My sissy bitch

My sissy bitch aka her_pantyboy

My sissy bitch is 52 year old worthless worm who has the penis the size of a tic tac. The only time a woman would consider putting something so pitiful in her mouth is if she needed to freshen her breath. I am still unsure why I decided to take such a pathetic excuse of a man as a slave. He is completely incapable of satisfying me sexually and therefore has to resort to buying me gifts in order to buy my affection.

Sissy bitch knows his place and understands that the penalty for disobeying is extreme be it in form of cock torture or a financial tribute. My bitch boy lives by the following guidelines and is careful not to stray as I am brutal when disciplining such a useless maggot

1 – SB must address me as Mistress Rani at all times

2 – SB is nothing but a puppet and must ask for permission to do simple things such as sit down or stand up

3 – SB must do everything humanly possible to please entertain and satisfy his Mistress

4 – SB no longer has any control or say when it comes to his body – SB belongs to me entirely this includes his wallet, paycheck and anything else I desire.

Duties of my bitch boy

These are things my SB currently does to please his Mistress and must continue to do so as long as I desire it

1 –SB is my personal piggy bank and must work hard to ensure his Mistress is kept in a manner befitting her station.

2 – SB must continue to indulge his Mistress in bi-weekly shopping sprees

3- SB must fund nights out, dinners and cam shows with other models. This includes paying for hotels, outfits, alcohol and anything else I see as essential to my enjoyment.

4- SB must continue making bi weekly payments of 1000 dollars to his Mistress without fail, delay or question

5 – SB must continue pay my rent and bills without fail, delay or question

6- SB must respect my girlfriend and friends and at MY COMMAND should buy them gifts from time to time.

Sissy bitch you are pathetic and you disgust me – you must continue proving your worth until the day u die or the day I tire of your pathetic existence

Mistress Rani

Published by yourthighness
11 years ago
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bow2you 11 years ago
her_pantyboy 11 years ago
Thank You Mistress Rani for allowing me the have the privilege of You acknowledging me to Your friends as Your “sissy bitch”. i will do everything i can so i do not disappoint You. i am a pathetic worthless sissy money slave to You Mistress Rani.

i am truly sorry that i am incapable of satisfying You. i am so weak, i have emptied my wallet and still can not please You completely. Mistress, i'm sorry i am such a pathetic loser and that my little dicklet is too tiny and that my wallet isn’t adequate too please You Mistress Rani.
self-control 11 years ago
That pretty much spells it all out.