbers and that crap as final stage of completion before PRINT!
Can't believe I flipped 14 freakin' pages on a computer though - roughly 9500 words. Less than 6 hours - JD! YOU have got to come check this out and let me know what YOU think and make of it ... no you can't sit on my lap and read, but I MAY let ya grope me a bit ... :P
so - I'm about half way through this initial pass of the cloth at this wipe and wax of the world if you will ... however at the rate at which this is progressing I'd imagine it's not going to be even another month before I've done my graphics and stuff I need as well - have to have the purty pikturez - cause honestly I'm not sure people "GET IT" but I know if it's explained and visually submitted they'd fathom the fuck up which is - the AH HA moment ...
ok so like if you are TRYING to talk to me and waggling your weiner in my face I'm just going to laugh at you and delete the note. You CAN actually TALK to me you know. I am a human being who just happens to have a vagina, not the other way around.
Meantime boys - Wank away and carry on!
I'm just completely preoccupied re-designing reality. Nothing major.
11 years ago